Grayson Brock Discovers Omar and Hanna
Grayson Brock doing WUDU for the First time!
22 сағат бұрын
@safeenapervin9381 17 сағат бұрын
Bless you need to wash your feet
@salwa8141 17 сағат бұрын
X ❤
@user-gz5bx3ev4j 17 сағат бұрын
We follow all the prophets before mohammed so why are we not gonna follow the last prophet especially if he was reveald to this nation We don't worship mohammed we worship Allah only Allah but this doesn't prevent us from loving Mohammed and follow his path bcz he is the example of the best human in this life And if you read the whole shahada you're gonna find us saying i bear witness that THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH and Mohammed pbuh Is HIS MESSENGER AND SLAVE my Allah guide you to the truth just open your eyes and things are going to be clair
@MindfulMemos-er4td 17 сағат бұрын
Uthman made him cry 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@DontOpenThisChannel 17 сағат бұрын
Brother search Abdullah Humied recitations and word by word translation
@akanbikolawole9646 18 сағат бұрын
GRAYSON ! Know that all human beings were created the same as A MUSLIM submitter to the will of the only one true God ALLAH John 17 vs3 and John 20 vs 17 etc and Mark 12 vs 29 etc however, the choice of our INTENTIONS to FOLLOW the right path which is to WILLINGLY/UNWILLINGLY submit is our INTENTIONS to admit that we are created by someone which we should find out through the innate intelligence given to all of us by the only one true God ALLAH ! For example the FRIEND OF ALLAH ABRAHAM PBUH check out the way he discovered the Truth in the LAST TESTAMENT QURAN and that is the best way forward as example for all human beings and to confirm the TRUE SLAVES MUSLIMS WILLINGLY SUBMITTERS TO THE WILL ( John 4:34, Matthew 6:10, John 5:30, John 6:38, John 13 vs 16, John 14 vs 28, John 17:3, John 20 vs 17 etc) and the LAWS ( Matthew 5:17-20....but the founder of Christianity/ paulinity was deluded by SATAN tormenting Paul 2 Corinthians 11: 16-end, 2 Corinthians 12 vs 7-8, Roman 7 vs 14-25, Act 26:24, Paul was sent to destroyed the laws of God in Galatians 5:2, Galatians 5:4, Roman 7 vs 6, Galatians 2;16, Roman 3 vs 7, and finally got it destroyed in Hebrew 8:13, ) THE TRUE PARADISE IS ONLY FOR THE TRUE SLAVES MUSLIMS WILLINGLY SUBMITTERS TO THE WILL OF GOD ALLAH and HIS LAWS Matthew:4:10, Matthew 5:17-20, Mathew 6:10, John 4:34, John 5 vs 30, John 17:3, John 20 vs 17 etc check out Matthew 7 vs 21 and Roman 6 vs 16 -22...N I V and the Gideon bible
@gadijafortune5288 18 сағат бұрын
Salaam.Yusuf why not start with the Arabic alphabet so that Grayson can practice the sounds n that will take him less then a day Grayson is a quick learner ..alhamdulillaah
@Zeus11223 18 сағат бұрын
There is 2000 version of Bibles from or claim one orginal.
@user-pu1cx4ig2s 18 сағат бұрын
You should heat hiatham aldikin
@tassisto 18 сағат бұрын
Brock and his friends are struggling with the difference of Islamic meditation which is called salat/salah and the way unbelievers/polytheists meditate. I believe the people commenting with "meditating is haram", meant that applying non-islamic methods of belief aren't permissible for Muslims. Another misconception is Muslims don't pray to Prophet Muhammad, Muslims pray to Allah only and do not associate anything nor anyone. We do not worship the box or Kaaba, the Kaaba is just the direction we have to face when performing salat/salah. We are bowing in the direction of the box to Allah.
@MohamedDAAWAH 18 сағат бұрын
Hi Grayson. This is Uncle Mohamed * I would like to invite you to have a little chat re Christianity/ Islam common denominators or should you have a few questions specially pertaining to Christianity/ Islam comparison * which we may publish on both our you tube or other channels as Da3wah fi sabili Allah * Do not hesitate to contact me on instagram: uncle1mohamed
@sophiafilms8072 18 сағат бұрын
How are muslims going to talk about a book they recite without understanding? Islam is an arab supremacist religion
@ubah-tb5wl 18 сағат бұрын
Masha Allah Grayson you are so good akhie, what i like about Americans, they r very smart, one of the good thinks that they r at , they learn faster.
@siddeegmoosa3625 18 сағат бұрын
U r v true bro, i thought i was not able to understanding him bcos english is not my mother tongue 😊
@essammojalid8952 18 сағат бұрын
What a weak explanation , he is body language reflects a single that he doesn’t believe his own argument.
@qodsiaommary355 18 сағат бұрын
@jaffer9123 18 сағат бұрын
Assalamalaikum. Another thing brother grayson if you Allah grants you Islam you aren't leaving your previous religion but you are completed your religion.
@yazmeen001 18 сағат бұрын
Technologies can have new studies. But way of life. That doesn’t change We may have evolved as people But we Love and hate the same as ever We feel and hurt Pain. Is still the same Emotions and feelings are always gonna be there
@lucidramon 18 сағат бұрын
That surah is truly miraculous. Because when it was revealed, Abu Lahab was still alive, and he knows that surah. Abu Lahab was a very intelligent man and that moment was the best time for him to disprove Muhammad (Islam). He could have easily "tricked" the people by saying a super simple shahadah showing to the people "hey, im muslim now so your Quran is wrong" But what happened is he never do that, he keeps doing his atrocity towards the prophet until his death.
@samzee7747 18 сағат бұрын
@jaffer9123 18 сағат бұрын
Assalamalaikum brother grayson. Let me put something past you. The Jews hate the Christians and the Christians hate the Jews and the Hindus hate Christians and Jews yet they have all joined hands against the Muslims. I wonder why is that. It's cos their leaders know Islam is the truth and people are going towards Islam. So they use the powerful media to make Muslims and Islam look bad. Thanks
@ft7397 19 сағат бұрын
24:05 well arrange a lecture where you talk an hour
@Zak-gl4ig 19 сағат бұрын
Allah (SWT) succinctly explained what He means by His Oneness: "Say: He is Allah, the One. Allah the Independent upon Whom all depend. He begetteth not, nor was He begotten, and there is nothing comparable to Him. -- (Qur'an, Surah Ikhlas, 112)
@Nibre716 19 сағат бұрын
The heart of quran is soret Ya sin . Read it Evert day and you Will see the best of your like. Do you know the best five people to the god, the prophet Muhamed and his cusion Imam Ali, his wife Fatima (prophet duaghter) and their sons Imam Hasan and Imam Husian. Read about them. Thanks alot.
@sophiafilms8072 19 сағат бұрын
You are so naive
@ajazzshake 19 сағат бұрын
Who is Allah? The essence of Allah is unknowable by anyone other than Allah Himself. It is beyond the comprehension of Human beings. But his attributes are relatable though cannot be comprehended 100% The traits of his essence is neither confined nor limited or effected by anything nor it is shared by anyone or anything else beside him. For example Allah exist without the function of time, Hence he is always existing, Past, Present and future is not applicable to Allah. Since Allah is outside of time he is absolute infinite and there can be only one absolute infinite because if there are two then it is no longer absolute infinite, Hence there is absolutely only one God that is Allah. As human being we cannot fathom how things can operate without the function of time. Thus the essence of Allah’s existence is unknowable. But his attributes are relatable though cannot be comprehended 100%. It is through his attributes that we can come to understanding who Allah is and are able to form a relationship with him. The speech of Allah is his attribute since it is relatable. For example: We humans can see and Allah can also see. But as a human our vision is limited, we cannot see without light! We cannot see very fast moving objects, our field of vision is limited, we need eyes to see. One of the attribute of Allah is 'al-Basīr' it means The All-Seeing, The All-Perceiving. Allah can see everything that exist at once, he sees every motion of every atom that exist in our universe, nothing escapes his vision, absolutely nothing is hidden from his vision. He sees past , present , future at the same time. And for his vision he does not require any organ or instrument. This is what separates his vision from our vision. Let me give to a crude example of a knife. The knife has its essence ,the size , shape and form. it also have attributes, For example the attribute of cutting, The attribute of carving , and the attribute to act as a screwdriver. You can use knife to tighten and loosen screws. All these attributes do not exist independently, but as one along with the essence of the knife. Even when the knife is producing different results its essence does not change nor does its attribute become separate part, the knife remains knife as a single unit. Think about Allah's attributes as categorizations of his will, they are not separate or independent from Allah. Allah caused big bang (All scientific evidence points towards it ) there by demonstrating his attribute of power, he did this simply by willing it. If Allah heals someone in spite that person not believing in him, he demonstrated his attribute of mercy, He did this simply by willing it. Allah is absolute one, absolute infinite and his attributes are manifestation of his will, they do not exist as independent part/being/whatever. Allah himself has revealed his attributes in the noble Quran. and only these revealed attributes are taken as authentic. Muslim are warned against speculating about Allah's essence and attribute, Any attempt to do so will result in erroneous belief and may lead to doubt and sin of shirk. We stick to what is revealed by Allah by himself. A man asked Imam Abu Ja'far (al-Baqir), peace be on him: "Tell me from when your Lord has been in existence?" The Imam replied: "Woe unto You! The question when and how long arises only in respect of things that (previously) were non-existant. Verily, my lord, the Blessed and Exalted, has always been Ever-living, without time or modality. Coming into existence does not apply to Him Who exists eternally nor does 'how He exists' apply to His existence nor does 'where He exists' apply to him, for He is neither in a thing nor on a thing. He did not invent a place for His location, nor was there any enhancement in His might after He had created the universe, nor had He been weak before its creation, nor does He resemble anything that can be remembered, nor was He without dominion before creating the universe, nor will He be bereft of dominion after the universe passes away. He is Ever-living, Self-subsisting, the Almighty Lord without the category of life. He was the Almighty Lord before creating things, and He is the Absolute Lord after the creation of the universe. None of the categories of 'how' or 'where' or 'when' or 'how much' nor any 'limit' apply to his existence. He is not recognized by resemblance with anything nor does He become decrepit due to His endless existence. Nothing can strike awe in Him. Rather, all things are awe-struck by fearing Him. He was in existence before the appearance of life as such. Neither is He in existence such as can be described, nor can it be confined to any state and condition. He does not rest anywhere nor does He abide at a place that is in the neighborhood of another place. However, He is known as Living, the Lord whose might and dominion will never end. He has created of His own will whatever and whenever He desired. He can neither be confined, nor fractioned, nor can He be destroyed. He is the First without any modality and the Last without any space.' And all things are perishable except His face.'His are the creation and the command. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of all beings. O Questioner, woe unto you! Surely, my Lord can never be encompassed by the imagination. Doubts cannot descend upon him. Nor can He be affected (by anything). Nor is He anybody's neighbor. Nor can events happen to Him. He can neither be questioned about anything nor is He ashamed of anything. 'Slumber seize Him not, neither sleep.' To Him belong all that is in the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, and all that is underneath the soil. ( Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 88-89) Allah alone knows best.
@bahiyagent1357 19 сағат бұрын
Suwak is not part of the wudhu. It was used in the past to clean the Teath. Now we have toothpaste and brush. But if you want to use the suwak that is your choice. Don't make it obligation when it is not
@Gutss24 19 сағат бұрын
It’s so frustrating watching Brock doesn’t paying attention to the every video he watches 😑
@Moam08 19 сағат бұрын
Wili wili lostad dyalna ❤
@edijuna3760 19 сағат бұрын
Dude you should pay attention, or simply pause when you’re distracted. If your reason is to seek knowledge, just ignore the stream and engage when video is over.🫠
@muhdmatin 19 сағат бұрын
Less on the “wu” and more emphasis on the “dhu”
@teamjannah 19 сағат бұрын
It’s not a conflict, it’s one side oppressing the other. Simple.
@-RiSK-AK 19 сағат бұрын
Grayson didn't preform wudu, he did alot of steps wrong, he should've followed the wudu tutorial on his phone, you have to preform every step of wudu in its exact position and not do the steps randomly, May Allah guide us.
@abozeed7555 19 сағат бұрын
No taunts just lesson
@umayoubm3866 19 сағат бұрын
Greyson I think you'd love permaculture... ie working with nature without chemicals from big zionist pharma/ big ag. Geoff Lawton in the king of permaculture and also a revert to islam.
@ekiii3463 19 сағат бұрын
This brock guy did not know if abraham or moses wanted to kill his son for god.. he plays muslim for yt money..
@luanklobucishta1803 19 сағат бұрын
The second guy absolutely is making no sense. This is exactly why Christians are so diluted. How could you take the microphone and you make no sense mind blowing !!!!
@umayoubm3866 19 сағат бұрын
Wudhu 'dhu' Touch your tongue with your upper teeth
@Walidhatema 20 сағат бұрын
This man makes me so happy and so afraid at the same time. I’m so happy he is so open, seeking knowledge and not ignorant. But i’m scared he will not ACCEPT the truth and god will ask him about these signs and why he didt ACCEPT. May god guide my brother, May god guide him and May god guide him amin.
@freedomreloaded2494 20 сағат бұрын
Adam Eve are 1 in unity, 1 in family, not 1 being ! 😅doesn't make sense.
@AminoAbdullahi1 20 сағат бұрын
Brother doing that for five times a day and you’re intentionally ready to communicate and stand front of your creator may Allah Swt guide your through your journey with the right path inshallah 🤲🤲🤲🤲
@nahlool89 20 сағат бұрын
dont use google traduction 😂😂😅
@ft7397 20 сағат бұрын
11:40 so that's what they train about not the bible. no wonder why they don't know their bible but few phrases
@user-qg5md3pe9v 20 сағат бұрын
Bart Ehrman cannot be defeated when it comes to the NT.
@myazleoful 20 сағат бұрын
_Anybody can claim before Abraham, Noah, Moses i am, meaning before God created Adam all including us and the descendants after us already _*_existed in the PLAN of God._*
@freedomreloaded2494 20 сағат бұрын
So God has different parts?? And each part has its own will ??
@FatimaMelissa-bo4ee 20 сағат бұрын
Even if you are at thé bank of a river séparé water prophète Mohamed pbuh said
@democan123 20 сағат бұрын
That is your BIG PROBLEM. You are letting your head lead you. Listen to your heart and let it guide you.
@FatimaMelissa-bo4ee 20 сағат бұрын
, wasting water is bad put water in apot and lmake wudu
@AishaBadamasi-yo7vt 20 сағат бұрын
Ma sha Allah...