Lore Review- FFXIV Dawntrail, Launch Trailer
FFXIV Lore- The Ancients
4 ай бұрын
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@Madrock7777 8 минут бұрын
As a famous lizard once said, "I yeild to none!" and as my Xaela is also red I have to agree it.
@powerofk 21 минут бұрын
Honestly, I think we got dragged into helping Wuk Lamat because of the twins. At least, my WoL ended up that way. She wanted to stay out of this fight. We literally just met Wuk Lamat, and my WoL has gotten, shall we say, cynical of people’s true motives. So right now, we’re on a “trust but verify” allegiance with Wuk Lamat. Don’t want her to become another Ilberd.
@Ramielgodofdeath 26 минут бұрын
Wuk lamat needs a big helping of character development before she can handle the throne. considering her name literally translated could mean akin to seventh dawn, either she is going to become a new scion by the end, or she is a stand in for "what if WOL got the statecraft jobstone?" Koana is the most ready for this change and since he is most likely backed by Thancred and Urianger, is probably going to win it either out right or after Lamat realizes she is not fit for the throne, and decides he is the better fit even after personal growth. all i know about Zorall is hes good at being the captain of the guard. since his job is literally to preserve the status quo, hes probably going to be a stand in for keeping things as is. however i could see some Thematic foliage with him and Koana. just as Gulool Ja Ja was a ruler with two heads, Zoraal and Koana could be the two new heads, one standing for tradition, the other future. a way to prevent the stagnation of status quo but bring in the coming technological revolution without destruction of the culture. on brand with the whole blanace theme we got going on after endwalker. Bakool Ja Ja is clearly the worst one and will probably get their ass kicked by us at some point mirroring the trailer, but either hes going to be the reason we have to fight the robot army or use it as pretext for taking the throne in the chaos. guys who do what they want because they are strong don't survive/win a second fight with the wol.
@reyjusuf 31 минут бұрын
We got a Sil'dih variant dungeon but not a Gelmorran one :(
@reyjusuf Сағат бұрын
I hope Zoraal Ja wins. The ones who petitioned foreigners to help shouldnt win and I expect Wuk Lamat and the Miqote to end up backing him against Bakool Ja Ja
@Kibblethebrave Сағат бұрын
My bet is that Wuk Lamat and Koana end up ruling together and serving basically the same function as the two heads; one being strength oriented and the other being mindful. It would be the most neatly handled way of replacing that kind of leader and having the "rivalry" not tear everyone apart.
@yukiotacon2846 Сағат бұрын
Personally, I would rather serve Wuk Lamat becasuse she is seems more open to change than the rest. The rest seem rather set in their ways which I find concerning. Koana and Bookul jaja especially. Koana seems so focus on modernizing Tural to which may lead to Tural losing it's cultural identinty just to advance the nation and well Bakool is pretty explanitory. Since I am not a fan of attitude. His everything should be mine because I am a blessed reminds me a certain major we killed back in the day . Pray we only have to humble him and not kill him
@cstrouts Сағат бұрын
So far, it's unclear which candidate is the one that wants to invade Garlemald. I'm assuming it's the two-headed one because he's already described as a racist asshole, and I think we're going to have a three-way contest among the scions with Estinien working for the military guy with one head, Thancred and Urianger working for Koana, and us working for Wuk Lamat.
@AzureGreatheart Сағат бұрын
Honestly, having this information laid out made me wonder if there will be a single Dawn Servant at the end of the expansion; all of the candidates have good positions, while also having a glaring issue, with Wuk Lamat’s issue being a lack of experience. Most likely, Wuk Lamat ends up in charge after learning from the others, but I can also see this ending in a council ruling Tural; it wouldn’t be the first nation to be left heavily reformed in the Warrior of Light’s wake.
@cstrouts 2 сағат бұрын
I will not be surprised if two of the contenders for the throne team up and work together to win. Maybe Wuk Lamat and Koana. Having two co-leaders is similar to having a two-headed leader after all.
@DeusGamez 2 сағат бұрын
one one hand Wuk Lamat comes off as too naive and too trusting i could see this leading to hardships for her people unless she sharpens her zeal an strengthens her resolve to serve and to lead. zoraal seems to understand duty and traditions an has served the throne likely has incite on how their government functions and works seem to be the most experienced overall but i feel like his flaw would be that he is narrow sighted an only looks within his borders failing to realize the benefits he could achieve if he branched out to their neighbors. Bakool we know seems to just be greedy an desires power for the sake of it going on with the "might makes right" mantra seems to be his character and his rule would likely be that of a tyrant crushing and disenfranchising the weak an raising up only the strong for his conquest to spill blood an forcefully claim resources. so while powerful i've no doubt he has the capability to lead his people to prosper and instead will only invoke rebellion and mistrust among them. and then last we have Koana, he seems pragmatic and intelligent and based on what limited info we have he does seem to be thinking towards the future of his home an its people an has ideas on what an ideal progression would look like however like with Wuk i believe he is probably incredibly naive and doesn't really understand the wants and desires of the people and they likely won't be as accepting to change with his revolution without convincing it would be to their benefit and enhance their already rich and prosperous way of being.
@DeusGamez 2 сағат бұрын
so honestly if it comes down to it i'd say its a tie between Koana and Zoraal but i probably relate more to Koana and could see him as better leader overall to usher in a new age. but Zoraal is more comfortable and a face you know with the experience needed to lead the nation thru its battles but not see it change in any meaningful way basically he'd just keep the status quo and there is nothing wrong with that to be fair if things are good why change it ? some like their way of living just as it is.
@henkohallows 2 сағат бұрын
TulioLOL ---> Tuliyollal
@Calvados656 2 сағат бұрын
11:55 So I just wanna say I used to use Limsa as my main city for the market board as well but I switched to Gridania when I changed Grand Companies and Ive noticed something. Limsa is definitely the best for easy access to market board, Gridania has the easiest access to the Inn and Grand Company, while Ul'dah... Well it has roughly the same access to GC as Gridania but thats kinda it. All of this of course assumes you wanna deal with minimal loading screens.
@Meshawroo 2 сағат бұрын
Logically thinking ... it would be better for a three-way rule if not a dual rulership as someone might be assassinated or self sacrificed during the conflict ... also, isn't it favorable to lore to have 2 heads ... 2 different viewpoints, one to prosper and another to hold self-worth ... technology advancements are well and good, but to ignore the heart of a nation in favor of moving forward, it'll be easy to forget one's self and lose the value of independence... sure, they are not as advanced, but the ppl are happy, so what is the harm of taking it slow in a time of peace ... build lasting connections and adapt at a steady pace, or all will crumble if the lessons of old are ignored
@DKarkarov 2 сағат бұрын
Which ever one of them doesn't scream about how they will be the next hokage every five minutes. I will back that one. Oh wait... the game doesn't give you a choice and you are backing Naruto...
@Narmotari 2 сағат бұрын
Gay game
@Sarantserel 2 сағат бұрын
On the Dawntrail website, the very first thing mentioned about Zoraal Ja is that he is the "First Promise of Tulitollal". I was intrigued by what that meant so I went to look at the website in other languages. In japanese, he's instead described as the First Prince and in French, as the one biological child of Gulool Ja Ja. So I wonder if his uniqueness could stem from being the child of a Blessed Sibling.
@blushingralseiuwu2222 Сағат бұрын
Yeah, he is basically just the first prince, the oldest and expected to succeed.
@aidanmillow566 2 сағат бұрын
Who I would support: Zoraal Ja Wuk Lamat seems like she could grow into a good leader but she's not there yet: I would support her if there was no-one else who seemed good. Of course she's the only one that we have more than a surface level knowledge of right now so every other assessment should be taken with a grain of salt. Koana is the one I'm least sure about: it all depends on how much restraint he has. If he tries to turn Tuliyollal into another Sharlayan within a generation that could be a disaster but if he's able to bring in innovation at a manageable pace and listens when people tell him no then he is probably the best option. Zoraal Ja seems the safest option, of course he's also the one we know least about. If he has a downside it is that we don't know if he's ventured outside of Tural and experience with foreign cultures is a positive thing in a leader. Bakool Ja Ja seems like a disaster unless most of the information that we have about him so far is incorrect. Who I think will win: None of them. Wuk Lamat is, in my opinion, the most likely of the four. I think there could be a satisfying arc in her recognizing that she's not ready while the other three are blind to their faults and she thus becomes the most worthy but given how much we've seen of her emphasizing that she isn't ready I think it's more likely that she will step aside to someone else. I can't explain why I don't think Koana will win but I don't think he will. Something in it seems narratively off. Possibly it's that I think "losing" to the claimant your allies sided with and then competed against you might leave a bad taste. Prior to the launch trailer I thought that the fourth claimant (Not Wuk Lamat or Koana or the unnamed imperialist claimant that turned out to be Bakool Ja Ja) would win but upon seeing Zoraal Ja unveiled I don't think he will. Ironically the "favorite" tag is the chief thing that make me doubt him. It would be interesting for the candidate that we are told "musn't win" to turn out to be not as bad as Wuk Lamat thought and end the victor but with the trailer and special site reinforcing her view I do not think there's any chance that Bakool Ja Ja wins. So then who?: well presumably one of the other characters highlighted as important: Erenville or the Enigmatic Maiden. I could make a prediction as to which but I think "None of the above" is a bold enough prediction in this context that I'm okay with not doing so.
@Wanderingsage7 2 сағат бұрын
Personally I could follow either Wuk Lamant and Koana. Zalaa ja might have commissioned Estinien as his champion given the latter's position in the trailer. Baquul ja... I'm curious how he even plans to make it to Garlemald, much less survive the cold
@TheSwordsman100 3 сағат бұрын
I will lend my sword to Wuk Lamat, not just because she asked but because she's honest and open to criticism. Traits that will allow her to grow into a good leader.
@bladethewolfartist7095 3 сағат бұрын
and then they have a twist and turn it into a council and the ruler was hoping for them to learn from one another during the contest
@MajorShepard 3 сағат бұрын
Koana is currently the best choice out of all of them, I like Wuk Lamat as she's cute and funny but she is *not* leader material as she is right now. Maybe through the Expac she will be but right now she is not, too focused on keeping it from her brother than having an actual idea of what she will do as a leader. Koana has the same desire to be the Dawn Servant but also has ideas and plans for when he becomes one, and really damn good ones. Going forward into progress rather than stagnating in the past is ALWAYS good as long as you pace yourself and not go full throttle into things. I really hate it when fantasy settings, including Final Fantasy, paint progress in a negative light or downright antagonistic/evil so I would love to see the opposite for a change.
@natebroadus8474 3 сағат бұрын
If I'm picking just for fun without any context from Dawntrail, I'd go with Koana. He seems like he has more of a vision for his people's future than just flowery speeches. That said, I'd need to see more of all 3 of them to really make a sound choice. Koana could have the vision, but not the intestinal/testicular fortitude for the job. It sounds like his dad could talk the talk AND walk the walk. Having a plan means dick if you can't execute it in the face of people who would just force you out of the way, like Bakool Ja Ja implied he's ready and willing to do. I hope this plays into Wuk Lamat's character. I wonder if that's why she's doing this: she's afraid her brothers won't be enough to stop the guy. Maybe she has some personal history with him that we have yet to see?
@mcsavi1538 3 сағат бұрын
Honestly if there was an option for some sort of evil ending I would’ve killed them all, take the throne and become a dictator. Then I would use my armies to take over eorzea
@BunnyWitchcraft 3 сағат бұрын
Hot cat girl
@llKirosll 3 сағат бұрын
I'm calling now: Koana is an ascian. But not a bad one, just one who wants to better the land hi is in now that the unsundered are out f the picture. You know, just do his thing instead of being part of a greater plan :) I kid. But seriously, he is an ascian :) Now, if I had say in the matter: - Bakool Ja Ja is a no go. nothing else to say. - Wuk Lamat: too idealistic? too innocent to be a ruler? maybe. her mission is to stop her land return to the chaos of war. that could be archived by one or two of the others. - Zoraal Ja: I honestly had him and Bakool Ja Ja as the same person before this video :D. Don't really know his agenda. - Koana: Probably it is whom I would support. How far and how much he wants to sacrifice for progress is something that needs to be taken into account. But it would be my initial choice.
@hasseo195 3 сағат бұрын
From the knowledge now, would i say, that Koana would be the most logical choice. His idea, about the evolution and future, looks like the right choice for the country. Good, they dont look much differently to Eozera. But, they are to primitiv combaired to country like Galemald. And, it was the science of Shayalan, that saved the planet (without them would the WoL never reached Endsinger). The one headced Lizard would be my second choice. He looks to be someone, who only count at himselfd and his own strenght. He looks to be someone, who tries to solve problems alone. But, the trailer shows him even as someone, who cares about the people. Or, at last understand therte importance (at last, if the trailers are not missleading). And, as the leader of the army, has he leading experience. Something, the others looks toi missing. The cat by other hand is someone, who carers very hard about the people. But, she looks to inexperience and weak, compaired to the Lizard. She looks to be his inferior version, with low battle experience and mind. And, it looks like, that she dont have a vision for the country. As a leader, is that not a good thing. The 2 headed lizard is a no go. He is arrogante and dint showed anything good as a leader. He is the worse choice from all.
@Zanekael 4 сағат бұрын
I don't think Wuk Lamat wins. I think she's going to act as a heart or bridge between Koana and Zoraal Ja, and one of those two will win with the other as a second in command. Bakool Ja Ja will become a shared enemy who will be dead or exiled by the end. This seems like Wuk Lamat's goal anyway if the meal at the end of endwalkers patches are any indication.
@JackDaloots 4 сағат бұрын
Dawn SERVANT!!! Thank you, all this time I thought it was the "Dawn SERPENT" ... I think I just had viper on the brain...
@drewgregory4079 Сағат бұрын
In fairness, Gulool Ja Ja REALLY pronounces it like 'serpent' during the trailer.
@HaddaClu 4 сағат бұрын
So my money is on Zoraal Ja winning the thone. Based off of the description; he seems like someone who would have the best interests of the nation in mind. and will be thinking about the CONSEQUENCES of the actions that may or may not be needed to achieve them. Wuk is too headstrong and idealistic .... she reminds me of Lyse from SB a bit too much. The miqote brother seems as you pointed out a bit too ready to sweep aside everything that gives a people an identity; all for the sake of progress. Zoraal being the head of the defense force; will know how to take measured responses. I can see him forming alliances for the good of his people.... maybe even taking on one of his siblings as a partner in the government to help advance their country.
@LuthielValinor 4 сағат бұрын
I wish we were given the agency to pick the candidate we wanted to support. I would choose Konoa without a doubt. Wuk has a good heart, but I don't see leadership potential in her. Konoa has a vision, and the intelligence to see it through. Wuk's desire to take the throne seems more emotionally driven - she loves her father and just wants to keep things the way they are. She doesn't even have a concrete plan for obtaining even such a loosely defined goal. She seems like a figure it out as you go kind of person. Nothing about her inspires confidence, sadly.
@kiearawagner7901 2 сағат бұрын
Also, another thing I feel that should be mention is her choice in allies. Instead of seeking strength in maybe herself, or her fellow countrymen, she went straight for the WoL herself. The Saivor of the Star. A living legend. Sure, that is impressive by itself, but also could lead into the "You only won because you had a near demi-god of a woman fighting for your cause." Realistically, I could see a lot of citizens of Tural questioning if Wuk would be a good leader by this choice alone, relying potentially too heavily on her champion rather than her own strength, and as such leads to questions of competency, because as was mentioned, eventually the WoL will leave like she has done before.
@Garyof11 4 сағат бұрын
I give my answer only because she asked first but right now im behind Wuk Lamat because I like how earnest she is, but to be blunt I do not think she is ready for that leadership position yet. As we travel and learn more about her and how she interacts with her people I may change my stance, but right now she only has my support for business reasons alone. Zoraal Ja seems to be the most capable in my eyes. Yes he is military, but judging from the amount of support he has he resonates with the hearts of the people. My stance may change if we go over there and find out that people are just scared of him though, but I don't really get that impression yet. Bakool Jaja is just a disaster waiting to happen so even if he does bring his people great glory, in the long run they will piss off the wrong nation. Koana is a bit of an enigma. Being book smart doesn't mean you're automatically a great leader. Need to learn a bit more about him in order to form a proper opinion.
@Viech54 4 сағат бұрын
I would love to be able to choose who to support/which group of Scions to join. But as that 99.999% won't happen (it won't, but I still have a slim hope that we have a few choices here and there), I'd choose Koana. Although any of the first three is probably an alright choice based on what we know so far. Possibly even one of them at the top with the other two helping out in their areas of expertise. Assuming they don't have to be killed for someone to win the contest, that is. Bakool Ja Ja, not so much.
@saltyrabbit4128 Сағат бұрын
I'm also sure it won't happen, but I'm imagining a system kind of like WoW's Shadowland expansion where you can choose one of the 4 to support with the same dailies with different text. Then in the first or second post story patch, finally have the ruler solidified based on who got more support.
@john_7000 4 сағат бұрын
Oh shut the fuck up dude!!! stop thining like u know everything!!!
@NotTheWheel 4 сағат бұрын
🤔Hmmm in an alternate history where the use of Black Rose is successful. Garlemald could have easily taken this opportunity for this war of succession to conquer the New World with little effort.
@brycemoose7026 4 сағат бұрын
I'd say koana is the best bet sorry wuk lumat
@Theheadless1858 4 сағат бұрын
If conflict was so widespread maybe solution 9 was a solution to that conflict rather than a calamity.
@ianmoore2351 4 сағат бұрын
Koana, good to have a vision for the future. I'm already calling it that he ends up the Dawn Servant, I've a feeling that Wuk Lamat will realize she's not ready for the position during Dawntrail's story and will continue to adventure with us instead.
@hasseo195 3 сағат бұрын
Im not sure. He is my number 1 to. But i dont see him winning that. In would bet, that he is involved with solution 9. And could make a mistake or becomes a enemie. The most liskely scenario i see is, that Wu is winning by uniting the 1 headed lizard and Koana under her. The goal of him is under her even possible (esspecialy, because she dont have any plans). The 1 headed one could help the people at the best, with his current role as military commander.
@SokiHime 4 сағат бұрын
Gonna have to play this one in another language
@bigfoxki 5 сағат бұрын
Also Zoraal Ja probably died in the story if you look at the launch trailer. The non-moving hand that turned on the "key" had very similar arm brace he had.
@SynodicScribe 4 сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure he was just standing up in that frame, you can see his feet. haha
@bigfoxki 4 сағат бұрын
@@SynodicScribe You are right XP, I missed his feet! Glad my favorite Ja is fine <3
@dullahandan4067 5 сағат бұрын
Historically speaking do adopted heirs ever last long on the throne?
@liahknight56 4 сағат бұрын
Historically speaking its few and far-between. Most adopted heirs would've been excluded from succession, and the main examples we have of adopted rulers are those who were adopted in adulthood, or voted into the position. Dawnservant's succession isn't really predicated on blood so I don't expect Wuk Lamat's lineage to make much difference, maybe even a plus as its seen as her being under tutelage of a great leader.
@dullahandan4067 3 сағат бұрын
@@liahknight56 I am torn between what should happen based off logic and what will most likely happen based off what the writers want to happen. Going to have to turn off my brain this expansion most likely. EDIT NOTE: Okay rewatched cutscene and it is just naming a successor. OG King may be in power for a while still and plenty of time to assassinate unfriendly kings to be if needed.
@Jai_dinn 5 сағат бұрын
@acgearsandarms1343 5 сағат бұрын
Logically I would have sided with Koana, but he I feel is lacking for the cultural aspect of everyone, seeing ahead but not seeing the whole picture. So in all, I think us siding with Wuk Lamat is not a bad choice. Out of the four, the likely winner I would say might be Zoraal Ja and Koana assuming nothing happens to them.
@ruinparadox4812 5 сағат бұрын
I'd rather serve Wuk Lamat. Yes, she's naive, but we all start somewhere. An inexperienced leader is far less destructive than a malicious one. Koana is intelligent yes, but attempting to force progress on a society often leads to disaster. Its possible we might end up with another Allagan Empire under his rule, and we all know how that turned out. Zoraal Ja is indeed powerful, but as history often tells us, military commanders more often than not, don't make for a good leader of a nation, as the two positions need vastly different approaches to carry out their responsibilities. Bakool JaJa wants to plunge the entire nation back into war. It doesn't matter if its part of his culture or not, throwing the entire nation of Tural back into endless conflict with other nations is nothing more than senseless violence that has no point to it.
@davidpower5710 2 сағат бұрын
Not sure how it feels like koana is attempting to force progress tho
@ruinparadox4812 2 сағат бұрын
@@davidpower5710 Probably not the best word I could have used. My main concern is, yeah, he wants Tural to advance technologically, but is the nation ready for that? Like the place still has tribal leaders and such, are they capable of suddenly integrating Sharlayan technology into their everyday life? Progress is good, but too much progress in too short a time could easily lead to a collapse in the system. Overall, it could work, but how is Koana going to go about it?
@BaghNakh1 2 сағат бұрын
I agree. Wuk Lamat's naitivty and lack of experience are problems, yes, but none of them are as dangerous as the problems that the other aspirants could do to Tural. Bakool JaJa being the most dangerous by far, mainly because it straight up puts the rest of the nations in danger and right now, after the whole deal with the Final Days, the thing we need the least right now is to be threatened by another nation with aspirations of conquering and domination over others. Bakool JaJa should be seen as a potential threat to our homes. All Wuk Lamat needs is more time and experience to become a fine leader, things she'll inevitably gain with time.
@davidpower5710 Сағат бұрын
@@ruinparadox4812 depends on how he goes about it. Meny nations irl had managed to transform their nation in only 50 to 60 years smoothly. Which is extremely fast in the wider picture. But it could go very wrong like you said. It's mainly about Integrating the technology into the culture. Which isn't something I'm sure koana could do. Yet over all the other picks I think he maybe the best.
@bigfoxki 5 сағат бұрын
A wild wild shot here, the Mamool Ja is a artificial species like the Ixali. They were made strong enough to withstand the calamity and left outside the vault. The dawn servant is the one with the power to unlocked the vault once the world is "safe-enough".
@sammicoporsammicopor 13 минут бұрын
I truly believe you trolling by talking about vaults.
@torkhi6349 5 сағат бұрын
as long as its not the cat lady
@quadrata8382 4 сағат бұрын
indeed, she's way up in the clouds and really don't bring any confidence at all as a thinking leader
@cablefeed3738 4 сағат бұрын
I would take the cat lady over the racist or the general.
@cablefeed3738 5 сағат бұрын
Let's see from what we know so far. There's: The racist, the dictator, the smart one, and the naive one. I would only l pick the smart one or the naive one.
@bigfoxki 5 сағат бұрын
Typical composition of villains.
@youngecujoh855 5 сағат бұрын
We don't actually know if the Land guard is lead by a Dictator.
@hasseo195 3 сағат бұрын
The land lord is someone, whop only believe in himself and his own strenght. At last from the trailer. But, its hard to say, if he would be a dictator (that would fuse with the racist). Because, a other scene shows, how he speak about the importance of the normal people as the pillar of the nation. He looks more like a lone wolf typ, who tries to solve problems alone and without the help of others.
@RatchildUK 5 сағат бұрын
Zoraal Ja is imo the humanoid form of Valigarmanda. During the liveletter Yoshi-P said he had a different form and quickly escaped from the battle to not show it.
@4mb127 5 сағат бұрын
The "I'm gonna be the pirate king!" trope is so common because it works, and I don't really mind it. *shrug*
@youngecujoh855 5 сағат бұрын
Really hoping Wuk lamats drive to be Dawn servent isn't just "I wanna make everyone happy" and she actually really constructs her claim
@acgearsandarms1343 5 сағат бұрын
So will someone have to die for her character development to kick in so she can be King of the Pirates? I mean Dawnservant? I just hope it isn’t Erenville.
@Theheadless1858 4 сағат бұрын
I kind of hope the opposite. I don’t think Wuk is suited to the throne. She wants it partly to make her father proud and partly to save her people from the bad guy. I hope by the end that she’s free either back in Eorzea with us or just exploring the world or maybe even the universe(s) depending on how things pan out. I think she will win because we will win but she will cede the throne to the Miqote. Or the 3 non imperialist contestants will decide to form a council. If Tural is really as diverse as we keep being told, a single ruler may not make sense for them.
@acgearsandarms1343 4 сағат бұрын
@@bauloprete3905 As a female Hrothgar, her race has natural leaders among their females. So she has potential, but whether or not it is achieved is another matter entirely on her. Fingers crossed.
@shybandit521 2 сағат бұрын
I feel like that's going to be her struggle, and what we spend a lot of time covering, is just watching her define her worldview and what she offers to the throne. She comes into the game with a strong moral character but little else, with the goal of eventually winning in the end over candidates who may be stronger physically or in terms of beaurocracy, but are less generous and kind.
@stephenflint3640 2 сағат бұрын
Hers feels like the "Steady traditionalist" path. That she wants her people and civilization to grow and advance, but on their own terms. We've done well this way, and other lands have their merits and glories. Her brother strikes me as the foil; He seeks to bring Turral to a revolution by introduction and assimilation of more advanced arts. Sharlayan, Garlemald, and even ancient Allag have glorious marvels and innovations, and if they're willing to trade or be deduced, let the modernity and marvels be used.