Israel Has No Post-War Gaza Strategy.
Hyperglobalisation Is Dead
2 ай бұрын
India Rising, China Reversing?
@aposstol6859 8 сағат бұрын
Words of a pure crackhead XD
@bakimc4722 10 сағат бұрын
Russia does not waste time, it is not in a hurry, it works slowly but thoroughly, but the West got nervous and it shows, bad analysis.
@rodelbunag9823 13 сағат бұрын
China = Peoples Republic of Greedy
@pankajsinha385 15 сағат бұрын
This is such a bad analysis which doesnt take any account of escalation ladder.
@MultiSciGeek 15 сағат бұрын
"Seeking conditions that are acceptable to Israel" - Like what? Total eradication of Gaza, and then brand new settlements again? It's almost like Israel always wanted to do this, they just need a a small reason, a justification, to start. I mean the whole October 7th attack happened right under the noses of the "most advanced military on the planet"... Meanwhile the whole objective of rescuing hostages is just totally forgotten at this point... The whole thing seems kinda suspicious.
@MultiSciGeek 15 сағат бұрын
1:35 Why or HOW does an IDF spokesperson for Arab media have a handle ID in Malayalam??
@scottola2497 21 сағат бұрын
I will rather take an over-population than an under-population brewing up in the USA, Japan, UK, South Korea etc Overpopulations brings innovation, increased capital but also inflation, poverty Underpopulation brings loss of indigenous population, capital flight The key is for the overpopulation is to have a wide spaced area to distribute its population growth and that seems to be the biggest headache that Nigeria will have in the future, except it forms confederate nations with neighboring nations like Togo, Benin to increase its geography !!
@MrZombiekiller23 23 сағат бұрын
"largest state sponsor of terrorism" 😂😂 It's almost like these videos are always made with the intent of specifically ignoring the last 75 years of US imperialism & mass murder all over the world,& open sponsoring of terrorism to bring down the USSR 🤡
@josephvr777 Күн бұрын
Will China retake all the Land Russia Stole from them? Hmmmm
@charlesprasad9836 Күн бұрын
Wonderful news. Thanks again
@TacticalMayo Күн бұрын
@AhmedKhan-wj3lo Күн бұрын
Love turky from india
@manusdexter9856 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this video, I found two take aways especially interesting: 1) BRICS shows a glimpse of how China would rule the world, if it replaced the US - ie: same, but different, but still the same. The top nation that would work to break the cycle of top nations has not been found here either. 2) The US still has a window in which it could achieve such a mighty transformation of the global system, the global desire is there, the power is still there... Maybe instead of bowing out of globalisation quietly, there is some hope that a future leader could inspire the world by bowing the US out pre-emptively to the benefit of a genuinely empowered UN or other potential international rule setter, that could take steps to ending the international anarchy....
@Kurdistan_116 Күн бұрын
هربجي كردستان💚❤💛
@cLaw27 Күн бұрын
Only a fool can see a bright future for an alliance made of rivals.
@gungnir3926 Күн бұрын
move mexican out of usa. move middle easterners out of europe. no argument against this
@gungnir3926 Күн бұрын
close immirgation to the west. protect borders including ukraine. only give voting right to blood right citizen and spouses of these after some time. guests and tourists and afew neighbouring refugees sure, but never give permanent status and certainly not viting or land ownerships rights. then the world can heal and use a brain for once.
@mario9318 Күн бұрын
How successful the erasure of Spain from history has been. European merchants and traders are mentioned, the Portuguese the Dutch the English and even the French although they were pretty much absent from Asia and totally residual. But no mention of the most important power at the time, the one that dwarfed the others altogether. The Spanish empire was the biggest geopolitical entity during three centuries from 16th to 18th, the first spanning five continents, 20 million square kilometers and over 60 million people, the first to have a currency widely accepted even in China as early as the 17th century and with plentiful commercial relationship with Asia. History is a geopolitical weapon and losers get their history written by their enemies or even erased all together, "damnatio memoriae" as the Romans said.
@pepedecoatza Күн бұрын
Basically Hungary has been always in the wrong side of history, and they are still poorly chosing his friends. They don't learn from their mistakes!
@jonasp8920 Күн бұрын
America never cared about Human Rights.
@khlaps Күн бұрын
we do in our country, But it comes second abroad. We cant tell everyone how to act
@jonasp8920 Күн бұрын
@@khlaps Oh really? Ask the Navajo, ask the Native Hawaiians, ask the people of Guam or Puerto Rico.
@khlaps Күн бұрын
Our system of reservation is far better than what they did to each other before that. Not to mention all the benefits they get just for being native nowadays. Easy acceptance to college w scholarships. Other races like Asians can’t get in to colleges even with 10x better grades.
@Conrad496 Күн бұрын
Human rights are violated by Azerbaijan,but Western states keep dealing with it in order to gain cheap oil and gas
@abhikulkarni7089 Күн бұрын
A dangerous and selfish China is destroying world peace.😓
@widodoakrom3938 Күн бұрын
Xi jinping rise in power in 2013 not 2012
@Scrooge1erAOA Күн бұрын
If you get paid from abroad, you must declare it, end of story. Other countries even in the EU have similar laws whats the big problem?
@countrymanvideos6006 Күн бұрын
china 5000 years america 300 years & we the americans are sinking fast
@thomascuvillier7250 Күн бұрын
More expensive gas means more inflation. More inflation means Biden reelection chances go down, as well as several other current Western leaders supporting Ukraine. Yeah it is political but I personally think it is also not incompatible with Ukraine's interest. We've seen the US right wing stop the Ukraine aid for months already. And we know the far right in Europe is progressing and has heavy ties with Russia. It isn't just a choice between good & bad, it is gonna be hard for Ukraine either way.
@PortmanRd 2 күн бұрын
Russian"s: "Runaway...not!"
@Vadym2.0 2 күн бұрын
@boonraypipatchol7295 2 күн бұрын
Taiwan, South China Sea, Get out, Xi JP. Get out, CCP.
@Krogzaxants 2 күн бұрын
China have huge problems. There is also a big possibility the CCP will be overthrown by it's people and splinter into many faction or nations. See so many video's about people that challenge them and protest.
@Taiwan-is-real-Chi-na 2 күн бұрын
@williamchow7533 2 күн бұрын
Insularity and tyrannical rulers are the bane of ordinary Chinese.
@kindnuguz 2 күн бұрын
If China has any kind of global power then they should use it for good and get Russia to back down and retreat from Ukraine. This would show the world that China has some ability to project their "new found" power in the world. Sadly everyone would rather take shots at the US when in reality the only down fall of the US is relying on "partners" such as the UK and others with-in Europe. Because boy oh boy if US needed to lean on allies for assistance we all know how that works out.
@MrLucidImages 2 күн бұрын
"Managed Democracy" -- for real!
@Sebishor20 2 күн бұрын
Soundtrack is fucking annoying
@a.tevetoglu3366 2 күн бұрын
Why? Because of an economy of unpaid bills. Like always.
@bababamamama9303 2 күн бұрын
They are the second largest economy only in terms of nominal GDP. However, Western media only focuses on nominal GDP because they don't want to make their adversaries look strong.
@penttikoponen7170 2 күн бұрын
Crim, Kalingrad, Karjala do no belong russia
@scar00000 2 күн бұрын
The creator of this video may sound logical and objective but in reality he’s bias Polish muppet who represents the views of his master, the United States.
@paulfri1569 2 күн бұрын
The Yellow Emperor was a Caucasian man or of atleast Caucasian ancestry as he had blonde hair.. Why he was called the Yellow Emperor yellow 🟡🟡🟡🟡
@paulfri1569 2 күн бұрын
Literally hell on Earth for the world 👿♨️♨️
@PeanutsDadForever 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for another excellent video!
@renaatsenechal 2 күн бұрын
2:45 the silk route goes right through the himalaya?? Right 😂, it goes through the tarim basin to the north
@ampaphanwaters292 2 күн бұрын
Russia has just take it easy, don't rush and gain more land from 2014 just one now about 2024 four and might be more. Time right!
@wenfulin 2 күн бұрын
Democracy is just in the name of people but only for the top 0.1%. 34 criminals charges to Trump and guess how much Hunter got from Ukraine petroleum company?
@giorgigotsiridze1486 2 күн бұрын
@havencat9337 2 күн бұрын
Everyone they are about to collapse but complain about the hi-tech and green energy advances of CN...and how they need to be blocked etc. how hypocritical... in the same video youshow how much they do for the de-carbonification(more then the rest of the world combined) and say they dont do enough
@p0t4toePotato 2 күн бұрын
warleaks and some weird kaotic ripoff still have some uncensored videos from the war, maybe civilians politicians the news should show more of that footage, to make it clear to people what happens because of hesitation, and what could happen to them when the friendly russians cpme to their door step
@Kameeho 2 күн бұрын
I hope after this war, Macrons dream of a European defense foece comes into fruitition. The world is in dire need of a more "aggressive" western alliance. It will be a golden opperunity for france to fullfill their dream and boosting their own defense industry. If france and ukraine joines in a military alliance and can motivate other countries such as the baltics and heck, even georgia. It will become a sizable alliance that might even attract even more western oriented countries. Sort of making a Nato 2.0 but without the handicap of intense fear of escelation.
@meteorknight999 2 күн бұрын
The blue area at 7:30 is when russia tried to keep japan off china even going far as putting Eastern russian fleet in port arthur(which got suprise attacked)