@derred723 Күн бұрын
The more times people see Season 2 the more times they realize it's actually a very very good season. And i'm one of those who wasn't thrilled with it cause we didnt' get the pit and alot of Bodie and all. But it's really good.
@andreasklabis7706 Күн бұрын
👍🇩🇪 Meine Empfehlung von Filmen aus Deutschland: "Das Boot" (1981/ - Cinema-Version - Anti-Kriegsfilm), "Die Brücke" (1959/Anti-Kriegsfilm), "Die Welle" (2008/Drama), "Der bewegte Mann" (1994/Komödie), "Wie die Karnickel" (2002/Komödie), "Der Wixxer" (2004/Teil1/Komödie). Watch and react. 😊
@Arsolon618 Күн бұрын
The tragedy of Zig is that his only economic option in life is a life of crime and he's bad at being a criminal, generally, then the one time he finally gets crime right, he's screwed by Double G anyway.
@mo2k638 Күн бұрын
Idris Elba was 31 or 30 during this episode J.D Williams aka bodie is like 24/25 so not far off in age
@derred723 2 күн бұрын
I have we own the night on my hard drive but haven't gotten to it yet.
@derred723 2 күн бұрын
I think the characters through some people off because they were looking to watch a stereotypical cops and robbers, good guy and bad guy show. So when the characters arent' all good or bad or they sympathize with them on one then then don't on another they are completely confused as to what they are watching. They think they are susppoed to root for a good guy and against a bad guy. I think also some people would be like i don't want Gatsby, CSI, law and order or whatever, gives me a bad guy just show a bad drug dealer, and some killing. This is also the early stages of the modern american premium adult drama shows so people were also not ready for their favorite characters to just get offed in like episode 6 or for it to not wrap up in a nice bow all the time. Now people are ready for that stuff but then it was new.
@Kleen6288 2 күн бұрын
Great cliffhanger reaction🫢, is he or is he not🤔
@ThommyUnderhill 3 күн бұрын
We own this city is great. Watch it after the wire if you’d like
@sluglife9785 3 күн бұрын
The 'Killing Them Softly' reference was a damn good call!
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
By the way, I completely regret everything I said about Dee's death here...sort of. Basically. Atleast right now.
@halfcadence1417 3 күн бұрын
Alam Greenspan gave a speech once on the greatness of American free enterprise and innovation. He listed 10 great inventions that cane from our system. Failed to mention each one was developed in the public sector through the military or because of government ensured monopoly + subsidy (the transistor)
@rudy_4ier 3 күн бұрын
we as the audience already know Dee was snitching, and that Stringer's suspicions weren't unfounded, weren't just paranoia. so his decision for Dee felt most natural and believable to me, and the alternative narrative would feel more contrived with them following Dee's reformation story in prison after he's determined to cut ties with everyone else (Avon, Brianna, Donette).
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
Yeah. I'm growing to regret everything I said in this video on that, lol. As a viewer, it's probably a want v. need thing.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
Um no it was definitely just paranoia. Reasonable paranoia because D'Angelo did come close to giving them all up plus the way D'Angelo went off on him and Levy after learning about Wallace but it's still paranoia at the end of the day. He literally didn't need to kill D'Angelo at all but unfortunately Stringer's not watching The Wire, we are.
@rudy_4ier 2 күн бұрын
@@monadreher2428 "reasonable paranoia" is an oxymoron. also, even though Dee wasn't continuing to inform, we know he already did. having already snitched in the past, even if you aren't any more is something that the Barksdale organization would kill for without much hesitation. the only exception would be family, but we also know Stringer isn't primarily influenced by that.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
@@rudy_4ier Yeah which is why Stringer's worry of D'Angelo potentially giving them all up was understandable. It made sense why he thought that. *We* just know that D'Angelo wouldn't have gone down that route because we're the audience. Either way though Stringer made a call that wasn't his to make.
@chidiumeh 3 күн бұрын
Another great reaction. I like the touch of having the Greek music play out - the music fits perfectly when juxtaposed against the situation Frank finds himself in. Also, a rare example of the show using musical accompaniment.
@armadalolzz 3 күн бұрын
Funny, a lot of Russian spoken by the Greeks.
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
Lol. I'm realizing that now.
@armadalolzz 3 күн бұрын
​@@BingeBuffoon My pops was Baltimore County Police for a long time. In the late 90's and early 2000's, Russian organized crime became a big deal in the East Coast regions. Seemed to be fairly well known in New York, but in Philadelphia and Baltimore it was very much under the radar in terms of public attention. David Simon was obviously very plugged in with the Baltimore Police Department and knew this. Obfuscating their identity throughout the season was so genius because it reflects their murky presence in the real world. And with the events of the last 15 years, it feels even more chilling.
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
@@armadalolzz It's brilliant. To be honest, I think I may have suspected that early on (and said some things) but cut them because recent events/times are sensitive, and I didn't want to come off as ignorant...or something.
@ZChoate 3 күн бұрын
10:35 watch that scene again, McNulty runs into the room and immediately trips and falls into the corner 😅😅
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
@th3t00t 3 күн бұрын
I think the music overlay during of the "Last Temptation of Frank Sobotka" is great. It really stands out because they basically never have music overlaid. Also, I think S2 was the season I liked the least on my first time through The Wire, but on re-watches it's by far my favorite.
@LeonDractus 4 күн бұрын
Everything about Frank and his family breaks my heart. Season 2 was so good, it's crazy to think it's considered the least of the first 4.
@a6ruled 3 күн бұрын
@@LeonDractus S2 was my least favourite after my first watch through iirc. But I’ve grown to like it more.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
Frank Sobotka imo represents the shows ethos the best. A person doing bad things to survive and essentially to have a future. He's not completely angelic (which is a great thing as it's what brings nuancey to his character) but he's clearly a "road to hell is paved with good intentions" type of guy. In fact he was probably my least favorite or at most the least interesting Sobotka to me on my first watch compared to Nick and Ziggy who were more "active" with their respective storylines but man Frank's story arc is just Greek tragedy at its absolute finest (just the like series itself) and Chris Bauer absolutely gives one of the best performances in the entire series which is not an easy feat. Season 2 grew on me tremendously with rewatches after I had finished the series and that includes the characters, Frank and Ziggy in particular. Frank's story essentially let's you know what the series is and why crime is a class issue *not* a race issue, can exist in all types of settings and isn't exempt from anyone good or bad. Incredible character. Easily top ten character in The Wire for me.
@Zokolov 4 күн бұрын
This episode is so sad, and for some real life context, the bridge they are meeting under is gone now too
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
Indescribably tragic.
@a6ruled 4 күн бұрын
These are great videos. I’m pretty sure The Wire is all about institutions and how they trample agency.
@BingeBuffoon 4 күн бұрын
Yeah...I'm pretty sure I've said that in past vids. Just looking at it from different angles, lol.
@a6ruled 3 күн бұрын
@@BingeBuffoon I was just chatting, not looking to “correct”… I’m pretty sure that The Wire’s, central thesis is about institutions mind (and in terms of its place in culture, one could make an argument that it’s a corrective to the heroic individualism that a lot of drama likes). I liked your thinking through of how the individual “lives” in/with/through them though.
@richardkhchang 4 күн бұрын
D'Angelo already threatened to and was an inch away from selling out/bringing the entire operation down by snitching, and continued to hold a grudge against Avon after everything and refused to cooperate even when it benefitted him. Logically, Stringer was ultimately right to view him as an unreliable risk/liability. There's no way he could be confident of how much of a rock he would likely be after his mother convinced him.
@BingeBuffoon 3 күн бұрын
Stringer's motivations do make sense. I'm probably just coping poorly, lol.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
Avon was lying to Stringer and trying to protect D'Angelo by making it seem like D'Angelo wasn't keeping away from the organization, which obviously we know to not be the case at all. It's why he tasked Stringer with getting Donette to come and finally visit D'Aneglo along with his son. Stringer however knows that Avon's one weakness is his family because the truth of the matter is that if D'Angelo *wasn't* family he would've been killed a long time ago. Before the ending of Season 1 even. So Stringer used the task with Donette to also get the truth on how D'Angelo was really moving and then proceeded to move accordingly. The move is logical but it wasn't his place to make such a decision (this too also keeps track with Stringer's character) and it shows that Stringer is willing to do anything to reach his goals. In most other shows Avon would be the more consistent and main "Big bad" or "villain" but here the second is shown to be more ruthless and more heartless. The second season does a great job at having Stringer step up in the villain department. I liked Stringer in Season 1...and then Season 2 shows us just what type of person Stringer really is.
@richardkhchang 2 күн бұрын
@@monadreher2428 None of that was a defense of Stringer's actual actions (being right to view him as a liability is not the same as being right to kill him). I was just responding to BingeBuffoon's sentiment about it not making sense and seeming contrived. Also, Avon tried to protect Dee, sure, but not very convincingly-- I'd be surprised if Stringer didn't pick up on everything that was going on. The hesitation, the phrasing, the body language, everything about Avon basically telegraphed what was happening. Their final interaction was pretty explicit confirmation.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
@@richardkhchang Oh I know friend. Don't disagree with anything you stated. Was just giving my own two cents on the scenarios. And Avon did the best that he could as someone in his position. Fronting like D'Angelo is still close while simultaneously trying to bring D'Angelo back into the fold. But either way Stringer absolutely picked up on it which is where Donnette comes into play who all but confirms it.
@IntoTheWhite04 4 күн бұрын
Next episode please....
@IntoTheWhite04 4 күн бұрын
There's a funny story about Dom Lombardozi and Seth Gilliam in this season. They actually went to David Simon to complain about their roles, just sitting around, not doing anything interesting. He told them to channel how they're feeling into their performances... More to it but that's the jist
@milescurtiswatson251 4 күн бұрын
14:13 a wild David Simon appears!
@IntoTheWhite04 4 күн бұрын
No-one sees that cameo usually
@isakoqv 4 күн бұрын
"I mean he's gonna get..." 😂
@cavalryscout9519 4 күн бұрын
"Why'd they make Beadie do this?" (following the greeks) - It's because she's white. Everyone else in that building was white. This show is pretty accurate about which cops can fit in to which environments. Kima is an all-around better detective, but a black woman would stand out a little more, and Kima kinda looks like a badass.
@FrenchieQc 4 күн бұрын
Nobody could stand out more than Beadie in that big flashy flowery shirt she's wearing. That part always bothered me, if I was gonna tail someone I wouldn't wear something you could notice from 3 blocks away.
@gishgali8354 4 күн бұрын
On your point about consumerism leading to innovation, I think that is exactly right. Where we fucked up is that we started valuing those that put their hand in the next man's pocket above those that create. On another note, I really enjoyed your struggle to separate The Wire from lesser shows. On a lesser show. Spiros would kill Beadie because it would be tragic and very motivating to the remaining characters. In The Wire/reality, why would Spiros kill a cop for simply following him? Presumably he has better lawyers than Levy that would protect him from any arrest.
@BingeBuffoon 4 күн бұрын
Regarding Beadie following Spiros, the way that was filmed, it was as if The Wire was baiting the viewer to think she was in danger - which is why I think I was more confused than anything.
@chidiumeh 3 күн бұрын
@@BingeBuffoon Yep, they built the suspense well on that one. When I first watched it I expected she'd be killed.
@monadreher2428 2 күн бұрын
​@@chidiumehSame here friend. Legit thought we were gonna have another Kima situation going on 😂 I was so sure too. I definitely think The Wire subverted that expectation on purpose. This show knows what to do with the story it's telling after all. Compare and contrast the environmental settings of both Kima and Beadie's moments (which wouldn't be the first time this season in particular did such a thing) and I'm all the more convinced tbh. Still a great scene of tension though imo. Not as much as Kima's scenario obviously but it was really well done. Also showed how far Beadie had come since the beginning of the season.
@chidiumeh 2 күн бұрын
@@monadreher2428 💯 Great point. The Wire had already shown they could harm a character like that so we, as viewers, could easily believe they'd do it again.
@streetdrummersinc4387 4 күн бұрын
@CesarGomez-di7mj 4 күн бұрын
letss gooo! The wire for the win
@blanketwodahs6741 5 күн бұрын
jon daly was so great in this. what an impressive job making a very minor character so memorable
@silvsevie 7 күн бұрын
my favorite line in this movie will always be that last "Jaaarnathaaaan".
@matthewjordan7297 8 күн бұрын
All Quiet on the Western Front is a beautiful work of art! The direction, the cinematography, the score, all of it is just amazing. Felix Kammerer also gives an absolutely devastating performance as Paul! The German war machine is shown to be an unfeeling meat-grinder that sends young men to die. As an American, I watch this film, and I can't help thinking, the US war machine isn't much different. The messaging in this story will never cease to be relevant, and that's a sad thing.
@HobtheGoblin 8 күн бұрын
We own this city is fascinating and gut wrenching.
@arsewynd 13 күн бұрын
Betty didnt clean up vault 32 vault 31 did, obviously.
@BingeBuffoon 13 күн бұрын
Huh? Everyone in vault 31 is in cryo (minus Brain-in-a-Roomba)? I don't think they woke up, cleaned up 32, and then went back to sleep. P.S. I watched X-Files for the first time this year and became obsessed.
@arsewynd 13 күн бұрын
Why not? Certainly didn't use magic. And unless a very long time passed how would Betty and Steph do it. Option two they have an army of Mr handys controled by Bud
@BingeBuffoon 13 күн бұрын
​​​@@arsewyndRight, I'm saying it's a plot hole that wasn't explained. It's not on the viewer to randomly explain it away.
@DODIRTT 14 күн бұрын
So I would like to note at the 10 min mark. Joe's story Is kinda hypocritical. If it's about the money and not the territory. Why does Joe want more territory. Personally I think stringer is book smart but not very street smart. Joe is being very manipulative. First he comes at stringer at a funeral. With a business proposal which is disrespectful dispite how polite and responsible he comes off. Now as fans we know stringer is responsible for his death but in character prop Joe doesn't. This could easily go left in thr real world and he would never do this with avon. As a matter of fact. Avon would know better then to even accept the idea of giving up territory to buy drugs. He would immediately call out the hypocrisy of Joe claiming he's just buying for a $1 and sell for $2. Because like I said. If that's the case why not charge me a for the dope. Why do you need territory when you making money off of supplying avon with the dope alone with selling your dope on your side of town. This doesn't even make sense from a business perspective. If you both are in the business of selling apples. Why would give up half of my locations(the towers) to a middle man(prop Joe) just to get a better quality of apples (dope)
@BingeBuffoon 14 күн бұрын
I agree. Joe is 100% manipulating String.
@michaelras1818 16 күн бұрын
Maui is a good guy. he could have beat ziggy up really bad but he just put him in timeout.
@LandonMetochoi 16 күн бұрын
Brother, I hope you read this. Why do you call yourself “Buffoon”? You are one of the sharpest, most perceptive reactors I’ve ever seen watching The Wire! Please keep these up!!
@BingeBuffoon 16 күн бұрын
Admitting ignorance is how we learn and grow. I am a Buffoon. I appreciate your flattering words, but I definitely miss plenty of things (and will surely continue to). Big love.
@MOZONEandGlambot 16 күн бұрын
Really enjoy these Wire reaction videos. You have incredible media literacy and it really comes in useful watching this show in particular.
@TB-iq7gx 16 күн бұрын
Zig and Nick are the two sides of a coin. Zig is in the wrong place at the right time and Nick is in the right place at the wrong time. America changing from industry to service industry. (They used to make steel there, no?) Ziggy is curious - knows what a computer can do and so on, he can talk and researches (like the price of the camera) ... all perfect for the service industry. Nick is too late - the industry he is born into is dying - he belongs there but he is too late. Things like a searchbar are too much for him.... My favorite scene concerning the "too late" is that his aunt had a house they sold but he cant afford the same house any more. Thats what I love about Ziggy and Nicko... for me they are still one of the most interesting comments in the show.
@ZChoate 16 күн бұрын
You seem like an awesome guy. Sometimes you seem sad. Like in a Tony Soprano kinda way.
@Arsolon618 17 күн бұрын
We Own This City is a great spiritual successor to The Wire. Its different in that it's telling a true story, and also in the way that story is told, but its still that nitty gritty Baltimore with David Simon's authentic touch, lots of Wire actors, and a great true story about a dirty drug unit. Definitely worth a watch after you finish The Wire!
@wavonbarksdale3771 17 күн бұрын
Yes please watch “We Own This City” after you finish this show!!! A great mini series and companion to the wire like “The Corner”.
@user-yo9ly1pe7i 17 күн бұрын
Charlie Solise is a fictional drug dealer Prop Joe made up to hustle Stringer out of Avon’s territory. Stringer is only Avon’s number 2 not his equal.
@zosko1 17 күн бұрын
Dude you are just so naturally funny, and it feels like your not even trying. Its great. To top it all off your very insightful as well. Subscribed
@Hibbs4Prez 17 күн бұрын
Great breakdown of episode 10. You nailed it.
@OsefKincaid 17 күн бұрын
One of the things I'm most certain about when it comes to The Wire Season 2 is that a large amount of what the season is about is getting the viewer to come to the realization that Zig is a much better person than Nick.
@dudermcdudeface3674 17 күн бұрын
Brother Mouzone is one of the few times The Wire lets itself create a character just to be entertaining. Even if he was inspired by certain real people, he's not meant to reflect reality (unlike most other characters), but to be a helpful plot device.
@danielwong5378 17 күн бұрын
May I ask what race you are??? Because, your revisionist history of what goes on in the Urban environment is quite disturbing. On one hand, you downplay Mouzone's position in the storyline. Second, you says that people like him exists, but not really. I could be wrong, but I see a political agenda from you that's reeking of propaganda. It's like you don't want to believe that people like Mouzone don't exist. The question is why don't you want to believe that people like him exist.
@dudermcdudeface3674 17 күн бұрын
@@danielwong5378 Watch the whole show.
@pievancl5457 17 күн бұрын
no Ziggy was genuinely remorseful. you probably picked it up during the editing re-watch. Gleikas was begging "please don't shoot" before Ziggy executed him. it was kind of muffled, and the scene is so shocking that i don't blame anyone for missing details like that on the first watch.
@Kleen6288 17 күн бұрын
Top 10 episode was Storm Warnings🙌