@FukitoSan 13 сағат бұрын
When the game is too grindy you need automation😂
@CheekyChapGaming 9 сағат бұрын
Hack a day keeps the grind away right?
@Zalmoxes87 19 сағат бұрын
this also works for leveling blocking
@jiunnrongshen8176 Күн бұрын
thank you
@CheekyChapGaming 10 сағат бұрын
Your welcome and I am glad it helps.
@shammylevva 17 күн бұрын
Good video liked and subscribed, but some inaccuracies. All armour/tools/weapons have two stats durability and lifetime. You were repairing when there was a tiny bit of durability loss. You could have let it go down to zero before repairing it does not matter. You were inaccurate to say you must not let it go below 50%. Regardless of when you repair it repairs the item to full even from 0% and all that happens is a bigger chunk of lifetime is lost. People have tested and found no difference between repairing frequently and repairing when full durabilty loss. When you got your new leatherworking bench you can destroy the basic one as the new bench does everything the old one does and unlocks new stuff. Thus saving space. Cooking is the one that takes up most space as you said becuase there are 4 related things, cooking, butchery (charcuterie), baking and herbalism. You would not have known at time but the changes since alpha 2 have changed a lot of the recipes so your very valid concerns expressed have started to be addressed. Overall very informative and well presented I look forward to seeing more and chatting in game about our experiences.
@CheekyChapGaming 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for your constructive feedback my friend much appreciated indeed. I could not repair tools after 50% loss, however I never let them get to 0% so never tested it. But when I tried it would not repair so might of been a bug then. Didn't know that about the leather table. But I guess from the video you can see the amount of work I put in all week was an epic effort and I needed a few days off afterwards. I am however really looking forward to EA to try some of the things which have been addressed. Thanks for subbing and liking my video. Enjoy your weekend.
@shammylevva 17 күн бұрын
@@CheekyChapGaming yeah kinda odd you couldn't repair. I often repaired at around 10% ish ie: I let it go down then repaired before heading out so that tool didn't break whilst out. Largely it was axe/pickaxe that saw the most use and I did get through a couple of axes. I assume you did too lol. I loved the vibe of the building you made and when you started with the cooking I thought it gave a tavern vibe. I did more of a house with outdoor heavy industry crafting. My mate Ben did a vid on his channel, where he chatted about his experience and ends the video doing a tour of my house (at night though grrrr). I'll share on discord if you are interested as I'm not here to promote his channel on your comment section.
@CheekyChapGaming 17 күн бұрын
@@shammylevva Yeah got through a few axes and pickaxes too. I will check it out thanks for the heads up.
@Ph4n_t0m 23 күн бұрын
It is addictive isn't it? Something about the looting. I dunno. every time I think I'm just going to fire it up for a "spot of gaming" I find myself sucked into it and 2h just rush by! haha Welcome to the Wasteland friend ;)
@CheekyChapGaming 22 күн бұрын
Hey man thanks for your input and comments I am having a blast even though I don't know why lol.
@johneicher7914 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. I enjoy your banter. Banter used in a positive way. I struggled too with why things don't stack. Not sure if you figured it out yet but each item has a condition %. If you stack a 85% stone with a 33% stone by middle mouse clicking on the 85% stone, both stones take on the 85% condition. The condition % of items you use to build something determines how "heatlhy" the new item is you created. I will have to check if you continued with the game I am really enjoying it. There is a lot going on.
@CheekyChapGaming 22 күн бұрын
Hey John, thanks for taking the time to comment on my video. I did figure it out. I also went on their discord channel and the Devs responded to my questions really fast and helpful as are the community there too. Appreciate that you like my banter and BANTER makes the world turn not gravatie lol. Being from manchester in the UK where banter was invented I am full of it as you will see in all my videos. I will be making more videos of the game just been away for a weeks fishing holiday. I am also dealing with my current vehicle being written off so have a bit going on atm but stay tuned ;)
@johneicher7914 22 күн бұрын
@@CheekyChapGaming Thank you for the reply. A fishing holiday sounds great. Car troubles not so great. The devs seem to be very responsive. A couple other things you may know now but mouse wheel on a barrel to examine what's in it. Cricket puree gives about half water as well. That would have solved your water issue. It was killing me when you couldn't make the backpack and I guess it needs to be that way so the % affecting the item you are creating is known. You can also open containers like your box and craft from what is in there. I think you could have stacked 6 leather in your box, added everything else to your inventory and then taken 6 leather in your hand and crafted the backpack. I will be watching. I am 45+ hours in the game.
@CheekyChapGaming 22 күн бұрын
@@johneicher7914 I have not got a flying van and built a Gas/Diesel pump and am half way through building a water hole too. I have been building cupboards in many of the villages which holds loads of stuff secure too. I will do a video soon. Currently playing Soulmask so no doubt at some point I will do a video on that too.
@johneicher7914 22 күн бұрын
@@CheekyChapGaming I found a fully working flying van or bus. Then you have to find enough gas to be able to go anywhere. It does come in handy. I have yet to do it but there is a whole trading goods system. Buy something in one town and sell it for profit in another. If you are into survival games, I recommend Subsitance and No One Survived. You may already be familair with them. Subsistance is bruital starting out. I have not played soul mask yet. Keep up the videos. I will tune in.
@CheekyChapGaming 22 күн бұрын
@@johneicher7914 I've played No one survived still work in progress there for sure but they are chugging along nicely. I just bought EA for Pax Dei hitting the world on 18th June. I am hoping that has improved since my last video. We will have to wait and see.
@Deshlock 24 күн бұрын
Increase haste of caster by 2.0 . Is that melee haste or spell haste?
@CheekyChapGaming 24 күн бұрын
All classes can use it mate I looted three up to now.
@gerardcox9584 Ай бұрын
The inventory system in this game is all about weight, so technically you could have 500 things in your pockets inventory as long as it all dose not go over 5kg.🤔
@titotavito84 Ай бұрын
Is not just weight. it is volume as well, planks and sheets for example, take more space
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah figured that out but thanks for posting to inform folks.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
@@titotavito84 Yeah it says it on the said item which is easy enough to work out unless you Simple like me 😏
@geno9869 Ай бұрын
Hmm, great vid. So what is it you do in summer time then mukka? I love fishing :))
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Sun bathing man, what else?
@TerminalLanceGaming3051 Ай бұрын
Totally get it! Have you tried Project 1999? Great community and no boxing!
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah been on P99 for many years left due to arrogant GM's
@TerminalLanceGaming3051 Ай бұрын
I haven’t run into that but I haven’t played in like 2 years. I was in one of the top raid guilds, Kingdom. Cheers!
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
@@TerminalLanceGaming3051 I was playing P99 with my brother and he nipped to the garage to buy some smokes and we were grouped and sat afk waiting for him to return which is a five minute walk. We had a ip exemption due to being in same household. Then GM sent me a tell asking me to group with him. Told him sec was grouped with my bro and needed to disband. He said I had taken to long to respond and booted both me and my bro account. I then sent email and tried to explain but he told me I was boxing and I responded you gave me 30 seconds to react and then forced the account to go LD bit of a joke when I hate boxing LMAO. So never bothered returning after that!
@TerminalLanceGaming3051 Ай бұрын
Omg that’s messed up, I’d STILL be pissed about that!! Wow!! I see now why you hate the gms ugh! All that wasted time…sorry man! I have/had an eq2 silver account I think it was what it’s called. I played it live on launch day then at some point just switched to the f2p model. I may give that a shot too if I can find my password info, it’s been years…
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
@@TerminalLanceGaming3051 My Everquest account is part of my Sony account so both EQ1 +2 are on the same account so if I sub to one both are active.
@TerminalLanceGaming3051 Ай бұрын
Cool videos, I just subbed! I’m a new streamer myself wanting to do some EQ and DAoC content. Currently learning the ropes on Dayz lol. EQ is my fav though. Keep it up maybe we can ply together some day! Cheers!
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Hey man thanks for taking the time to comment appreciate the feedback, however I think come end of EQ2 alpha phase test which is due to finish on the 13th June I will be playing EQ2 as I am a bit burnt out on EQ1. I love the game to death but all the box armies running about ruins the emersion for me as you can hear from my voice. As for playing together always up for some fun with new and old players for sure. You will see my toon names from my future videos just fire me a tell if you see me on. Good luck with your channel man. I am not planning on forcing this channel just allowing it to grow naturally! No a fan of click, sub, comments which you hear in every pootubers video these days! Have a top week man and most of all enjoy your time in EQ.
@donaldc3884 Ай бұрын
I remember that this stage required you to group back when eq2 came out. I did it pretty easily with my necro at lvl 6 i think i was.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah you can do this with pet classes I managed to do it with my Mage too. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my video have a great week.
@turinhorse Ай бұрын
lol that character model. sorry that is just awful. thats what eq2 calls an erudite?
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah all the models look awful but whilst eq1 models look good for their time they too are past their sell by date with all the new fancy graphics about nowadays. I do not and I am sure you don't play either game because they look amazing its about the gameplay in both games for me. The lore and balanced character races and classes have never been surpassed by any game since either imo.
@axiana 28 күн бұрын
I like the character models in eq2
@CheekyChapGaming 26 күн бұрын
@@axiana I am glad you do and it is an acquired taste imo for sure. Thanks for taking the time to post on my channel and welcome.
@turinhorse Ай бұрын
lol omg the EQ2 character models look ridiculously dumb lol even for the time. what high school kid did they hire off the streets to model those? animations are pretty nice. thanks for the guide
@turinhorse Ай бұрын
also... Warpig is an awesome name for a troll defiler
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
@@turinhorse Yeah I love my toon names btw they are all [TM] no stealing them or you may get a knock at the door 😏
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my videos man.
@Fidsco Ай бұрын
Have you by any chance went and chosen the alt-appearance models?
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah I showed that in a previous video on Troll 23:34ish mate.
@Fidsco Ай бұрын
"Far better in EQ1 than in EQ2" Could be this games catchphrase. Such a wasted oppertunity.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Or play both 😀
@turinhorse Ай бұрын
seriously. everything in EQ1 was better.. even the character models lol. i do think EQ2 did great with the Racial bonuses. but ya, EQ2 was basically a clusterfk of development trying to beat Warcraft to market.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
@@turinhorse Money constraints and pressure in the market place with suits and not the managers who knew wtf they were doing is also a contribution so not just one factor imo. I bet blizzard could find that touch of magic which Sony always seem to have in both eq1 +2 tbh. The new TLP's and player base of all ages still play and the Krono effect has kept both games alive over the many years for sure.
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Your mage looks like benedict cumberbatch dude 😂
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Mate I love his look, he looks like a scoundrel and mischief maker mate lol. You might say a cheeky chap hehe.
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Caster classes work atm because the starter and lootable melee weapons do about as much damage as a wet sponge.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah they really poor for sure like a wet lettuce mate! Have you seen the link on the prima guide I posted above pal? It is really comprehensive mate.
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Gotta love the Necro.
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Takes me back. Not played it for a few years. Got a lvl 100+ necro and sooo many toons. Shadow knight good too.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Mate I loved it back in the day, good news this is a prelude to them opening an old time line server from 2006 will be going live in late June I will be playing on it for a change from EQ1. That's why I am testing to see what I want to main on it. Necro will be following today sometime stay tuned mate.
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Have to be honest it looks like a poor game. Sort of game you'd find on an android phone.
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Mate it's very poor I highlighted the looks with ship being very new. I got bored shitless with it mate. You might be interest in my next video uploading an EQ2 Beta video of a mage. Will be up after tea mate. Thanks for commenting on me channel man!
@whitedevil1270 Ай бұрын
Is this for ps5 too
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Sadly just PC Whitedevil my friend. It is only downloadable from steam my friend.
@whitedevil1270 Ай бұрын
@brickmaloser7992 Ай бұрын
Is it just me, or does this guy just have the best narrator voice?
@CheekyChapGaming Ай бұрын
Dude you are just too kind sir, I just your average Brit having fun! Thanks for taking the time to post on my new channel. Have a fun weekend.
@Sausage1958 2 ай бұрын
Nice one pal .... You not got your fishing rod made yet 😁
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Lol I hope we can fish in this game what do you think pal?
@Sausage1958 Ай бұрын
Not for me. Prefer a true solo game. Maybe one day there will be 'Nomad - Misanthrope Dreams' or 'Tory Killer Elite' ... They would both float my boat, mate.
@lifewithjohnny9255 2 ай бұрын
So I guess I just better go and download it now then.
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Oh no you wont get any sleep the time goes so fast I wanted to make 30 minute video's and look how long it is lol. I am currently uploading my second video now and it's 1 hour 40 minutes long and felt like 20 minutes had such a blast.
@SuperBitsandBob 2 ай бұрын
Nice one mate very informative. Not sure it will be for me.
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Not for me either my friend. I need a lot more than a crafting simulator. The combat is very poor and the sheer lack of any NPC's in the game make it deader than Embers pal.
@AlantheAlien33 2 ай бұрын
Hell yeah bud, wicked stuff.
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man appreciate your feedback on my new channel.
@lifewithjohnny9255 2 ай бұрын
Killer vid bud. Answered my questions before i asked. Wicked narrator voice too.
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Hey man thanks for your feedback obviously this is my new channel as I decided to make videos of current games and daft game demos! Glad I it was of use for you. Sadly cannot change my English Northern accent it's what i was dealt with you might say 😃
@SobKnight 2 ай бұрын
man i want to play so bad, sadly i dont think my poor 1070ti can handle this game well enough to enjoy it :(
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
Well you will get a chance once it goes to EA and then you can refund if not under steam policy right? So there is hope. However I would not get to excited yet this game lacks real substance imo.
@Fidsco 2 ай бұрын
There truly is a simulation game for everything.
@CheekyChapGaming 2 ай бұрын
I play all sorts of game and love real life fishing, but when you cannot get out to do this then these kind of games come into their own. Sadly many are just ideas and not very well implemented. This looks like it might never see the light of day I am afraid. But there is still fun to be had here for sure. Have a great week and thanks for posting on my channel.