@danielsmith5626 Күн бұрын
30:41 the laugh of trying to attain web scale
@hypophalangial 2 күн бұрын
42:21 GZip Is All You Need mentioned
@willemesterhuyse2547 2 күн бұрын
You must assume A and B = 1 and this assumption does not discharge so you have proved nothing if A and/or B = 0
@yifumao1379 4 күн бұрын
Nice talk, esp. the part about variance.
@bombastik87 5 күн бұрын
Really good talk. I enjoyed it much.
@Nellak2011 7 күн бұрын
It seems this speaker leans more into the "Iterativist" school of thought instead of the "Formalist" school of thought. While there is value in quick feedback loops and flexibility, static types are akin to labelling wires when working on electronics. Things become messy without those labels. Likewise, in how example of the space probe being debugged in space, why not do a proof by contruction with the best spec we can make first, then if we are wrong we just iterate from there? I personally lean towards formalism due to my PTSD from dealing with JS runtime errors and because I am very conscientious. However, I recognize the power and beauty of the Iterativist approach too. That is why I considered ClojureScript and Elixir for the longest before finally arriving at ReScript.
@romanzkv4 8 күн бұрын
this amazing man, very smart but is not showing anything concrete, how to make things simple???? all I got out of this talk is just some nice jokes, and high level concepts. How to I apply it????
@anuradhamahesh4464 8 күн бұрын
Amazing Presentation👍
@capability-snob 12 күн бұрын
In the first two minutes, rich explains: "good programs should be made out of processes and queues". If this statement triggers your gag reflex - that is, if you don't want to work on programs built like this, but rather want first-class API abstractions between components; the remainder of the talk will confirm your intuitions. CSP is really not a good basis for comprehensible concurrency, I understand that the watered down abstractions that javascript inherited from E are not perfect, but they are a lot more tractable in practice than channel use. Yes, Rich says that you "can send reply channels over the request channel" - but why not just use an abstraction that makes this the default, as promises do? That way you can have dynamic structure in your code. I wonder a little if there has been a walking-back of core.async use in the broader clojure community in the last 10 years. I remember it being difficult to find libraries that did not use it.
@ami07071993 16 күн бұрын
What a fantastic talk! To the point and witty.
@Caminante-blanco 18 күн бұрын
This was super helpful and well explained!
@bobby_tablez 21 күн бұрын
40:12 So for the difficult bit of finding similar things within a distributed system, rather than compressing the actual bytes of two things and diffing them, you most certainly want to utilize neural networks. For every piece of content an author cares to make discoverable, they'll want to generate multi-modal embeddings for the most popular neural network(s), and if they want it to continue to be discoverable, they'll want to continually generate new embeddings as new versions of those neural networks are published. Then, whenever you want to find similar things, you just send out requests to the network to find content with embeddings within a certain vector space radius of the original search input, and the radius would grow as more results are needed. I do wonder if the ideal internet would do well to have only ONE neural network to perform these embeddings. It would continually be training itself on new content.
@danielsmith5626 22 күн бұрын
imagine how crazy effective these abstractions would be when they're running on a TPU...
@jdawg443 23 күн бұрын
Landlords are everywhere you look. You start seeing them everywhere. You buy a toaster and then it's yours, but I know you have all kinds of stuff that you pay for that isn't really yours because everyone does.
@AlexRodriguez-gb9ez 25 күн бұрын
Makes me want to learn Elixir... Any starter project ideas?
@ljbwonline 25 күн бұрын
At 20:33 what does he mean by the "switching cost... for small authors"? Is he referring to the cost of switching TO the independent language? And how does this relate to get Jeff'd? (I.e. getting your users taken by a bigger company which is hosting your language without having to do any compiler engineering)
@ljbwonline 25 күн бұрын
By "hosting" does he mean maintaining build servers and VM servers for people to use? Like being a cloud hosting provider devoted to a specific programming language?
@SkyHighBeyondReach 25 күн бұрын
Thanks these videos were incredibly helpful
@Nellak2011 26 күн бұрын
At a developer meetup, the devs there told me to learn TS but I expressed my concerns. I told them that JS is like living in a house without a fence, so as a result you are naturally more guarded and on edge for potential threats. TS is like having a fence, but there is a massive hole in it. I argue that this is even worse because you think you are safe but you are not, so you let bugs slip in due to your false safety. So therefore, using TS is actually worse than using JS that has no guard rails. I argued that if you want to use static typing in JS, you should go with a solution that has a sound type system, or else you will have a false sense of security. I recommended ReScript and said it has a sound type system and is based on OCaml and has a very nice syntax.
@christophergame7977 27 күн бұрын
Bertrand, Bernard. It seems that it's bERnəd in England, bərnARd in the US. It seems that its bERtrənd in England, and mainly bERtrənd and sometimes bərtrAnd in the US. Capital letters here denote stress (louder).
@madaom399 27 күн бұрын
vector clock 31:38
@Comonad 27 күн бұрын
I watched this a couple of months ago and thought “wow what a good talk”, then last week I was coding up some geometry based on a frustratingly written standard, and realised it was so unintuitive because they were effectively working in higher dimensions with 2D tools and came back to watch this video again, and I’m even more impressed than before. Currently working on a GA solution, thank you for such an informative and entertaining talk
@culpritgene Ай бұрын
Excellent talk!
@AlexRodriguez-gb9ez Ай бұрын
Can you use reactive variables instead of functional for good repl based development. Reactive variables are like getter/setters that notify their dependents to update themselves based on a formula.
@23bcx Ай бұрын
Wouldn't make more sense for dig to be an operation that pops the top of the stack and digs that far?
@TimHayward Ай бұрын
Wonder how these would do as crypto miners.
@DunktLOL Ай бұрын
Thanks for this presentation, very content dense but digestible enough. Here from Bend/HVM
@PFG666 Ай бұрын
Excellent presentation, the explanation of Raft was clear and not hard to follow. Also good questions!
@GeorgeCox Ай бұрын
"Systems programmers are high priests of a low art." -- Robert S. Barton
@thereGoMapo Ай бұрын
lots of interesting and non intuitive points here
@koukiadem Ай бұрын
I miss having the option for "sort:indexed" in code searches on the new search engine... It's frustrating to sift through search results from six years ago, especially when dealing with outdated code that's no longer relevant. Libraries evolve rapidly, making it crucial to prioritize current and relevant results to stay efficient...
@akashnakka Ай бұрын
what is the weight of snapshot of DB sharing across multiple DC and each time sharing that to be in sync doesn't it effect the efficiency of system.
@Dogo.R Ай бұрын
Performance of devices reletive to the things software companies write only starts to increase when handware performance increases outpace software scope increases. And even then software scope increases have to have a linear relationsbip to performance cost. Yet we all know thats not how it ends up working. Increasing scope by 10% does not increase performance cost by just 10%. And thats only the case when hardware performance increases are actually utilized for peformance. Rather then energy usage reduction, or new features(like AI portions), or smaller die size, or composability. So no the premise that we are moving towards software being easier to run is not clearly happening. Seondly bandwidth is still a bottleneck. Korea, Austria, nd many other places have companies preventing the cost of bandwidth going down in those areas. Also the same applies here. Bandwidth cost has to outpace data size. Lastly latency has become more important yes, but also not really. Its been very important for a long time. Its not like its become more important. Also note that many many countries globally have reletively low access to bandwidth, performance, and latency. The premise set out at the start is drasticly more situational than how it is actually framed.
@Roxor128 Ай бұрын
That list of algebraic properties is a really memorable phrasing. It'd be useful for education. I'll reproduce it below. Associative: grouping doesn't matter! Commutative: order doesn't matter! Idempotent: duplicates don't matter! Identity: this value doesn't matter! Zero: other values don't matter!
@antinominianist Ай бұрын
Sometimes notebook/live coders create programs only they can run, because there is a certain dance you have to do with the machine, which acts like a magical incantation that produces output. The reason for Haskell style types is that the compiler will help you find the missing piece that fits the hole. Due to my low working memory I love machines that think for me. With unicode, most languages already support glyphs which are weirder than cosplaying tty.
@Dogo.R Ай бұрын
Statistics programs exist for factories and others for stuff like A B testing. See JMP for an example.
@rationalagent6927 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this
@Dogo.R Ай бұрын
You can get benefits of LLVM compilation AND utilize all the runtime hotspot information that languages that arent a static binary can. This exists in Java and the JVM languages like clojure and kotlin under the VM "Azule plateform prime". This utilizes all the information you get from seeing how the program is being used in production. And is able to combine that information with the ability to convert hot live code into optimized llvm compiled code. You mention garbage collection pauses. That same VM doesnt have pauses when garbage collecting.
@Dogo.R Ай бұрын
Languages like clojure have tools that allow for near full mutability performance, without the risks and problems that come with mutability.
@Dogo.R Ай бұрын
I think making an interface between Elm and graalVM would probly be an easier way to get a binary compilation method. Rather than remaking the whole language with a different compile target.
@duncanmckenzie2815 Ай бұрын
Thank you for a fascinating lecture. Does anyone know where one can find the schematic diagrams of the Voyager radio transmitter / receiver? I have seen a block diagram of the radio system but no a schematic down to component level. I would be really interested to see this. Hope someone can help.
@pragmaticmero686 Ай бұрын
im peruvian, I have no deal doing herr but damn, these have been one of the best series of conferences that i've watched ever. I discovered it on 2022, it was an awesome ride.
@KnackiiTM 2 ай бұрын
This is excellent
@alurma 2 ай бұрын
12:14 malloc can return null though
@adityasanthosh702 2 ай бұрын
One thing I'd like to see is how AIMD is configured. How do you decide backoff factor in multiplicative decrease and additive factor in Additive increase?
@nakor555 2 ай бұрын
Consciousness is a big library where all the concepts are making iterations to be the more efficient for the being they're computing for....
@christopherchildress1721 2 ай бұрын
didn't expect a Harry Mack namedrop in a Strange Loop talk!
@CalifornianViking 2 ай бұрын
This is an excellent presentation. Many things seem to have evolved since, such as the Rust language, and that all fields are optional. Is there a newer version of this presentation?
@galopeian 2 ай бұрын
Toolsets for making more toolsets, genius thinking
@krokenstiv8777 2 ай бұрын
This is very good