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Top 10 Favorite Video Game Songs
@RandomPerson28337 2 күн бұрын
You mean zelda could have done all of this from day one? So why did she use link all this time instead of getting her nails dirty?
@VintageGyu 2 күн бұрын
Idk why, but near the end of the video, i suddenly found myself crying without even noticing 😭 This game just meant so much to me on a Personal level, this was my whole childhood...
@BongOfDestiny 2 күн бұрын
I think among ZTD's many problems, it was a huge mistake for Uchi to hand off C-team to another writer, and I'm still baffled that it shook out that way. Akane was his baby, and I don't think anyone else could envision her character like Uchi does
@ch33seweasel42 3 күн бұрын
Black and White still clear it by a mile, but the story was far far better than what we're used to from Pokemon. Too bad it was released in such an unacceptable state.
@EverythingInMyBrain 3 күн бұрын
I misread the title as “Creating the World’s Worst Headline” and thought, well today is a fitting day for this to be recommended to me.
@ch33seweasel42 3 күн бұрын
For the life of me, I will never understand the love people have for Mudkip. It was always easy trecko for me, I think I've only chosen torchic once and that was just for a 420 meme dream team...
@catinapan4956 3 күн бұрын
Me after reading all the comment defending her. Yup She's still a selfish bitch. Junpei and everybody suffers so much for her experiments to save the world. While she just watch from above. For me it's kinda the equivalent of allowing "human experimentation for so called better world" Sure what's wrong in experimenting on millions plus kids if I can save the world?😅 If you read all the side stories of the timelines she fucks up and just left Junpei and others to die in the void. I really hate her for what she's done.
@fistOFjustice91 3 күн бұрын
A quick note, Aoi is actually pronounced Ow-ee. Great video all the same!
@trumplostlol3007 4 күн бұрын
I am an alcoholic and an extremely arrogant person. I am also a perfect FLAWED protagonist in my house. Would you marry me? LOL
@glorbojibbins2485 4 күн бұрын
Idk man ive had some pretty bad heroin
@emeraldsdumbchannel 4 күн бұрын
These Games Need Remasters! I am desperate to play these games!
@kolonarulez5222 4 күн бұрын
I reject Pumpkin Queen's reframing! This is so much more believable and fitting than "but what if we added daddy issues and she's secretly a long lost royal" For real PQ is glorified fanfiction, this is what actually happened.
@supercoolmaniajon265 4 күн бұрын
You see this edgy writers? _This_ is how you write a tragic past justification.
@TiefseeToaster 6 күн бұрын
one of the strongest scenes for me was the monologue of Tenmyouji very close to the end. about the bikers and their fates and lost timelines. when having philosophical conversations with a chosen few people at moody nights I might have brought that up a couple of times
@TiefseeToaster 6 күн бұрын
i needed this analysis. happy you did it when so many other people with their essays didn't
@jashargubetini2477 7 күн бұрын
I've been playing pokemon games since first generation, but pokemon black and white are hands down the best pokemon games ever made .
@ripleyreaper9229 7 күн бұрын
"Nier's father died when he was a child, and his mother died when he was ten years old. Left with only his younger sister Yonah, who he loves and treasures more than anything in the world, Nier became her only caregiver." It's devasting how you see life without parents and you gotta act as one to Yonah to make sure she doesn't experience what he went through. It might be a little selfish for him to destroy humankind just for her to come back, but I can't blame him for doing so, especially when his life depended on Yonah's future. It depends on how you see his perspective either man vs society or man vs fate despite the moral ambiguity it brings throughout the storyline. You can look up more novellas on Nier Wiki for more in-depth character understanding. It's beautifully written.
@Lupanari 9 күн бұрын
Gamefreak likely knew that this generation would be the last with the pixel design, so they went HARD on the game design for Unova, bringing everything they had into it. I fell in love with the generation when I played it the first time around because of all of this. Great video showing all of this.
@Soyboythoughts 10 күн бұрын
Beautiful video
@zachchip5850 11 күн бұрын
Dune holy moly
@chemicalclowns 12 күн бұрын
Oogie's revenge was literally my childhood! I played that game so many times just to wander around and I think it was in a tower (not a difficult area) to fight the skeletons because the music was so addicting and I loved his voice lines when he whipped his weapon around ;v;
@eddieanderson9399 12 күн бұрын
Nice thumbnail lol 😂
@magau3698 14 күн бұрын
IKEA of wisdom
@chaoscolby 15 күн бұрын
I never play Zelda game before. I wanna play this game.
@DarthLocutus0 15 күн бұрын
To clarify, this is the first mainline Zelda game with Zelda as the player character.
@KayJulers 15 күн бұрын
That is definitely better wording than I gave haha.
@Shritistrang 12 күн бұрын
@@KayJulers Zelda trained in Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors and Cadance of Hyrule, so she could one day get her own game. XD
@dropthebates 16 күн бұрын
The thumbnail for the video goes hard
@quin8037 16 күн бұрын
@JustJulyo 16 күн бұрын
I'm more hype for this than TotK!
@lunalight4226 16 күн бұрын
Don't forget the also released a link to the past in this direct that was not a coincidence🤔
@MappyTheSquire 16 күн бұрын
The noise i made when i saw this cannot be properly described.
@hiimanthonysullivan2473 16 күн бұрын
I woke up like 15 minutes after the Direct ended and I was pleasantly surprised to see a new Zelda trailer in my feed. Man I wish I could've watched this live.
@KayJulers 15 күн бұрын
I had low expectation for a majority of the direct for the first half, but the last half went crazy!
@cqllel5186 16 күн бұрын
There is nothing 2 dimensional about this game outside of the UI
@bensjammin9 15 күн бұрын
No need to be pedantic lol. It’s not actually 2D, but it’s the style of gameplay that was correctly referred to as 2D Zelda for 20+ years. Perhaps Top-Down Zelda is more accurate, but still, no biggie.
@cqllel5186 15 күн бұрын
@@bensjammin9 Indeed. I refer to it as the OG format It's annoying seeing people call 3D games 2D. Like Metroid Dread isn't a 2D game, it's a sidescroller. A platformer
@bensjammin9 15 күн бұрын
@@cqllel5186 again, pedantic lol
@cqllel5186 15 күн бұрын
@@bensjammin9 Ehhhh. Describing me vocalizing on the glaring difference between 2D and 3D that almost nobody gets as "pedandtic" seems pretty pedantic itself. I'm just stating the obvious. Saying the quiet part outloud :p Explaining that a " comma " has to come before "and" is pedantic. "1, 2 and 3" vs "1, 2, and 3". The first one is improper English and changes the way you count/read the sentence. That's pedantic. I see this level of illiteracy all the time and it's annoying
@MonadoBoyFlameRock 16 күн бұрын
Can we Officially Name it The Legend of Link 😂
@KayJulers 16 күн бұрын
A couple of things to clarify after reviewing the trailer even more! 1. I totally forgot that both Zoras appear in the Oracle titles, so that speculation we had at the end is likely nothing! Those Zoras probably aren't BotW style, but rather a unique take in the 2019 Link's Awakening art style since we never saw them in that title. They look pretty cute! 2. That likely was not a hedge maze at 7:17, but it is reminiscent of the ascent leading up to Sahasrahla's place that eventually becomes the maze in the Dark World based on construction and placement. There are probably some other things, but I'll leave it at that for now. I'm excited to see more on this game!
@joseedil 16 күн бұрын
Don't get me wrong, I think the DLC is good, but I have some problems with it, but mostly that it is not on par with Torna. The best part for me was the core gameplay, the spin on the systems was well done, I like especially the progression system with Affinity which helps me keep track on DLC completion, it works well and I would like a system like this in the main game even if it would probably be a little overwhelming. The map is also good, maybe it could have more optional areas to explore, it also seemed more artificially constructed towards story progression in the sense there were very few instances where I refrain from entering a area because the monsters there were too powerful and those areas were small and simple in design, but there is still some depth, I just don't fell like it is on par with the rest of the series maps on that front. On the music, I just think Torna felt much more unique that Future Redeemed, it fells like they could done more (I was really hoping to have another hype Moebius song, but at the end there wasn't one boss fight music that had that wow factor), in this sense Torna fells more fresh than FR. The main narrative for me was the more mediocre part of it all. For Shulk and Rex it felt like there were 0 personal stakes in the story for them (basically nothing affected them), for Matthew there were personal stakes but he ultimately starts and ends the story as the same person, there is no character arc in it. A has 0 character arc, her placement in this actually hurts her as a character, what she would have going for her is the mystery around her, but there is 0 mystery, they could at least used her for some conflict (she could be a good foil to give Matthew some depth with the fact that she was clearly keeping info from him, but no), the only characters that had any sort of arc were Nikol and Glimmer, but it does not look good because the same type of arc was done waaaay better in the main game, but because of the runtime of the DLC it felt somewhat rushed. Nael for me was very weak, the flashbacks were all information that Matthew already previously, so when they showed it to us, it ultimately felt like they didn't impact the present story and it was very weird because the complete collection of them is the set up for Matthew character in this story, but they cannot give Matthew real character progression because we pass the majority of the DLC without those relevant information. Matthew ultimately learns nothing personally which makes him a very flat MC, they could have gave him a flaw (he is suppose to be close to Nael for instance, but he was incapable to sympathize with her). I like they main take-a-way of the story though, but the execution was pretty basic overall (like literally the same plot-beat was done way better in XC2). Overall, the DLC is still good, but Torna is head and shoulders above this one and it is not even close. Also, it felt like they had way less money to spend on cutscenes, the heart-to-hearts being basically looking at the scenery for me fells like they just decided to not animate the conversations. Also, I'm pretty sure they eventually planned on having more hero characters, but that was cut. But to be fair, the only reason this fells somewhat disappointing for me is because Torna exists and I know what they can do for DLC.
@oasisflurry9933 17 күн бұрын
I constantly dream of a remake of ZTD with 3d graphics befit of the 2d....
@oculism5158 19 күн бұрын
The more I looked at the way nier acts, I realized how his situation masked him as morally gray rather than what he is; morally black. It occurred to me after watching the scene post Emil's destruction of the Aerie that Nier wasn't just necessarily in a tricky situation morally, his morals were just... strange. The entire Aerie was slaughtered by a combination of Emil and Shades, and rather than comforting Emil properly after he just killed dozens of innocent people or pointing out how dire the circumstances were, he simply says that their lives mattered more and to not look back. Nier isn't a gray character, he is much more 'malicious' than Kaine or Emil, placed in a situation that is much more gray and given just enough compassion for his companions and sister that it draws the viewer away from the fact that his sense of morality is much more twisted than he or anyone else lets on. The trio of Emil, Kaine, and Nier kinda slides across good, grey, and bad, with Emil on the left kaine in the middle and Nier on the right. Emil has a sense of morality and intense guilt for bad things that he does, if given proper information about the situation he was in he would strive to do good/the right thing. Kaine has no morals by choice. She gave up most of her agency out of love for Nier and simply went along with him and his mission, no real agenda, no real further goals, she simply honed herself to a sword and silenced her feelings morally on the matter, whether it swung from good or bad. And nier, i already talked about him, but his thoughts and feelings, when placed into a vacuum and really paying attention to the more subtle details, is a lot more sinister than the others. Nier and Weiss have a few conversations about the truth throughout the story, such as the thing with Jacob's mother's actions. Weiss sides with the truth, whereas Nier seems to go more towards ignoring it. It isn't a matter of whether or not the truth is in front of him, he will ignore it to fit his own agenda, because he believes himself right. He has to ignore the truth and how doomed the world around him may be because if he doesn't there's no happy fantasy for him and his sister. If he doesn't destroy the world and doom humanity, he doesn't get that desire/dream of his. Of course he isn't so unshakable in this regard, there are times such as when Popola's betrayal is known where he struggles somewhat with it, but as it goes on he silences those worries, continues to ignore, and goes on with his agenda. He does it again when he hesitates to kill his own Gestalt. My guess here is he likely realized just how awful and dooming what he was about to do was (sympathy is not in his mind, he already chose to push that to the side when he realized the Shadowlord had emotions similar to his), but then ignores it as he remembers his desires. He'll question how justified he is at times, but then reinforces his desires, ignoring the morality, and hiding his real nature through the plausibility of his situation, because the world is bigger than him. When judging the situation, most look off towards the world and replicants and gestalts as a whole to judge how moral it is, but when it comes to Nier himself, what he wanted, and what he ignored and shoved away and sacrificed for just that? He is nowhere near as Gray as kaine is. If the situation was different, the void of morality he has would become much more apparent. Remember, Nier does not pose the question of in a situation such as this, who is right or wrong to exterminate the other? The question is that in order to kill and commit atrocities, do you just need to believe yourself right? This is an evolution of Drakengard's question, which asks if only insane people can kill, or an insane world enforces such a thing. Nier believes himself right. He may not even be insane. But sanity does not define morality. In fact, in believing himself right, he is finally able to silence his morality forever and live with the choices he made, now matter how horrible or what he desired out of those choices.
@echoecho9762 23 күн бұрын
What the hell am I watching again? Some depressed guy with too much time, no wife or kids, sitting like a clown in front of his computer, narrating some crap to explain the game series that even someone who has never played Metal Gear doesn't need. Because someone who doesn't know Metal Gear and wants to play it would just take the game, put it in the console, and play it instead of watching your clown video, you rag. I sometimes wonder what people like you would do if KZfaq didn't exist. They'd probably be dead or would be carving attention-seeking marks on their bodies. The thing is, you animate every second with the same cheap transitions and effects that any 14-year-old can do. I stopped your video exactly at second 0:54. That's how long it took to bore me and form a character and physical analysis of you.
@VisaCardholder 24 күн бұрын
Banger first short
@mrhoneybadger5539 24 күн бұрын
ye i aint buyin allat
@JackieOwl94 24 күн бұрын
Now Grimoire Nier is in English
@jesus_sama_z4620 25 күн бұрын
Originario de una antigua colonia destruida en los ataques del mekong. Mumkar era un soldado aficionado que luchó junto a Dunban en innumerables batallas incluso salvandole la vida en varias ocasiones.
@jesus_sama_z4620 25 күн бұрын
Starscream vs metal face 😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤
@fink_rat 26 күн бұрын
My favorite moment happens on Mechonis, spoilers below. When he's caring for Fiora while making the climb to the central factory, there's a small scene of him using his Monado scarred arm to give Fiora water. At the beginning of the game, we see him trying and failing to lift a spoon, and at this point in the game he manages to fully undo a thermos and give Fiora water. It goes to show that even when faced with a heavy injury, you can overcome it.
@ohhReina 29 күн бұрын
I’m super late to this video, but Akane’s background kind of reminds me of Takano from Higurashi. Takano started off with a terrible childhood as well…and lost the only person that mattered to her. Leading her to do fucked up shit
@Plut0_0I Ай бұрын
if I had to save my sister I would do the things he did 1000 times who gives a fk about a doomed race, ironically this is in our protective nature as human which nier has this nature even tho he's a vessel
@sinbard Ай бұрын
Best analysis I’ve Seen so far !😮❤😊 20:39
@josh-qj2zu Ай бұрын
I feel like while the idea of a dragon getting shot down and causing an extinction event for humanity is pretty serious I also think the pure insanity of it is enough to warrant it being called a joke ending. I feel like the best way I can explain it is with the ao3 tag crack taken seriously
@despawn7663 Ай бұрын
Should have worked him back in as a villain in the 3rd game
@eric6rock Ай бұрын
This was beautiful, I believe I was in Second Grade when i got the White Version My First Pokemon ever and ended on Black Version. I didn’t have much my family had to live in a back house/ trailer. Pokémon was my means to escape, everyone in my school had it and I remember the poster ads were getting handed out and it was the first time I ever had I ask my mom for something i wanted to be apart of it, and so she did! Although I didn’t have a lot of knowledge it did teach me bits of life lessons morals especially the ending. The next year I gotten the Black version and with that i discovered the differences of Atmosphere and Sound it was awesome! I merged my games by the end I’m sad however I didn’t keep all my old Pokemon. Sadly my DS is nowhere to be found even if it’s not worth a lot the sentimental value will always stay. The Struggling yet Prosperous times man Black and White had me in a chokehold especially tired all day going to the basement of DreamYard and sleeping from a long day either my elementary days to Middle School. I’m so glad to be apart of Gen 5 and i will FOREVER Cherish the memories it brought for me! Thank you so much for this Video, never knew how deep the dichotomy Pokemon represented or at least it too. If you have your DS and Game Cartridges please KEEP them, and for the rest of us as we know our Devices is long gone unfortunately, never forget what it brought to our Childhoods the games overarching Message, the ambience, and stories it. This game will ALWAYS hold a specialty place in my heart to I and many people who experienced this phenomenon of a game. A very huge thanks to GameFreak Devs and Nintendo for producing this masterpiece to the public. We will never get another like this, and if so it will never hold the same weight this game held, a true Modern Classic of the early 2010s.