How to Play the Air Role
3 ай бұрын
Faction Tips: Seraphim
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Faction Tips: Cybran
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Faction Tips: Aeon
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Faction Tips: UEF
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@YuriXEstelle 11 сағат бұрын
There is also the 'Naughty Naughty Walkie Walkie'. Refering to the Salem Class Destroyers of the Cybren. As those ships can sprout legs and walk on land.
@darkstar2039 Күн бұрын
I HAVE BEEN PLAYING THIS FKCING GAME FOR WELL OVER A DECADE AND I NEVER KNEW THE MEGA RECLIAMED!!!! HOLY SHIT I COULD HAVE BEEN MASS RICH AFTER EVERY BATTLE AFTER RECLIMING THE T4 UNITS WTFFFFFF.. aight im going to go play a match fk this i need to see this shit ima get a a arty after I win land with the reclaim.
@LudvikKoutnyArt 2 күн бұрын
This is why this game is so unattractive. FAF looks so fun on paper, all these immersive large scale battles with sci-fi vehicles of varying capabilities, but once you get in, you quickly realize that you have to give up pretty much all the immersion if you want to be competitive. The game could just completely ditch the 3D units/buildings and the 3D map, and just be a bunch of 2D shape icon on a pre-rendered texture of a map and pretty much nothing would change when it comes to competitive play. It's a bad gameplay design when being competitive and being immersed are mutually exclusive factors.
@TheGreenSquier 2 күн бұрын
It's an unfortunate truth that the more competitive you get, the less leisure time you have to watch the cool action happen. This is true for any strategy game though, whether it's Supreme Commander, Age of Empires, Red Alert, Warno, etc. However, campaigns exist for all of these games, which are still really fun and appeal to a more casual audience! Additionally, there are some great casters for SC that do give special attention to the cinematic battles, Gyle being the biggest one for SC. It's also okay not to enjoy competitive gameplay. This doesn't just go for Supreme Commander, but any RTS (or really any game at all). Some people have played Age of Empires for 20+ years and never touched matchmaking, and that's okay! Play however you want, and how ever you enjoy playing.
@LudvikKoutnyArt 2 күн бұрын
@@TheGreenSquier Of course it's not true for any strategy game. It's really only true for Supreme Commander-like games. In regular RTS games, like AOE/C&C/Starcraft series you never have to make a choice between seeing the game art and managing macro level strategy. In regular RTS games there's no macro zoom level which replaces game art with 2D icons on a pre-rendered 2D texture of a map.
@contentconsumer3743 11 сағат бұрын
I loved Empire at War’s solution to this! A quick button that provided cinematic shots of the action. It would still be a hindrance in competitive play i guess.
@TheDarkSnaffle 2 күн бұрын
My son introduced me to this last week as I was/am a C&C fan. I was completely confused by right-click and left-click options. Plus, I would like a tutorial on how to build defence and offence units, and how to make them patrol, fight, attack, return to base etc. Your videos were a good start, but there's a lot more to go.
@TheGreenSquier 2 күн бұрын
You’re in luck! I have two more beginners guide videos, #4 being “How to Command an Army.” I’d recommend starting with the next one in the series though, #3:
@xqt6339 3 күн бұрын
Those fucking car horns. I thought someone was outside my house doing that.
@dhruvb38 4 күн бұрын
Keep em coming! I'm learning a lot Still get stuck going past T2 but getting better
@TheGreenSquier 4 күн бұрын
@@dhruvb38 Will do! Do you have any replays you want me to go over? I’m always looking for some good ones, so definitely send me any if you feel comfortable!
@dhruvb38 3 күн бұрын
@@TheGreenSquier Will keep it in mind! I currently can only beat AI: Adaptive, and play with friends against AIX (which we lose, AIX is hilarious when you see what they do to their allies lol), so haven't done any PVP.
@dhruvb38 2 күн бұрын
@@TheGreenSquier I do also have a request, if you find any games that have aeon in them, I would be most happy. I find them real hard to play (I just picked it randomly, and I usually like to get good at one faction in RTSs) especially early game with all the specialized units
@DarylRosenberg01 4 күн бұрын
Constructive crit inbound: All you do is talk about how they should or shouldnt play. Thats not really a cast. You should lable your videos Game critic to learn to play or something. That would fit what you are doing better. A few corrective remarks works but not the entire game.
@TheGreenSquier 4 күн бұрын
Hey that's honestly a good point, my main goal with these is to give advice / tips rather than just spectate. I'll try to think of different ways I can brand it, thanks for the feedback
@PastaEngineer 3 күн бұрын
The title being called "FAF Coaching" is probably pretty clear. I think everyone is just used to faf videos being casting.
@TheGreenSquier 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad the title is clear... now! I changed it from what it originally was, it was called "Low Elo Cast" originally ;)
@Themetaladam 4 күн бұрын
Crypto here, appreciate the cast and the commentary! this was a particularly sobering game for us. Next time we won't face our opponents so blindfolded and be a bit more proactive!
@TheGreenSquier 4 күн бұрын
Just realizing I pronounced "Turtle" as "Turtley" in the beginning, whoops! But thanks for watching, send me some replays if you want to be featured in a cast!
@baval5 5 күн бұрын
I knew factories could assist ferry points, but i had no idea transports could assist factories. Very cool tip
@Triaxx2 10 күн бұрын
With the Hydro inside the Com build range, building additional power is actually detrimental.
@every116 10 күн бұрын
I don't think it was intentional but it was so important that the Monkeylord crawled up out of a bowl before attacking the base, it meant the PD couldn't hit it until the Monkeylord crested the hill where it was already in range of the Monkey's laser.
@muhammadnuralhafiz 10 күн бұрын
@contentconsumer3743 10 күн бұрын
@contentconsumer3743 10 күн бұрын
Epic game, epic advice, epic finishing frame!
@QcMaitrePower 11 күн бұрын
Amazing video. We need so much more like that. You didnt lose, bc you and us learned so much
@QcMaitrePower 11 күн бұрын
Thank you alot for the Low Elo Cast !
@Cigar_Abuser 11 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for reviewing this! You missed my runaway ( hell that was a run ) with the com when i was on about 100 hp getting picked off by mml, and second, my tml picking the mexs top left in his base, but for all the rest yes, great comment, very helpful. He was on top of me with mass at the end of the game because he was sitting on tech 3 mexes in the turtle. Thank you again! See ya online!
@olivierlaborde7887 11 күн бұрын
This style of cast is so important for the growth of this game. The creation of new pros as more people join is so important, and all of those new pros need to start somewhere for advise :) Best of luck!
@TheGreenSquier 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching, send in some replays if you want some coaching / tips on them!
@MrVladko0 11 күн бұрын
Send them where?
@TheGreenSquier 11 күн бұрын
@@MrVladko0 you can send me an email, join my Discord, or just send the replay ID in a KZfaq comment Here's the Discord if you want to join!
@FurryFix231 11 күн бұрын
Can't see sh*t. Those icons so small, how on the Earth you play with this?! When I started to playing SC1, it was a big problem for me. That is why I use icon mods.
@DavidSchmitt 14 күн бұрын
And all of that without the hydro 😅
@1lsgaming27 14 күн бұрын
Haven't played in years. this is an excellent series to get back in the game
@sladow5975 15 күн бұрын
@TheGreenSquier 15 күн бұрын
I got this test comment, I don’t see any others from you
@camara3107 19 күн бұрын
I really like your videos! The casting idea is pretty neat, and would be great to do one fully on your perspective for us to get a bit into your thought process during a match!
@TheGreenSquier 19 күн бұрын
Send me some replays if you want to be featured in a cast!!
@victorpieters6907 19 күн бұрын
Let's gooooo gyle two point oooooo!!!!!!;🎉
@cybren2 19 күн бұрын
@Cigar_Abuser 19 күн бұрын
Yes, as for me, I do like the shorter casts, would be a good idea to talk a bit deeper about "mex teching up timing" and your keyboard setup ( groups and shortcuts to suggest ); amount of factories and pgen positioning. Thanks for sharing
@Myth0l0gic 23 күн бұрын
Recommend mentioning to not queue up more than 5-10 orders on your initial engineers coming off the line--especially if they're building on the front line and without an escort. Just wasted clicks and wasted time queueing up orders if that unit gets destroyed early, which is likely.
@Cigar_Abuser 24 күн бұрын
Great idea, give us more! With navy matchups, analysis and tips!!!
@Triaxx2 24 күн бұрын
So... yes and no on the early factories. It makes a slight difference depending on the map, but unless you NEED big eco, engies can usually build the base just as well as the commander. On a small map, factory ->4 mexes -> walk com is the usual front rush strat, though the number of trees then dictates whether the engies start reclaiming hard or building energy. Especially in that spot where 4 mantis conquered and held the extractors, the com would have been able to build that spot because it could kill the Mantis.
@TheGreenSquier 24 күн бұрын
Hope you guys enjoyed this one, send me some cool replays if you want to be featured in a cast!
@victorpieters6907 24 күн бұрын
Let's go, gyle two point o!!!
@TheGreenSquier 24 күн бұрын
Ha thanks, hopefully the low elo twist will help new players understand some mechanics better too!
@boom426nk 24 күн бұрын
The AA gunship is so good at killing asf. If you are fighting multiple people with air by yourself, AA gunships combine with asf can win against 2 asf swarms
@ByronBryant-xp9cz 26 күн бұрын
this is forged alliance forever GOLD!!!! Thank you so much TheGreenSquier! PLEASE LIKE AN SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL HIS INFO IS SPOT ON!!
@mariomarques7109 27 күн бұрын
Amazing video, thanks!
@sladow5975 Ай бұрын
I did record a video quite a bit ago which I wanted to turn into an airguide. It's not flawless but an example of a nearly perfect air gameplay in a real game. Since I won't contribute to FAF anymore, I'll just leave the link to the non-audio version here if someone wants to take a look or if someone wants to make an airguide out of it. Plan was to simply pause the video smts and go over the gameplan and situations.
@VexnoTheFox 20 күн бұрын
Could i ask why you dont want to contribute to FAF anymore? Just curious. Did something bad happen? Or you just got bored of it?
@sladow5975 17 күн бұрын
​@@VexnoTheFox Of course, I'll try and break it down. 1) Not enough appreciation For the things I've done (the guides in collab with the trainer team and a shit ton of replay reviews over the last years) there was simply too much negativity. The ppl I made the reviews / guides for were thankful and I highly appreciated that, besides that there were a lot of unnecessary comments. I did have some beef with some people which definitely is also my fault, but I'm not referring to those. I'm more referring to comments from e.g. Archsimkat. After Bully switched his name to mine for memes, they apparently had a round and I just read on Discord (you can filter for the exact wording) "Oh you were Bully? I thought you were Sladow. Genuingely thought I had Sid and Sladow on my team so I was just like it's over anyways", which is just unnecessary. We never had beef (nor is he stronger than me but I never commented on that) so getting those random comments from different directions is just exhausting. 2) Man Power FAF lacks manpower. In every team. Dunno how much you followed me, but I was in the balance, matchmaker, association team and team lead of the trainers, yet in every team the activity was simply not given. My threads in the balance team got ignored for muiltiple months before I asked Jip to implement it, then suddenly ppl were like "nooo you cannot do that". Happened more than one time and Jip can probably tell you more about how frustrating it is to deal with some ppl there. I did sort out the trainer team by kicking any inactive trainer, together with advertising on other Discords some people joined. Together with the goals / to do list I've set up with them in a meeting trainer team is completely functional currently. The others are not (Shoutout to Storm for creating all the map pools on his own). 3) Moderators Some moderators really shouldn't be moderators or at least shouldn't have such a behaviour (Archsimkat - the dude I mentioned before - is a moderator btw). To understand the following part, a bit of context: The high ranks in FAF are a very small circle which only really play against each other all the time. The only lobbies you'd get were during weekends or when Farms was streaming. We meme'd around quite a bit, basically moderated ourselves (E.g. kicking people after they base ctrl+k'ed when others disapproved and even created an own rule document so the moderators leave us alone). Recently we changed names for fun, then the mods suddenly introduced a rename rule change which increases the time you can change your rename from 1 month to 1 YEAR. Worst thing is that they didn't have a single good reasoning (literally) for justifying that rule, nor did they listen to the insane critics. In short it was like ".. We cannot give you a good reason. But we'll introduce it anyway cuz fuck you, the silent majority wants it.", see the thread on the forum for details. I've counted and around 23 known high ranks left FAF / became inactive during the last year meaning even if Farms streams, the chance of getting a lobby definitely became smaller. Besides that the actions of the past months were just horrible. E.g. I had quite some friends on the FAF Discord and I mainly contributed cuz of the chill teams. Stryder and I always called each other "retard" for fun, apparently after doing that for over a year using the word "retard" is not allowed anymore. And the context doesn't matter. I can fully see giving ppl a timeout if they mean it as a serious insult, but Stryder getting one after calling me "retard" which was obviously a joke is just over the top. Those were just two examples, there are some good comments on the "Why everything sucks now"-thread made by BlackYps on the Forum. So overall, FAF's infrastructure is quite bad, the moderators got way worse and especially lately it seems their only goal is to enforce stupid rules "cuz why not" (again, for details check the Forum. I'm not exaggerating.). I cannot deal with the shit anymore of people arguing about balance like "revert old mercies!! balance team is elitist and ruins FAF!!" while not getting any support but negativity from the other sides as well. Hope that gave an insight. I *personally* do NOT recommend contributing to FAF. I've talked with other people (in and outside FAF) and projects like BAR are straight up superior in any given way when it comes to infrastructure etc. I'm still active on two FAF Discords (GreenSquier's included) where I'm still giving advice / training though.
@VexnoTheFox 17 күн бұрын
@@sladow5975 Yeah i played BAR but its not supcom, its more of a Total Annihilation fan remake. I wished there was a better option than FAF for supreme commander. I personally hate how theres so many bugs, sometimes i need to connect with my friend for hours on end to play a single round against god damn bots. I looked for the bug, and there was no fix for it, and its known for it to be happening at least since 2015. Im speaking of the weird inability to play some maps, because they just dont download properly for some players at all, or players just cant connect to the game because the map is for some reason, bugged for them. Theres many weird bugs, pathfinding, even tho its said that its "better" than vanilla supcom, it works exactly the same. Its just weird
@timtyber Ай бұрын
hey man, the start was always my weakest and my friends would just jump out of the gates and so many games I lost just because I couldn't keep up, your vids have helped so much maybe I can start winning more consistently, tysm man!
@chocolateelf4867 Ай бұрын
Wow thank you TheGreenSquier
@lMrJackl Ай бұрын
When sending engis far out to build mexes, whats the least brain taxing method of defending them againt enemy tank+scout (or bomber) harassment? Or is it not worth the effort?
@TheGreenSquier Ай бұрын
It will always take some brain tax to defend things, but the main ways would be to assist an engineer with a scout / LAB combo (easy), retreat with the engineer if you notice radar signatures close by (takes some periodic checking), or try to reclaim the tank before it kills your engineer (hard) For bombers, you better have some interceptors built, otherwise the engineer will probably die lol. You can try to micro the engineer to avoid the bombs, but that will only delay the inevitable unless you can kill the bomber
@sladow5975 Ай бұрын
Time for ranting! B) 8:50 I do not suggest to ring any T1 nor T2 radars. Why? - Bc they're at front aka. in a greater danger and they make a much more juicy target for random bombers which you're unlikely to stop if more things are going on. Just keep the PGs in the base 12:50 Not a huuuge fan of the template bc of one reason: Energy storages cost a shit ton of mass (250 mass per storage aka nearly 5 tanks). If you queue up these templates, you're most likely building storages when you do not even need them, so I'd recommend doing a PG only grid and add it manually once you need it. (Will you forget it from time to time? Yes. Do I forget it a lot of times? Yes. This point prob comes down to preference and the ranking we're talking about, it's just my PoV so always take it with a grain of salt) 20:15 Put the scout first, it's useful not only for scouting the base early but if you send it over a side you can spot either engis you can raid or other raid parties coming towards your own engis. I'd also recommend a lower ratio such as 4:1 (or even 3:1 early on if we're talking about larger maps) 22:00 There's an option so you do not have to do this anymore. If engis assist a mex, it automatically upgrades&pauses at the same time, so you can just support every mex you want with engis and it'll do its thing on its own 23:50 Infinite engis except on very small maps with barely reclaim* (e.g. Theta Passage) 28:50 was about to add this as it happened to myself way too often xd Other than that, great stuff! Thanks for putting this together! <3
@pigeon7777 Ай бұрын
how on earth did you quickly surround the radar with energy at 8:45?
@TheGreenSquier Ай бұрын
Templates! I don’t have a video on them (yet), but basically you go into a game with no opponents and create whatever building structures you want, then save them as a template. Then you can cycle through your templates in-game to build them in the same order they were built originally
@pigeon7777 Ай бұрын
@@TheGreenSquier oooo very interesting, thank you!
@CP-zu5pi Ай бұрын
Its the aeon t1 tank that shoots way further than its visual range. You want to mix in artillery with your tanks as those really benefit from recon and deal huge damage. However for scouting/early raids use the light attack bots or gamble on a bomber. Light attack bots are super fast for hitting extractors or engis. A bomber costs more power and needs a different build order.
@EfthimiosKaragianis Ай бұрын
how do u have the hotkeys on the building icons?
@Gorgan184 Ай бұрын
top of screen, under the options menu is "rebind keys" you can set hotkeys there.
@TheGreenSquier Ай бұрын
Other comment is correct, but make sure you’re playing on FAF! I have a video about hot keys here, although it’s a bit outdated and I use other hot keys now. However setting up the FAF presets is on there around 5 mins in
@geoffreyburr5378 Ай бұрын
Are there any patches for the UEF battlecruiser, because the only weapons that work are the torpedos/anti-torpedos; the railguns don't work.
@TheGreenSquier Ай бұрын
Are you playing on Forged Alliance Forever? I haven’t heard of this bug, I think FAF should have patched it, but you could ask on the official FAF Discord to be sure
@geoffreyburr5378 Ай бұрын
@@TheGreenSquier No, I'm playing the campaign (normal version)
@TheGreenSquier Ай бұрын
Ah okay, I highly recommend checking out FAF then. You can play the campaign with 4 player coop (friends or AI), you’ll have a decade+ of balance patches, and you can play with harder AI if you want to. Plus, most of the community uses FAF nowadays, hope to see you there!
@mj-np9sy Ай бұрын
Im stoned playing sc its like being in middle school again except ive got uber eats and no parents
@user-gx8zz5mx1n Ай бұрын
Priceless advices
@pmcmva Ай бұрын
Your "lost engineer" on the 1st air factory was actually assigned to the Com (6:00) and he hadn't made it there yet when you were blaming an engineer. Right at that moment, (7:00) the Com was working on the PGs next in the queue. LOL. Very good video. I'm about 5 hours in to the game and 20+ hours tutorial videos in, but this as helpful as any. Thanks. Subbed.
@CYON4D Ай бұрын
Great info as always!
@RobertOrtel Ай бұрын
By misclick you send that engineer to support your second land factory ;-).