@dragonkhight3315 9 сағат бұрын
Really want to know unit size of total annihilation
@zajim_yaytsami Ай бұрын
Нифиговое видео. Спасибо огромное за метрическую систему. Интересно было узнать, что эоновские харбрингеры ростом чуть больше половины колоссов из старкрафта, которые на них похожи.
@farn1991 Ай бұрын
In computer game there is a concept of 'distance compression'. The game engine itself may be limited thus you might not want to model unit to desired size but to whatever fit on screen very well. If you took the game cinematic as a baseline, a command unit head is slightly taller than a person. Which means an ACU isn't THAT much tall, compare to in game model. Units like T1 bots should be around human height and tanks shouldn't be too larger than average MBT. It quiet obvious but I think UEF battleship is model after Iowa class, the size shouldn't be that much different. And if you look at the model close enough, there are door and windows for UEF unit. I think the dev meant to have 'people' ridding it... But it robot arm races fit the game story much better.
@xhlinlin Ай бұрын
My reference is from Gamespot reports before the game was released; these data are likely to come from interviews with the game team. From these data, it is already shown that the Cybran mobile AA is 20m long, which is a similar magnitude in the game. The known units in these data almost exactly match the dimensions calculated from the game data. There are only a few units (such as the unknown tech-level engineers that may not yet been fully finalised and the Titan with the rocket deleted) that do not match the data. Of course, all interpretations are up to the game production team, but I think these data may be reliable. At least they are official data. Of course, I can't be sure whether the game team has scaled the units. But, using limited data to extrapolate, I think these results are reasonable. If you have more reliable information to add, please contact me. Here are my references: www.gamespot.com/articles/supreme-commander-profile-preview-aeon-illuminate-units-and-structures/1100-6156805/ www.gamespot.com/articles/supreme-commander-profile-preview-cybran-nation-units-and-structures/1100-6154677/ www.gamespot.com/articles/supreme-commander-feature-preview-uef-units-and-structures/1100-6153450/
@danielfusek5076 Ай бұрын
Wow glad supcom is still alive after 16 years
@thekingzhaul5914 Ай бұрын
Would you ever consider to do one of these but with Supreme Commander 2 units? I know everything has a downgrade in size but I want to be sure _how_ much was the downgrade.
@xhlinlin Ай бұрын
I actually tried, but couldn't find any official data that included unit size for SupCom 2. If just use Monkeylord as a reference, the size of other units clearly doesn't match the official drawings.
@Foggeer-von-Dreitveld 3 ай бұрын
The Aeon GC Sacred Assault Bot always seemed so large in game. It is surprizing to me that, numerically, it is just a little baby compared with the other experimentals and even non experimental naval units.
@facundocarucci7639 3 ай бұрын
Question.. How big is the specter?..
@SzakunX 4 ай бұрын
I wonder what caliber a UEF Mech Marine uses. 🤔
@QuantumNova 12 күн бұрын
500mm cannons. According to the 3D model.
@2KXMKR 4 ай бұрын
IMO The Fatboy - Exp. Mobile Factory is one of the greatest units to ever exist in any game. Period! That thing has four three-barrel battleship gun turrets, those alone are more than capable of flattening an enemy base from a distance. Rapid firing guns for anything that gets within close range. Anti-Air guns. Its own personal energy shield. Is fully submersible with torpedo launchers, so even if you're on the other side of an ocean, you're still not safe. Is literally a giant armored tank capable of absorbing huge amounts of damage even when its shield fails. Once its shields come back online it starts self repairing itself at a rapid rate. Acts as a refueling platform for any aircraft that happen to be in its neighborhood. And when it gets to wherever the hell it wants to go it starts giving birth to an entire army of units all the way up to Tech.3, including engineers that can build an entirely new base in a matter of minutes. There are very few things that are more exciting than watching this big bastard crawl its way across a map, absolutely flatten an enemy base single-handedly, and then building an entirely new base on the still smoldering remains of the land your enemies very recently called home.
@KajuTheRudeMonke 3 ай бұрын
haha strategic bombers go brrrrrrrrr
@RRXn3oN 3 ай бұрын
Exactly! I just love the uniqueness and "OP" units in SupCom. Huge Airships holding hundreds of smaller fighters. Thefatboy and Megalith creating armies while being mobile havoc wrecking titans. Its insane that the game didnt take off more. No other RTS has the scale of supcom.
@Igor369 Ай бұрын
@@RRXn3oN Does not Planetary Annihilation beat supcom in scale? Also TBR shatterred sanctuary will beat sup com in scale too.
@derejoin 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Awesome video!
@nicon4206 5 ай бұрын
Take that 40k lol.
@rulerofeverything6294 3 ай бұрын
40k fans: *angry useless debating sounds about chaos can corrupt stuff and magic and bla bla bla*
@yoelchristian6332 2 ай бұрын
Well in 40K, there's a Giant Superweapon land vehicle called Ordinatus Armaggeddon which has the size that far bigger than all of the units on the video. Its about 1.6-1.8 km at best.
@nicon4206 2 ай бұрын
@@yoelchristian6332 True. but they only have the one.
@yoelchristian6332 2 ай бұрын
@@nicon4206 Not really, the other vehicle which called Land Ship of Zayth have the size between 5.1-5.5 km approximately. 40K have some goddamn beast when it came to sizes.
@ClassicWafflesBreakfast 2 ай бұрын
keep in mind that the fabrication times are actually canon so they are pumping these guys out every like 30 minutes
@sol-2831 7 ай бұрын
@TheFirstObserver 7 ай бұрын
As a heads up, the actual conversion from in-game oGrid units to real-world meters is 19.525m, rather than just 20. It's a small difference, but it can add up. 😉 That said, great video!
@xhlinlin 7 ай бұрын
I just took the official data released at early stage of game and went backwards to get this number. I was surprised to find that it was completely consistent with the official data. lol. So it should be normal for there to be errors.
@TheFirstObserver 7 ай бұрын
@@xhlinlin Hey, it's all good here! You got really close! The actual 19.525 number can be found hiding out in the engine in a few places, and if I remember right was first found thanks to how the maps were converted to real-world units. You can even sort of get it from archives of the old SupComDB site. Still, the fact you were able to get so close from just the old Gamespot Feature Previews is amazing! Seriously, me and a few others have been making the occasional SupCom scale images for over 10 years now, and most other people we see doing the same never get anywhere near as close! Heck, there's this one popular image which was made by a guy eyeballing the original trailer that places the UEF ACU at 80m, and it is the bane of my existence. 🤣 So, yeah, again you did a great job!😀
@MoizRafay 9 ай бұрын
Did you make all these models yourself? How long did it take?
@xhlinlin 8 ай бұрын
Just exported them from game data files
@MoizRafay 9 ай бұрын
Just imagine if a commander gated into Earth. Imagine them starting up those factories and churning out those otherworldly machines from the infinite war.
@TS-jm7jm 5 ай бұрын
....it would he an instant surrender, if the acu put a focus on antinuke production, withing like 10 hours he'd have enough antinukes to counter every nuke thrown at him we have on earth, and with supcom stealth, and realworld reaction times, he would easily have days before anyone got it in their head to do something, and by probably say 12 hours in he wouldve already had the forces necessary to steamroll every military on earth simultaneously. supcom is just it's own category.
@zacido_games 5 ай бұрын
They would need to find a good metal spot, or hide for hour until be able to produce Metal Converters
@TS-jm7jm 5 ай бұрын
@@zacido_games not even, reclaiming rocks/boulders and even foliage is literal standard practice, that implies even dirt can be reclaimed, and the only logical reason you cannot do it ingame is game engine limitations. now try sleeping with the full knowledge that supcom could pull off a great sandworm from dune impression, and do a better job of it too.
@thekingzhaul5914 10 ай бұрын
To put into perspective how insanely powerful Supreme Commander in comparison to other RTS games really is one has to look at this guy 0:26 This is the weakest and cheapest UEF unit apart of the t1 scout, and its a 8 meter tall mech with twin automatic battleship sized autocannons. It can run up to 80 m/s firing rounds while running in that speed and has been measured to be firing between 350mm to 500mm rounds depending of the exact method of measurement and they can be created in 7 seconds in a t1 land factory which can lead to an army of hundreds of them in just 10 minutes or less. And this _absolute unit_ is supposed to take the same role the StarCraft 2 terran marine is in.
@007999999999999999 7 ай бұрын
Yeah also to think that all these machines are just that, machines, except the commander ofc. Meaning armies can be raised from anywhere in the galaxy as long as build capacity reaches a planet. I wonder how a battle from the Supreme Commander universe VS the Warhammer 40k would go. On one hand you have empires that dwarf any faction in supreme commander, yet those empires have been literally built over 40'000 years(the empire of man in this case) and others over an even longer time. What all empires in 40k have in common except the tyranids is that losses cannot be instantly replaced, like some battleships have been around thousands of years and the technology has even been lost to make new ones of the same type. From this perspective having a commander/army that can constantly be replaced must be incredibly strong.
@thekingzhaul5914 7 ай бұрын
@@007999999999999999 Look, the problem of fighting the Supreme Commander universe is that they're in the uncanny valley of sci-fi tech power, not powerful enough to the point of being capable to fight Halo's forerunners at their peak and wreck them but also weak enough to not be a instant "I won lol" like The Culture universe. Sup Com operates in a completely different scale than the 40k factions, and the moment an ACU, regardless of its faction, has a foothold in 40k's galaxy its going downhill from there for everyone, chaos and tyranids and necrons included. And it gets worse for 40k when we talk about the specific capabilities of Sup Com.
@007999999999999999 7 ай бұрын
@@thekingzhaul5914 Hmm interesting, thx for the answer, as I am not very informed about all 3 of these universes. I just recently started watching 40k lore, basically no Halo lore knowledge when it comes to forerunners since I just started playing the Halo anniversary edition with my friend and are at Hale 2 ATM. Even in sup com I forget the certain details since it has been so long I played the campaign.
@patholinofa4601 6 ай бұрын
@@thekingzhaul5914 Supcom will win in a long-term confrontation against any opponents due to its infinite capability in replenishing and reinforcing units during a battle. However, the only front that supcom will easily lose is when orbital or space considerations come into play.
@thekingzhaul5914 6 ай бұрын
​@@patholinofa4601 We know that SupCom _has_ fleets of large dedicated spaceships and that they're considered highly dangerous in-setting, but we've never _seen_ them in action or know anything of their capabilities and we never will know. That said, all their regular air units are space-capable, and can be spammed in enough numbers to make things very interesting for any warhammer ships wanting to stick around. Also... There was Shiva Prime, though that goes into Supreme Commander 2's territory but I guess it also can count here. Its was a shielded alien space platform that can travel anywhere in the galaxy and one-shot planets with it's insane terraformation technology, but it was destroyed before it could be used. Regardless of that, Quantum gating is literally just dialing in a set of precise coordinates and ripping open a wormhole to that location. Planet's surface, up in space, it's all the same to it. Unless The Warp wants to get freaky and disrupts the wormholes massively, there's nothing about them that would suggest it's impossible they could send one or more ACUs inside of a huge ship (like a eldar craftworld) and start to devour it internally. Although with that strategy, the only real issue for them is whether there's a space large enough for the ACU to land inside the ship, but that can be circumvented easily by just landing on the ship's surface and "drilling" inside to it.
@ledh1972 11 ай бұрын
만들어 주셔서 감사합니다
@user-md1lu2cl2n Жыл бұрын
Шикарно, как раз задумался о том, какого на самом деле огромного размера юниты в Супримке!) Great video, thanks for it!
@NVVitaly 4 ай бұрын
А ядерки на 6 км бросают и называют это стратегической ракетой😅
@user-md1lu2cl2n 4 ай бұрын
@@NVVitaly ещё веселее с дальностью стрельбы артиллерии и ракет)
@simmarsw2598 3 ай бұрын
​@@user-md1lu2cl2nСлышал кучу упоминаний, что дальность стрельбы сокращена в десять раз
@arkleyafand8840 Жыл бұрын
@Conblex Жыл бұрын
Awesome video!
@zerkil6304 Жыл бұрын
very nice