Final Fantasy (NES) - Chaos
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - WarMech
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Tiamat
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Blue Dragon
Final Fantasy (NES) - Kraken
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Eye
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Kary
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Zombie Dragon
Final Fantasy (NES) - Lich
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Vampire
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Astos
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Wizards
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy (NES) - Bikke's Crew
Final Fantasy (NES) - Garland
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Ending
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Dark Cloud
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Ahriman
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Echidna
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Cerberus
Final Fantasy III (NES) - General
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Zande
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Guardian
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Scylla
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Kunoichi
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Amon
14 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy III (NES) - Ninja
14 жыл бұрын
@Daiyve 4 күн бұрын
Thanks my game crashed right after I beat dark cloud and needed to see this. I played the same translation as you.
@user-cd3bg2nt7r 3 ай бұрын
My six heroes are called: Aaron, Thor, Misty, Lula, Didi and Erza
@civilwildman 11 ай бұрын
My favorite parts of this ending are at 3:15, for starters because it’s essentially a fourth wall break that reveals YOU, THE PLAYER are the real hero. Then there’s “THE END” bring written like an Etch-A-Sketch and the music subsequently wraps up as the ending concludes. Classy, all in all.
@civilwildman 11 ай бұрын
Very nice balanced party right there. DEFINITELY one I’d suggest for beginners. I’d suggest a Black Belt/Master in place of a Red Mage/Wizard fir more experienced or confident players.
@christalbott450 Жыл бұрын
Great/good/fantastic/magnificent/fabulous/marvelous/excellent day/night/afternoon to everyone/no one. God made all. His son, Jesus, died to pardon all wrongs. He rose to life 3 days later.Breathe air.
@toodleselnoodos6738 Жыл бұрын
Taking advantage and alternating single target Cure 4’s full HP heal is actually brilliant. I just had both Sages spamming Cure 4 till it ended up with only one Sage surviving and alternating Elixirs + Bahamut. Great strat!
@psnKirios86 Жыл бұрын
Oh no, not MATT!
@user-le3lo2qq2q Жыл бұрын
very nice
@jesuscontreraslopez Жыл бұрын
How do you equip the shurikens??
@Peter_1986 Жыл бұрын
Open the Item menu, press Left, then pick one of the weapons, and browse to the right until you see the Shuriken in the menu, and then select it. This will replace your equipped weapon with the Shuriken.
@jesuscontreraslopez Жыл бұрын
@@Peter_1986 Thanks a lot!!!Done and beat DarkCloud!
@johnlewisbrooks Жыл бұрын
My face after he got done with me? 🍳
@Chale1288 Жыл бұрын
Now he is a super boss in stranger of paradise.
@Chale1288 Жыл бұрын
@puppiesarepower3682 Жыл бұрын
Once you get that first one, others appear. I love to return and screw these guys after defeating Tiamat.
@ryanern18 2 жыл бұрын
I occasionally blow out an eye when I’m after a floater.
@agiar2000 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent work! I especially like the demonstration of the effectiveness of the BANE SWORD at the very end. 😉👍
@explosivehotdogs 2 жыл бұрын
Love the replay at the end : )
@user-qf4gd5np1o 3 жыл бұрын
陳情案件資料💾分析過去未來人地點案症狀犯罪手段。 2021開車唱舞聽的Sakura 張立基 👧震撼 Touch me 阿威。林智華 江凱榮好朋友👭弟兄歌舞電音板橋國中新莊國中李文正好朋友新莊日本🇯🇵官博紐西蘭DJ板橋台大白雪李山學長程保強愛鳳妹鼎泰豐小沈老婆小葉小蔡小乙虎牙老婆小蔡老婆小王李文正林子良陳楷明美國🇺🇸佳市緹龔書予程保強阿強小強同學👨‍🎓開的DIO 50NSR 150Kawasaki 125和改裝降低車身K6 Coupe VTEC 喜美雙門跑車天窗帝皇黑色和速霸路STI GC8白色台北陽明山ㄧ起夜遊和玩和洗溫泉♨️。理想。三重大魔域夜店的歌曲MC - [ ] 聊電影🎬欣賞。 江湖情。熱血男兒。執法先鋒。藍色情人。至尊無上。真情難捨。神鬼至尊。極速傳說 任達華。方基墨 譚詠麟。劉德華。 張曼玉。程保強。台灣指揮官程遠明。台灣將軍銜姜大仁。台灣媽咪姜晶潔女士。二姊程玉芬小刀板橋國中同學。大姊程玉君。台灣總統馬英九。馬杯杯。市長周錫瑋。周潤發。元彪。考上台北警官👮‍♀️學校研究的電影🎬。板橋國中同學👨‍🎓程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強小強。天使鋼彈。白愁河。傳說戰機。風雲。步驚雲。絕世好劍。甄楚倩。偷偷愛很多人。阿強小強板橋國中同學 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 市題門Stemion 美國🇺🇸洛山幾。IT電腦💻大學。高壯大。185。2019-7-18。古尚誠父古維龍印度🇮🇳台北人京華城印度🇮🇳餐廳。奶茶☕️。印度🇮🇳經書。台北101餐廳🍴交朋友👭尼可。具米。牛肉飯。 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 板橋國中同學程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強小強買用101 美國🇺🇸電腦💻手機 I phone 8. 256G. 向1台北101巴特Jason 186員工買的。 板橋台藝大交朋友👭用餐。茶🍵。牛肉捲。好朋友家人👭台北101老闆娘學跳舞唱歌🎤陳敏薰。黃立成藝人女。美國台灣女藝人李詠嫻。李玟。coco. Bobo 香港🇭🇰梁詠琪女藝人跳舞。微風廣場老闆娘孫芸芸。蕭亞軒。千田愛紗台灣日本🇯🇵藝人。台北法官律師魏君婷。香港🇭🇰藝人曾寶儀。香港🇭🇰藝人舞皇張立基。台北女醫生👩‍⚕️林玉凰。幫。程玉芬。小刀。程保強。阿強。小強。理想。一起玩。一起唱歌跳舞。打贏官司。健康安全快樂。娶老婆生子。理想 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 澳洲美國🇺🇸可麗斯汀程保強台北人同學板橋國中同學👨‍🎓想娶老婆生子的女明星2019- 1206。3。13。6。426。0624 1209小和田雅子。蔡英文總統0831。比爾柯林頓總統0819。台灣外公將軍銜姜大仁。程遠明姜晶潔台灣指揮官軍官。願望。幫助我們。天A日皇。泰皇。印皇。美皇 英皇。俄皇。港皇。中皇。黑皇。強皇。龍皇。鳳皇。上帝。如來。板橋新莊國中。板橋大觀路中山國小我板橋致理大學。程保強。黃清聖。阿強。小強。ktv王傑範志龍。美國🇺🇸傑米。架市緹。美國🇺🇸安華。安司。ㄟ拉。利娜。安娜。安妮。小刀。板橋國中程玉芬。林子良。林智華。江凱榮。楊智勝。張郁文。張巧玲。陳建成。新莊恒毅中學同學程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強 小強同學和新莊國中同學👨‍🎓 李文正 恆毅中學同學 👨‍🎓徐國耀 田薏仁和新莊籃球🏀場日本🇯🇵工柏哥和美國🇺🇸紐西蘭DJ哥和好朋友👭阿強小強是好朋友👭家人結拜兄弟👬。。阿永。英板橋新莊國中。板橋大觀路中山國小我板橋致理大學。程保強。黃欽聖。阿強。小強。ktv王傑范志 龍。舞神子龍。舞王鴻麟。舞皇益祥。小刀。林子良。陳維鈞。凱渥阿偉。張錦程。許宗敬。蔡志偉 黃嘉源 蕭亞軒。謝怡仿。黃欽聖。陳建明。程保強。黃鈞哲。破關
@CranberryFo 3 жыл бұрын
I fought this guy yesterday. My 2nd encounter on the bridge going to Tiamat. I was a lot less lucky than you. He ambushed the party and attacked my White Wizard directly. Didn't kill her, but when I input my commands he got first move and used Nuclear. Killed my White Wizard before she could do anything. The one advantage I had was when I got the Adamantite, I left the area to get the Excalibur, thus I had it for this fight. Knight attacks were doing respectable damage thanks to that weapon. Master managed to land 1 hit but was quickly taken out by the Warmech when he started spamming Nuclear every round. Had no choice but to try an all out offense with the remaining Knight and Black Wizard. Just barely managed to beat it with both of them at low HP. This left me in dire states. With the White Wizard dead, I can't revive anybody. Do I risk fighting Tiamat with 2 party members or do I try and retreat to revive them? I opted to retreat and used as many Warp Spells as I could. Before I could get out, 5 Vampires ambush me. The Knight is promptly paralyzed and the Black Wizard gets killed. The Knight sits there helplessly as paralysis refuses to wear off and they slowly deplete HP to 0. Game over. At least I DID defeat the Warmech, even if I didn't escape to tell the tale.
@ruka9700 3 жыл бұрын
Oh hi Omega
@Video-Games-Are-Fun 3 жыл бұрын
wow 32,000 gold and 8,000 experience!
@KC-dg9pu 3 жыл бұрын
does this strategy work with the 3d version?
@sygpou8256 3 жыл бұрын
Yes but is prefeeible use a dark knight and healer (the evolution of white mage) because this classes have nerfs in the remake overall the sage
@KC-dg9pu 3 жыл бұрын
@@sygpou8256 i beat it since i left this comment. had a dark night, knight, ninja and devout.
@svartedauden3566 4 жыл бұрын
@SimOn-or3vi 4 жыл бұрын
Your lucky he haven't spell nuke twice in the same battle!
@Spamkromite 4 жыл бұрын
Oh Xande, how far you came with the Allagan in tow since the NES era!
@marhansgamingchannel4732 4 жыл бұрын
The Dark Cloud's sprite.... It's creepy 😨😨😨
@Maxx_XIII 4 жыл бұрын
Your White Wizard should have been above the Black Wizard, so that your Black Wizard would be targeted less with his lower HP.
@MrPleasehurryup 4 жыл бұрын
I heard the last two rows have the same percent chance of being hit.
@alyssasalmon4883 4 ай бұрын
The targeting chances from top-to-bottom are 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/8. The third and fourth slot are functionally identical
@civilwildman 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting how all the party members are references to later titles in the franchise. Also a VERY balanced party. First-time players definitely want one Fighter, one Black Mage and one White Mage when they start and either a Red Mage, Black Belt, Thief or a second Fighter as a fourth party member. A Monk/Master later in the game with Fast/Haste and Sabr/Saber cast on them is DEADLY! If memory serves, I one-shotted every boss in the GBA version that way.
@kodiaik 5 жыл бұрын
@eckitronix 5 жыл бұрын
Clang! Clang! Clang! Bzzt-whirr! Ka-chank! An unearthly, metallic sort of sound begins echoing from the walls. You and your comrades had been walking through the seemingly endless tunnel in hopes that this is where you must go when it grows louder. The clanging becomes faster. None of you have any idea where it's coming from. You look back, weapons drawn, ready to slay whatever beasts lay behind you four. If only you poor souls knew. Suddenly the clanging stops, yet you keep backing up. You bump into what feels like a dead end...but then it emits a puff of exhaust. You stop dead in your tracks before hearing a muffled "Vrrrrt", and the entire tunnel starts to glow a sharp, bright, radiant green. You hesitate to turn around, hoping you only hit a light switch, only to be corrected by the object in an extremely deep, mechanical voice. "YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF PEACEFUL ORDINANCE CODE. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DISARM WITHIN 10 SECONDS. IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO DISARM, YOU WILL BE TERMINATED ON SIGHT." Your party swiftly remove all of the weapons from your hands. However, something still is wrong as it counts down. It reaches 3, and you realize, this machine is malfunctioning. Picking up your weaponry from the ground, the machine reaches 0. In an even deeper, more mechanical, threatening voice, it then opens its hull to reveal some sort of hatches. "YOU HAVE FAILED TO FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS. YOU WILL BE TERMINATED ON SIGHT IMMEDIATELY. INNOCENTS MUST NOT INTERFERE." Now, the three mysterious hatches on its sides and bottom flash with a blast of highly concentrated energy. The machine just fired the force of an atomic bomb at you. You've heard your friends joke about this before you left for your quest. There were stories of an ancient group of robots known to the ones who saw them ss Warmechs. They were thought to be simply legend. But why would there be such a rare device in such a place as this? The nuclear energy blast knocks your party backwards, burning your skin lightly. You have trained for this type of thing. Weapons at the ready, whatever Magic you have in your bloodstream, it was time to use it all. You knew that once you found a Warmech, it could easily be glorious onslaught...or game over.
@intell2644 4 жыл бұрын
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
I guess it's true ff1 was inspired by DnD
@chrlpolk 8 ай бұрын
@Larsgman Office scene in Robocop
@Count_Blastula 5 жыл бұрын
magic won't do much good, better off just using defense (white) spells and hitting him
@SegaDream131 5 жыл бұрын
Oh yes.
@philknight0078 6 жыл бұрын
I would've been pissed of that first nuclear shot killed everyone lol luckily I never fought this
@kaidenmelon 6 жыл бұрын
poor jerd :P
@HaxHaunter 7 жыл бұрын
that moment when you realize, you are dealing with a Mech in a Medieval-like world. that's Final Fantasy for ya.
@randallkincaid-shatto5934 7 жыл бұрын
what a crap party
@Krucifus 6 жыл бұрын
Whats crap about it? its a pretty balanced party prob in mid 20s which is about where you'd be when just playing thru w/o grinding.
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
Red mage will be basically useless against chaos but through the majority of the game he's rather strong/well balanced just as he was intended. Fighter wh/bl mage is your bnb for ff1.
@one7decimal2eight 7 жыл бұрын
never beat him back in the day. he crushed me right away.
@Krucifus 6 жыл бұрын
He's very difficult unless you're overleveled for the area.
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
Your levels, party makeup, and sheer luck is what will dictate victory.
@HonestFarmerLigue1Fan 11 ай бұрын
need to be at least level 50 😂
@MountainD18 7 жыл бұрын
All hail lightning!
@MegamiShin 7 жыл бұрын
No shurikens?
@masterxl97 8 жыл бұрын
I like how this is both incredibly simple and ridiculously difficult at the same time. That's old school NES for you.
@readysteadywhoa 8 жыл бұрын
@randallkincaid-shatto5934 7 жыл бұрын
Ben Brown pretty much. my newest playthrough I used Abba baba caca dean
@javierlebron4036 8 жыл бұрын
jump is broken
@Renato2Guitar 8 жыл бұрын
I prefer a Black Belt rather then red mage, the late game gets extremely easier... Warmech is a KARMA, only appears when you don't need... lol
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
I always found 2 fighters wh mage and bl mage to be the best combo in the game. Black belt vs chaos even with fast will do sub-150 damage
@Renato2Guitar 3 жыл бұрын
@@Larsgman Black belt after some levels you MUST unnequip the weapon (nunchaku) , He ia stronger than anyone and hás a critical hit atack based, at the final level, 50 i guess, He is even Stronger Than Fighter... Unnequip ALL weapons , leave He fighting with bare hands and u Will see...
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
@@Renato2Guitar well i suppose experiences will vary. From my memory he is like the redmage, performing well throughout the game, but being utterly useless against Chaos. I can still remember him doing lord knows how many hits after fast, critical hit, and got me only like 62 damage while my fighter did hundreds, consistently. In my multiple playthroughs many years ago I probably only used him once, because I can still recall him doing pitiful damage against chaos while my fighter was dealing over 90% of all the damage necessary to bring him down. I've used him several times though, I am well aware of his mechanics even during the time when I played this as a kid with no help from the internet or nintendo power magazines to help me. I learned how the characters gained an extra hit every 32 hit % and even when he gets his first 32 it's still lackluster damage but he gets better later on.
@IamChloePrice 8 жыл бұрын
Best part is you named your black mage/wizard Vivi :D
@JoeyLamontagne 7 жыл бұрын
And not Minwu as White Wizard, Bartz as Knight, or Red XIII as Red Wizard?
@Kiki-ly5tu 8 жыл бұрын
hehe.. me ANNE :D
@IamChloePrice 8 жыл бұрын
+anne-fleur beenen I don't get it :/
@TheDiegomaldonadox 7 жыл бұрын
same xd
@Devilfish6666 9 жыл бұрын
@KazeKoichi Exactly, or like putting Zemus or Zeromus in instead of Golbez. I have no idea why they did not put in Zande, Seymour and Vayne into Dissidia but Cloud of Darkness, Jekkt and Gabranth.....all 3 were far from being the main antagonists in the respective games, hell Gabranth even switches sides in the final fight....and Jekkt also never wants to kill you, it's just that killing him has to be done in order to finally wipe Yu-Yevon and Sin.
@Kamikazeray 2 жыл бұрын
Cloud of darkness was inserted cuz the game lacked female characters.
@redreaper-xe6so 9 жыл бұрын
You lucked out normally he just spams nuke.
@000adrianelpiola000 10 жыл бұрын
don't speak english, use a translator in ESPAÑOL - SPANISH No puedes tener 2 Bahamuts como invocación, si al derrotar a bahamut te da 1 solo
@cosmefulanito6854 2 жыл бұрын
Se pueden comprar a Odin, Leviathan y Bahamut en el ultimo piso de Eureka
@000adrianelpiola000 2 жыл бұрын
@@cosmefulanito6854 8 años pasaron de este comentario. Al juego me lo pasé más de 10 veces, Maeson mix, Maeson 1.2, Maeson 1.3, Job Fiesta y Spindaboy's hack. Sí, se puede comprar. Yo tenía una versión rara, y el último sabio me vendía elixires y objetos consumibles (Bachus Wine, Artic Wind y esas cosas) y no me revendía las invocaciones. Pensaba que era el juego vanilla.
@cosmefulanito6854 2 жыл бұрын
@@000adrianelpiola000 Bueno, por lo menos el unico cambio estuvo en una tienda relativamente irrelevante. Yo ya tenia esas invocaciones asi que no poder comprarlas no me habria afectado
@KazeKoichi 11 жыл бұрын
Poor Zande, who remembers him now? He wasn't mentioned in Dissidia, that's for sure. Which is technically the same as if they put Necron in it instead of Kuja.
@Spamkromite 4 жыл бұрын
FFXIV says hello :P
@StabMan23 12 жыл бұрын
he's basically just a random battle but a very very difficult one i also didn't run into him
@hotdogwater7037 5 жыл бұрын
hes not random at all. no encounter is in ff1. read the wall of txt i replied to budhaluda with
@svartedauden3566 4 жыл бұрын
hes random
@HonestFarmerLigue1Fan 11 ай бұрын
The probability of getting ambushed by WarMech is 4.6875% in the Famicom/ NES version and 1.5625% in all other remake versions
@budhaludha 12 жыл бұрын
when I played ff1, I didnt have to fight this...anyone know why?
@MrGuypi 7 жыл бұрын
It's a completely optional boss. In fact, unless you're trying to find him, you probably never will on any of your playthroughs, he has like a 4% encounter rate on one floor in the spaceship.
@ezekielbaskerville2710 6 жыл бұрын
4% is actually way too high for such a monstrosity... And, given that this is a hindrance, it's basically 100% on the floor. Fairness? What's that?
@Larsgman 3 жыл бұрын
He's a random encounter boss right before Tiamat. I've played through this game multiple times and I've rarely fought it. On one playthrough i had to intentionally run up and down several times to trigger this fight.