How to Actually Afford an Airplane
Why I bought this Tiny Airplane
Airplanes with BAD Reputations
3 жыл бұрын
@marklivingston7324 Сағат бұрын
Ok, good suggestions. However, you didn't mention the costs (approx) of any of the cheaper options
@ditch6389 23 сағат бұрын
Met Bobby a few time and had been towed up by him many times. Such a great guy. He will be dearly missed among his friends and the flying community.
@rorypullman Күн бұрын
Can experimental aircraft be ifr certified and can i log hours like i can in a certified airplane?
@FloridaFlying 23 сағат бұрын
Yes of course
@thetalkingwood7423 2 күн бұрын
Great review
@dansmock656 2 күн бұрын
How many feet runway do you need for this plane??
@FloridaFlying 23 сағат бұрын
It takes off in about 500 feet. I usually use half my runway comfortably for takeoff and landing and half is about 1500 feet
@Fractalite 2 күн бұрын
Ah so sad . I met him in Australia in 1987 , and did some hang glider aerotows behind the new Dragonfly with Bobby at the controls . He was also a really skilled hang glider pilot as well . I saw him land a high performance HG in very very windy conditions, and was a quite awestruck.
@Nonsense116 3 күн бұрын
One of the best lessons I've learned over my time of being an engineer is, "meets regulation" is oftentimes not synonymous with "safe". Meets regulation is the requirement to stay in business. Having strong safety requirements beyond that is how you keep people safe and achieve excellence in what you do. That combined with "just because you can doesn't mean you should" makes me really nervous about this.... loophole for "gliders".
@ac583 3 күн бұрын
This is an airplane loved by everybody except actual pilots. You're paying a lot of money to go in a straight line. Boring as hell. An airplane sold to dentists based on "ramp appeal." The idea that you are getting anywhere "cost effectively" in this aircraft is a joke. The cost of fuel is a very marginal item compared to maintenance, acquisition cost, insurance, etc. Yes, if you live in nowheresville USA and routinely are faced with a 300-400 mile drive in VMC or near-VMC conditions (note the utter lack of anti/de-icing), then this can be a better option. But that's it. The video says it all - competes with Cirrus', which are also airplanes for non pilots. "Easily gets out of a spin" is such bullshit too. The only place this plane will get into a spin is an unrecovable base-final stall/spin due to bad piloting technique. To call this an "IFR travelling machine" when it can't handle any known icing is a joke. This is something that the dentist thinks will get his wife to give him a blowjob. It won't.
@liambanning3674 3 күн бұрын
I still find it shocking that airplanes that are 50 years old are still being sold for 200,000
@AustinWirl 3 күн бұрын
so very cool
@Philthebaronofmiami-yt3qu 3 күн бұрын
the winner the cygnet, 5 times less expensive.
@muslimsilverstacker1472 4 күн бұрын
Dammnnn Bobby!!
@MuddyAero 6 күн бұрын
My name is Logan J Harris not Jordan
@aipengineering7519 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing this interview. My condolences to his friends and family. I live just over 10 miles north of Paradise Airsports / Wilotree Park. I often see ultralights flying over my house.
@dindjarin8457 6 күн бұрын
what’s the blue bottle you’re putting in there?!
@nealm6962 6 күн бұрын
I have to weigh in as an A&P with IA. I couldn't disagree more.
@robertweekley5926 6 күн бұрын
Heck, it took me about 65 hours to get past the PPL, due to work interruptions, weather, vacations, etc., but still only took a bit over 4 months! I had over 30 hours in my first 3 weeks off work, getting started! But - had also flown a Cessna 182, on a Up a Valley and back on a Cross Mountain Flight!
@born2biscuit 6 күн бұрын
you just know
@robertweekley5926 6 күн бұрын
On a Different Pathway, I wonder how much Investment is required, to have the Investment "Pay for the Plane?" I am thinking, in the framework of Dividend Paying Stocks, that Pay Monthly, so They can support ones "Aircraft Purchase and Operating Costs!" 🤔 I guess it follows my recent idea of the question of How big an investment would it take, similarly, to generate a Dividend, equal to my Company Pension? (Our current contract, pays "$86.00 Canadian", per year of Service!) And my most stable Stock pays $0.1257 Canadian per share! Its around $8-$9 neighborhood these days! Math time! Crack out the old spreadsheet! 🙄 I base this thinking, on the Premise, that "Our Income Producing Investments should Pay for our Toys, not our Jobs Income!" Of course, few places teach that way of thinking, and none of it is basic or required courses in "School", not Elementary, High School, College, or University! Lots of places tell us how to Spend our Money, however! Example: Dividend is $0.10 Stock is $10.00 So, 1 Share Pays $0.10; 10 Shares pay $1.00 but cost $100.00; 100 Shares pay $10.00 and cost $1,000.00! If that is a Monthly Dividend, it means (not counting inflation losses, or taxes), it will take around 8 years, 4 Month's, to get a full return on your investment! Or about 1% per month, or 12% per year! (Example just for Math reference!)
@robertweekley5926 7 күн бұрын
Faster Airplanes often get *Flown Less Hours per Year, giving a result of Less "Currency" as per your flight requirements, however, for two reasons: Operating Costs usually go up, more than Performance goes up, and that reduces hiw many "Trips" a set budget can sustain! However, if you are seeing a solid increase in "Discretionary Income" after Living Expenses, Savings & Investing, then, sure: Go for the Upgrade! But remember, "Insurance Costs" are Not "Fixed" just like Loan Interest Rates, in many Loans! And Faster Aircraft, require "Faster Thinking Pilots" to keep "Ahead of the Airplane!"
@for78get 7 күн бұрын
Irresponsibly flown.
@piconano 7 күн бұрын
If it takes you 10 hours to get a license, RIP. Flying requires more than learning to fly the plane. Ground school and at least 100 hours of flight time is mandatory, if you want to have a chance of becoming an old pilot. Even then, you'll be considered a noob pilot.
@trunkmonkey9417 7 күн бұрын
Exceptional honor to Bobby Baily. Thank you.
@wesch6354 7 күн бұрын
What aviation needs is a company that will produce a cheap, light, airplane kit that is complete enough that the owner can easily finish and still be allowed to sign off on everything after the fact. This way the cost to enter is low and the cost to maintain stays relatively low. Also aviation needs a revolutionary new engine. Something that sips gas. has plenty of power. and reliable as the old Lycomings.
@brettself 7 күн бұрын
Good vid Bro. Thanks 🤟
@gymshoe8862 8 күн бұрын
I am an old man (74) shopping for my first plane--I have no reason to fly except to scratch the flying itch. I am 6' 6" so most planes don't fit me. I want an old Aeronca Champ--I can fit inside and it will fly well enough to begin with.If I buy it right I can flip it later.
@Bundy714 8 күн бұрын
Bailey-Moyes Dragonfly should have made the list.
@rickwarner516 9 күн бұрын
Hope to meet him one day when we all get together with Jesus. Thank you for sharing this in peace Bobby 👍🏽❤️❤️❤️✈️✈️
@alcyone9361 9 күн бұрын
Play stupid games...
@hefeibao 11 күн бұрын
I have RV-10 tastes but an RV-12 budget. Doh! That's a gorgeous plane btw :)
@psjasker 11 күн бұрын
It is a damn good looking aircraft
@johnnygarcia7297 12 күн бұрын
3:05 just say that u farted bro
@normanburns-ko4ro 12 күн бұрын
It’s a no brainer for me. Aventura
@treylem3 13 күн бұрын
My first ultralight was a 'Cobra', made by Advance/Advanced Aviation !
@apennameandthata2017 13 күн бұрын
Seems a normal number of bulletins to me.
@IFlyDronesUSA 14 күн бұрын
Great Work
@NiceterCoolster 14 күн бұрын
Aviation is a dangerous business. Let’s keep that in mind.
@saito125 15 күн бұрын
You can tell there are a couple Brazilian guys in there by the expletives in Portuguese...LOL
@jmflyer55 15 күн бұрын
I met Bobby Bailey at a small mountain strip I flee into on occasion, that was famous for gliders and hang gliders. You categorize these ultralights as 'aviation' when they're not. These are ultralights, and some are experimental. They are kits and home builds. This is NOTHING like actual aviation. I've been flying over 40 years, but I will not fly ultralights, due to the inherent danger of a home built "airplane". If they can kill Bobby Bailey, they can kill anyone. And this is nothing new, most pilots know the terrible track record ultralights have, and stay away from them. But for those who cannot pass a medical, or get their pilots license, an ultralight may be their only option. Regular aircraft are built and maintained to very strict, precise standards. Something built in someones garage is not. Regular aircraft MUST be maintained by LAW, or their grounded. And anything thats ever caused an accident on the type of aircraft you have, is checked and double checked or replaced during maintenance. The maintenance standards of aircraft are developed over many years of knowing exactly what fails, when and why it fails.Ultralights, once again, don't have any of that going for them.
@kawboy14 15 күн бұрын
I thought Max Klinger of M*A*S*H was the most famous hang glider, "looking like a big red bird with fuzzy pink feet." 🤔
@dabneyoffermein595 15 күн бұрын
RIP "Bobster"
@adamd858 15 күн бұрын
Out of curiosity, how long does it take for the engine on this thing to start up and get up to full throttle? I’m not sure I would be comfortable landing without the ability to go around.
@FloridaFlying 15 күн бұрын
Starts immediately with the rotax. If it’s up at temperature you can go full power right away
@bdtrauma01 15 күн бұрын
I was fortunate enough to meet Bobby a few years back in CA when he came to help build a Dragonfly with Ed Pitman. Both were legends in aviation. RIP.
@AZ6780810809 15 күн бұрын
sad to hear that he is no longer here on this planet, a truly beautifull guy💖🛩
@MikeS-kw2hr 15 күн бұрын
I have about 400 jumps out of that very plane. My favorite one of my 26 year and counting jump history.
@kathiburgess6357 15 күн бұрын
My father bought this exact scooter for me in 1984. It was even that same color. I was a student at the University of Pittsburgh and I commuted every day, having to take 4 public busses. The scooter saved me from all of that. I loved it! I took it every day, even in the winter. Now I'm an old, retired 61 year old guy. lol. Your video brought back some very good memories for me.
@vloogle4924 16 күн бұрын
I think you missed a critical point. You can't work on a homebuilt if you buy it already built. You have to build it to be able to work on it.
@vloogle4924 16 күн бұрын
I think you missed a critical point. You can't work on a homebuilt if you buy it already built. You have to build it to be able to work on it.
@vloogle4924 16 күн бұрын
I think you missed a critical point. You can't work on a homebuilt if you buy it already built. You have to build it to be able to work on it.
@FloridaFlying 15 күн бұрын
That is incorrect. You can work on the experimental all you want, however you cannot sign the condition inspection
@mixter7x7 16 күн бұрын
Working on your own airplane : His comment is both true and not true. You can do any and all work - with very few exceptions - that you can do in accordance with current professional / approved standards BUT you will need an A&P or inspector to sign off the work for you. Translation : You'll have to pay for his signature on your log book. You can change your oil, tires, - WHATEVER you can do up to standards. You can change your engine or even change your instrument panel - so long as it's up to standards and done within standard practices. On the other hand - there are repairs and test certs that you will not be able to do unless you have the certified equipment to do the job ie altimeter checks and certs. Even working in a repair station - there are repairs and maintenance that we don't do because we don't have the certified tools and educational certs to do the job.