@YinWhoo-zx2sz 19 сағат бұрын
Islam is a conquering religion throughout history it has enslaved from the Ottoman empire and it has subjugated other nations. It's not peaceful or benevolent and women are not equal in this community. The Sharia Law doctrine is about bringing all nations under Islam and removing state sovereignty.
@RoyalKnightVIII Күн бұрын
I do very much suspect some deep politics surrounding this.
@nancypinto-nh6ms Күн бұрын
isalm is lucifer religion,the koran is just a copy of torah and bible and in many case just the opposite for example Jesus said forgive your enemy but islam teaches kill your enemy
@REGB13 8 күн бұрын
Be careful bro, if the muslims hear you saying things like this they will probably put the fatwah on you!!!
@ahsonsiddi873 9 күн бұрын
As a Muslim,I condemn the attack. For information, the writer is trying to tell Quran is fake, without actually saying that. That's the power of fiction.
@bricebohr7507 9 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this 1st video, Roland. Looking forward to the rest!
@Abhijeet867 11 күн бұрын
You get the main point that no religious group is killing other because of their books.
@stevep888 12 күн бұрын
Mohamed Savile
@AnsarAbdullahi-l6l 12 күн бұрын
How do you know your "muslim" friends are really muslims? If they do not pray 5 times every day, they already arent. Proof: Sunan Ibn Majah 1079 ‘Abdullah bin Buraidah narrated that his father said: Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: The difference between us and them (Kuffar/Non-Muslims) is that of salaah so whoever abandons salaah certainly commits kufr. (Tirmidhi, kitab ul Iman, Declared Sahih by Imam Tirmidhi, Imam Nasai and Allama Iraqi, Minhaaj ul Muslimeen pg.80) Kufr is disbeliev. "Them" means the disbelievers/infidels. So who are YOU to judge that your "friends" are muslims? You have no knowledge about the religion at all, yet you make such a big claim? I bet 80% of those of your "muslim" friends dont pray, hence they are disbelievers. So how dare you even speak about things you dont even understand.
@AnsarAbdullahi-l6l 12 күн бұрын
Mimute 7:55 listen to you own lies.
@mimlutfur7808 14 күн бұрын
@neonrhapsody 14 күн бұрын
fyi, the angel gabriel appears in both the bible and the qur'an (although he is referred to as jibril)
@OrionBelt003 9 күн бұрын
Not just angel Gabriel, but many Old Testament personalities appear in Quran because it’s copied (lifted) from the Holy Bible and Jewish Scriptures! Just a copied book with lots of additional rubbish !
@mohammedradhwanshaikh776 15 күн бұрын
Any thing about islam becomes number 1
@nickwestendorf1448 15 күн бұрын
wrong, "Warrior Diet" is specifically 20hr fast, 4 hr eating.
@AMMajed 17 күн бұрын
I agree with everything that you have said however there is more depth to this. The term "satanic verses" refers to a controversial incident in Islamic tradition involving verses that were allegedly revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, but later revoked as they were considered to be inspired by Satan rather than Allah. This incident is not universally accepted by all Islamic scholars, but it has been the subject of debate and interpretation within Islamic theology and history. This doesn’t change the fact that violence is no way accepted and people has the right to say anything they want including questioning or attacking any religion
@haize21 17 күн бұрын
I am really happy to see someone talking sense . i am a muslim too ,and know many things about it . but what other people or those who dont know much about islam think is that every muslim follows this certain hadith and like that . u may not believe me but there are many divisions in islam who follow tgier own hadiths ,or u can say they choose between the vast number of hadiths and choose to follow some and dont follow some . even quranic ayats are translated differently many times as certain believe that it has deeper meaning and certain that its a literal meaning . i would like to say these people who say blasphemy should be punished by death is also a division in islam. Many doesnt believe that blasphemy should be punishable to death cuz islams foundation is to ask questions to other religions . so how could it be so hypocritical to not allow questions on itself
@aynurozmen821 19 күн бұрын
Read the Talmud : gojim
@originallevite7469 19 күн бұрын
Not they stabbed…a young American man (really still a kid) alone. So Rashdie couldn’t even make up his own Names and scenarios He took it from the religious books and the Bible. Like Rushdie…u are an atheist. The only fiction is ur minds. U have a religion called knowledge…not even wisdom, for I can imagine u have never actually applied any of ur knowledge in life experimentally. In Rushdie’s end there will only be knowledge…knowledge doesn’t go to the next realm…only the soul…and the spirit in u…the intellectual spirit are proud of its own accomplishes. All that to no avail when we travel to the Spiritual realm. The devil doesn’t care and our FATHER says to loose urself to be filled anew with the HOLY SPIRIT. JESUS pls help this dude and Rushdie to see U ❤️
@siddabudda 20 күн бұрын
06:55 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅
@marycrawford3460 20 күн бұрын
first of all you said SOMEONE stabbed mr Rushdie. NO. A radical islamist stabbed and tried to murder him. that is the truth. speak it.
@macgrawkate995 20 күн бұрын
Who's Simone Scarlett??
@richardsmegma5081 20 күн бұрын
It took you a long time to say that!
@Hiiii015 21 күн бұрын
Using the word "FICTION" time to time doesn't justify the things that man wrote... He is the most respected and loved personality in the muslim community so of course it would be controversial...it looks straight like he was targeting our prophet! The violence and the stabbing should not have happened... I am not justifying the stabber's actions but one should never, and I mean NEVER speak something like this about ANY religion's respected figures! Edit- as i am moving into this video...its freaking getting worse! If you don't have the knowledge of the religion and beliefs, then you shouldn't speak and write about it! The god never said anything about protecting the bible when it came to earth. But the god did say that he will protect the Qur'an... it's under HIS protection! So of someone believes in allah then they would ofcourse HAVE to acknowledge and believe the fact that Allah has promised to protect the Qur'an!
@abhineshmishra3618 22 күн бұрын
@Roland humle , the fact that your mouth dried up real fast while speaking about islam and you have to immediately criticize your own faith, just to balance yourself out proves that you, yourself know that Islam is evil and probably scared to speak about it openly.
22 күн бұрын
Thank you for your review. I have Saint books in spanish.
@azraintherabbithole7270 23 күн бұрын
Allah knows well. Salma Rushdie was born in a muslim family, but God realized that he doesn’t deserve that path so he got misguided. May be he deserved it! Anyway, my Allah guide him!
@athousandbrains125 23 күн бұрын
Am very sure this is the person that would vehemently support the Ukrainians target on Russian philosopher where his daughter died.
@Cklim_steve 23 күн бұрын
in the east if u write anything about emperor X or the party and got disapproval from the authority. u will almost be dead if caught. they are not gg to put u on trial or talk anything about civilised society. these things never happen in that part of the region.
@BluGiant14 26 күн бұрын
Child has claimed that he turned down the estate when they asked him to write a Bond because he didn’t want to take time off of Reacher and didn’t really want to split earnings with Fleming’s estate.
@robin-jv7jz 26 күн бұрын
the end of the video feels like being in the principal's office after getting into a fight in middle school
@user-th3ll8rl7i 27 күн бұрын
Now I will buy and read this book.
@chazzwinsburke9500 27 күн бұрын
Thank you sir this is very helpful. Bravo
@proudofyourboy352 28 күн бұрын
Read the 3 Islamic holy books and then tell me it's not the religion
@fuschiahundred 28 күн бұрын
October 7th
@artplanb9688 28 күн бұрын
If only he could write a new book on Satanic Zionism, oh wait, nevermind.
@gilbertotieno3984 Ай бұрын
He rattled Muslims
@SopotKrzyn Ай бұрын
Of course, you are NOT religious!!!
@wafaabdullah2172 Ай бұрын
Rushdie is not the brightest writer but acutely mediocre. His books often ridicule previously colonized people, including his own Indo-Pakistani community, much to the delight of the white literary establishment. The Satanic Verses was therefore written following this tacit support from an overwhelmingly white literary establishment. There is nothing clever, innovative or genius about ridiculing previously colonized people. It merely serves to comfort his white audience. Consequently, the actual offense caused by Rushdie is not because he attacks Islam but because he abandoned the role of the writer in servitude to renewed colonial aspirations.
@0xky Ай бұрын
No offence intended, but the claim, that the Council of Nicea decided the current canon of the Bible, is misinformation. The canon of the Bible wasn’t discussed at the Council of Nicaea, but instead it focused on the Arian heresy, which opposed Jesus’s divinity. The rejected gospels that you brought up weren’t rejected because religious leaders didn’t like them - this is another misinformed claim; the gnostic gospels were rejected because they were proven to be forgeries. Again, I’m not trying to start anything here, but it’s so frustrating to hear these claims so often, and said with such confidence, when there is no evidence or basis for them. And if you’re put off of faith in Christ by these claims then I hope this comes as good news - they aren’t true! I pray that you reconsider your faith, but it’s your choice ultimately. God bless you.
@Sam_Ardern_II Ай бұрын
It has got nothing to do with Power 1. The fatwa was declared by a Shia Cleric Khomeini 2. There were protests in Pakistan a Predominantly Sunni Muslim country , the protestors weren't those in Power but quite ordinary common powerless people 3. India was the first country to ban it , again because of protests , not those from people in power who were Hindus but because of the common ordinary powerless protestors belonging to the islamic faith Conclusion: those in power are blameless , it has got everything to do with the Islamic faith
@DJb-ill219 Ай бұрын
I just built a 10 speed installed the pull starter on it and now waiting for a shorter pedal but cool 😎 nice ride
@SwaayTv23 Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is Lord I plead with anyone who does have a relationship with Jesus Christ to Find one for Judgement day is coming and every knee shall bow before God Amen ❤❤
@dugebuwembo Ай бұрын
The reaction that Muslims have to desecration, insult to or questioning of the Quran is an important difference between Islam and the other Abrahamic faiths. In Christianity Jesus is deemed "the word", "The way, the truth and the life", in Islam it's the Quran & the words written within it that is critical to the faith, thus Muslims take special offence to anyone attacking the Quran or their prophet.
@dugebuwembo Ай бұрын
Nothing about biblical canon was discussed or decided at the Council of Nicaea, this is a popular myth that people often repeat. Biblical canon was in flux until the first concensus across Christendom was made in the 16th century by some Bishops in England, Bart Ehrman discusses this in his books about the New Testament. Council Of Nicaea actually involved discussions and decisions on the Nature of Christ & his divinity.
@dugebuwembo Ай бұрын
The right to offend is critical in a civilised society.
@cloipto Ай бұрын
@cloipto Ай бұрын
Christianity isn't about controlling the masses, Christianity is following the teachings of Jesus christ,PERIOD. If men want to take advantage of that, that's not Christianity, that's immoral. And yes they chose certain gospels has the book would have been enormous, and the gospels they chose suited the minds of that time, I like how you are so DEFINET, when speaking about the bible, but when you refer to the quoran or Islam you say, MAYBE this or MAYBE that. Knowing full well you probably won't get backlash from Christians but you will get de th thr ets off islamists.
@ptjcinema Ай бұрын
Thank you... 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@sanjupal9382 Ай бұрын
God save West
@sanjupal9382 Ай бұрын
Christian: no relation with Islam. Muslim: about Muhammad written in the bible.
@r58302 Ай бұрын
I would just like to say that the reason people want him dead, 100% has to do with the religion itself. Literally adding no other reason besides the religion you get the outcome that has happened