Unraid 7 is Here !
28 күн бұрын
@Nelix1287 5 сағат бұрын
Great video. How would I go about storing the image thumbnails on the cache and everything else on the array?
@ndandan1369 19 сағат бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00 *📚 Introduction to disk arrays and parity for beginners.* 00:22 *🔍 Overview of parity and its role in Unraid arrays.* 00:50 *📖 Definition of parity in computing: checking binary values for errors.* 01:20 *💾 Explanation of binary data transmission and error checking using parity bits.* 02:29 *🖥️ How parity bits ensure data integrity in binary messages.* 03:13 *🔢 Example of using even parity to check data integrity.* 04:20 *⚠️ Parity bits detect errors but can't correct them; need for retransmission.* 05:44 *🔄 Introduction to parity disks for redundancy in Unraid arrays.* 06:12 *💽 Parity disk stores data to ensure even parity across sectors.* 08:42 *💡 Using parity to recover data from a failed disk in an Unraid array.* 10:35 *🔗 Comparison between Unraid and RAID 5 arrays.* 11:02 *🗂️ RAID 5 stripes parity and data across all disks, requiring uniform disk sizes.* 12:41 *🔄 Adding disks to an Unraid array without affecting parity.* 13:52 *🛠️ Using mixed-size disks in Unraid arrays without affecting parity.* 15:58 *⚡ Unraid arrays use less electricity than RAID 5 due to selective disk spin-up.* 17:22 *💡 Uneven wear on disks in Unraid arrays reduces simultaneous disk failures.* 18:46 *🛡️ Unraid allows adding extra data disks and dual parity for added protection.* 19:44 *💨 RAID 5 offers faster read and write speeds compared to Unraid.* 20:11 *🏎️ Use of SSD cache pools in Unraid to improve write speeds.* 21:48 *🖥️ ZFS pools rumored to be coming to Unraid, offering new storage options.* 22:01 *💡 Explanation of dual parity in Unraid: P drive and Q drive using different algorithms.* 22:56 *💡 Explanation of bitwise operations using a truth table.* 23:24 *🧩 Understanding bitwise OR operation through practical examples.* 24:04 *🔄 Introduction to bitwise XOR and how it differs from OR.* 24:32 *⚙️ Exclusive OR (XOR) requires only one condition to be true.* 24:47 *🔍 Applying XOR to parity disk calculation in Unraid arrays.* 25:01 *📏 Example of XOR algorithm for two disks, demonstrating parity calculation.* 25:15 *🖥️ Extending XOR to multiple disks in an array for parity calculation.* 25:44 *🧮 Final parity result using XOR for multiple disks in Unraid.* 25:58 *📚 Summary of how XOR algorithm is used in parity calculation.* 26:11 *🎓 Importance of understanding parity for shrinking Unraid arrays.* 26:26 *👍 Encouragement to like, subscribe, and share the video for more content.* Made with HARPA AI
@shalamigri Күн бұрын
Mann...I used this last year to setup Nextcloud. I was just following the directions but wasn't really trying to make any sense of any of the reverse proxy stuff, but watching it again really helped me to understand what's going on behind the scene.
@ndandan1369 Күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00:21 *🔄 This video covers upgrading a cache pool or cache drive by changing its format to ZFS in Unraid 6.12.* 00:00:35 *🛠️ The process for physically swapping or reformatting the cache drive is the same.* 00:00:48 *📦 In-place reformatting while retaining data isn't possible; data must be temporarily moved elsewhere.* 00:01:16 *📁 It's easy to temporarily move data and reformat a cache pool or drive to another file system like ZFS.* 00:01:31 *🚀 The video will demonstrate reformatting a cache pool, with future videos covering reformatting drives without damaging parity.* 00:01:43 *⚙️ Reformatting to ZFS allows using advanced features like snapshots, cloning, and replication.* 00:01:56 *🔄 Replicating data between ZFS pools can enhance backup and recovery.* 00:02:24 *🔧 The demonstration will show how to reformat the cache drive from XFS or BTRFS to ZFS.* 00:04:00 *🔍 Secondary storage should be enabled to move data from the cache to the array before reformatting.* 00:05:51 *🛑 Stop Docker and VM services to ensure no files are in use during the data move.* 00:06:45 *📤 Move data using the Mover tool; wait until it's complete before proceeding.* 00:07:28 *✔️ Once the data is moved, stop the array and proceed to reformat the cache drive.* 00:08:11 *🔄 Reformat the cache drive, select ZFS, and start the array.* 00:09:48 *💾 Reformatting a single disk cache pool is straightforward; reformatting mirrored or multi-disk pools requires additional steps.* 00:12:04 *🛠️ Add additional drives to create a RAID-Z1 pool for increased storage efficiency.* 00:13:10 *🔄 Reverse the data move process to transfer data back to the reformatted cache drive.* 00:14:10 *🚀 Start Docker and VM services after the data is moved back to the cache drive.* 00:15:07 *📅 Upcoming videos will cover reformatting array disks to ZFS, auto-converting top-level folders into datasets, and ZFS replication.* Made with HARPA AI
@cfenn11 Күн бұрын
Thanks for another excellent tutorial. One quick comment - if your takeout exceeds a single zip archive, you will need to put them all in the same folder and use a wildcard such as takeout-*.zip to capture all metadata that may be spread across multiple folders. Otherwise, immich-go will fail to upload many photos because it won’t find the associated metadata.
@katarinaismia Күн бұрын
My hero
@glasshalfempty1984 Күн бұрын
Not related to this video, but after watching almost your ENTIRE ZFS playlist, and a few other videos on ZFS, I'd love to see a video about setting up a ZFS raidz1/2/3 system, the methodology behind how it works, and the downsides compared to unraid's own array with parity. I'm very very very interested in ZFS but I just can't get a pindown on it's differences. I'd love to be able to convert my entire array to a raidz2 ZFS but I first of all don't even know if I could do it with my mix of 18, 12, and 4 TB drives, and then I don't know how expansion would work when I want to add storage capacity. There's so many questions that I'm currently trying my best to figure out.
@YESPICK Күн бұрын
Hello, Spaceinvader One! I wouldn't even have the heart to try unraid if it wasn't for you. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am using unraid because of you. The reason why I leave a comment like this is because I want to install the software called Seafile as a docker on unraid. I tried to install it for 2 nights and 3 days, but it failed and I haven't succeeded yet. If you see this comment, can you make a tutorial video of how to install seafile? I look forward to hearing from you. (Seafile is lighter than nextcloud and can edit documents, play music, and play videos in the browser. It also has the advantage of making it easy to share files with others. So I want to use seafile.)
@glasshalfempty1984 2 күн бұрын
FYI FOR THOSE CONFUSED ABOUT SYNCOID. It is a part of Sanoid. He doesn't say this, so it can be confusing but a quick google search showed that it is, indeed, a part of Sanoid.
@andrewlingle8985 2 күн бұрын
I know this is an older video but by using it I was able to get very far and am close to having my setup complete. I have installed rclone and have it syncing with dropbox. I setup user scripts and ran this in the background; mkdir -p /mnt/user/dropbox rclone mount dropbox: /mnt/user/dropbox & I then setup delug and added a path for the host and container (/mnt/user/dropbox = /dropbox in the container). Inside of deluge though it will not see the path /dropbox. I am trying to use the "autoadd" plugin (within deulge) and when I create an "autoadd" folder when I use "/dropbox" it states "path does not exist". Prior to running my user script for rclone the path does exist though.... This tells me that I have my container setup correctly but rclone is doing something to prohibit me from using the folder. From a terminal launched within the docker container I can still see "/dropbox" so it is there but deluge will not see it. side note, I did try this using the path outlined in the video /mnt/disks/dropbox but I had the same issue. Because I could not see /mnt/disks as a share and could not make it a share I then changed the path to /mnt/user/dropbox. Again, I was able to add the folder in deluge prior to mounting dropbox to /mnt/user/dropbox. this leads me to belive that rclone is modifying the folder permissions or something but I am stuck and cannot solve this.
@ragen5224 2 күн бұрын
Pls more 😎‼️ maybe vm‘s Like Home Assistant?
@mpxz999 2 күн бұрын
I really like how Immich is looking so far, but the inability to add ones own tags to an image, be it of a face or even just a general tag "Christmas" is extremely disappointing.
@satyamgaba 2 күн бұрын
you forgot to give details on machine learning with cuda at end of the video
@glasshalfempty1984 2 күн бұрын
2:45 If I knew how to do that then yes...I might have by now :P
@glasshalfempty1984 2 күн бұрын
wait...what about converting all the disks? What about utilizing stripping with ZFS on unraid? What about Unraid's own parity? How does all this play in together? I'm so confused still :(
@glasshalfempty1984 2 күн бұрын
0:34 little details like this (starting out with the Master Z pool or whatever) can throw people like me off. I know that it is REALLY hard to keep track of everything when making an instructional guide. And sometimes you either don't think of something (most likely) or you think something won't matter. For people that have a hard time learning or people that overthink (also me), those little details can mean the difference between a simple watch and frustratingly re-watching over and over, replaying parts, and just generally having a bad time. I just want to share that. I'm not angry, I'm extremely grateful for your videos. They have helped me a lot. A LOT. You deserve more subscribers. It's just some feedback that you might not have considered. Or maybe you have, there's no way that I could know. Keep it up though, I literally only trust you for unraid video tutorials and I know you've helped myself and TONS of people. I explicitly look for your stuff when trying to figure something new out.
@seanvdv2864 2 күн бұрын
This was a brilliant, light-hearted, informative and well composed Unraid 7 feature update - thank you
@asktheprophet 2 күн бұрын
FIFO is pronounced "FY FOW"
@McWetty 4 күн бұрын
This was a huge help and way easier (for me) than the docker compose official path. The only thing I'm struggling with is the external libraries function. I'd prefer to not have Immich copy stuff... instead I'd like it to just interact with the folders I already have. Is this possible?
@patrickbaltieri 4 күн бұрын
hello, worked perfectly in my system, anyone knows how to change the assigned drive letter in windows through virtio-fs?
@turkeyphant 4 күн бұрын
17:45 mine says "device is part of a pool", how come yours doesn't?
@turkeyphant 4 күн бұрын
How do xfat and zfs cache pools work?
@turkeyphant 4 күн бұрын
Please add chapters.
@HAID. 4 күн бұрын
My friend sent me to your channel when I asked him about Unraid, and he said you're "Unofficially the Official Unraid Guy" and after watching this I totally agree. Such quick straight to the point instructions. Thankyou for your service
@ndandan1369 4 күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00:16 *📸 Introduction to "image", a self-hosted software similar to Google Photos.* 00:00:45 *🔍 First part will compare features; second part will show installation.* 00:01:27 *☁️ Google Photos used to offer unlimited storage for photos but now they count towards Google Drive space.* 00:02:11 *🤖 Concerns about Google Photos using images for machine learning without explicit user consent.* 00:03:21 *⚖️ Subscription costs may lock users into the Google Photos ecosystem.* 04:00 *🛠️ Importance of having robust backup solutions when self-hosting.* 05:12 *🔄 Suggestions for backup include external drives, backup servers, and buddy systems.* 07:01 *💡 Regardless of storage location, always have regular backups.* 07:43 *📱 Image supports uploads from Android and iOS apps similar to Google Photos.* 08:25 *🌍 Option to manually add location data if not automatically included.* 09:20 *📅 Bug with Google Photos incorrectly grouping images by date.* 10:41 *📁 Detailed differences in how Google Photos and Image handle metadata and sorting.* 12:03 *🐱 Google Photos' AI can misclassify images in categories like pets.* 13:13 *🔍 Image offers smart search for object recognition.* 14:09 *🗑️ Both platforms have trash functionality to recover deleted photos.* 15:47 *🌙 Image offers a Dark Mode which is not available in Google Photos.* 18:08 *📆 Some discrepancies in date handling between Google Photos and Image.* 19:34 *🚫 European privacy laws may limit features like facial recognition in Google Photos for EU users.* 21:10 *👥 Image successfully recognized faces with customizable settings for accuracy.* 22:21 *🚀 Ability to choose different machine learning models, adjusting resources and performance.* 23:00 *🗺️ Toggle maps and GPS settings on and off easily.* 23:13 *📸 Creating and managing albums is straightforward, similar in both Immich and Google Photos.* 24:22 *🖼️ Immich allows setting custom album covers, which isn't as straightforward in Google Photos.* 25:02 *🔗 Immich offers more advanced sharing options including password protection, upload permissions, and link expiration.* 26:11 *👥 Sharing in Immich includes both public links and direct user sharing, providing flexibility.* 27:07 *🌐 Map feature in Immich displays geo-tagged photos, providing a visual geographic record.* 27:50 *🕰️ "Memories" feature in Immich shows past photos similarly to Google Photos and can be toggled off.* 28:18 *🌟 Ability to favorite photos, download, delete, and manage albums effectively.* 28:46 *🎞️ Comprehensive overview of Immich demonstrating its capabilities and features for photo management.* Made with HARPA AI
@michaelpowell8849 5 күн бұрын
with the shield do you have any problems with audio cutting out while watching a movie? Awesome videos by the way.
@SCHWABS 5 күн бұрын
I am very new to Unraid; trying to set up nextcloud using the cloudflare zero trust tunnel. It says I cant access the webpage because its an untrusted domain and needs to be added to the config file. I went into the config file and added it as a trusted site and the error persists. Any ideas?
@deanrparry 6 күн бұрын
Awsome video as always :) I am looking how to pair SSH keys between two servers preferably over the internet? could you point out if this is documented or how to do this at all? We have 2 unraid servers at different properties and this is a dream com true ZFS snapshots remotely onto encrypted pools {dreamy} :)
@MinhTran-tj4wq 6 күн бұрын
Okay so what am I doing wrong? Everything is looking good until I changed the DNS on my window pc to the open vpn ip address on unraid. As expected browser no longer work. But after installing MASQ on the server, my window PC is still not working. Any suggestions? Also I seem to have 2 tun(s), whereas you only have tun0
@YESPICK 7 күн бұрын
@bluedevil678 7 күн бұрын
Thank you so very much - your tutorials are so valuable!
@dyeremergency 8 күн бұрын
Superbly helpful - have binned SWAG which was causing me no end of hassle...
@SenseiReza 8 күн бұрын
I love your videos especially the ones surrounding ZFS as i find this file system quite intriguing, however would it be possible to make a video on ZFS and how Hardlinking works, I cant seem to setup TRaSH guides with my ZFS array as it seems it duplicates files instead of creating hardlinks, there isnt enough sources online surrounding this but i did find something you posted last year explaining that ZFS treats shares/disks as different datasets. How can i ensure all my media stays on one dataset and create hardlinks from that to the data/media directory
@ruimoura 8 күн бұрын
so, once again, top tutorial. did it all and it's working just fine with waking it from my phone. The thing is, if i'm out of home, and that happens, how can i reach the ip of the server if it's the serve that gives me connection to home, with Wireguard? To make my quastion clear, if the server sleeps, and next morning i'm out of home, i can't wake it because i have no way to connect to the lan ... Any sollution? Thank you! ps: i have my pc disconnected when i'm not at home so i can't use it to wake the server.
@Matt43 8 күн бұрын
For those of you who don't want to expose your server to the wild-wild-web, but do run an internal reverse proxy - Keep Immich set to only backup on wifi, or utilize unRaid's built in Wireguard on your phone to backup when away from your home network.
@TKpixels 8 күн бұрын
Hi spaceinvader one. Love your channel and its content. I have an unusual question for you. I know you like a challenge 😊. My unraid drives crashed and as I left it for too long, none of them are being detected by the system. I want to replace every drive including the parity with new ssd’s. I’d there a way to use my original unraid USB boot drive and retain all my config using all new drives. Can this be done? Thanks Trevor from Brisbane Australia.
@pr0xyfl00d3r_YT 9 күн бұрын
Hey this does not seemto be working with beta 7 unraid :(
@GeorgeCarsonII 9 күн бұрын
This just helped me sooooo much! Thank you Spaceinvader One!
@DxApollo 10 күн бұрын
Looking forward to your immich gpu acceleration video and macinabox updated vm tutorial!
@Mammietc1978 10 күн бұрын
Awesome video. I have made a tiny change to the "custom tabs super.sh" file, to center the buttons, enhance the text size and set a background color. The changes are made from line 377. My old-ish eyes can't read small text anymore 😅 <body bgcolor="#1a1a1a" onload="startCountdown()"> <font face="verdana" size="5" color="#009dc9"> <div id="countdownSection" style="display:none;" align="center"> <p id="countdownTimer">5 seconds remaining</p> <button class="button cancelButton" onclick="cancelRedirect()">Cancel</button> <button class="button continueButton" onclick="continueRedirect()">Continue</button> </div> <center><p><b>${message}</b></p></center> </body>
@ericgabel16 10 күн бұрын
I don't have a "Path: /import: , I do have Path: /libraries are they one in the same?
@user-gw3or1xs6f 10 күн бұрын
heyyyyyy it's nice to see your face!! Your voice doesnt match you :P I expected you to be much older
@RobCowie 11 күн бұрын
Nobody needed that horrible AI "song" or whatever it was, but thanks for the video.
@MostlyDrew 11 күн бұрын
What are people using to preclear their drive now? That preclear disk app is no longer available
@ruimoura 11 күн бұрын
great tutorial, buts kind of a shame that Immich doesn't have a simple and friendly "Scan Folder" feasture so you don't need to reupload all of your photos, instead of just "adding" them to the library. I ended up just using Photoprism because of this, way more friendly and i just simply press a button and it scan all my photo folders and they magicaly appear on the app
@jefftafur2429 11 күн бұрын
Your channel has been such a help to someone like me! It is perfect for those venturing out, learning new technologies, and deploying them ourselves. Can't thank you enough!
@ParalysedGekko 12 күн бұрын
I really love your content! Since most internet providers are distributing IPv6 adresses now, this tutorial is quite outdated. The web lacks a good unraid/nextcloud tutorial based on IPv6 adress handling...i would really LOVE to see you updating this very useful and beautiful tutorial you made.
@glasshalfempty1984 12 күн бұрын
What does one do when the device you want to passthrough is still not broken up in to a group that you are able to bind??? I can't separate my Audio device.
@MinhTran-tj4wq 12 күн бұрын
The process was very clear. Though I still have questions such as if the files in the shared that was moved to the array was in 1 format and now that the new cache is for example ads with compression. When the data got moved back to the cache, does it now convert it to zfs and compress it?
@Mark-jb9hx 12 күн бұрын
Doesn't matter what the Default File System is. You still have to set the file system on the individual disk before it gets formatted.