Bobi Wine: A Dream of Democracy
Leadership in Action: Jan Eliasson
How to make a forecast on RANGE
@susanmacdonald8047 10 күн бұрын
A timely documentary. I miss the good old days, where they actually looked after their employees.
@vashtivanniasingham6354 10 күн бұрын
You are forgetting 2 power state and federal
@cdinger7168 13 күн бұрын
Well he’s been on for 11 years and has got nothing done
@cdub2360 15 күн бұрын
So what happened to Bobby?
@adamkadmon6339 20 күн бұрын
Robert Kagan: protected from shame and ignomony ... by KZfaq shadow-ban policy.
@adamkadmon6339 20 күн бұрын
How to fix democracy: shadow-ban on KZfaq any comments detailing how this man launched some of the most catastrophic foreign policy in US history, leading to millions of deaths.
@seanuk7757 Ай бұрын
Germany is VERY, VERY sick! The scum hole of Europe. Depravity should ne in your tourist information. Dont take children there...EVER!
@pinnacleproductions6275 Ай бұрын
This guy wants to fix democracy by helping fascists. Hmmm who is the real enemy of democracy. And let’s be honest, this guy clearly belongs to NAMBLA he likes little boys!
@tracywright6908 Ай бұрын
Has Russian propaganda weaseled it's way into the Bertelsmann Foundation a tad?
@aryatalebniahir3843 Ай бұрын
We, the oppressed Iranians, will never forget how you betrayed us by this ridiculous negotiation.
@gotrekgurnisson9934 2 ай бұрын
Right and Left dont mean much at all in the current arena. The divide is establishment (i.e. centralized government power) vs antiestablishment (decentralized populism). After the 2016 US election of Trump and Brexit, Western governments pivoted away from the ideal of "consent of the governed" to "consent of democratic institutions" (the ones centers of power control). In the US we call this pivot "loyalty to Constitution" to "loyalty to institution."
@gotrekgurnisson9934 2 ай бұрын
Kagan is one of the premier Neocons of the past 4 decades. Husband to former undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland who advised Cheney into the war in Iraq and then used her statecraft in Europe and then Ukraine, spearheading the Meidon Coup in 2014 with direct funding from the US State Department through the National Endowment for Democracy. Theres a recording out there of Nuland speaking to the ambassador to Ukraine in 2013 basically laying out who would lead Ukraine after the coup as the US puppet government. Kagan and his family oversee The Institute for the Study of War, a think tank that distills US imperialism to inject into official foreign policy. Kagan has the blood of millions on his hands and deserves credit for the current downfall of the United States via perpetual war and debt.
@user-oc6dh2yp2w Ай бұрын
LOL What a stupid thing to say. Robert Kagan is a thoughtful, intelligent scholar with high moral qualities who always advocates peaceful means of solving problems unless they are unresolvable peacefully.
@johnmonrow9981 17 күн бұрын
There was no coup in Ukraine except for Crimea and some Eastern Ukrainian regions.
@gotrekgurnisson9934 16 күн бұрын
@@johnmonrow9981 there was a coup in 2014. Yanukovich was overthrown by the far-right Svaboda party working with Neo Nazi groups like the Azov Battalion. The US State Department directly funded the overthrow of Yanukovich via USAID and NED. 2 US Senators actually showed up to the "protests" to show their support, John McCain and some lowbrow Democrat. Ukrainian courts have now ruled that the violent crackdown on the protests that resulted in deaths was actually a false flag by the protesters themselves. Theres a leaked phone call between Toria Nuland and then US ambassador to Ukraine from 2013 planning out who would run the country after the overthrow of Yanukovich. You can find it on KZfaq. Nuland has never denied its authenticity. Did you never wonder why the US government was so quick to recognize the new government after the coup of Yanukovich? They planned it. The Donbas then attempted to break from the new Ukrainian government because they largely supported Yanukovich and the newly formed government in Kiev began launching attacks against them. Some 15,000 ethnic Russians were killed over several years. And Russia would not allow their historic port of Sevastopol, going back to Catherine the Great, on Crimea to fall into the hands of a US vassal state, which is what Ukraine is, so they seized Crimea. The people of Crimea never fought back because they too didnt recognize the coup government in Kiev and wanted to remain close to Russia.
@gotrekgurnisson9934 16 күн бұрын
@@user-oc6dh2yp2w geez I hope your being facetious. If not, I recommend reading some of what comes out of his "Institute for the Study of War"
@johnmonrow9981 16 күн бұрын
@@gotrekgurnisson9934 BS. Yanukovich agreed to step down at the end of the year due to the overwhelming protests against him. On the day he was supposed to sign the agreement, he fled and the Ukrainian congress voted to dissolve the government and called for new elections. That is not a coup. The same cannot be said for Crimea. Putin literally send in Russian special forces to seize government buildings. They lied about it for a month before admitting to it under overwhelming pressure. Then they spent the next few years arresting, torturing and murdering anyone who objected to being a Russian slave. They send in the Russian army multiple times claiming they were separatists. When called out, they said their soldiers were off duty and on a vacation. Anyone who believes them is a shill. As for the 15,000? deaths (the number keeps on changing every time), it was 13k deaths on both sides including military. Civilian deaths over the entire period were 1,900 and mostly committed by the Russians. 1/10th of the civilian deaths occurred on a single day when Russian gave the separatists SAM missiles and they shot down a civilian plane. Ukranians allowed UN and other objective organizations to monitor the conflict, and Russia refused. Which says all that needs to be said about who is trying to hide the facts. Also, the far right never even made it into the parliament during the last elections. And Zelensky is literally a far-left shill. Svoboda party won less than 5% of the vote in 2014 and barely 2% in 2019 so your claims that they overthrew the government are a joke.
@sly4u247 2 ай бұрын
The Bielefeld Reference 😂
@mikejones9156 2 ай бұрын
How'd they recover the axle to the Ryder truck so fast?
@lanagrieve7721 2 ай бұрын
So basically, The German President is like the US President and the German Chancellor is like the Japanese Prime Minister right? The President is the real executive and the Chancellor is also the real executive...... Right?
@lanagrieve7721 2 ай бұрын
So basically, The German President is like the UK King/Queen and the German Chancellor is like the UK Prime Minister right? The President is merely ceremonial and the Chancellor is the real executive...... Right?
@k.c.wingert7179 2 ай бұрын
The victim mentality in these Unions is astonishing. Most of these guys can't comprehend they are being spoon fed propoganda that tells them their labor is exploited by capitaisit who steal the excess value. What they fail to recognize is, the value of your labor is how much you can earn by working for yourself. You explot the capital investments of an employwer to get earnings by working for them instead of working for yourself. All I heard was a lot of, "I have a sweet deal that I know I couldn't get anywhere else given my skill set and damn management for recognizing it"
@dylan4964 5 күн бұрын
I work for a company that takes in millions of dollars in profits every year and that just got bought by a brazillian corporation. We have blast chambers that spew dust and metal particulate directly into the work enviroment with around 100 employees. We receive paper face masks for resperatory protection. we have fork lifts that dont have working brakes. we have to use 2 prong cables and snap off the grounds to use power tools because the entire plant is wired in 3 phase. When the office workers cant sell enough chassis or fuck up designs which require retooling and or corrections after production that never affects their salaries but it directly affects mine. and the impact of losing 300 dollars or more a week for somebody only making 600 is a lot different than some engineer making 80k out of school. Were not even talking about the deep health impacts or the fact that we have 30 year employees that gave their all through ups and downs and they will "retire" with nothing but a handshake and a final check. ok we dont do unions. Instead I come to your home and take everything you have because thats what capitalists would do to me not before raping me of everything god gave me
@user-lq2wn3pd4v 2 ай бұрын
This kid on the couch isn't listening until dad had to cut karate
@d12tu68 2 ай бұрын
democrats thats who care 👍🔵🟦
@jimmyhall4453 2 ай бұрын
Hard to believe that someone was affected by the Branch Dividians so much they would do an act like this to innocent people.. Remember seeing the wounded children on television… This & 9-11 will always be remembered by my generation…
@user-ev9to4xx2o 2 ай бұрын
Democracy preamble is retaric 😮😮😮
@user-ev9to4xx2o 2 ай бұрын you.fix.a.phycology answer.that.😢😢😢❤
@frankkaufhold3706 3 ай бұрын
The German government failed their de-nazification classes. Never Again? You forgot to add the Hitler moustaches! German LOVES Genocide: -particularly when it comes to exterminating Palestinian children.
@jariardparadox2782 3 ай бұрын
Lazar Kaganovic man responsible for Ukraine famine and his great-grandson fixing democracy get fucking grip😢
@piraselisabetta5167 3 ай бұрын
Not right neither left wing
@avocado38258 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining for someone who lives in the US lol. Please make more videos like this! Great job!
@johnniefauvergue6723 3 ай бұрын
Had to go somewhere quick to find the meaning of Caucus. Have I heard the word? Yes. However MO decided to spring one upon us. Which is ok but only found out about it a couple days ahead of the game. 😁
@experiencelatvia 4 ай бұрын
Imagine being in a foreign country for 48 years and refusing to learn at least their basic language . Is that not a terror to explain it now as a right to speak a foreigner language in a free state being a ethnic of past occupants who decided to stay in LATVIA . EDUCATION IN RUSSIAN OR TO BE ACCEPTED TO USE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE FOR WORKING PURPOSES IN LATVIA - TO EXPECT THAT IS THE SAME AS TO EXPECT FROM ANY RUSSIAN PAS OCCUPIED COUNTRY TO NOT BE INDEPENDENT OF RUSSIAN OCUPANTS NEEDS WHO IGNORE THE STATE THEZ DECIDED TO STAY AND LIVE IN AFTER TO OCCUPIED STATE HAS BECOME ITS FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCY. THAT IS INSANE AND SICK TO EXPECT AND SIMILAR TO A SOMETHING LIKE THE PAST SOVIET-RUSSIAN OCCUPIED PARTS OF POLAND AND THE Inhabitants of Poland ARE DIFFERENT THAN LATVIANS - THEY ARE NOT. LIVE IN A FREE LAND THAT BELONGS TO Inhabitants of Poland DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO HAVE RUSSIAN SCHOOLS THERE. DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO USE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE FOR A JOB IN POLAND SAME AS IN LATVIA. SO WHY WE TALK HERE ONLY ABOUT LATVIAN POLITICS. SHAME ON THOSE WHO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS DOING ANY PAST Russian OCCUPIED STATE and it is natural to be done in my opinion . Live in Latvia - learn their basic language. It is a shame explained as being persecuted - a shame to be a Russian-speaking minority after 40+ years living in free Baltic State - LATVIA . Sad to experience this reality for me as a ethnic Latvian . Occupants never had a great attitude against the country where they live.
@GG-mz6rq 4 ай бұрын
When the caucus system was created, there was no internet like today, so it made sense to have a caucus debate, which was a face-to-face debate. It was Engineering that changed the dynamics of face-to-face debate with the creation of the internet and networks. In this virtual environment, at a distance, people debate intensely about politics even in times outside elections. The US electoral system did not keep up with this technological revolution, brought about by Engineering, as it still maintains the in-person caucus debate within the electoral system today almost like a museum piece, outdated and useful in other times. We have to understand that it is not easy for the human sciences to keep up with the evolutionary frenzy of the exact sciences.
@user-wh5so3ns6b 4 ай бұрын
Half the country wants policies that will destroy the U.S. The other half wants policies that preserve & make the U.S. strong. That's the division. Is that REALLY so hard to understand?
@mathnerd97 4 ай бұрын
27 member states now - thanks to a certain group of idiots that shall go unnamed
@Berley_1234 4 ай бұрын
biased human.. should not be in government with his ideals... ALL PRO ISRAEL - you do not live in ISRAEL, this is the USA. we do not need these type people in our Govmt using US as a proxy for ISrael
@stevierico5934 4 ай бұрын
The U.K. voting system is a lot easier than the USA voting system
@dakota9334 5 ай бұрын
this actually is really fitting too because while yea national unions vote like 60% democrat but in Pennsylvania/Ohio are the states over 50% of union voters vote republican
@Radicalleftish 5 ай бұрын
Union organizer here. I am thankful for the fight thats been brought this far. We'll keep fighting
@xtr3m3fLx 2 ай бұрын
Keep it up and they'll move to another Country. The Company doesn't need you as much as you think they do.
@rimfire8217 5 ай бұрын
I'm noticing that most European countries prioritize a Strong Legislative branch over a strong executive or judicial branch.
@tansyalexander2543 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this clear, concise and brief explanatory. Very helpful
@SuzanneG1961 5 ай бұрын
Boy, Praug has sure been on a rollercoaster.
@herbie_the_hillbillie_goat 5 ай бұрын
Open primaries allow people to mess with the party and caucuses give people an opportunity to bully others into siding with them.
@robertba7852 5 ай бұрын
They want there American job, and pay raise to live better but most of them are driving jap cars, why aren't you supporting the American car builders ?
@Kounomura 5 ай бұрын
Let's be clear about the EU-Hungarian debate. Did the union take out a loan to cover the post-Covid economic downturn? YES. Did the member states, including Hungary, participate in this as debtors? YES. Was the distribution of the loan subject to conditions in the case of other countries? NO. Poland was also blackmailed by the union because there was also a patriotic government. Now that there was a change of government there, everything is forgiven for the Poles. The other countries also received the money. In the case of Hungary, the loan taken by the country was tied to false and extortionate conditions. Despite this, the Hungarians tried to fulfill all conditions. This was also accepted by the leadership of the union, which is why the committee authorized the payment of 10 billion with great difficulty but still, because there was nothing else they could do. On this the EU-Parlament contested this and yesterday sued the Commission for how they dared to give money to Hungary. But that's not enough. This week it was announced that Hungary will not receive the remaining 20 billion at all, because the Hungarian laws do not allow minors (school children and kindergarteners in preschool age) to be educated in an LGBTQ-spirit. The Hungarians said that they are in no way willing to change their position on this issue, even if they even if they don't get their due money.
@bonniemclean866 5 ай бұрын
🙏 Dean Phillips
@EuropeanQualifiersHub 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant graphics
@tootsrr1 5 ай бұрын
If you are confused you shouldn't be voting
@user-lq7du8vt3k 5 ай бұрын
EXCELLENT explanation.
@jerensteffen 5 ай бұрын
US isn't a democracy.
@nacy55 5 ай бұрын
Just one important correction. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional Republic.
@CatPope1935 5 ай бұрын
We are a Democratic Republic
@alujis 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@user-je9fd3gt2k 5 ай бұрын
😊Thanks for your EXCELLENT explanation of our election process ❤
@favesongslist 5 ай бұрын
TY for explaining for someone from the UK.
@soon58200 5 ай бұрын
Tell us about Tories , Labor party and what is Reform UK?
@favesongslist 5 ай бұрын
@@soon58200 Tories can be compared to GOP, while Labour more like the Woke Dems, Reform UK has no elected representatives
@swordshield5592 4 ай бұрын
Tories are nowhere near the GOP lmao, the Tories would be the Dems​@@favesongslist
@user-yx4mr7sb6g 5 ай бұрын
kiss ,just answer the question