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9 ай бұрын
Unsolved Mystery in The Witcher 3
@Gamer1234brendan 21 минут бұрын
What are the chances geralt sleeps with phillipa yen would really be pissed yen and phillpa are archenemies that cross the line
@Gamer1234brendan Сағат бұрын
If phillpa sees yennefer as a threat you know yennefer has magic that can probably surpass phillpa
@Gamer1234brendan Сағат бұрын
Yennefer she has more experience and we seen what she can like with the geralt and the teleporting thing she probably learned more magic and is almost on par with phillpa almost
@panose6542 Сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure if you beat the scholar in the gwent tutorial you get the card you picked up with the unfinished book in this clip (I think it was one of the free DLC gwent cards but still)
@FUSION_X5 Сағат бұрын
Damn I got the ending where everyone dies💀😭
@Gamer1234brendan 2 сағат бұрын
Do you only get this ending if we were good to ciri the whole time
@user-uh5ym2yj8p 3 сағат бұрын
I know the first two were in there to begin with.
@fernandayasmin8554 4 сағат бұрын
I have a question please what if i keep everyone alive exept of the stepbrother what ending do i get im about to do the last mission but i dont know what to do do y go back like 2 3 days of gaming to save him
@milos5247 4 сағат бұрын
Which mod for the hood and cloak that Geralt is wearing? Would look cool wearing it across Velen.
@Hanashy 5 сағат бұрын
Who the fuck play with english voice lines T^T
@giuseppesagona7522 5 сағат бұрын
I've come here after finally managing to finish the last book and binge watching your videos about this mod to say, Galahad is pookie and the Season's of Storms ending is my second favourite after the Galahad one
@Aeterin 5 сағат бұрын
I have finally downloaded witcher 3. Prolly will start tomorrow. Gonna be a long journey ngl
@AlinRbc 5 сағат бұрын
Beneath Larvik in Hindarsfjal, in the dock / small harbour where you discussed with the guy that cursed Morkvarg (Einar?) I also found dozens of crabs. Hope I'm not too late. Thanks for all the nice videos.
@KamiKazeD 7 сағат бұрын
1:47 such brilliance dominance by johnny
@scottwalker9647 7 сағат бұрын
I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
@MusicianCZ 8 сағат бұрын
About the reason why some Polish people are angry about the supposed "Russian" Bulgarian on the book covers: My guess is that these Polish people assume, that you are an American. (Take this as a compliment to your fluent English.) Americans, from my experience too, often do not bother much to destinguish European (or any other) countries apart. The Polish people probably think that, as this geographically illiterate American you are assumed to be, you think of anything east of Germany as western Russia and think of Poland as one of Russian teritories where they also speak Russian, or just do not know of Polands existence all together and believe, that The Witcher comes from that eastern part of Europe called Russia. They think that you are trying to show the "original" book cover for the "immersion" so persued by an average American consumer, but in truth you do not understand a single letter. These Polish people understandably find this thought very insulting, as I would too, and you probably as well, and feel the need to comment about it. An average Polish person is usually not able to tell Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Russian, or most other slavic languages that write in Cyrilic apart by only a few words on the book cover. I think you did good explaining it in this video. I would also forgive these angry Polish people as their being upset is quite understandable. Possibly also clarify this in future videos too to avoid any more similar misunderstandings.
@tomaszszyjanowicz2650 8 сағат бұрын
5:27 triis got what she deserved
@TheDrexxus 9 сағат бұрын
This is the best ending IMO. It's not like they cut all ties, he can still go visit her whenever he wants, and she can go visit him too. She has heaps of spies at her disposal to help locate him, or just send him a message to go visit. It isn't the end of their relationship. Even if she had become a witcher instead, it isn't like they'd stay together forever. Witchers follow the path alone, only occasionally meeting back up. Ciri's witcher ending even says as much, that after Geralt finished training her, they set off independently. So it isn't like they'd be together forever in some kind of fantasy, fairy tale ending. She was his daughter and it is the job of every father to let his girl go and let her choose her own path and that inevitably leads her away from him. Not entirely, but they won't spend their whole lives under the same roof anymore because she's grown up and living her own life. As a witcher she could've been killed by some random monster and left to die alone in a ditch. As Empress, she would have heaps of protection. The sorceresses for example were all made basically homeless and without purpose, they could serve Ciri in Nilfgaard, and with ALL of them together, they would keep her safe and be able to do incredible things together. They had no where else to go, all the other kingdoms fell to Nilfgaard, and Ciri has relationships with all of them. Its a perfect match. And they'd want to protect Ciri because the previous Emperor kept them on a short leash, and they were hated and hunted pretty much everywhere else, so they'd want to keep Ciri around as long as possible to live comfortably by her good graces. Ciri would have the knowledge, the power, and the heart to make enormous positive changes to the entire world. Ciri as Empress is the best ending imo.
@user-lk3zb3zt9x 11 сағат бұрын
@xLetalis Came back to see how a Dragon Age should make impressions properly, but I have other question - How you have BOTH 3 human companions PLUS THE DOG as "subunit" instead of dog taking whole slot for himself? Os it due to some mod or was a skill for it? @xLetalis
@matro2 12 сағат бұрын
I never parted with Rayla. I needed someone who hated Elves as much as I do.
@matro2 12 сағат бұрын
Xavier was my favourite character. His betrayal broke my heart, I had less fun throughout the rest of the game.
@matro2 12 сағат бұрын
There should've been a choice on what to do with Villem after imprisoning him.
@JadeStone860 13 сағат бұрын
I love Cassandra so much. Her doing all the voices was absolute perfection.
@popasmurf6834 14 сағат бұрын
You think gwent is awesome?
@ninepuchar1 16 сағат бұрын
I got the best ending(3rd one)
@erinmelton9478 16 сағат бұрын
Well I don’t remember how to get back to Gerald House And I’m looking at the location but can’t find it
@matyr256 17 сағат бұрын
where can i start the apple quest
@umercool11 18 сағат бұрын
Taka and Horse got me crying. Havent seen Lord Shimuras yet, i will spare him
@DennisM-wp7jt 18 сағат бұрын
Judy's voice actor is insanely good. The trembling in her voice, that is top class acting right there. Whoa
@homemateTV 18 сағат бұрын
i like the books and the games, but the series is very bad.
@Rockport1911 20 сағат бұрын
The worst people are the ones like me who pick it up late with the Next Gen Update, never consider Skyrim or else anymore after playing a few hours and always telling everyone about it and how good it is :) I like your videos that are specifically designed to lure in new players, worked for me :)
@levente.k333 20 сағат бұрын
I played it in Japanese language and I didn't regret it
@neonsolace2748 Күн бұрын
57:42 i suppose none of yall noticed people ontop throwing the petals
@KamiKazeD Күн бұрын
14:20 DAMN
@southparkmarcus Күн бұрын
Is Kassandra a lesbian 😮
@marcgrunwald3739 Күн бұрын
The Iris sword from olgierd The viper poison silver sword from the Gaunter ODimm search
@popasmurf6834 Күн бұрын
I thought he was referring to the 2 leftover dolls and who they were tied to
@brothernero1541 Күн бұрын
"I also said that I have no honor" just to hide "It's not easy to do it for me"
@eafstudios6436 Күн бұрын
I think Roche decides to side with Nilfgaard because his priority above all else is to preserve the integrity of Temeria as a political entity and for its people to retain their identity in some way. Nilfgaard has proven willing to grant relative autonomy to realms that haven't resisted their rule, such as Toussaint, albeit still with tribute and certain privileges afforded to Nilfgaardians if they visit, such as is briefly shown in the Blood & Wine DLC where Nilfgaardian military and nobles are allowed to do as they please when competing in things or demanding something. Roche is singularly obsessed with Temeria and his nationalist sentiment becomes almost cartoonish in a way which is why I think the devs could have done a better job writing him as a character. I also find it odd that in the ending where Geralt sides with Roche and Thaler over Dijkstra and Temeria is restored as a semi-autonomous realm, they don't clarify who actually ends up running and ruling it. By this time Emperor Emhyr has moved his main residence to Vizima and is in the Temerian royal castle, so would Emhyr and most of his troops end up vacating it? Obviously Temeria is in a vital/strategic location since Nilfgaard is still advancing on Novigrad and Rediania and the area is heavily contested so Emhyr and his generals probably wouldnt just decide to leave right away at least until Novigrad was secured and they could make that their new "base." Would they bring in Anais and either set her up as a pupper ruler with Roche, Thaler, or Natalis as "regent" and/or possibly married to one of them? Roche tells Geralt if he saves them from Dijkstra, that Geralt should stop by Vizima to see them at some point, but after the game if the player goes to the Vizima palace, nothing has changed even though in the epilogue of that ending it shows Temerian troops with their own uniforms which clearly means Temeria has been restored on level and possibly has a Toussaint-like political status now.
@SLENDRBOI Күн бұрын
What about this ending is so good? I mean, as far as cohesive storytelling goes... (Nothing, except it's a crutch for sensitive souls who need a happy ending to every story.)
@XxDurazxX Күн бұрын
That armor set up is badass. I recognize the Resurrected Inquisitor chedt and head piece. The others I dont recognize.
@supunkanchana975 Күн бұрын
Blood and wine is boring sometimes but it's worth playing i freaking love this game
@erikbos9199 Күн бұрын
@xLetalis Geralt from Japan I just pre ordered assasins creed shadows, from witcher to Samurai. since gog is raping the gog menu and the game itself with next gen. Gog is focusing bugs and problems (just cause of new players who come from the netflix bullsh1t if they only had the skills to fix anything without ruining something else. The witcher 4 takes a long time so i need something in between.
@billytobing5774 Күн бұрын
All that i regret in w3 was : 1. not be able to hunt down the last crone if i chose the good ending 2. No follow up on the death of the offieri prince on the sewer 3. The hunt for orianna only become trailer 4. No comeback for Gaunter O Dimm And last but not least 5. Need 4 more skill slot 😊
@Blue-Tick. Күн бұрын
Behold, Muradin. Our salvation. Frostmourne *Weird happy/sad song" Hold on, lad, there's an inscription on the dais. It says "Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit" Oh, I should've known, the blade is cursed. Let's get the hell out of here. I will gladly bear any curse if that will only help me save my people Ooh, leave it be, Arthas, forget this business, lead your men home. Damn the men, nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge old friend. Not even you. ...
@Blue-Tick. Күн бұрын
"Trapped and freezing at the roof of the world with only Death to sing the tale of your doom" "This looks bad, we're completely surrounded" "There is still one chance, help me claim Frostmourne, if it's as powerful as you said, it might help tilt the scales in our favor" "I don't know about this, lad, but I promised I'd see this through" ... "Turn away. Death and Darkness is all that awaits you in this Forsaken Vault. ... "Still trying to protect the sword are you" "No...trying to protect you... from it" Revenant dies.
@annaspears3881 Күн бұрын
I’m not afraid to say I tried to rush Dettlaff like an idiot and died a lot. Finding the pattern can be hard at first
@MGRA8 Күн бұрын
The ending is so fucking beautifully written, the way the last bit of this game is a duel with lord shimura the same way u duel him at the beginning of the game as a child is poetry, also I love how u get this feeling of despair because you know whatever you do, Jin will forever be hunted down by the mongols and samurai
@Leanzazzy Күн бұрын
What's the meaning of "Earth, Mother of all, I greet you"? Is there some significance to this?
@NoahSmith51609 Күн бұрын
I wonder how they’ll react in my playthrough since i am a qunari