@euphoria2737 9 сағат бұрын
I’m sorry but I’m in klaus side , he is always plotting however he is never plotting alone . If he was planning to creating more hybrid he would’ve either did so or said so . Elijah believing and man who just kidnapped Hayley is ridiculous.
@Tericlay 15 сағат бұрын
I keep thinking about not only the ethically and morally reprehensible actions that August took, but about how many severe laws he broke. (I can only speak as someone with knowledge of US laws and who is not a legal expert!) But that would at least be considered: recording, possession of, and distribution of cp; blackmail; intimidation and threatening behavior; assault and battery (not saying the others aren't guilty of that too, but this is about August); conspiracy to cover up a crime; using drugs not prescribed to you; dealing drugs; bribery; sexual a$sault; and possibly distribution of revenge p*rn (though I'm not entirely sure what the specifics are on that, and I'm sure it would be different based on state). And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Again, please remember that I am speaking only about US laws and am not a legal expert or lawyer!
@nocturne7371 17 сағат бұрын
In Sweden we have the expression "Gå in i väggen" - Walk into a wall. That's what the Queen is dealing with probably. It's a "medical" term meaning that you ignored to deal with so much stress that the body litterary shuts down. I don't know how you say that in English.
@nahidelrad9812 23 сағат бұрын
Hey Harry, Record your reaction for the whole season 3! I enjoyed this one and it was interesting to be able to see your previous reactions!
@Thecanadianwitch Күн бұрын
I was able to guess in this episode what's going on with Lydia
@Thecanadianwitch Күн бұрын
I love Lydia and the actress, she's the reason that Lydia is a very intelligent character.. Lydia was casted as a tall model looking character who's the captain's girlfriend but Holland wanted her character to be more than just a superficial girl
@Thecanadianwitch Күн бұрын
Peter was in the Long term care part of the hospital, a section far from where Mama McCall works in the hospital.. that's why it was actually the first time she met him.
@Thecanadianwitch Күн бұрын
its weird you call sheriff Stilinski broski because in future seasons there will be a character called Brunski
@Thecanadianwitch Күн бұрын
yes papa Argent sabotaged Jackson's car so that he could approach him
@euphoria2737 Күн бұрын
Don’t read the books , watching with no knowledge will be a better experience
@euphoria2737 Күн бұрын
Luke is technically an adult , he is 19
@ShelbyBaby27 Күн бұрын
It's worth mentioning that in the 50's the U.S. Democratic and Republican parties are flipped from what you see today..
@ShelbyBaby27 Күн бұрын
I have to say your reaction to this series so far is quite refreshing. Your understanding of the time period and the marginalized communities existing within it. There's no blueprint to being in a queer relationship yet, no old gay couple to emulate, no above ground communities formed. The freedoms and liberties that we live with today are the result of the generations before that survived. As an American, I hope international audiences grasp how large the United States is. Safety (love) isn't a train ride away...
@thomasscott920 2 күн бұрын
Reds were communists in the 1950s. Republicans were the ones that were hunting them down. Bomer is like is pronounced like BONER with an “m”
@Artnotforthesakeofart 3 күн бұрын
Kinda impressive that you figured it out that it was Katherine!
@themichbichable 3 күн бұрын
Btw Dr. Meredith Fell is Paul Wesley's ex wife. :)
@themichbichable 3 күн бұрын
Being sired is ALL about the blood of their sire They are loyal to the bloodline that created them. :)
@JarrenTerrell 4 күн бұрын
He is the original Barry Allen from the 90’s tv show
@KrisRomero123 5 күн бұрын
Ur watching the shows order wrong s1 originals shouldn’t start until TVD s5
@mahamoon1917 4 күн бұрын
Harry is almost finished with TVD, he’s at S8E7 on Patreon. He’s way behind on KZfaq. When he started to watch TO on his patreon after he finished S4 of TVD, he decided to post TO reactions on KZfaq too even tho his TVD reaction was still behind so don’t worry he’s watching both shows correctly.
@KrisRomero123 3 күн бұрын
@@mahamoon1917oh okay I kinda get it now 👍. As long as the order is right lol
@Hixiz_the1th 5 күн бұрын
love this channel
@Zae-N 5 күн бұрын
yesss season 2! you really are one of the best reactors for TW, I love how deep you get into the storyline and lore and characters
@anaclaraarruda7223 5 күн бұрын
23:04 I think that conflict with elena and Damon is more complex than that. Its not a case of "she's going on this trip to figure it out her true feelings for Damon" as she wants to make appear, it's more like she already knew her feelings and doesnt want them (not just because of her own impression of him but everybody elses) so she was going to see Damon screw up and give a reason do Block those feelings and sort of convince herself that it was The right thing to do and Damon saw right through her, than comes his line saying "this time I'm not gonna make it so easy for you... this time you have to figure it out for yourself"
@patriciacarter1147 5 күн бұрын
Crystal (Allison) and Daniel (Isaac) are dating as are Ian (Peter) and Holland (Lydia), all the cast are such good friends and still see each other quite often, any new members also become really close, they are known to be the best show to work on and even the ones on short contract always keep in touch. It is not only the cast but crew that are close especially with the two Tylers.
@Trinity-wd9ob 5 күн бұрын
Your reaction to this show has to one of my favorites that I’ve seen!! I love how you’re trying to put yourself in the characters shoes and trying to understand why they do certain things! Can’t wait to see more of season 2!
@katphantom4352 5 күн бұрын
Wooo first 😁 so excited for this season, it gets wild from here 😆
@JamesChamberlin-p7w 5 күн бұрын
You can see every emotion on kit conners face as soon as the words come out of Charlie's mouth this series just makes my heart explode
@macmel2160 5 күн бұрын
Stefan did bad things when Klaus made him turned his emotion off but it’s not his first time to be brutal. Remember how he got the ripper name!! He took out a whole migrant village and had a time in Chicago.
@stephaniel2850 5 күн бұрын
This is honestly such a lovely and refreshing Fellow Travelers reaction 💛With SO many reactors, it feels like can never really get to a place of taking off the 2020s glasses, and so they view it from the outset as "Hawk is a horrible abuser who destroys poor Tim's life", and it's like... is Hawk a deeply flawed character who makes a lot of choices that hurt the people he cares about? Absolutely. But his reasons for making those choices are incredibly clear in both the writing and Matt's performance, and they make my heart break for him so, so deeply. I think one of the key scenes so many people seem to overlook, that you did seem to hone in on, is in the end when Hawk is opening up to Tim about his first love Kenny. I think that scene is SO crucial for a few different reasons: a. it's a huge indication of just how deep Hawk's feelings for Tim are from very early on, and how starkly different Tim is, that he does allow him to barrel so much through the carefully maintained walls he's put up to protect himself. And b. it's Hawk pretty much outright acknowledging his core motivation for the entire story: every bit of life experience he's had tells him, fundamentally, that the only way things COULD end between him and Tim if their relationship continues is in complete disaster. When he tells him he should go upstairs and lock the door behind him, he means that: he deeply believes he's putting Tim in danger every moment he's not able to end things. Even with his marrying Lucy and pursuing the heteronormative life, so many people seem to read it as him choosing selfish ambition over Tim, and I just simply don't think "choice" had anything to do with it. Sure there was a safety and comfort to that life, but to me it's so obvious that of COURSE he would have chosen a life with Tim if he could have envisioned a world where that could ever be an option on the table. But based on everything he'd ever known, it would be downright absurd to go anywhere near entertaining that as an option. So yeah, all of that's just a very long winded way of saying: thank you for actually engaging with some of that perspective!! I completely understand why so many people instantly attach to Tim and feel so protective of him as a character, but it just bothers me so much because Hawk is such an incredible, messy, and tragic character too, and so much of that beautiful nuance is lost when people just write him off as "he hurt Tim so he's awful and evil!!"
@ShelbyBaby27 Күн бұрын
I'm a Hawk apologist and the "Hawk is toxic" stuff is an oversimplification and undermines that Skippy is a willing participant. I wish that Skippy was more collaborative in their relationship. Figure things out together instead of resting the responsibility squarely on Hawk's shoulders...
@patrickj260 5 күн бұрын
Why is this show so good. Looks better than the movies. And well written, optimistic, confident and deeply philosophical but not “writer impress a barista” or preachy. What did we do to deserve something this … good.
@namjoonswife3300 5 күн бұрын
17:57-18:07 YASSSSS👏🏽👏🏽
@namjoonswife3300 5 күн бұрын
@namjoonswife3300 5 күн бұрын
14:35-14:44 IKR, HE ALWAYS IS🤤🤤🤤🥵🥵
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
Jeremy is completely valid for not supporting the relationship, that man killed him out of anger.. that’s something you don’t forget and you kinda hope your own family wouldn’t like someone who does that to people’s families when they lash out. I can’t wait for Caroline to find out her best friend is with her “ex” that emotionally, physically and psychologically traumatized and abused her. Couldn’t I ain’t if I was Jeremy seeing my sister get with someone who killed me without knowing if I could come back to life; and if I was Caroline I’d officially end my friendship with Elena and find a way to get back at her, or just leave her alone & keep my distance away from someone who can’t even respect me as a friend.
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@@jaysotho Caroline is no friend to Elena anyway..never has been..Elena forgives Damon..Elena loves Damon
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@@jaysotho Jeremy forgives Damon too..Jeremy loves Damon too..let it go everyone has forgiven Damon..
@jaysotho 3 күн бұрын
@@DellaMcgee-mc4rf I mean I guess- Caroline actually is a really good friend after she becomes a vampire when she isn’t been threatened & put against them
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
Damon is real owns up to what he’s done,saint Stefan is fake
@PrinxVy 5 күн бұрын
This couldn't be more in reverse lmao
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
Stefan isn’t fake he’s an addict to the same thing that keeps him alive, he struggles everyday just staying alive and sometimes his own personal struggles that he never asked for affect him to a point where it will never be black & white for “being fake”. He’s real, you just don’t know where his addiction is laying down for him that day.
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
@@PrinxVyLMAOOOOO 😭 literally
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
There’s no guarantee Stefan won’t fall off the wagon again,it’s like being with an alcoholic,Elena is better off with Damon..Damon hasn’t tried to drive Elena off wickery bridge,slam her against the wall,
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
After kissing Elena without her consent (SA) , Elena is better with someone that would do something to her without her consent then kill her brother after cause she wasn’t happy with the kiss?..💀 The difference is, you’re comparing addiction to someone with evil tendencies. They are NOT the same. One is a disease and one is a learned trait.
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
& there’s no guarantee Elena doesn’t piss Damon off and he goes after someone she loves again, this time actually killing them permanently this time.
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@@jaysotho it’s definitely Evil to kill women and children…Stefan is dangerous..Damon could go off on someone Elena loves,but he wouldn’t attack Elena the way Stefan has..
@Shanyia1105 5 күн бұрын
@@DellaMcgee-mc4rf SPOLIERS You are talking about Stefan killing children which yes that’s horrible but not Damon for killing his nephew Zach and his PREGNANT wife for no reason? Along side attempted to kill his niece in season 8? So from what I’m watching they are both dangerous . Can’t say whose better when they both did horrible and unforgivable things. And plus remember when Damon thought elena broke up with him but it was Katherine, he had Enzo try to kill Jeremy by choking him with a plastic bag, just to send a message to elena and the others, and that wasn’t his first time threatening Jeremy’s life just cause elena hurt his feelings! Just like how Stefan threatened to kill elena more than once, also Damon killed Aron which was Elena’s friend, so from my understanding she’s better off alone.
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@@Shanyia1105 Stefan killed his father,most of Elena’s ancestors,but don’t have the room or time to list everyone he’s killed..both brothers have done horrible things,Damon doesn’t hide it,Stefan pretends he’s some kind of saint,but the main thing Damon doesn’t attack Elena like Stefan has..I’ve not forgotten how Stefan terrorized Elena threatening to drive her off of wickery bridge (unforgivable)…Damon and Elena belong together,they truly love each other..
@gerrybrowder984 5 күн бұрын
The motel scene was 🔥. The music, the lighting and Ian and Nina were all perfect. When she was pressed against the ice machine, Nina called him Ian instead of Damon so they made the music louder so we couldn’t hear. When they called cut the two actors didn’t hear them.
@arrionna 5 күн бұрын
i feel like jeremy’s disapproval is pretty valid… damon literally killed him
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
Jeremy cheated on Bonnie with a ghost (Anna)..Jeremy has died many times,and he’s not dead..he doesn’t have a reason to judge
@jaysotho 5 күн бұрын
⁠@@DellaMcgee-mc4rf How is Jeremy cheating on Bonnie even relevant here?… Cheating doesn’t validate killing someone & Damon didn’t even kill him over that. Damon threw a hissy fit cause Elena didn’t want to him , saw Jeremy and killed her brother without seeing the ring on his hand. He didn’t know if he would come back alive, he’s extremely lucky he had the ring on. Jeremy dying “many times”doesn’t excuse someone for murdering him, and he’s alive but he still lives with the trauma of getting his neck snapped cause his sister didn’t like someone back - and it’s THE SAME MAN. He has every reason in the book disapprove.
@Alewaxon 5 күн бұрын
@@DellaMcgee-mc4rf I really hope you warmed up before making that stretch and all the mental acrobatics you are doing 🤣
@DellaMcgee-mc4rf 5 күн бұрын
@@jaysotho omg this is a show about vampires they die and come back.period.Elena loves Damon..fact.
@jaysotho 3 күн бұрын
@@DellaMcgee-mc4rf I’m still confused on what your argument is? 😭 Yes I know they die in a “fake tv show” but these “fake people” have emotions and getting killed is one of the most traumatic things a human could be put through ? So even if it is a fantasy tv show these are human beings subjected to certain traumatic experiences- he’s still allow to be mad he was killed.
@alexandracoelho5814 6 күн бұрын
Delena ❤
@dx2nyr 6 күн бұрын
First here
@miahmassaro 6 күн бұрын
you’re in for a ride!!
@johnriccardi8613 7 күн бұрын
Loved your reaction and your comments throughout. This is a great series I came out at 16 years old in NYC and had the most accepting family who accepted it from day. This brought me back to late 80's and people would not even touch me or be near me because they just assumed since I was gay I had aids. T
@holleyshighlights3135 7 күн бұрын
The events of the first 5 episodes cover a time called the “lavender scare” in the United States- in which they thought that communism was spreading and they were “looking” for communist. As a part of searching for “reds”, they also tried to “rid” the government of people they thought were more susceptible to communism- by choice or by blackmail. If you were thought to be LGBTQIA+, you would be fired, not allowed to work for the government again, shunned in public and most likely struggle for employment.
@holleyshighlights3135 7 күн бұрын
The events of the first 5 episodes cover a time called the “lavender scare” in the United States- in which they thought that communism was spreading and they were “looking” for communist. As a part of searching for “reds” aka communists, they also tried to “rid” the government of people they thought were more susceptible to communism- by choice or by blackmail. If you were thought to be LGBTQIA+, you would be fired, not allowed to work for the government again, shunned in public and most likely struggle for employment.
@catschorus4684 8 күн бұрын
This is one of the best gay dramas ever made, but be prepared to be emotionally devastated.
@marthahammel8543 8 күн бұрын
“Reds” refers to communists, I believe. Cold War and all…
@dkatzism 8 күн бұрын
You're going to adore this one, Harry. By the end of the series, you'll need lots of tissues. Buckle up! :D
@antjemertz1396 8 күн бұрын
I know it's been two years since you recorded this, but... I just wanted to say that I loved that you mentioned Justin's coming out in Ugly Betty as one of your favorites (btw. it was at Hilda's wedding, next to last episode of season 4). I honestly don't know anyone in my immediate environment who knows the show or has watched it. Which is unfortunate because it is and always will be one of my favorites. Thus, hearing others be appreciative of it once in a while is wonderful.
@Moffel83. 8 күн бұрын
You're definitely in for a ride...I watched the show when it first came out last October, have re-watched it several times since and it still makes me cry every goddamn single time... My heart breaks for Hawk and Tim on each rewatch 😢It's a great show! I really loved that you were understanding of Hawk's side of things as well and what it was like for him and men like him back then. So many people fall into patterns of Tim = good, Hawk = evil when it's so much more complicated. It's easy to like Tim and dislike Hawk for the choices he makes (as we already saw in episode 1, Hawk is very much ruthless when it comes to not being found out), but Hawk, like so many other men back then was a result of his times. Of the way he was raised, of the experiences he had (losing Kenny, being in the war), of the prosecution he was facing if found out. It's horrible that a government would do something like that to its own people. Led by a gay man himself. Roy Cohn, who ended up becoming one of the first political advisors to a young Donald Trump, which tells you everything you need to know 😠
@ChristmasPterodactyl 8 күн бұрын
This is my favorite episode of the series, and I'm glad you also appreciate it.