@PravdaSeed 15 күн бұрын
🧞if you are talking about intelligent, STOP The Monsanto Noise=mus!c.⁉️
@ominous-omnipresent-they 19 күн бұрын
The Big Bang model does not postulate that the universe came from nothing.
@Pussaychop 21 күн бұрын
Did you just go big bang through modernity in 42min? Book of Genesis cant touch that - and miighta skipped a few steps;) amazing work. Under 200 subs?! Sounds about right - never make any money being this good, but thats Art. Im in.
@waofactor.graphic 24 күн бұрын
So, where is the info that build itself? I don't mean God but the missing biological blueprint and architect not found in DNA. PLEASE DON'T throw your science text book at me if you don't understand it yourself.
@francookie9353 25 күн бұрын
PS. A plant making a decision is - again - just a very loaded choice of words. A plant cannot simply decide to not flower - even though every single parameter is optimal for flowering. Choice by definition means that other options are possible. Choice involves calculation of probability and imagination of future events. And there is just no evidence that plants do this beyond chemical communication of different parts of the plant (or of different plants) with eachother - resulting from abiotic factors. There is no evidence that bacteria do this. If a bacteria encounters food, it will very probably absorb it. Why would would it choose otherwise?
@sethdbernstein4160 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for you comment. Note: I never use the word "decide" or "decision." Consciousness and intelligence are two different subjects. This documentary is about intelligence.
@francookie9353 20 күн бұрын
​@@sethdbernstein416020:25 "one of the key ways that plants display intelligence is through their ability to *make decisions* , using their molecular detecting sensors..."
@francookie9353 25 күн бұрын
The difficulty in this thesis is a linguistic presupposition that we can basically reverse engineer what "intelligence" means to fit a notion that plants, bacteria or say an entire ecosystem or planet are - or that the universe itself is - intelligent. But that dissolves the specificity of how human intelligence was central to our later evolution and historical progress, e.g. rocket science and astronomy. To think that a tree is intelligent somehow "feels awesome", but that's because we subconsciously project our understanding of our own human intelligence onto the tree, which definitely does not experience reality in the same way we do. Nature, biology, chemistry and physics have a kind of "logic" to them. In a sense there is a mathematical structure to reality. Atoms of elements have certain properties that tend towards certain combinations with other atoms because ultimately entropy rules everything. Life itself is a highly organised and complex, low-entropy state of being; countless chemical combinations constantly ticking over into lower states of energy all the while fueled by energy that comes from ancient clusters of volatile compounds continuously reacting with eachother in space (e.g. the sun). They react, because on a quantum physical level they are "compelled" to react with each other, because mathematically - as oversimplified as it sounds - that's just how our universe "shakes out". But I hesitate to call that intelligence. Order, yes. Structure, yes. Predictability, yes. But intelligence means more than that. A bacterium can't solve a problem it is faced with in the sense that it makes a choice on what to do. It is either evolved to survive the problem via a chemical reaction of its cell or it isn't. Also, the operatic background music is a bit jarring after a while. I think a more softened background noise accompanies the voiceover much better.
@sethdbernstein4160 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for the detailed observations and thoughts.
@dysfunc121 17 күн бұрын
How many neurons does it take to intelligently turn on a light bulb?
@adon2424 17 күн бұрын
Intelligence is just data as simple as that. How a domain responds to that data is consciousness. Consciousness has a fractal quality. Life is just the interaction between matter and the physical laws of the domain that particular matter inhabits. That interaction is what induces consciousness. No mystery.
@Meta4Monky 26 күн бұрын
Are you saying all the H2O came from volcanoes erupting?
@haneycr 26 күн бұрын
Really interesting to put it into perspective like this
@sethdbernstein4160 23 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@guillermobrand8458 26 күн бұрын
The Age of Life The ability to carry out actions differentiates inanimate matter from living matter. In turn, every action involves the management of Information. We do not know what Matter is or what Life is, and we assume that all life forms that currently inhabit the planet descend from a common ancestor (LUCA), an organism whose complexity is evident if we consider that it is attributed the ability to reproduce. Due to the above, it is reasonable to assume that “seeds of life” existed prior to LUCA. Assuming that the “seeds of life” emerged together with the Big Bang is a bold postulate, and as such requires a solid empirical foundation. When observing Evolution considering the information that our ancestors have managed, and that currently managed by humanity, it is possible to distinguish seven evolutionary milestones; Its analysis allows us to postulate that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe, and the existence of an “evolutionary pattern” is evident, which turns out to be the Golden Ratio. Evolutionary Milestones -Emergence of ”Seeds of Life”(1) (thirteen thousand eight hundred million years ago). -Emergence of LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) three thousand eight hundred million years ago -Emergence of the brain (five hundred and fifty million years ago). -Emergence of what was the precursor of human language (2) (twenty-seven million years ago) -Emergence of the language that characterizes us(3) (around two hundred and twenty thousand years ago). -Emergence of “the information age” with the transistor (1950) -Evolutionary Singularity(4) proposed by Ray Kurzweil, who postulates that humanity will access a Singularity as a result of the exponential growth of information management (year 2045). Evolutionary sections Among successive evolutionary milestones we can distinguish the following six “Evolutionary Tranches”, with the duration indicated (in years): Tranche 1: 10,000,000,000 (13,800,000,000 - 3,800,000,000 = 10,000,000,000) Tranche 2: 3,250,000,000 (3,800,000,000 - 550,000,000 = 3,250,000,000) Tranche 3: 523,000,000 (550,000,000 - 27,000,000 = 523,000,000) Tranche 4: 26,780,000 (27,000,000 - 220,000 = 26,780,000) Tranche 5: 219,905 (220,000 - 95(5) = 219,905) Tranche 6: 95 (95 - 0 = 95) The particular variation experienced by the Evolutionary Sections over time suggests using the logarithm of said sections (LT) to analyze their behavior over time. The logarithms in question are as follows: LT1 = 10.0000 LT2 = 9.51188 LT3 = 8.71850 LT4 = 7.42781 LT5 = 5.34224 LT6 = 1.97772 The lines between two successive logarithms have the following slopes (P) P1 = -0.48812 (9.51188 - 10.0000 = -0.48812) P2 = -0.79338 (8.71850 - 9.51188 = -0.79338) P3 = -1.29069 (7.42781 - 8.71850 = -1.29069) P4 = -2.08557 (5.34224 - 7.42781 = -2.08557) P5 = -3.36452 (1.97772 - 5.34224 = -3.36452) After searching for an “evolutionary pattern” we will determine the variation between successive slopes, which is given by the Ratio (R) between them, that is, P2/P1; P3/P2; P4/P3; P5/P4, and is the following: R1 = 1.62538 R2 = 1.62682 R3 = 1.61586 R4 = 1.61324 The above values differ from the Golden Number (1.61803), a number also called the golden number, the number of God, the extreme and average ratio, the golden ratio, the golden mean, the golden ratio and the divine ratio, by 0.45%; 0.54%; 0.13% and 0.30%, respectively. In turn, the average of the sum of the ratios is 1.62032. This value differs from the golden ratio by 0.14%. The results obtained allow us to postulate that Evolution follows a pattern that is a function of Information and the golden ratio, and that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe. (1)The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the putative common ancestral cell from which the three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, originated. The complexity that LUCA is assumed to have does not give rise to affirming that it arose by “spontaneous generation”, it being valid to postulate the pre-existence of “seeds of life” prior to the emergence of LUCA; It is postulated that the origin of the “seeds of life” dates back to the moment when Matter arose in the Universe, that is, around thirteen thousand eight hundred million years. (2)“We find that the anatomical potential to produce and perceive sounds differentiated by their formants began at the latest by the time of our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) about 27 Ma ago”; " Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech” (Science magazine) (3) The last change in the position of the hyoid bone in humans, which would have allowed access to the language that characterizes us, took place approximately two hundred and twenty thousand years ago, and its data is based on archaeological evidence and anthropological studies. There is no scientific source that records this change on an exact date. (4)Due to the exponential growth of information technologies, Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Technological Singularity will occur in the year 2045, at which time technological growth will be so rapid and so profound that it will be impossible to predict what its consequences will be. (5) It is the time between 1950 and 2045, the latter year in which Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Singularity will take place.
@darwinlaluna3677 26 күн бұрын
The experiment on me
@darwinlaluna3677 26 күн бұрын
This is all how it started
@ttgsavage1907 27 күн бұрын
science is logically and beautifully perfect
@M-dv1yj 27 күн бұрын
Science is clumsily and slowly learning about logic and that perfection is a false container for what matters. Science has nothing to do with beautify it is as aweful as beautiful as it is simply a process. It is not an emotion or a religion or any “thing” which can be of logic or perfection it is good but flawed process of acquiring better knowledge. Is there beauty in that sure but science is not itself the logical construct of knowledge it is the process of aquiring knowledge thru testing assumptions thru messy observation and even more messy experiments. Science as you see it is actually the opposite of any beauty or logic. It is a hell of red tape, egos and money which lead most “science in acadamia” today to be considered a cancerous and toxic imposter of what was once called science… but if you look close it was always that way.
@miguelromano6708 28 күн бұрын
this is an amazing video
@sethdbernstein4160 23 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@Ailsworth Ай бұрын
Silly bonehead thinks politicians are the originators of political thought instead of what they actually are: the products of it.
@shaunlawton6017 3 ай бұрын
Hi my name is Olivia and this is my Grammy!!!! I’m on my dads account but YAY GRAMMY ❤❤🎉🎉✨✨ I just saw her yesterday with my cousins ❤ love you gram!!
@JacquelineFox-xo6jn 4 ай бұрын
Ok. I believe it
@steverubick9911 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful memories❤
@hendrickstead182 Жыл бұрын
I wish I had discovered this sooner!!! You could get more fans with S M Z E U S.