@urarap4350 12 минут бұрын
Why is this actually a good argument I thought this was a joke
@johnsegal445 3 сағат бұрын
Blocked and unfollowed. Why would you edit out breaks in talking. Purely idiotic
@josealguiero159 4 сағат бұрын
Kung Fu Panda still amazes me with how good it is
@frankfink6030 44 минут бұрын
Agreed. This and the second movie were great. Sucks about the 4th
@lordlundin6495 5 сағат бұрын
I never really had empathy for Mike, Natcho and Saul. They were all horrible people who didn't have guts to admit what they were doing. In that sense I had more respect for Walter post: "I did it for me" speech. Everyone loves Saul becomes he's fucking Saul, great charisma, can play a room, and can genuinly feel remoce. Yet,l he got people hurt, broke relationships and commited crimes for his own twisted enjoyment. Same goes for Mike: a sense of justice, purpose, and a code. Do you think the families of the countless people affected thought the same? The only honorable gangster is the one who doesn't get people killed.
@THIZzSCO415 7 сағат бұрын
Phenomenal actor !
@PawelSorinsky 12 сағат бұрын
The phenomenal acting by my Michael McKeen doesn't get enough love.
@ryoma8402 13 сағат бұрын
When you're new to the series you're always on Jimmy's side. Then you watch the final season, and how unjustly they treated Howard. Then you mature and realize that Chuck, in his arrogance, was always absolutely right about his brother.
@hobbz4921 Күн бұрын
Hard to argue…
@FernGully37 Күн бұрын
This one definitely hit me deep😢
@Nepomniachtchi_Austin Күн бұрын
Never hated Chuck, he was always right about his brother.
@anthonylopez300 Күн бұрын
In retrospect I have to wonder. If Jimmy is giving a multi-million dollar settlement to HHM and want to be hired.... why doesn't he just pull out? Even with Chunks 100% vehement push back that's a lot of money to say no to. Chuck would have to justify several millions dollars worth why not to hire charlie hussle who Howard likes.
@JGPRSNJ 2 күн бұрын
I don't hate Chuck tbh. I recognize that he's an asshole, but he was in the right most of the time. Jimmy, in response to Chuck's dismissal of his efforts to go clean, took advantage of his beliefs in what is "right". Not to exonerate Chuck, but I don't think he's quite the villain that people make him out to be. He is for sure an egotistical asshole though
@ososkid 2 күн бұрын
This was a really thoughtful video. Nice work!
@ososkid 2 күн бұрын
Howard is the only death that angered me. I went on the ride that saw him as the bad guy only to eventually see him as the most earnest human in the entire BB Universe
@crowtservo 3 күн бұрын
To me, I see Breaking Bad, El Camino and Better Call Saul as one large TV saga. Probably the greatest ever created.
@mauriceortiz1557 3 күн бұрын
My "Breaking Bad" (BCS)world is shattered!! All of these years I always thought that Kim was HHM's moral compass of moral support #_#
@mauriceortiz1557 3 күн бұрын
I always thought that Howard was one of the bad guys!? Now, you convinced me that Howard was really a good guy!?
@theknightowl728 4 күн бұрын
We despise chuck despite the fact that he was right about everything
@robertoblanco4410 4 күн бұрын
It all blends together in hindsight. However, when in later seasons you realize it was Chuck sticking it to Jimmy and out of a friendship Howard took responsibility for not originally highering Jimmy, after getting his law degree, then refusing to allow him to work at HHM at Chucks demand (while Chuck lies to Jimmy) that really blows. Show us about how people who seem like good people can break to bad. Walter, Jimmy, Chuck, Kim, and many more to lesser degree win for so long. Only the redeemable folks like Howard, and Nacho, Hank (all flawed but trying to improve from past actions) get utterly destroyed. At least Jessie got out, a shell of a man in the end.
@GunBreaux 6 күн бұрын
Howard was always controlled, professional, and loyal to his friends amd family. He is just as much an innocent life destroyed by the main characters as the boy on a bicycle in Breaking Bad.
@kevinhealey6540 6 күн бұрын
4:50 The head of a law firm would never talk to someone like Kim in this manner because someone like Kim would just simply quit on the spot and apply to another law firm and immediately be hired. Also a firm would have problems if someone like would suddenly quit. A person like Howard would never do that because he would know what would happen. If someone like Kim did something wrong, the boss would correct such a person of what should or should not have been done, but it would not be done in a brash style. Something like this does happen in places like grocery stores or department stores where the IQ level is not on par with a big time Law Firm head. And even then in a place like that, when they fire an integral person, things fall apart and very often when that happens, they go back to to person who was fired and ask (sometimes beg) if the person was fired would want to come back on board again. And often things like pay raises are put on the table as an inducement as well as an apology.
@jailbreakthe_ 6 күн бұрын
i REALLY thought the first words to this video were going to be "what does it mean to be a hater" lmao
@ArilDae 6 күн бұрын
Psychological illnesses are just as real as physical ones.
@huntercoleherr 6 күн бұрын
I've only been able to explain it by how he requires others to basically treat him like an emperor. When he walks into the building, all lights are dimmed, all phones collected. Every single person must recognize his presence and is inconvenienced for his fantasy illness and you can visibly tell that he fucking gets off so hard on it.
@martincamacho2444 6 күн бұрын
The rise of Saul Goodman came at the expense and the fall Howard Hamlin also HHM as well
@sugartbube 6 күн бұрын
this was when BCS was at its best. The cateral stuff while good was a bit comicbook like
@sugartbube 6 күн бұрын
was it just me or did Kim seem to get shorter duing the series. At the start she seem to be almost at eye level with Jimmy then after the season when Chuck died she seem noticable shorter. She looked like she when from 5' 7" to around 5'3 3" or 5' 4"
@sugartbube 6 күн бұрын
Kim is the most ride or die chick ever!!!
@tarikestrada708 7 күн бұрын
I’m in minority who doesn’t hate chuck and always thought chuck was a good guy, never bought into the consensus that chuck made jimmy into Saul. Jimmy was always going to be a scandalous person whether chuck gave him a chance or not
@mystere869 7 күн бұрын
You hate chuck mcgill cause he’s an asshole tbh
@rp-hr1qs 7 күн бұрын
People hate hamlin because people are like jimmy, except they aren't smart enough to be jimmy and all they have is hate coming from the worst side of jimmy.
@michaelcollins8650 7 күн бұрын
My favorite detail gets overlooked, Chuck and Howard's heads both bounce off a table/counter as they fell.
@Ignite27 8 күн бұрын
Kims hot
@Rezplz 9 күн бұрын
bottom line is that Chuck can never be happy for someone else
@alexmartin3143 11 күн бұрын
Hard to watch what happened to the poor guy. I actually liked Lalo up to that point…
@user-db9ed9je2j 11 күн бұрын
Never hated a character more than Kim, pure evil and hypocrisy.
@Bampaloudu64 12 күн бұрын
I've watched Better Call Saul three times. The first time, I really didn't like Howard. My empathy towards Jimmy manipulated my opinions and judgements, as it did with Kim (partially). The second time I was neutral about Howard. But the third time I noticed that Howard was someone who tried to always do and look the best he could, one of the most moral characters in the BB universe. I really like him, and it makes his fate even more painfull.
@SeniorCharry 13 күн бұрын
It’s unfortunate because if Chuck gave Jimmy a chance maybe things would’ve went differently.
@pianoman5781 13 күн бұрын
My Opinion is that its understandable how chuck treated Jimmy because he Always knew who Jimmy was deep down
@samhenson8177 13 күн бұрын
Chuck’s smug aura mocks me
@Olliesama 14 күн бұрын
What's funny is that you're wrong about Chuck knowing Jimmy would break in to confront him about the tape, Chuck thought he'd sneak in at night for it and avoid him but Jimmy did the opposite, came during the day and directly confronted Chuck about it.
@elscruffomcscruffy8371 14 күн бұрын
I dont think Chuck ever loved or cared for Jimmy
@mylesaustin3183 15 күн бұрын
I agree that Howard didn't deserve the fate he had, and that Jimmy and Kim were responsible, but it's also important to note Howard's actions in the Sandpiper case at the time. In one scene, we see Howard and Cliff using legal jargon to talk down the Sandpiper residents who just want to be able to use their settlement money before they die. After they've all left, feeling much better about not getting anything for years, the lawyers congratulate themselves about "putting out a fire". It's clear that Howard cares about making himself as much money as possible more than he cares about the well-being of any of his clients in this moment. While a lot of Kim and Sauls actions are motivated by greed and enjoyment, there's something to be said for how they're helping the seniors, even if it means using methods outside the law. One prevalent theme in BB and BCS is how difficult it is to be a "good guy" who plays by all the rules when the world is so messed up, especially under capitalism. Often the people with power are just as corrupt as the criminals, even if they're able to exercise that corruption fully within the law.
@joeya8721 15 күн бұрын
Chuck thought he was so above Jimmy. Jimmy told him, roll around in the mud with me. Chuck pretended to not want to but in the end, he did try to, and got totally owned.
@deathchronicles6960 15 күн бұрын
Slippin jimmy just help slippin kimmy unveil her true nature😂
@mr.greasy6483 15 күн бұрын
Howard was the most tragic character of both shows. He started off as a very successful, upright person. Out of no fault of his own, he was basically driven to insanity and got murdered. He went far out of his way to even help the people going after him. At least Jesse knew what he was getting into.
@TheSprinkler 15 күн бұрын
Chuck really made Saul i think... if only for the fact he never gave him a chance at hhm. If saul had been given that opportunity early and there wasnt that animosity between them,i doubt he goes through with any of these schemes.