Why We Love Metroid - Documentary
The Best Games of 2022 | The Crawl
The Best Games of 2021 - The Crawl
The 5 Best Games of 2018
5 жыл бұрын
@brendanchamberlain9388 14 сағат бұрын
What is the sci fi dungeon crawler you are working on called
@TheCrawl 13 сағат бұрын
I haven't revealed the name of it yet, but I've been chipping away at it slowly the last couple months and will have more information to share in the coming months :)
@TheRavenArchon 2 күн бұрын
I think the reason that Metroid is still the benchmark of Metroidvanias is because Metroid games nearly always excel at every aspect of the core design. Plenty of similar games succeed in a few, or some, or even many aspects, but rarely do games put as much care and polish into every aspect as Metroid does. With very few (notable) exceptions, Metroid games are such beautifully cohesive wholes, where atmosphere, progression, character advancement, and game play all mesh perfectly and compliment each others so well.
@Treekyboi 2 күн бұрын
I'm excited for Sci-fi game. Hopefully youll draw some inspiration from the aesthetic of Megaman Legends dungeons. Something about those "eye spheres" (I hope you know what I'm talking about) in the walls always gave the dungeons such mystical yet futuristic vibes.
@TheCrawl 2 күн бұрын
Brother, I have some good news for you.
@QMMarc 4 күн бұрын
Wizardry is such a rosetta stone for a lot of japanese games and media in general man, people are becoming more aware of it cause of videos like this but once you know you just see it everywhere, it's liek that meme ''Wait, its all Wizardry? always been.'''
@TheCrawl 4 күн бұрын
Right? Like even the way Kobolds and Orcs are depicted in Japanese media is traceable back to the Japanese Wizardry localizations.
@rlad116 9 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed watching this over the past few days, thank you! Do you have anything in the works coming up that you're excited about?
@TheCrawl 5 күн бұрын
Hey, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! As for next videos, I have some more mini documentaries on some newer games dropping in a few weeks, and am working on a longer scripted video about some older RPGs. There are also some larger projects I'm slowly chipping away at in the background, too. So definitely lots of cool stuff in the works :)
@dkap712 13 күн бұрын
Congrats on the GameSpot gig, Brendan!
@preston_s. 13 күн бұрын
58:20 The issue wasn't necessarily that she showed vulnerability. The issue was that it didn't make sense for that moment to be so debilitating for her when she had already seen and defeated Ridley so many times before that moment. Also, I'm still a little salty about how little regard the original Metroid 2 gets, even from the dedicated fan base. It's by far my favorite and, in my opinion, the most Metroid-y game in the series. It perfected the Metroid atmosphere, one thing Mercury Steam just can't seem to replicate, making the latest two installments not really feel like Metroid games to me.
@Ultrox007 14 күн бұрын
okay wait. Japanese, Western, Action, Classic, Tactical/Tabletop, Massive Multiplayer Online... What's a DRPG? Ah, "Dungeon". ... ... *...so a blobber?*
@TheCrawl 14 күн бұрын
So, yes--but there's a difference. Not all Blobbers are Drpgs, but (most) DRPGs are blobbers lol. DRPG is usually used for games that are hyper-specific about being set in dungeons (or dungeon-like environments), and almost all of them based on the template set by the first Wizardry games--so grid-based movement, usually turn-based combat against random encounters, etc.
@IFinishedAVideoGame 14 күн бұрын
This was a very comfy listen while I finished up Diablo 4. Totally agree with your takes on Persona and Vagrant Story (which I both love) and I think are the reason I love DC adjacent games that try to inject a bit more cinema into the equation. Don't get me wrong I love a good slog through a massive labyrinthe but I'm also a sucker for a good narrative to make it all feel worth it! Hope you're doing good and good luck in the new job!
@TheCrawl 14 күн бұрын
Thanks, buddy :) Glad you enjoyed the video. I hope you're doing well, too!
@hornylink 17 күн бұрын
2 years later a sequel to this video featuring dungeon encounters would be interesting
@TheCrawl 15 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, I am actually working on a sequel this video!
@hornylink 15 күн бұрын
@@TheCrawl wooh hype train!
@hornylink 17 күн бұрын
found this video years ago and it's the reason I subbed to this channel, and I just found it again because I was looking for a video breaking down the gameplay/mechanics of dragon quest 1 because I was planning to rip it off for my attempt at an RPG :V
@daoyang5988 19 күн бұрын
This would be is, rpg games. Super Lego Logan adventures.
@bradydavis5791 20 күн бұрын
I'd say most of them are worth a play through. Except for Shadow Tower. Fuck, Shadow Tower.
@TheCrawl 20 күн бұрын
Ah, c'mon. That's my favorite! I totally get it, though. It's brutal.
@AKU1911AKU 22 күн бұрын
Can you do a tutorial on how to do this in rpg maker? I’ve got some ideas I’d like to try to make come true
@TheCrawl 21 күн бұрын
Hello! Which part are you looking for help with? Just the first-person perspective?
@AKU1911AKU 21 күн бұрын
@@TheCrawl thanks for the quick response, and yes please! A complete tutorial would be nice but don’t know how easy that will be
@TheCrawl 20 күн бұрын
No worries. I may not be able to make a full video tutorial right now since I'm working on some other projects I need to get done. Luckily, it's incredibly easy--all you really need is the MV3D/MZ3D plugin for either RPGMaker MV or MZ. The documentation and tutorials are all available in the official RPGMaker forum thread, and there's a super helpful discord channel you can join that's very active.
@MysteryEzekude 22 күн бұрын
I just started playing the Wizardry remake which just released on Switch this morning! This retrospective on the franchise so far was very helpful for me as a new player. Thank you! I was so hyped for the remake as soon as I spotted it in Nintendo eShop that I pre-ordered it immediately. =)
@SengirValentine 23 күн бұрын
I really think that you must play Shining Force III, you will love it too. And now there are good emulators and a complete translation👌
@tinyetoile5503 23 күн бұрын
Dragon Warrior (calling it that bc I was bequeathed an NES cartridge from my mom) is probably one of the only RPG games I've ever played where I actually bothered with status effect spells like sleep, because the 1-on-1 combat meant that using those spells was actually worth it and not just a waste of mana and a turn. Actually, something similar happened with spells in general in the game- while in something like Final Fantasy (ESPECIALLY FF1, which I also have on the NES) I found I basically never used my mages outside of boss fights because I was trying to conserve my spell slots for those boss fights, so every spell used on the trek to them was a spell wasted- but in Dragon Warrior, after realizing there was no point trying to conserve MP between towns and inn trips, I let myself use spells in casual fights and the gameplay immediately clicked into place for me.
@TheCrawl 5 күн бұрын
This is such a good point! I actually am working on a follow-up to this video that touches on some of these points.
@slowmercy69 25 күн бұрын
Shouts out to the VITA ❤
@Brinternet 26 күн бұрын
Holy moly, this channel is like an oasis for me! I love and miss the vibe of older RPGs SO MUCH and it's so hard to find folks who understand what I'm talking about.
@garrettvedan2073 26 күн бұрын
Fuuuuuuuuuck, it looks terrible. Thanks for the vid though!!!
@TheCrawl 5 күн бұрын
You should still give it a shot
@Super2Donny 28 күн бұрын
the solution is to just learn Japanese
@TheCrawl 5 күн бұрын
Actually, these days, the solution is to just use the auto-translate tools since they have progressed a lot since this video and make the game entirely playable in English :)
@casedistorted 28 күн бұрын
"great video" "great video" "great video" all throughout the comments, and the script felt AI written or something in a few different spot in the in tro, a little too 'professional' lol, wth is happening to youtube! Interesting video though to watch the different games.
@TheCrawl 27 күн бұрын
Well, my day job is a professional writer, so that may have something to do with it. Definitely wasn't written with AI, though, I assure you.
@YOUR_NARRATOR975 Ай бұрын
Shadow tower abyss is actually crazy
@twilitblade Ай бұрын
This was the first vid from your channel I've seen and I iked it. I did almost vomit finding out that people still consider anything past Diablo 1 to be dungeon crawling. lol. Cant wait to see more about things like path of the abyss and moonring
@thatonegeeksite5251 Ай бұрын
Own both sega minis and played through all the shining force and shining in the darkness. Fingers crossed we get a Saturn mini and this comes with it.
@WardenCommander. Ай бұрын
There is also a Wizardry anime movie, for anyone interested. That's actually how I got introduced to the series. I randomly stumbled upon it, then learned that it was based on a game series, and now here I am learning about its influence in gaming through this amazing video!
@deliciouslunch Ай бұрын
Pretty nice collection! I recently got a physical copy of Wizardry Tales of The Forsaken land - which was my first ever dungeon crawler.
@JemyM Ай бұрын
I would love a fan translation of Crime Crackers and Crime Crackers 2.
@LoafingMushroom Ай бұрын
FYI: All PS3s can play PS1 games
@taylorlowder8935 Ай бұрын
How do you go through all this effort video editing and researching, but don't know how to run a game on MS-DOS? Hell, GOG does the work for you...
@TheCrawl Ай бұрын
lol, what I was saying was that the GOG version didn't run on my PC at the time, there's a common compatibility issue that my hardware at the time had. I've played it since.
@taylorlowder8935 Ай бұрын
@@TheCrawl was it Windows 7 or something? Genuinely curious.
@TheCrawl 5 күн бұрын
Nah, the PC I had at the time had an integrate intel GPU, which apparently has an infrequent compatibility issue that makes the game freeze.
@firebreathingcow Ай бұрын
Metroid fusion was my second video game, and my favorite video game of all time. I love this series. Thank you for your contribution.
@dubistdran5781 Ай бұрын
just saw this video and the point at around 6:37 is totaly true, I work with RPG Maker MZ and make a solo RPG (You can have a Pet and Summons if you don't want to be alone) But LIMIT your Scope! I don't have pressure caused by Time on me, cause it is a Hobby for me. But Even I had to cut short on a few things that I might add later if I ever finish my project. I wanted to make a Turn based RPG with Elements of Morrowind and the Type based Battle System of Pokemon, and omfg this is way harder than one may think. I have made a Crime System where guards attack or arrest you when you have a bounty and citizens report your crime when they see you commiting one, working on crafting right now, did most of the Abilities ( nearly 50 DIFFERENT!) 1 for Player and the same for NPC's cause you level via using skills. Then there is my big Weakness, the Visuals, I bought many things and still had to do change some stuff to make it work. Then there is Dialog even for every unneccessary NPC, which all are attackable so you need for every skin an own troop, than there are overworld encounters which are mostly non-monster stuff, like Bandits and other Humanoid creatures... which have different skin colour and Skins overall... Which all need a troop again, and because you can see them in the Overworld I can't randomize it...Everything needs to be done by Hand... Oh and of course there are mixing Enemies in the Troops... I could go on and on and on... I have around 50 or 60 hours in, and still doing the groundwork (I have 2 Citys and 2 Dungeons and 2 Routes if you would consider them this, but still...), yeah I nearly finsihed the groundwork.. for now, but please if anyone is reading this. Know what you can achieve in the time you set yourself and what is neccessary for your core gameplay to work.
@Crust_Monster Ай бұрын
I just finished Quester! I first heard about it from this video, and I'm really grateful for the recommendation--I think it's my favorite game I've played this year.
@DaxterL Ай бұрын
I'm so glad you mentioned granblu fantasy relink. Such a special game in an unspecial way. It's somewhat generic but it also has this strange appeal to it. Like a game you saw the boxart of in a gamestore and you just had to play it and it was just simply fun. And it just is, for all its flaws and positives.
@MrDanno Ай бұрын
This was a great watch as someone who isn't super familiar with dungeon crawlers, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice a bunch of artifacts in your video. I don't know if this was just a one time thing, but if you're in premiere pro and using the Optical Flow feature to smooth stuff... Don't bother lol, it's not worth it. You'll get a ton of those scratchy artifacts. If you don't use PP or you don't use that feature, uh... Well, the video's still great lmao
@PRatnCave Ай бұрын
If Legend of Grimrock 3 isn't gonna happen, then the world itself will breed something to fill this niche
@TheCrawl Ай бұрын
There are quite a few games with that gameplay style out there!
@jacobnelson1470 Ай бұрын
Have you played bloodborne? You should check it out and its chalice dungeons!
@TheCrawl Ай бұрын
One of my all-time favorites! I just don't own it physically, sadly.
@MaitreMechant Ай бұрын
i discovered phantasy star online just recently and playing on the ephinea server, it's an amazing game, very comfy and chill
@MaitreMechant Ай бұрын
I just love this video and coming back to it regularly, it's incredible how very few video (in english at least) there are on these games
@jodinsan Ай бұрын
Alternate title: "Wizardry: The Grandfather Of Video Games." It wasn't until I started watching this video that I recognized the obvious through-line between Wizardry and like 80% of the most popular video games on the market today. Outside of games that developed entirely on their own, like the Mario IP, so much of gaming today gets it's DNA from Wizardry.
@omarlyttle Ай бұрын
I've watched a few of your videos. Great stuff. To everyone here...let's say I have all "modern" consoles (xsx, ps5, switch) and a PC (with the ability to play ps4/xbox one games on those consoles) which dungeon crawler would be a good "beginner" version for someone that starts most games on "easy" difficulty? Thanks.
@TheCrawl Ай бұрын
Depends on the gameplay style you're interested in trying. Here are a few suggestions: -If you're looking to try the Wizardry-style first-person dungeon RPGs with turn-based combat, I would suggest one fo the Etrian Odyssey HD Origin remasters on Switch or PC. Playing on one of the easier difficulties they added to those versions makes them much more approachable than the DS versions. -If you can emulate Saturn games, Shining the Holy Ark would also be an excellent pick. It's not as difficult as other dungeon crawlers, and it has a more dedicated storyline and bespoke characters with their own personalities, whereas many DRPGs are silent, blank slate party members. -If you're looking for a grid-based crawler with real-time combat instead of turn-based, then Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2 are excellent choices, imo. They're a bit more challenging than the others I suggested, but their gameplay loop is simpler and faster-paced, which imo makes them more approachable. Grimrock 1 is on PC and Switch, 2 is on PC.
@omarlyttle Ай бұрын
@@TheCrawl Awesome. Thanks for this!
@richardgallimore5976 Ай бұрын
I don't think Dragon Quest is a 5 hour game. Maybe ported versions are as they're made easier, but I think the OG is closer to 20 hours due to lots of grinding & figuring out where to go next & such (although maybe I'm just bad, it took me ~25 hours to beat Dragon Warrior). I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure DQ1 monsters do have variance in HP, even if you do the same damage to the same monster type the monster won't always die. Maybe I'm thinking of DW2 or 3 though. Good advice I think that would be a good decision by a newer game developer to start out more basic.
@lloyd011721 Ай бұрын
i love pso ep 1&2. i have the game cube version, ive got 3 memcards full of characters that are matted out and got their mags set up for max stats at lvl 200 >.> the game always felt bigger than it was. but now im at a point where i can only play it for like 1 day every 2 -3 years. i also love dot hack too. the atmosphere of imoq is so good, but its kinda tedious to play. gu fixes alot though.
@hemangchauhan2864 Ай бұрын
This was great, a great in-betweener for main The Crawl episodes. Would love to see the MonHun collection
@hemangchauhan2864 Ай бұрын
So I wasn't 'formally' interested in anime (thought they were just different cartoons) until I saw a .//hack Spinoff anime Legend of the Twilight. It was so intriguing, never seen anything like it. Same with the first dot hack anime opening. All on Animax. This franchise is lot more influential than people realize.
@FantasyJared Ай бұрын
Amazing video! Another good note to add into this discussion, the Class of Heroes PSP crawlers are releasing HD remasters in a little over a week from now. I am very excited for it! <3