Yugioh Go Rush Episode 115 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 114 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 113 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 112 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 111 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 110 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 109 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 107 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 106 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 105 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 104 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 103 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 102 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 101 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 100 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 99 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 98 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 97 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 96 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 95 review
Yugioh GO RUSH episode 93 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 94 review
Yugioh Go Rush Episode 92 review
@brunosanto3488 23 сағат бұрын
Now I have my personal Theory that I think could end up being true: allowing both the Velgearian and the Darkmen to survive at the end of GO RUSH will make SEVENS's future change (or, failing that, it will make GO RUSH's future become independent of SEVENS) My evidence is based more on what was seen in that Arc 5 Episode of GO RUSH where we go to the world of SEVENS. Despite a lot of things having happened in GO RUSH, none of it had any effect or impact on SEVENS. Not to mention that SEVENS seems to make it clear that the Velgearians and the Darkmen never existed (or never had contact with them). However, thanks to a dialogue from Luke and the existence of the Goha Siblings's Spaceship, it is known that Aliens exist and that they could be in hidden areas of space. Therefore, to achieve the future seen in SEVENS, both Velgearians and Darkmen must die permanently. If they both survive, it will change the future forever. Remember: both Velgearians and Darkmen are artificial creations created by someone (The Creator and Yuamu) and are not completely real Alien species (as happens with Chupataro, Mitsuko or Phaser)
@brunosanto3488 23 сағат бұрын
Curious Theory, it has bases, but we must take into account that at least one "Ko" Girl was identified as an Alien thanks to Yuhi's hair (something she does not do with the Darkmen). However, I do not rule out the idea that the "Ko" Girls are artificial beings (after all, Velgearians are also artificial beings that appear to be Aliens) I have two assumptions that have bases and foundations that could end up being real: - The famous Gohanium is actually Goradonium, that strong, resistant and energetic mineral that Shewbahha needs to survive. This same Goradonium is, in reality, decomposed corpses of Space Dragons. Curiously, thanks to the end of Arc 5 of GO RUSH, it is known that there is an area full of Space Dragon corpses that allow you to create Goradonium in Mutsuba Town. Knowing this, it is possible that Goha's Gohanium Mine is actually the area where Phaser's ancestors died on Earth and, from their corpses, Goha discovered the mineral that would be known as Gohanium (this is also supported by the fact that this Gohanium seems to react to Maximum energy, something linked to Phaser and Tremolo) - Dohl, in addition to being a Kaizo-style companion for Otes, is an artificial Drone created with Dark Matter. During SEVENS, it was observed that Dohl could change his appearance, adopting a gray matter form. With this, Dohl could become a booster for Yuga Goha and even took on star form, changing his appearance at the end of Arc 5 of SEVENS. Even, at the end of SEVENS, Dohl is undergoing a change in appearance that altered the substance: indicating that this Drone is not so mechanical. Depending on who Otes could be, the truth is that Otes may have created Dohl using Dark Matter and put him in charge of Goha City (it must be remembered that Otes mentions having a complicated past in SEVENS and, seeing that SEVENS has elements/places that exist in GO RUSH, it would not be unreasonable for him to know of the existence of the substance called Dark Matter)
@duelingwithdownton1526 23 сағат бұрын
@@brunosanto3488 sounds good and I like the idea of Doll being labelled as a Otes companion as it would line up with the idea that all Odhos/ Otes needs/ wants a companion Yuga with Kaizo Yuamu with the Kuyamuya Yuhi with ?? Otes with Doll?
@duelingwithdownton1526 23 сағат бұрын
Edit/ debuke 😅 so i completely forgot about the Crabs in the Rovian Bandits. Secondly i was meant to delete the fourth comparison to the Ko girls and the Darkmen as i said there where 5 of each when its infact 6. Thank you to everyone who's pointed theses out, I'll keep the video up and use it was a learning experience to always make sure of the facts 100% as well as to prove listen and make sure i have in fact deleted the needed segments.
@christopherb501 Күн бұрын
Okay...a few points you overlooked: -Go Rush has its own -Ko Girls. Remember Venus Ganiko, the one we first saw underground? tied to Rovian Bandits? dressed like a giant crab-people? There have also been at least two more of the model. If there is any connection / parallel with Darkmen, it isn't because they came into being second. -remember when the Ohdos all returned to Yuga's time? We SEE the modern -Ko Girls there. Moreover, most pertinently, we see Yuhi's hair react to the truck one with a distinctive new reaction, with new shapes coming up as the other Girls' natures are brought up. The episode literally ends with Yuhi having a traditional reaction, and then the camera pans up to show Noodle Sorako - the "alien" one - dashing off in her saucer mode, having some kind of surprise to what's just transpired. MY takeaway from all that is that the Girls are, in some way, what they say they are, and are not necessarily extraterrestrial, except in that one case. Granted, Yuhi was a cat at the time, so it _could_ have been thrown off, but still. An analysis of what their deal IS cannot be complete without also questioning what the deal IS with Yuhi's hair.
@duelingwithdownton1526 23 сағат бұрын
To be honest, I really appreciate you raising these points as I am going to be honest, I did rewatch the cats episode where the three Odhos are in the Yuga's time and notice the hair but I didn't rewatch the first darkmen interaction to see if Yuhi's hair reacted. Also I honestly completely forgot about the Rovian crabs it's been a massively long time since we've seen them plus research all the Ko girls the crabs never once showed up in my search.... So yeah I'll admit I did miss those two key points which debunks the theory 😅😅😅
@christopherb501 22 сағат бұрын
The first time they meet one - Sabyuas? - his hair _doesn't_ react, and Epoch took on Yuamu's old role of noticing the hair change. The lack of follicle alarm was the first hint that they might not be truly "alien".
@christopherb501 Күн бұрын
0:49 *Six. There were six of them.
@duelingwithdownton1526 23 сағат бұрын
Did I leave the fourth point in ? I wasn't meant to delete that haha I realised that mid editing 😅😓
@rafaelbrites3607 2 күн бұрын
don´t expect this. They wiped out most of this caracthers after season 2.
@christopherb501 3 күн бұрын
Based on what we have: identity of the mystery girl and the origin of Contact Fusion, which even with the last episode, we still have no explanation for.
@andrewlim7537 6 күн бұрын
It's fukamura😂😂😂😂
@psychicmaster92 6 күн бұрын
I've read the upcoming summaries that have recently come out and, thus far, none of these have been revealed yet. Though I'll make a prediction for 5 duels I predict we might see, though the 5th one would be highly circumstantial. 1 - Zeiet VS Rovian 2 - Kuyamuya VS Manabu 3 - Bruyea VS Ranran 4 - CPT VS Mitsuko 5 - Yuamu and Yuhi VS Yudias and Yuga (That last one is under the assumption he didn't successfully return to the future)
@duelingwithdownton1526 6 күн бұрын
Oh fair enough, I have read any of the future episode summaries, I mostly go into each episode as blind as possible. I like the match ups you've suggested though. Manabu? Isn't he trapped with Yudias.
@bahamut1169 6 күн бұрын
Where did you read them?
@psychicmaster92 6 күн бұрын
There's something I'm interested in. Although Yuamu claimed she wants to use Monster Reborn to erase her own memory, I don't believe that's what she's trying to achieve. The series of events leading up to the creation of Monster Reborn itself was suspicious since, if Kuaidul knew that it couldn't be used for its original purpose to revive the Velgerians, why did he purposely leave the recording behind? Especially since he could've stated in the video recording it couldn't work, or even delete the video altogether. Not to mention Kuaidul's return during the previous arc finale is suspicious as well considering, not only did he plant a card in Yudias's deck prior to his revival, but it seems as if he forced himself to revive instead of Damamu choosing it. I just have a feeling Yuamu's desire for going after Monster Reborn, as well as her decision to leave Yudias / Kuaidul behind, might hint that Kuaidul himself might have ulterior motives for that card. I wouldn't even be surprised if Kuaidul was somehow involved in the construction of the Dark Matter Space, since those Velgerians couldn't have just appeared there by chance.
@brunosanto3488 6 күн бұрын
Ok, I will give my opinion on these ideas (keep in mind that some things would not happen in this Arc since they surely want to reserve some things for future Arcs or the end of GO RUSH) 1) While destroying UTS could be symbolic of Yuamu's wishes, I don't see Yuamu doing that considering she's only looking for Monster Reborn in Mutsuba Town. I can see it as an extreme measure, but I think Yuamu would go for stealthy or less destructive tactics to show her goals. 2) About Tazaki, I think it's more shocking to see UTS Personal's reaction towards Yuamu and Yuhi, especially Yuamu. Taking into account that I believe that Yuhi is a double agent or will do everything possible to stop her sister, I feel that it will be more heartbreaking to see UTS's perspective towards Yuamu and her actions. 3) I feel like, if there was someone using Elemental HERO, it would be OG Otes. I think he'll probably appear in GO RUSH at some point and Duel someone (and there he uses Elemental HERO like his old SEVENS glories before using his true Darkness Deck) 4) Watching the preview of the next Episode, I feel that Yuhi will receive a new Deck that combines Jointech and High Tech Dragon well. At the same time, if Yuhi is a double agent or someone has a will in his heart, he surely won't use a Dark Matter card (taking into account that he is responsible for what happened in Arc 7 by using a disguised Darkness card) 5) Finally, I don't think Dark Matter Empire will stay in Mutsuba Town once they have Monster Reborn. Ultimately, the idea is to recover that Spell Card and not stay there. That is if we count if they manage to obtain Monster Reborn since they could be defeated at the end of this Arc (unless something unexpected happens). I say this since Yuamu has been an antagonist for two Arcs in a row and a third would be a bit tiring.
@duelingwithdownton1526 6 күн бұрын
In regards to Yuhi I haven't seen the next episode preview but I know he interacts with Zwijo . And OG Otes appearing would be cool and could throw Yuamus though of Otes in a new direction, but I would think seeing another Otes if he does appear would be in the final stages of the arc . About the Dark empire needing to stay it depends on how long it takes and how much of the fight/ resistance the earthlings make.
@brunosanto3488 6 күн бұрын
Now here are my bets: First of all, I think each Yuamu's Darkmen will have a minimum Duel in this Arc against someone from Mutsuba Town (whether they win the Duel or not is another matter). Therefore, we could have the following options. - For Sabyuas, I feel like the options can go between Asaka, Tremolo or even Maguto. However, my favorite option is Mitsuko vs Sabyuas because there is parallelism between them (and there is the matter of admiration towards Zwijo) - For Bruyea, I feel like the options could be Yuna, Rovian or Ranran. Ironically, Bruyea vs Ranran would be a rather curious and fun Duel to watch (and would be related to the theme of Manabu's coworker facing Bruyea) - For Zeyet, I feel like the options could be London, Manya or Zaion. Out of all of them here, I like London vs Zeyet. Not only does London have a strategy that can counter Zeyet's Monsters, but London is also a kind of cheerleader for Manya. - However, the big question here is Yuamu. Who would be her correct Opponents to beat? Keep in mind that she surely has between 2 to 3 Duels in this Arc and she must show herself as a threat to Mutsuba Town. However, there is also the emotional side of someone like Yuamu deciding to betray Mutsuba Town. The options for Duelists to face Yuamu are high: Manya, Asaka, Tremolo, Tazaki, Yuna or Phaser. On the strength side (as a threat), Yuamu winning a Duel against Yuna and Phaser would be enough to demonstrate the powerful Duelist she became thanks to Dark Matter. On the sentimental side (as an impact), Yuamu facing Asaka and Tazaki would be very good to see the reactions towards Yuamu's betrayal. Outside of what was mentioned, there is also Tremolo (on the threat side) and Manya (on the impact side) For Rush Duels packages, everything seems to indicate that Asaka, Rovian and Phaser will have a Duel at least in this upcoming Arc.
@duelingwithdownton1526 6 күн бұрын
Bruyea Vs Ranran would be amazing who would win, the love for ones mother or the love of all things cute 🤣 Zeyet Vs Zainon would be one person cheering Vs the other shouting about furniture. ( I can see Zeyet Being terrified of the big dragons ) If Mitsuko dueled Sabyuas then there'd be no winner as Zwijo still wouldn't notice any of them or they'll just become friends 😅
@brunosanto3488 6 күн бұрын
Curious choices, I will give my opinion on each one. 1) Yuamu vs Yuna: I feel like this is one of those Duels that could happen and that people are curious to see the confrontation. However, I would say that it would rather be Yuamu who would look for Yuna and tell her to join the Dark Matter Empire. At the end of the day, both seek the same goal or thought: to do their best for Yuga. 2) Asaka vs CPT: I'm undecided if CPT will have a Duel in this Arc or not. In theory, CPT should have it since it is part of the Antagonistic group. Likewise, I think it's obvious that Asaka will Duel someone. Some bet that this someone could be Yuamu, Yuhi or a Darkman. 3) The Luge vs Zeyet: This is a wild option to pick, but Zeyet doesn't have many options to choose from (or anyone who fits her). Ironically, I do see that Manya vs Zeyet could happen, but it is also possible to see Manya vs Yuamu just for emotional impact. If there is anyone who should face The Luge, it is Yuhi or Zwijo. 4) Phaser vs Yuhi: I think you are the first to launch this idea since the popular opinion is that Yuamu or Zwijo defeat Phaser. I don't rule out the idea, but I think Yuhi has received a lot of favoritism in Duels (since he hasn't been defeated so far), but I think a Tremolo vs Yuhi R2 is more likely if it happens. 5) Fukamura vs Zwijo: I feel like this is one of those Duels that will happen in the future, but I don't know if this Arc. At the same time, I also see Fukamura challenging Yuamu if the situation requires it. But again, chances are high, but I don't think it will be in this Arc.
@duelingwithdownton1526 6 күн бұрын
Fair enough. I wouldn't like to see a Yuhi Vs tremolo R2 but I can see Tremolo approaching Yuhi being very confident because of the first win he's got over Yuhi. Yuamu vs manya would be nice but I feel like manya is too weak to even stand a chance and I love manya with her Dian ketos but
@TsubasaYozoraCh 12 күн бұрын
it great we finally get a heroine being a main villain. in a yugioh series aleksis was just mind controlled
@brunosanto3488 12 күн бұрын
Technically, Aki in 5Ds was also a villain at the beginning. She wasn't mind controlled, but she is causing chaos (driven by misguided ideology thanks to Sayer)
@rafaelbrites3607 12 күн бұрын
this episode killed yuamu as a caracther.why she would erase her own memories just to became otes? she was a caring person and now out of nowhere she´s a selfish person who get rids of anyone in her way?
@brunosanto3488 12 күн бұрын
I don't know whether to call Yuamu a 100% caring person when: 1) She was the one who encouraged Yuhi to confront Yudias to work at UTS. 2) She only saw Yudias as an advertised tool for UTS. 3) She hides secrets even from her own twin, Yuhi. 4) She has shown to have selfish and greedy traits. From the beginning of GO RUSH, we were shown personality traits of both Ohdos twins: Yuhi being the clumsy one, but also good-hearted and friendly. Yuamu being the smart one, but also greed and arrogance. Season 2 only added more layers to the Ohdos twins's personalities: Yuhi becoming more sensible, serious and mature while Yuamu becoming more compassionate, sentimental and humble. The change is not out of place, especially considering that she (and perhaps Yuna) are the only ones who showed concern for Yuga (Yuhi, who also received Yuga's memories, remained firm in his mission to help Yudias and did not get carried away by the feelings of others) Not to mention that her goal is not bad from her point of view: change the future so that Yuga has a better destiny that become Otes (something that Yuga tried to do in Season 2 at the end: he tried to seek to change the future for the greater good)
@thatman666 12 күн бұрын
Ohdo Twins have really reached levels that Leo & Luna from 5D's could never have.
@brunosanto3488 12 күн бұрын
Yuhi is an improved Leo. So much so, that he managed to overshadow his Female partner and the MC for a while (Season 2) Yuamu is improved Luna. So much so, that she went through different situations and now she is a key element in the plot (Season 3) However, in both cases, they are overshadowed by Zwijo when he is onscreen.
@duelingwithdownton1526 12 күн бұрын
I would agree but I still like both sets of twins
@brunosanto3488 13 күн бұрын
Finally, we will have Yuamu as the antagonist for one more Arc, but I feel that her motivations or her actions will bring consequences that could bring the true Final Villain of GO RUSH to appear. It may be that the Final Villain is Yuhi trying to prevent Yuamu from becoming Otes (or a Yuhi affected by Monster Reborn since I am sure that Yuamu will have control of that Spell Card) Likewise, I don't rule out that OG Otes appears at some point in GO RUSH. What is clear is that Fukamura, the Darkman who did not want to follow Yuamu, will have a role to help Yudias or will be against Yuamu's actions since she could bring ruin to the Dark Matter Empire. I also think that Ya appears at some point to help recover that humanity that Yuamu wants to lose to become Otes. Fun Fact: So much effort to save the Velgearians and the Darkmen that both races are not saved in the end. I say this thanks to SEVENS since there is no presence of Aliens in Goha City and it is possible that both Velgearians/Darkmen do not exist there (you would have to start wondering if GO RUSH really is an Alternative Universe or a World created as a result of what happened at the end of SEVENS) PS: Many of Yuamu's phrases and gestures during the Duel are very reminiscent of Otes's. Likewise, like The Creator, Yuamu created an entire Alien race on her own: the Darkmen. PS2: It's all Yuga's fault! I also don't rule out Yuna betraying Mutsuba Town just to have a chance to fulfill Yuga's wish (said for Yuamu)
@brunosanto3488 13 күн бұрын
Speaking of Yuamu, I guess that's what a lot of Curry, loneliness and some dark power does to a girl in desolation. However, it's curious that small clues in previous Arcs (such as Yuamu being possessed by Darkness Cards or having sympathy for Yuga, unlike Yuhi) allowed Yuamu's fall to the Dark Side to be more believable and organic: now, she has that dark power (Dark Matter) and has a dark motivation (but with good intentions from her point of view) Someone mentioned it somewhere, but Yuamu's transformation is similar to Anakin's in Star Wars: Anakin was an Important Character, he had a taste of the power of the Dark Side (thanks to the Emperor). After a series of unfortunate events, Anakin fell to the Dark Side and became a Sith. Anakin was defeated in an important saber duel against someone that he knows and, by order of the Emperor, received a new suit and motivation: becoming Darth Vader. In this case, Yuamu tasted the power of the Dark Side for the first time thanks to The Relic by mentioning Otes's name. Yuamu became more sentimental and mentally weak due to fear of possession by Darkness Card. After the unexpected death of the Velgearians, Yuga reappears and Monster Reborn occurs, affecting Yuamu the most. It is here that Yuamu takes the path of no return and decides to help Yuga, facing people she knows well (Yuhi and Yudias) Therefore, Yuamu became Darth Vader (Dark Meister) while the Emperor (Otes/The Relic) watches from the shadows or from afar. Even Darth Vader had his Inquisitors who did tasks for the Lord Sith, just as Yuamu did with the Darkmen.
@brunosanto3488 13 күн бұрын
Well... I honestly didn't see the end of this Episode coming. However, I had predicted that Kuaidul was an option to appear to help Yudias (good prediction about Darkness Galactica Oblivion) It is also curious that Yudias was left without the possibility of getting Contact Fusion and that he was left behind by his Best Friend and his Commander (although it is possible that Yuhi and Zwijo have plans to stop Yuamu) Either way, Mutsuba Town will have a challenge ahead as the only competent Duelists that they currently have in their possession are Phaser and Asaka, with Tremolo and Rovian nearby (funny, Manabu would have been a lot of help if he had stayed on Earth and not sent in a space package)
@christopherb501 13 күн бұрын
Still haven't gotten an answer for how Contact Fusion was possible... Oh, and please vote.
@duelingwithdownton1526 13 күн бұрын
Yeah that's a good point, I am that it will be explained in the next arc . As we will probably see the earthlings trying to recreate it.
@duellingmasterheropokeland1468 13 күн бұрын
Are they going to give yuhi a contact fusion monster and if so what would it be called? I think it most likely would be a dark matter monster and heat have a monster specifically to be used for contact fusion
@duelingwithdownton1526 13 күн бұрын
Yeah I would imagine Yuhi would get contact Fusion, I actually can't wait to see a dark matter jointech or blue tooth/ red boot.
@leonfontius5300 13 күн бұрын
I been wondering if Otis is actually Yuhi think about it they both have earthdamar and a lot experience in duel then again but still what is earthdamar? Glad to Yuamu again in this episode it was a lot of fun.
@duelingwithdownton1526 13 күн бұрын
That would be cool, both do have earthdamar and earthdamar could out live its creators making it possible for the Otes in Seven's be Earthdamar.
@neonoah3353 12 күн бұрын
It could be that otes is actually damamu, who knows?
@psychicmaster92 13 күн бұрын
I don't believe Yuamu will fully go through with her plan to erase her own memories. Though I am curious what the final duel of the next arc will be, since I doubt we're getting 3 back to back Yudias VS Yuamu arc finale duels? Also, I hope they find a way to prevent the Darkmen from being sacrificed. PS - The title for this says Episode 114 Review instead of 115. Just letting you know.
@duelingwithdownton1526 13 күн бұрын
It would be cool if we get a yuhi Vs Yuamu a date final duel the winner becomes Otes as the final duel of the season Also thank you for letting me know about the video's title, much appreciated.
@brunosanto3488 13 күн бұрын
I have a feeling that Yuhi (or Damamu) could be an Antagonist of an Arc, influenced by Yuamu (or by some effect of Monster Reborn or another element). Likewise, I also do not rule out that Fukamura could become an Antagnoist in an Arc after receiving outside help. However, perhaps the real question is this: Will OG Otes be an Arc Antagonist or the Final Boss of GO RUSH? I've seen that even an Otes who is an adult Yuamu could be the Final Villain (not the Otes we met in SEVENS)
@anthonythomas305 15 күн бұрын
I knew all along that Yuamu is the Dark Meister. It was totally the obvious. Anyway, great episode and epic plot twist Yuamu is like a Yugioh version of Aichi Sendou from Cardfight Vanguard since he also became the antagonist on Season 4, Legion Mate
@brunosanto3488 15 күн бұрын
About the Darkmen, I feel like there will be some who will follow Yuamu and others who won't, especially when Yuamu was just using them and lied to them too. It's funny that Zwijo is the only one who knew the truth behind the Dark Meister and still plays along until now. Perhaps the interesting thing is to know what Yuhi will do next: 1) he will go against his sister as happened last time in Season 2 or 2) he will go against the idea of ​​reviving the Velgearians.
@brunosanto3488 15 күн бұрын
About Darkness Galactica Oblivion, it would make sense if it appears since we are touching on the topic of Darkness and Dark Matter: two antagonistic forces facing each other. I would go so far as to think that it is possible that Kuaidul appears to help Yudias (or impersonate Yudias if he has doubts about facing Yuamu) There are several reasons why Kuaidul could appear in this Season 3: - Opening 3 showed a part with Kuaidul, so he should appear at some point in Season 3. - Kuaidul still has the idea of ​​"Beware of the Ohdos" and this was told to Yudias at the end of Season 2. Kuaidul could appear to confront Yuamu since he sees her as a threat. - Dark Matter Space already showed that it has the lifeless bodies of the Velgearians. Among them, Kuaidul could be. It would be symbolic that the yellow Yudias (representing LIGHT), who was a villain, now comes to help against a greater threat (representing DARK). Although it could also be that Zwijo gives Yudias a hand to face the challenge.
@brunosanto3488 15 күн бұрын
I feel like the real twist is that they intentionally left the idea that Darkman Cat could be Yuamu and not Dark Meister (it was when that Darkman Cat appeared that many thought that Yuamu is that Darkman Cat) Although many previous episodes had already given hints that Dark Meister has a lot of Yuamu's personality, people still thought that Yuamu would be captured, brainwashed or against her will. Either way, knowing that Yuamu is Dark Meister, that means that Yuamu has been the antagonist of two Arcs in a row so far (the end of Season 2 and this first Arc of Season 3). Even she has a new Deck to complement: one that remembers that Deck that belonged to Yuhi before (High Tech Dragon)
@brunosanto3488 15 күн бұрын
And well, I think it is obvious that you can live in Dark Matter Space without problems: you will not be hungry as it was seen how the Darkmen ate food created based on Dark Matter material. Credits to Manabu for his ideas to try to escape or survive in this place, as well as remembering his Fish brother.
@brunosanto3488 15 күн бұрын
I think Yudias and Zwijo's ship share similarities, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Zwijo created CPU based on his own ship's reactor to create something similar. Although it is curious how CPT and CPU act so different from each other. It is also curious that there is more and more relationship between Velgearian and Darkmen although it is clear that they are two different races. I wouldn't be surprised if that Dark Matter material was the reason for creating the Velgearian physical body in the first place.
@ChaosCreator4395 18 күн бұрын
It’s not the question as to wether “Darkness Galactica Oblivion” will appear, it’s wether Yudias is willing to play “Darkness Dwarf”, a card Kaidul designed to control and corrupt him
@duelingwithdownton1526 18 күн бұрын
I think he would, after all Yudias managed to understand kaidul's feelings and I still think Kaidul will factor in somehow. Also there's not a way for Yudias to get possessed now right ? So there's less risk in him using it, I understand there's a bad memory attached to the card but I think if the opportunity presents itself Yudias would use it.
@TheDoremifan1 19 күн бұрын
Actually, in the eyes overlapping scene, one of the two eyes was Yuga’s eye, not Yuhi. Though I wonder if it does have any connection, and if Yuga does have any role
@TheDoremifan1 19 күн бұрын
I want to point out that the arc antagonists were shown together. So I don’t think there was any meaning to it.
@duelingwithdownton1526 18 күн бұрын
Oh wait you're right, it's been so long I kind of forgot that Rovian was an antagonist 😅
@Yua-2024 20 күн бұрын
i wonder in the next episode will she return to normal or not and yudias and yuhi will fail
@duelingwithdownton1526 18 күн бұрын
I am kinda hoping that she wins although it's highly unlikely.
@leonfontius5300 20 күн бұрын
I like this episode I love duels that are more personal but man there is so many questions not yet answered, like how did otis get eartdarmar? Where did it come from? How did yuhi even get it to begin with?
@duelingwithdownton1526 20 күн бұрын
Yeah I know what you mean. Knowing Studio bridge, every question will be answered by Curry 🤣
@duellingmasterheropokeland1468 20 күн бұрын
We have seen yuamu without her glasses before in the first ending, going by the preview she is going to use contact fusion in the next episode and will she keep wearing that outfit and using her dark matter death for the rest of the season
@duelingwithdownton1526 20 күн бұрын
That's good, I don't always watch the previews.( This being the case for this episode) I did kind of forget about the season 1 ending after all it's been a while but still she doesn't look bad but it's still a little different. I am glad she's keeping the outfit though
@brunosanto3488 24 күн бұрын
On the other hand, CPT got its revenge against Epoch/Manabu and those inferior beings by taking them to enemy territory. Perhaps the question would be how did CPT gain access to Dark Matter Space, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of Curry (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if CPT is the one who tricked the Dark Meister at the end of Episode 111 and not Zwijo as some would think) PS: RIP Damamu. They went back to being an ordinary Earthdamar. Something similar had not happened since Arc 4 in Season 1. It is also interesting that they have shown Damamu's ability to shapeshift and take on the appearance of other People (very similar to how President Drone could shapeshift into different objects as seen in SEVENS)
@brunosanto3488 24 күн бұрын
Actually.... The last Duel with Damamu was against Chupataro in Arc 7, but it was a Duel that was only half shown. However, the other Duel Damamu had was against Yuga at the end of Season 1, but Damamu was weakened because Zwijo was using Earthdamar against the Main Group. Therefore, Yuhi took Damamu's place to confront Yuga. However, this Duel is a reference to that Duel between Yuhi against Damamu in Yuamu's body. You could even say that it was a stolen victory that Yuhi was able to recover in this Episode. In fact, Tamabot Deck was part of Yuhi's Deck, but slowly Yuhi began to distance himself from it. It is a good way to show Yuhi's growth as a Duelist since the Tamabot Deck represented the childish side that Yuhi had in the previous Seasons.
@brunosanto3488 24 күн бұрын
Something curious about the issue of the Dark Meister and her obsession with Curry is that it could be a reference to Episode 30, where Yuamu vs Zwijo took place. To remember, in that Episode, Yuamu got everything that she needed to participate and win the Curry contest. She went to the bakery to claim the prize, but it ended up being Zwijo's bakery, who had the contest promotion. They both have a Duel since Zwijo did not want to respect what he established in his contest and ends up winning the Duel. However, in the end, they both decide to make a deal: Yuamu would take all the Curry she wants from Zwijo's bakery on the condition of not revealing Zwijo's location. Something similar happens here: Zwijo wins a Duel to deliver a Curry to the Dark Meister. This only adds fuel to the theme that Dark Meister has Yuamu's personality and ideas. Why do they want Curry? No idea, but it seems to be related to Earthdamar. However, I do not rule out that it is a special Curry since they are creations of CPT, who is an AI created with quite special materials. PS: I think Zwijo indirectly warned Yudias to be careful with Contact Fusion when he brought Dark Matter Requiem. Likewise, we still don't know anything about Contact Fusion and if there is a background for this type of Fusion Summon.
@brunosanto3488 24 күн бұрын
I think you have to remember that all the Darkmen have only been around for about a month. Therefore, they do not have much experience or know almost nothing about the "World of Light". It would be difficult to believe that the Darkmen were powerful Duelists if they only existed for a month: it would sound somewhat artificial. On the other hand, Zwijo already has Dueling experience, so it's not that difficult for him to get some wins. The stranger here is the Dark Meister since she, in theory, should also be a month old, but she was able to defeat Zwijo. Therefore, the Dark Meister must have gained Duel experience in that period of time. Fun fact: Dark Matter Requiem will be the most used Fusion Monster in Voidvelgr Deck since it is the only Fusion Monster that is easy to bring to the Field. In fact, its Effect is not a big deal, but it serves to overcome Stun/Defensive strategies. It doesn't help that that Fusion Monster doesn't have any kind of special Protection (many Fusion Monsters in Rush Duels are more powerful than Dark Matter Requiem)
@boltybolt1697 26 күн бұрын
I'm not sure if anyone else has thought of this, but: What is the dark matter empire is made up of rejected prototype Velgearians? Maybe they had defects and ended up dissolving into pure darkness instead of living with a galaxy within them. Is it possible that something awakened them (like the usage of Monster Reborn) and now they're trying to find life like the Velgearians had? That might be why the Dark Meister is interested in the curry bread, to get ahold of Earthdamar. She probably witnessed the duel between the Ohdos and decided to take Yuamu to assist her. It's also possible that the Dark Matter empire are a different race just wanting to step out of the darkness I admit, I haven't completely thought this out. I just wanted to share my first thoughts after rewatching 109
@duelingwithdownton1526 26 күн бұрын
I mean it's possible, but they were said to have only come into existence recently ( presumably at the end of Season 2) I feel like if they were created before the velgearians then they should have more knowledge of the world. Again it's possible that the Dark Meister is old and hiding things from the others and she created every darkman recently.
@boltybolt1697 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for being one of the few channels that go in-depth with the Go Rush analysis!
@duelingwithdownton1526 27 күн бұрын
Thank you and I hope you enjoy, some of the things and thoughts I have. However if you have anything you wanna talk about Go rush or Sevens related please feel free to let me know, always happy to chat with people.
@duellingmasterheropokeland1468 27 күн бұрын
Could the story in the sevens book be based on yudias’s Journey
@duelingwithdownton1526 27 күн бұрын
I'll have to refresh myself on the book as I can't remember all the details. But it's possible however things would need to have been altered or misconstrued as I can't see Yudias willingly sacrificing his friends for power.
@christopherb501 28 күн бұрын
Could Sabyuas crush on Zuwijo _any_ harder?
@duelingwithdownton1526 28 күн бұрын
looks like Zwijo had a bit of Muda's charm which unintentionally charmed Sabyaus
@brunosanto3488 28 күн бұрын
And so, one wonders why Dark Meister wants a curry. Of course, they are created by CPT which is an entity created with rare materials. So, I guess they must have somewhat supernatural properties. And well, Damamu really likes those curries that CPT makes. PS: It is curious that this Episode highlights that Epoch's Ace Monster has a pretty good and bad Effect since, depending on luck, this Boss Monster may betray you. At least Epoch was able to handle the situation and has a better understanding of her new Dice Deck.
@brunosanto3488 28 күн бұрын
CPT (to Epoch): I don't have favorites! (Proceeds to ignore the Humans and leaves with Sabyuas) CPT (to Sabyuas): It's you and only you! Ironically, with so many clues, one would perhaps wonder if CPT is not hiding something (besides despising the Main Group) At the same time, it's funny that Zwijo doesn't show any friendship with the Darkmen (who haven't done anything bad so far), but he did become good friends with Phaser, when the latter had done a lot of bad things to other people. Perhaps it's surprising that the other Darkmen aren't jealous of Zwijo being the Dark Meister's favorite.
@duelingwithdownton1526 28 күн бұрын
Yeah, now you mention it Phases actions where way worse with anything the Darkman have done haha
@brunosanto3488 28 күн бұрын
About the Dark Meister, you can notice that there are somewhat artificial elements when she speaks. Likewise, in the Duel against Zwijo, Dark Meister is not the one who takes damage (that typical damage that Duelists suffer from losing LP), but it is Kuyamuya, the Darkman Cat, who takes that damage. That means two things: - Although Dark Meister is the one who makes the decisions to make the plays, Kuyamuya is the true Duelist (the one who takes the damage) - There is a symbiotic connection between Dark Meister and Kuyamuya, as if they were two entities of the same being. In fact, a later Episode shows more of the Dark Meister's personality, which is very reminiscent of the somewhat childish personality that Yuamu showed in some Season 1 Episodes. So, for now, there are only 3 ideas of who the Dark Meister could be: 1) Dark Meister is a fragment of Yuamu's soul (which has parts of the personality and ideas that Yuamu had) 2) Dark Meister is an Ohdo, possibly the mother of the Ohdo twins. 3) Dark Meister is only one half of an entity (the body) while Kuyamuya is the other half (the heart) PS: The whole Dark Meister thing is reminiscent of the Supreme King thing from GX, as well as Yubel's position in GX.
@brunosanto3488 28 күн бұрын
RIP Review of Episode 108 Ironically, that Episode (108) serves as a setup and continuation of this Episode (109) In fact, Episode 108 has many things going for it: - The good streak of fixing Manabu continues after finishing Season 2. - Reveals that a Darkmen (Fukamura) had the mission to recover the Duel Disk (and Deck) that belonged to Zwijo long before the Main Group went into space. - Shows a comparison between Fukamura's attitude and Epoch's attitude when she was inside a box (in fact, Epoch criticizes Fukamura's attitude which is ironic since she acted the same as him before) In any case, something to note is that the same Episode (109) makes it clear that it was not The Darkmen who revived Zwijo. In fact, even Dark Meister and Kuyamuya felt a strange feeling when Zwijo was revived and the rest of the Darkmen considered Zwijo an intruder. Therefore, Zwijo was revived by other means which took the Darkmen by surprise, causing Zwijo to appear in Dark Matter Space. Damamu is most likely responsible, but that makes their connection to the entire Dark Matter Empire more intriguing.
@duelingwithdownton1526 28 күн бұрын
If I can find the script I did for it and find extra time, I might still do it but I have seen the episode so there's at least that. 😅 I wasn't a massive fan of Fukamura but I liked comments/ interactions he had with Epoch.
@ryanzephyr3417 28 күн бұрын
They already said that the Darkmen Empire was formed quite recently and how the Zwijo was shown overlaid with Sabyuas made it seem like the Darkmen may be shadows of some sort of the Velgearians
@brunosanto3488 28 күн бұрын
If anything, that would make the Dark Meister and Kuyamuya situation more confusing since that would be indicating that both Dark Meister and Kuyamuya were Velgearian at some point. And I kind of doubt that Yuamu is half Alien (but I don't rule it out). Also, it's not like we know many female Velgearian (only Dinova)
@ryanzephyr3417 28 күн бұрын
@@brunosanto3488 that’s true. Maybe there’s some kind of connection between both of the races as a whole (like the Astral world and Barian world), but maybe not a connection as being former Velgearians. Them being shadows actually seems kinda far-fetched now that I think about it
@skylerwong1421 28 күн бұрын
I like rush contact fusion over the speed/master contact fusion
@duelingwithdownton1526 28 күн бұрын
Hello everyone sorry about the delay, overworking and handling a few health issues but We're back now and yes before anyone asks I watched episode 108 and I thought I had already reviewed it but it turns out that I haven't, will I ever who knows maybe ask my episode 3 review ..... wait?? haha enjoy and I hope everyone is well.