14 күн бұрын
How the Vault Could SAVE Minecraft
What is the point of Minecraft?
The Biomes Mojang Won't Update
Elysium Isles Launch Trailer
Is Minecraft Past its Golden Age?
It’s Time for a NEW 2D Zelda
@kabloey7329 Сағат бұрын
Man says "Wolves travel in packs" And my brain activates like a Dragon's Dogma-based sleeper agent.
@cillianennis9921 Сағат бұрын
For the Mushroom fields biome they could also add some unique items to the area & some more mobs. The defunct Minecraft Earth game had the Cluckshroom & I think that would make them feel more unique. Another thing they could add is some new mushroom types unique to the biome allowing for a reason to find the biome more than just the funny cow type. This way we could have like some potions or something using a new mushroom type or maybe allow the mushroom to be used for something else we don't have much of like a new kinda decorative block with a use like a spore launcher or something. Something fitting a mushroom biome. Also maybe add some mushroom themed hostile mobs for the caves below & add some new stones & stuff to make the caves here look unique with a kinda mold or something growing on the stones that could act like infested stone & when broken releases some poisonous mushroom type mob. Stuff to make the biome more than a fun place to go once & take a cow & some of the grass from & instead a place with worth while rewards. For the beaches I'd like to see three types of beaches depending on the biome. Warm beaches for the edge of biomes like savanna, jungle, desert, mesa biome & have them have sand & the palm tree. Then temperate beaches which would have gravel & maybe a new kinda sand with shells in it kinda like what we find on stony beaches in Ireland & have this one maybe have a new grass like Marram grass & small pioneer plants that flower like (not sure if this is the proper name) the ones you push & the seed come out. Cannae remember their name but they are all over the Northern Irish stony beaches. Finally a marshy kind of beach which has some kinda mud like sand with some wetland plants & stuff with maybe a few new fish or something for it. Basically add some versions of beaches for each kinda biome type. Can't think of anything to add for the birch forest other than maybe adding a new stone type for the ground stone. Maybe have a kind of common stone for this biome in real life. Also would like to see bears or something in it. For my own I'd like to see more cave biomes. I feel like we got too few in the caves & Cliffs update. They focused too much on the generation that everything else kinda suffered. I wanted to see an Glacial cave in snowy biomes, another kind of rich with life biome but more underground life like molds, lichens & mushrooms. Also I'd like to see some kinda difference in ore generation for caves. Like Terarria where certain ores are only found in certain caves which should apply to things like copper (really rare in real life) thus they could make finding these caves worth it. After redstone certain cave biome has it more common. Same with every ore bar 2 which are Iron & Diamond since they don't make sense to be rare like this. Coal should never be uncommon in a biome but places like the swamp biome should have more due to how coal forms in real life relatating to peat going under high pressures & over millions of years becoming bad coal, good coal & eventually great coal.
@ryangarner7721 2 сағат бұрын
This is so interesting for me, because the MinecraftbI grew up with most was whatever was most recent late 2013-2014. That’s where I started at least. I grew up as well with Minecraft in 2015-2017 as well.
@sicksixgamer2694 3 сағат бұрын
This is a little too realistic. I likem y games to be an escape from the RL grind 😂
@gungnir3926 4 сағат бұрын
best update would just be no update but a closer cooperation with modders. making them stronger and not having to redo their mods after mojang comes with their "updates" which mostly consist of tiny additions compared to what even minor mods add. at this point mojang is just an annoyance because noone should play the game unmodded and this would just remove the version compatibility issue on curseforge. one version, all the mods ongoing. and mojang can help by making their platform and engine easier still for them to do . and make official and customizable modpacks that players can toggle easily with the features they like and not those they dont. mojang, stop getting in the way of the modders who actually love the game, are active and have way more talent at making mods than you, clearly. and most of it is free or lightly voluntarily sponsored. imagine what a closer more official teamwork between them and mojang could do??
@sicksixgamer2694 5 сағат бұрын
I never really viewed minecraft as a progression game. I always thought of it as a creative builded game with a progression path tacked on.
@MrJune-vh7ni 6 сағат бұрын
Well it’s not a progression game, it’s a sandbox game. It’s not made to be finished
@Emmycron 7 сағат бұрын
10:02 you can't just turn those lines on me 😭
@Real_The_Goof 11 сағат бұрын
I'd like it more if it didn't require a monthly fee.
@LeafRam 12 сағат бұрын
Mojang sleeper agent got bro
@timb_dealer 14 сағат бұрын
They need the cluckshroom from dungeons
@sniperjoseph 23 сағат бұрын
My guess is that you were talking about both games, with the only thing to throw me off being the detail of watering cans, as I don't remember there being any in TFC.
@moonlight_is_a_weirdo Күн бұрын
The arid biomes like the savanna, desert and mesa seriously need an update. I really like them, but they need more content. Yeah, the armadillo was added in 1.20.5, but that was only one mob that does one thing.
@jessie_rose_05 Күн бұрын
The criticisms are all really good, they're not things I realised I didn't like about the game. I started my new world last year and I play often, I've slowed down progression by building a village for the villagers and I design my own farms...however I know not everybody wants to or decides to slow down. I also feel like minecraft is a lot more about the builds so my world is about telling a story via my builds, but that's just me.
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
To your last part, I absolutely agree. It is more of a building game. I say as much at the start of the video
@petercarioscia9189 Күн бұрын
Instead of adding new features to increase progression, mojang nerfs villagers to add unnecessary difficulty to progression. Netherite was a great concept; you need to engage heavily with the Nether to progress past diamond. Logically, the End should ne the next step in armor progression. Arguably the "end game" doesn't even start until you've raided the end and gotten shulkers and elytra (you can final explore your world more effectively and carry thousands of blocks to build with etc) however there should be another tier of armor tied to the end. Imo
@user-jv6we5lo2u Күн бұрын
U can shift click.
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
Not quite in the same way as modern Minecraft.
@liaml1694 Күн бұрын
A good way to look at it is that Beta was a different experience to what you'd get with modern Minecraft. The question shouldn't be "What version is better?", the question should be "How different is the overall experience of old versions, and is the difference enough to warrant playing it over the latest version" Whether versions of Minecraft are objectively or subjectively better then others doesn't matter. Even if it is objective that modern Minecraft is better than old Minecraft, it doesn't negate the fact that they are different experiences from each other; and you can choose to play any version of Minecraft you want for their own unique experiences over each other.
@DeplexerYT Күн бұрын
I agree to a certain point, but there is a huge issue here. Minecraft is a sandbox game with some survival aspects to it. People like you and many people commenting here want to turn Minecraft into an RPG, which is absolutely not what it is or should be. Mojang has been going in the wrong direction about this for years now, and it's really saddening. The point of the ender dragon and The End isn't the difficulty or beating the game, it's to see the consequences of what you're doing. From the beginning, you're stuck in a lonely world and as you play, you build and create your own hubris. The castles, cities, and things you build and the things you abuse and destroy have meaning, and the consequences of it can be seen in The End. You kill the dragon, raid the last remnants of civilization that may exist, and destroy and loot everything The End has to offer. If you were to play Minecraft forever, without the worry of time or death, eventually your world would look very similar to the end and receive the same results because of the nature of the game. The whole game is a reflection of mankind's hubris. Not to mention the meta commentary about the game being a game in the End poem, but that's a whole different story. At least, this is how I view the game being a long time player. While yes, quests, bosses, and all of these things are cool and fit well into what Minecraft could become, it misses the point. In the end, Minecraft is a simple sandbox game about building, with some surviving bits here and there. Minecraft is the most fun when mindlessly building, surviving, and living in this virtual world you created. I do think there should be harder enemies and more difficulty added to the game, as it would make progression feel a lot more rewarding and the meaning of the game so much more bleak, tragic, and impactful, but it shouldn't be like an RPG or whatever. The progression was awful for a reason, the question is, should it stay that way?
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
I highly recommend you watch part 2. Also… none of the solutions I propose have anything to do with RPG games. If anything, they all have to do with either fixing bugs or adding more difficulty options for older players
@CitryteYT Күн бұрын
Imo, Minecraft is at its best when you're being creative and building, not when you're trying to follow the progression, which is sad. Funnily enough I feel Terraria is the other way around, I have more fun in Minecraft creative than survival, building cool stuff, and conversely I almost never play creative mode Terraria, only opting for cool builds to make into my home base
@squishyazalea9970 Күн бұрын
if minecraft before 1.8 released today i would think its an unfinished kinda shitty game
@Thetacodile117 Күн бұрын
This is one of those things i don't understand at all. Its litterly still the same game
@moralby1130 Күн бұрын
I really dont know if Terrafirmacraft was a inspiration to Vintage Story or the other way around
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
TFC came first. It came out in 2013. You should watch my latest video! It talks about this exact thing!
@paulaccuardi9071 Күн бұрын
Maybe I’ll give terraria a try
@tiffyfemboy Күн бұрын
*"NO."* Theres your awnser, no need to thank. :3
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
I hard disagree.
@tiffyfemboy Күн бұрын
*"Hey, which one of those three mobs you want? Oh, and they only serve for an SPECIFIC purpose, like the frogs! :)"* Like.... why couldnt they just add the three? And make them more useful? Like, I prefer breeding my wolves infinitely with rotten fresh and bringing 10 each time...And for the ones who arent in an biome that spawns wolves or dont like wolves? Well, here one usseless mob! :)
@stephengonzalez6828 Күн бұрын
fun fact i myself am a redstoner, and never get bored of building redstone farms. BTW i did self teach myself on most all redstone. The only farms i do look up is an iron farm.
@emory4641 Күн бұрын
Damn I did not know we didn’t have to hide in dirt huts anymore. I’ve been doing that since the start of
@PoorEdward Күн бұрын
The problem with literally all the items you suggested is that they are all just bad variants of enchantments and enchantments are incredibly easy to obtain and can be obtained through minimal progression, and can be used on high tier gear ALSO obtained through minimal progression and very early on which was one of your points of the video, so this feels invalidated as a concept before you introduce a way to fix that into your argument (and no, it wasn’t implied). Horizontal progression is just a cute and novel fact when most vertical progression is separated by only a few y values apart. Ironically enough, Terraria also shares this design flaw which you failed to highlight, in so far as cobalt and cobalt adjacent items don’t matter the second you go the tier above and you should be a tier above cobalt pretty much immediately after obtaining it. The only thing I could say is that the ore gets rarer up the food chain and there are many different class sets, so the gear you make might be nice to have while you’re in between getting the next tier but doesn’t mean much and isn’t necessarily rewarding (unlike arguably hallow)? But the only reason why I’d even mention that as a counterpoint is due to the fact that post-golem and pre-moonlord/cultist adjacent progression is even worse in this respect, having multiple events and armor sets and weapons and items that are immediately invalidated the second the cultist is dead, and hours of content that either can’t justify itself being played before beating the game, or rather an hour of unrewarding content trivialized by beating the game beforehand.
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
A poison bow that shoots poison arrows by default is not an existing enchantment… and uh… clearly I’m onto something considering mojang added the mace lmao. They clearly also think a unique piece of gear (like the trident or turtle shell) is a good reward. That’s horizontal progression. Tridents are extremely useful in late game Minecraft. The mace is useful at any stage of the game. In terms of criticisms about terraria’s progression… yes, I agree with a lot of what you’ve said, however, this isn’t a terraria video. It’s a Minecraft video. As always, I highly recommend you watch my part 2 to this video. I think it’s much more fair to Minecraft than this video is and some of my opinions have changed.
@PoorEdward Күн бұрын
I think your conclusions about automation are true but the reasons why you’re somewhat forced into it are a bit meh imo; your entire thing about the multiplayer experience is sort of true, but in the context of single player vanilla doesn’t really make sense beyond comparison online. I think the two biggest things are that without automation the game becomes boring anyway because without efficiently renewable resources, the game becomes INCREDIBLY tedious as you build and progress your world. Without an iron farm or mob farm for example, the game feels like it starts to stand still and for no good reason other than having a giant middleman in front of what you actually want to be doing now that you’ve gotten so far into your game. Another reason that ties into this IS the idea of progression, and given how little there is, I feel like the real, unwritten progression IS automation, collection and building. If you start off mining like a chump, and you’re still mining everything or breeding everything by hand hours and hours into a game, not only it’s an artificial inflation of time spent “playing”, but it feels like you haven’t accomplished advancing through the world, and you’re forever stuck in a pre-industrial age. Once it’s accomplished though of course, there’s nothing of value you can sink your time into beyond building, but even that the game itself places no rewarding value upon; the value is self-constructed, outside of what the game actually provides the player.
@bananaguyalive5901 Күн бұрын
I need them to add that new birch forest type it would’ve been so tuff
@bananaguyalive5901 2 күн бұрын
Can my guy get a job at mojang please?
@TheGeekFactor_ Күн бұрын
lol I wouldn’t take it
@Grimhart89 2 күн бұрын
It's really annoying how many people bitch about this game not being survival enough, when those same people call it a sandbox game themselves. Go play a survival game if you want that. This game at it's core is TO BUILD. Plain and simple, end of story. I never played way back in the day. I started maybe 2016, somewhere around there, I don't really remember, so I don't have this hardcore nostalgia for older times. But for me the game has gotten nothing but better with every update. More blocks to build with? Yes please. More mobs? Why not. A new Biome? Again, yes. I just don't understand this backwards mentality of less is better. This is the only game ever where people object to more content. Like what the hell do you want, the game to receive zero updates and just sit dead in limbo forever? Can you imagine an MMO or any other live service game doing that? No because people would be pissed and the same goes for Minecraft. Beyond that though, it would just be boring as hell with nothing new to do ever. The older versions of the game are there for you to still play, so what are you moaning on about? Go play them and be quiet. To me that just says people don't really like the older versions better, but rather they are just pissed that the updates aren't precisely what they think they should be. Oh the game didn't go in the direction I think it should have so it's no good anymore!. Lol okay. My only real issue with the game is inventory management. Otherwise though, I always look forward to new updates, even if parts of them don't interest me, or are downright stupid in my opinion (archaeology), because someone else out there might enjoy it, and there's no harm in adding it. If you don't like certain parts of the game, you can literally just ignore and not engage with them.
@andreasherg 2 күн бұрын
I genuinely hate the Mending Enchantment. It removes the necessity to build more than 1 of any type of items, materials like iron and even diamonds become useless because your things never break and because you have the best of everything you want on your items you reach a point where you are essentially done with your gear. I used to use stone pickaxes to not damage my iron pickaxes, but now i only use netherite and repair as needed. But not using Mending would be stupid, because it's an OP and incredibly cheap enchantment. It also makes the infinity enchantment worse, that while seeming OP at first, really just now has become a terrible deal.
@vintageryn7217 2 күн бұрын
"When was the last time you sat down and played a single-player, vanilla minecraft world with no motive?" Literally a few weeks ago when I decided to start a new world to play Minecraft again. I've put MANY hours into this world already, and I'm not even into the Nether yet I completely understand the criticisms presented in the video, but it just feels like expecting vanilla Minecraft to be something its not. If your only goal is progression, and you dont care about things like building, redstone, aesthetics, or hell, collecting every single type of cat and dog...you wont have much fun in vanilla Minecraft The base game is not meant to be what you want it to be. And thats where mods come in handy and are the PERFECT solution for Minecraft Want progression? Higher difficulty? Harder bosses? The option is there for you.
@TheGeekFactor_ 2 күн бұрын
I highly recommend you watch part 2 of this video.
@Gore_Whvre 2 күн бұрын
I love playing minecraft all the time. The only reason I want to beat anything in the game's progression is to make it easier for me to build faster. I want to build a lot. That's it. It never gets old.
@blockwearingman 2 күн бұрын
42:18 you literally make enchantments you get on armor into their own item wow what an achievement
@TheGeekFactor_ 2 күн бұрын
Uh it’s a bit more than that lmao. They have their own stats. Sometimes they have enchantments beyond vanilla. Using custom armor trims, I make truly unique armors. I don’t think I ever claimed it was a big achievement, but hey, thanks for comment. Boosts the algorithm
@blockwearingman 2 күн бұрын
@@TheGeekFactor_ gg
@petercarioscia9189 2 күн бұрын
Mooshroom biome; just like they did eith warped and nylium biomes, add a unique 'grass' type block, and a unique vine. Mushrooms are already known for being 'slimy' so add a drip affect, similar to drip stone. Maybe collectable in cauldrons, maybe its an ingredient for a potion, or it can be similar to honey/slime. Maybe its dyable. Maybe all it does is make wood fore proof. Idk, there are options there. Add a new particle effect, mushrooms make spores after all. Maybe running through spores can apply quick potion type effects. Add a new lichen variant. Theres a lot that can be done with mooshroom biomes.
@Bellpepper402 2 күн бұрын
One of the reasons it's quite nice that the progression is so simple is building is really difficult and slow to do in survival without those end game tools with end game enchantments. The weird, tons of features but none of them are that deep philosophy works better I think in a game that is not so progression based and is more of survive-and-make-your-own-world game. When the game is difficult (like my next example), the way players builds tends to be very game-y and I already really don't like how gamey villager halls and mob grinders are. That said, if you are looking for having specific challenges and being rewarded for them, I've really liked the Complete The Monument maps on the CTM repository (Castlemania being my favorite), and find those hand-crafted player-made worlds to be more fun to explore anyways than any version of vanilla minecraft, and they typically tweak mechanics with resource packs (or mods) to give a better sense of progression whether that's recipes and ore for chainmail, restricting access to villagers or specific enchantments or changing fundamentals in other ways.
@thepasqu1759 2 күн бұрын
@sadiesimp2215 2 күн бұрын
2:48 hardcore. hardcore minecraft fixes all issues for me. it makes the world seem more intimate, and almost most nostalgic. because you know when you start that the world isnt going to be forgotten as a save file, but you have to die to lose it. it makes the game much more fun, and when you lose a world, you have a greater connection with the game and all you've lost. also it makes you feel like a kid again, like the stakes are high again and everything is scarier. you have to find a new way to play, and every achievement actually makes you proud. hardcore, no matter how much i play it (its been like 3 years now since i begun), and no matter how many worlds you lose, it feels like you are playing nostalgia.
@kron7536 2 күн бұрын
Can't wait for the inevitable pokémon mod and CJ mod that shows up in every single game that allows modding
@squishyazalea9970 2 күн бұрын
This is what im always telling people and they never want to believe me
@joey148 2 күн бұрын
Armor trims should add a small percentage of status negation. Like having one redstone piece negates 25% fire and lave damge. If you have all four then you can have 100% fire damage negation. This way players are incentivised to get them all for different armor kit effects and comsemtics
@ToxicAvengerFanboy 2 күн бұрын
minecraft is never boring, you are
@slimeyena4543 3 күн бұрын
the video was pretty good but the random belches made it unwatchable
@TheGeekFactor_ 3 күн бұрын
That’s on you, homie
@zk0rned 3 күн бұрын
Not every game needs a progression system, sure it would be cool to have a good one in Minecraft but would anyone actually care? Probably not, it would be like a knife that can also extend into a spork, sure that's cool and all but why would I care about that when I want to use the knife?
@TheGeekFactor_ 3 күн бұрын
Clearly people care. Minecraft has progression. Every game has progression. Whether it’s extrinsic or intrinsic, they all have one.
@zk0rned 2 күн бұрын
@@TheGeekFactor_ I was being hyperbolic but it seems the vast majority don't care which is why it will never be changed
@TheGeekFactor_ 2 күн бұрын
I think if you look at the solutions I propose, you may find Mojang is doing a couple things I suggested. Not quite all of them, of course, but enough to make me feel vindicated lol The mace a direct thing I asked for; unique items in structures. Ominous trials are another; difficulty options. BUT I have very different opinions on Minecraft’s progression now. I definitely recommend watching my part 2 of this video
@itchyt2997 3 күн бұрын
Good talk
@itchyt2997 3 күн бұрын
I cant figure out how to turn the camera in terraria