Top Ten 2020 | Highgrade Media
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Top Ten 2019 | Highgrade Media
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@Apollorion 21 күн бұрын
Though the statement made by Kaufmann as an 'answer' to how he'd fight corruption are very sensible, they are not a real answer of how to fight corruption, it only tells where to begin & why.
@komakechsebestianoboth7258 2 ай бұрын
This is exactly the problem in my country Uganda
@tombstonevulturecommand 3 ай бұрын
sounds like the future of africa is a continuation of the past. people in positions of power in africa will sell the strategic resources to multinational corporations, becoming rich themselves and leaving the average african just as they are today and have been for centuries. this is nothing but a mouthpiece for the UN agenda 2030, using a kind face and smiles and re-wording to make people on the ground feel like its good for them too. these plans include a culminating event of killing billions slowly in subversive ways
@dhruvdesai4 5 ай бұрын
One of the best interviews I have watched. I will be sharing with my colleagues in mining. Thank you for creating this Gem. I hope to meet both of these people one day.
@karinesavard2016 6 ай бұрын
"Equitable sharing" is a term often reduced to "giving a voice to express needs and values" while the decisions made tend to be "we listened but we did this anyway". That is an incorrect practice of democracy and seems to be only lipservice.
@bhekimdakane2311 11 ай бұрын
Eye opening and informative
@jrdfilms363 Жыл бұрын
Si fue ella quien me dijo ,nomás contigo, ese no es mi puto problema ,más bien hablaré con alguien siempre por elwdio de wonshay welcome
@rosshilton Жыл бұрын
Absolutely it’s finished. It was hoping it could refine and finish minerals from Russia. That’s not going to happen. Without cheap energy (Russian gas) it can’t afford to process the minerals even if it gets them. The future lies in nations like Australia with cheap energy and huge volumes of easy to win minerals.
@itonman5837 Жыл бұрын
What came first, hen or crap. Every jew was shitted by whore because she was fucked by her father.
@dayotilahungebremichael1234 Жыл бұрын
Great geological analytical conculusion
@joehardie81 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know that Glynn abandoned his 3 children and didn't pay child support? Not a good example of social responsibility. Guess his ethics at Rio Tinto don't apply whatsoever to his personal life. What a hypocrite...
@taretouurio201 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Please provide some guidance stability of salt tailings
@aethelwolfe3539 2 жыл бұрын
Um, I think there are massive unthought of political and economic consequences for making goverment owners over private corporations especially over other countries. It’s probably why every single corporation is woke, it probably influences the types of censorship policies Susan makes here.
@menaofficial1635 2 жыл бұрын
Great Professor Carlos Lopes.
@laskuri1393 2 жыл бұрын
Tailings dam failures can be minimized by all means from planning to design to construction to operation and closure. Most of the dam failed are due to selection of incompetent embankment materials and lack of reinforcement materials. most companies want to build cheap TSF resulting in safety being compromised.
@kailashpatel1706 2 жыл бұрын
you think Tailings management issues are solvable, the anti mining lobby says not..?
@laskuri1393 2 жыл бұрын
Tailings Management issues are manageable and can be minimized. Anti mining lobbies are good at assuming problems but not good at solving or minimizing problems.
@kailashpatel1706 2 жыл бұрын
@@laskuri1393 you accept the tailings issue is a real problem?...i did work for years on the mining issue in the Philippines and many of the claims made by the NGO movements were questionable i think but this one?
@laskuri1393 2 жыл бұрын
@@kailashpatel1706 There has to be a balance. The so called NGO commonly base their stands on hear say with lots of comparison from similar failed dams. They are everywhere in the world. They only bring complaints rather than solutions. If you cannot discharge the tailings either onto the deep sea or into river system then there has to be a storage facility to keep the waste materials.
@kailashpatel1706 2 жыл бұрын
@@laskuri1393 yet those failed dams are real like Brazil in 2019?
@thecount_1957 2 жыл бұрын
Perfectly explained. Excellent interview.
@akilogyitbarek8262 2 жыл бұрын
@IAMTHELION622 3 жыл бұрын
No D. Visit The Book Of Life Project on Instagram
@hbarberburnside7007 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, where can we find or download the book?
@HighgradeMedia 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! The book is out of print unfortunately. We have heard, however, that an update is in the works.
@juliewriston980 3 жыл бұрын
Wow.!! Not at ALL a common name.. Just how many of me is there REALLY?? 😕
@Sodiumfossil 3 жыл бұрын
@brightlife1725 3 жыл бұрын
Good Conversation !
@jemalbekaris5077 2 жыл бұрын
@rokapab 3 жыл бұрын
@sa-st3im 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Evelyn How ARE YOU? I'm Dr Yaser I am trying to call you but your phone number which I have isn't answer. We miss you Evelyn. How can I call you?
@wee3149 3 жыл бұрын
should be life after mining book intro
@adebanjotemitope3735 4 жыл бұрын
@abdiqanifarah9375 4 жыл бұрын
All of this is just the rhetorical jargon developed by international organizations such as UN agencies. the fact of the matter is there is no such thing as diversification and the likes the chap is talking about, its all to do with the leadership and system of governance exist in Africa. If you make a mere comparison of the western government, they are accountable to the system: the president/Prime Minister could not dare to mismanage, let alone misappropriate, the wealth of the country. On the contrary, in Africa, the president/prime minister owns everything and has a free will to do pretty much whatever he wants. Just like Europe prior to 16 century and the treaty of Westphalia in which they did do away with the absolute monarchs and the Rome.
@lilcrumb6420 4 жыл бұрын
Because people are greedy for money
@michaelzjody 4 жыл бұрын
An excellent and insightful interview (and interviewee)!
@HighgradeMedia 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely to hear!
@royjakola 4 жыл бұрын
Professor Cochran offers some exceptional insights into the opportunity for solutions to gender equality in mining. The solution needs an end goal as commented by Ms. Borssen. The change in both behaviour and culture is generational and focused on the broader theme of social performance. This end game is community engagement and women in mining should be leading this generational theme.
@HighgradeMedia 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
@yurisabrori 4 жыл бұрын
Indonesian government back stabbed by USSR in 1965 and back stabbed again by USA in 1997. Do you expect Indonesia government will trust westerner? absolutely not. Indonesian government already have defense mechanism for that. welcome to "orang dalam" or the rat
@silvanatordo7500 4 жыл бұрын
The mining industry, providing input to almost every product and service in the world, is highly relevant to the goal of achieving sustainable development in mineral-rich countries and in the global economy. The World Bank's recent report "Building Resilience : A Green Growth Framework for Mobilizing Mining Investment" examines how the public and private sectors can work together to accelerate green growth. Read more here -
Very interesting matter! I hoped more about Local content!
@HighgradeMedia 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment, Henri-Claude! If you are interested in local content you can also check out this interview with Isabelle Ramdoo: or this with Benjamin Aryee: or this with Kojo Busia: Happy watching!
@sorichalchisa5008 5 жыл бұрын
I am very interested in the interview and wants to say Caroline thank you. I have gotten unmeasurable knowledge and experience from her during my participation (LEAD program).
@HighgradeMedia 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment, Sori! Caroline is indeed very knowledgeable and we were delighted to catch her for an interview.
@jesustoro9489 5 жыл бұрын
Such a clarity and superlative level of knowledge is just inspirational. Thank you so much Prof. Espinasa
@richbuckley6917 5 жыл бұрын
MINORITY OPINION REPORT: As a member of Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) I continue to do independent climate research. CCL has it wrong and is leading CCL lock step in the wrong direction. We must prepare for a rapid onset of an ice-age. Global Warming appears to be a temporary luxury. The current lobby stance position is based on false science. Clean air does not require the removal of CO2. CO2 is insignificant in global warming! The earth has cycled through much higher levels of CO2 many times before providing lush living environments through a beneficial heating cycle tempered by ocean memory, in temperature ranges in which humans can thrive. If you are persuaded in scientific matters ONLY by "consensus opinion politics" then know that the balance of scientific opinion has now changed substantially away from the settled science of Sen. Al Gore's personal convenient reality. We are facing another ice-age occurrence that is far more important to prepare for than global warming. Please do personal research before blindly pressing for any partisan or non-partisan, Carbon Dividend Tax. Carbon Tax will do nothing to clean our air. It's false science. WHAT REALLY MATTERS: Let's actually start understanding the ice-age alternative outcome. What science is there to support such a prediction? The sad, great irony in which we find ourselves is a political, myopic focus on global warming during a period when we might otherwise be preparing for onset of the next ice age. WE NEED TO LOOK AT OUR SUN'S PLASMA FIELD. The significance of David LaPoint’s 3 videos when combined with Rolf Witzsche's follow-on reporting (see link below) illustrates a strong scientifically based hypothesis by Witzsche and well cited each step of the way with long term, ice-core drillings covering ice samples over many tens of thousands of years. These long term charts clearly demonstrate climate change is tracking to an ice-age and that ice-age onset can occur in one day (a change that seems to also be support by frozen animals with undigested food found in thawing tundra, and additionally supported by ice core samples showing VERY rapid changes in temperatures) This RAPID COOLING phenomenon occurs when there is insufficient electric current about our sun, to sustain the sun’s plasma field. These magnetic plasma fields (Primer Fields named by David LaPoint in the above referenced videos) turn on and off instantly, and not over long periods of time. The Sun has many different intensity of cycles. The Sun is mistakenly considered an invariable in today’s politicized, public atmospheric false-science. The sun is not an invariable.
@buhetatoni7659 5 жыл бұрын
Mary proud of you
@pilarr7517 5 жыл бұрын
Parece mentira q de tanto supuesto experto solo dos hayan dado las claves. No son las regulaciones ni q vengan empresas internacionales. Eso es lo q hay ahora justo lo opuesto a la economía basada en recursos. Es hacer leyes para q se deshaga la desigualdad y los recursos pertenecen a la Tierra y por tanto no son divisibles sino aplicables para realizar objetos q use aquel q lo precise. El comercio es algo q no existiría pues los excesos de productos o alimentos se reparten y punto. No se necesita un intermediario comerciante q acumule para venderlo a precios desorbitados. Más humanidad y menos personas societarias tales como sociedades limitadas, sociedades anónimas, etc. Y el segundo dio la otra clave muy sencilla también de enlaces, enlaces, enlaces. Se trata de simplificar la sociedad para q sea una sociedad basada en individuos relacionados y no en un gestor externo en forma de institución, empresa o Estado
@BlahBlahPoop617 5 жыл бұрын
The way this guy words things is funny. I understand to a degree because he wants to make it sound like the situation isn't as bad as it really is, but truth is, consumers won't just decide to consume less oil and thus demand will drop. What will happen is increasing unemployment in energy and energy-related sector jobs and normal jobs will increase and poverty will increase to the point where we will have stagflation, which is high unemployment and inflation. So the buying power of their currency will buy less goods including gas/oil. At the same time that is happening, governments will continue to increase taxes to make up for a widening gap in the GDP to debt and tax revenue ratios. These taxes will further incentivize people not to buy more oil or gas than they need, and not drive as much, and this will be government trying to force demand in oil to peak. We are already seeing the effects of this like the taxes on gas/oil in France which is one of the thins that is leading to the civil unrest. We will see more of this spread across the Western countries. We have already peaked in conventional oil and expensive low grade oil such as shale has large decline rates. So we will peak in all fossil liquids by around 2030. That is when the very final peak will be. We will peak in Shale in the early to mid 2020's and the final peak around 2030. What most people including governments are not telling you, the public, is that the party is over. There is no replacement for fossil fuel. Wind and solar have a much lower Energy Return on Energy Invested. or EROEI. The energy density is much lower in the battery electric machines as well and it's too expensive. And even if we could make all cars electric within the next 10 years (which we won't, since studies show it takes 20-30 years at least to switch to new energy sources in the economies), we still rely on oil/diesel for heavy machinery/trucks/drills that mine raw material (electricity and soar cannot power these heavy machines that mine due to low energy density). And not only is the raw material to make electric cars, such as exotic minerals and metal, mined using oil, but the much of the material is made by oil by-products, like solar panels, etc. We peaked in oil discoveries back in the early to mid 1960's. Our last largest oil find was in 1964. Since then, despite all the money that oil companies made from all the times oil prices went high, and despite all the increases in technology, we have been finding less and less oil plays, decade after decade. And just to maintain current population and economic growth, we still need to be finding a new Saudi Arabia every few years because current plays are declining at a percentage rate every year. So just to go sideways we need to keep finding new plays to replace the depleting ones. Now add in the plays we will need to find just to keep growing the global economy and population and it's impossible we will find the oil for that. We haven't and we can't because it's simply a finite resource. So essentially, it's back to the 1800's at best, and the dark ages at worst. (Yes, really.)
@suresh_elonbro 5 жыл бұрын
run out of time? you made a 2 min video on youtube. there is no time limit on youtube you idiot.
@HighgradeMedia 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Suresh, please find here the full-length interview:
@markrobinson7765 5 жыл бұрын
Great job Jonas. The plea for empathy for your successor is very well taken. The EITI remains a beacon for achieving consensus through multi-stakeholder forums that bring together industry, government and civil society to resolve complex extractives governance challenges.
@HighgradeMedia 5 жыл бұрын
It's great advice for all and everyone of us. Glad you liked the interview - Jonas does an excellent job explaining the importance of the EITI. Good luck and hope you are enjoying your first months in Oslo!
@lazah7 5 жыл бұрын
Great explainer..
@HighgradeMedia 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment - Ali is great, we agree!
@UhuruBlue 5 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent interview. Perhaps my greatest take away is Jonas Moberg's focus on "questioning" as an underlying principle for his working philosophy. Great work as usual!
@lazah7 5 жыл бұрын
Good explainer. Well done Ali.
@leelavallee9049 6 жыл бұрын
Very proud Hilda of what you guys have accomplished thus far in the business field!! I am sure I can speak for those from Blanc Sablon how happy we are of your success !!!
@johnstrongman3010 6 жыл бұрын
My background is nearly forty years with the World Bank working on mining development issues. Anglo American stands out as a leader in sustainable development practices. I would like to underscore the importance of local capacity building - right on target; building partnerships which can involve supporting partners with capacity building to become responsible partners; and having the right expertise - have social specialists address social issues. Well done. One important thing that would be useful to add is a gender perspective. Local benefits (employment and income) go predominantly to men whereas harmful social and environmental impacts fall predominantly on women and the family members they care for. What is needed are measures and initiatives designed to build the capacity of and provide agency and voice for community women. What would also be useful would be practical examples of successful sustainable development interventions.
@llllll-vd7bu 6 жыл бұрын
thank's a lot, excellent analysis, with conclusion I was expected
@mrlokanc 7 жыл бұрын
Great question and video! A really interesting use for old underground mine workings that I've heard of is mushroom farming in one of South Africa's old diamond mine - the Big Hole.