5 жыл бұрын
5 жыл бұрын
5 жыл бұрын
@Hina26662 9 сағат бұрын
i swear i don't know chinese ,but i can understand every single they say ...T^T ,
@eternalweeb 23 сағат бұрын
You might not even believe It's the one thousandth time I've fallen in love with you From the beginning to the end, you had never known This is my one thousandth time loving you You don't need to know anything at all All one thousand of me loves you BYE HUALIAN INVENTED LOVE
@madge620 3 күн бұрын
@arsyikahaha4308 11 күн бұрын
Where i can find the pinyin lyrics??😭😭😭😭 I need em so bad
@user-rg9zm3sr4u 15 күн бұрын
@JALL1029 16 күн бұрын
@paulagomes7713 17 күн бұрын
Being a solidly straight woman, I don’t usually watch or read BL/GL/LGBT. But I have no problem admiring beauty where I find it, no matter genre of movie watched, book read, or gender/inclination of person. I didn’t find Heaven Official’s Blessing by searching for BL but for fantasy/supernatural and it appealed to me. Same for Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. I fell in love with both stories. The romance transcends genders and happens naturally, it’s not a forced, fake gay setup disguised as something else to lure weak minded teens and confuse/make them miserable for the rest of their lives. The characters don’t start out looking for gay love. They start as relatively incompatible characters with a common cause that have to join forces to reach their goals or defeat their enemies. As they get closer and understand each other better they start working better and better together and fine tune their dynamics until they have their routine dance of life and death down to a T. Present day people wouldn’t understand the deep bonds that develop between comrades in arms, having come through battle having each other’s backs in situations of life and death. It used to be one of the few occasions when man-to-man love was not looked down on, from comrades who had been in the same position, whether they acknowledged it or not. In times of war there were few women around and men, finding the need for intimacy and sex, often had to go without or look for what was near. There’s accounts of it on Roman works, Greek, in prison, on faraway deployment sites everywhere men gather. It’s the same here with HOB and GDC, they start as straight men who love to flirt with the girlies or sexually indifferent men, they don’t go looking for gay love, it just happens. And because it’s not admitted by themselves and not actively pursued, hardly even realised, it doesn’t turn into a cheap thrill. It’s beautiful and noble and uplifting. And the eons of time that pass before something actually clicks and their singleminded devotion to each other make it even more heartbreaking. The Crown Prince isn’t a promiscuous person, being abstemious is actually part of his path to enlightenment and Ascension. Hua Cheng aka San Lang could have had any woman, man or beast he desired but he stood steadfast to his Heart. Wu Weixian is a shameless flirt but remains pure of heart until the very end when he leaves with Lan Zhang. And Lan Zhang.. well, LZ is LZ.. though he moans and acts cold he’s faithful when he finds who his intended is and gets over the initial shock. This is the stuff of dreams.
@user-or7bn5zl2j 17 күн бұрын
@user-fx1xh7tx2z 19 күн бұрын
@leiluo3027 19 күн бұрын
@leiluo3027 19 күн бұрын
@user-nw3nc9jr2z 22 күн бұрын
原耽是救赎. 原耽是唯一. 原耽是信仰 .原耽是光. 原耽是底气. 原耽是活下去的希望. 原耽是一切. 我曾在無數個無聲的夜晚讀著他們的故事,感受著螢幕那端傳來的溫度,癡痴地幻想著在某個不為人知的角落裡,他們是否真實存在著。後來我才發現,可能只是《二哈和他的白貓師尊》中的「不知渡人,何以渡己?」亦或是天官賜福中的「對我来說,風光無限的是你,跌落塵埃的也是你。重点是‘你’,而不是‘怎樣’的你。」……太多太多了,多到我記不清,只知道視線總會一次次變得模糊。男孩子也可以被求婚,女孩子也可以單膝下跪,黑西裝也能配白西裝, 黑婚紗也能配白婚紗,任何愛情都值得被尊重。原耽是我的白月光,硃砂痣,心頭血,他們是光,是信仰,是救贖,也許很多人不能理解這樣的愛情,但是對於我來說原耽是我黑暗日子的一縷光芒,是原耽把我拽出了頹廢的日子,因為遇到了原耽,光撒在我的身上,我感受到了溫暖。我願一生守護原耽! 在間深淵裡,三年之中,我每一時、每一刻,腦子裡想的都是師尊。 《渣反》是深情 對我来說,風光無限的是你,跌落塵埃的也是你。重点是‘你’,而不是‘怎樣’的你。 《天官》是心頭血 長階血未盡,那是他帶你回家的路 《二哈》是白月光 問靈十三載,等一不歸人。 《魔道》是夢開始的地方 三號路依舊長的沒有盡頭,梧桐荫也枝繁葉茂,人間驕陽剛好,風過林稍,彼時他們正當年少。 《某某》是現實 原耽是光 而我們是追光者-2024.6.30 3:25-樂
@user-nw3nc9jr2z 22 күн бұрын
原耽是救赎. 原耽是唯一. 原耽是信仰 .原耽是光. 原耽是底气. 原耽是活下去的希望. 原耽是一切. 我曾在無數個無聲的夜晚讀著他們的故事,感受著螢幕那端傳來的溫度,癡痴地幻想著在某個不為人知的角落裡,他們是否真實存在著。後來我才發現,可能只是《二哈和他的白貓師尊》中的「不知渡人,何以渡己?」亦或是天官賜福中的「對我来說,風光無限的是你,跌落塵埃的也是你。重点是‘你’,而不是‘怎樣’的你。」……太多太多了,多到我記不清,只知道視線總會一次次變得模糊。男孩子也可以被求婚,女孩子也可以單膝下跪,黑西裝也能配白西裝, 黑婚紗也能配白婚紗,任何愛情都值得被尊重。原耽是我的白月光,硃砂痣,心頭血,他們是光,是信仰,是救贖,也許很多人不能理解這樣的愛情,但是對於我來說原耽是我黑暗日子的一縷光芒,是原耽把我拽出了頹廢的日子,因為遇到了原耽,光撒在我的身上,我感受到了溫暖。我願一生守護原耽! 在間深淵裡,三年之中,我每一時、每一刻,腦子裡想的都是師尊。 《渣反》是深情 對我来說,風光無限的是你,跌落塵埃的也是你。重点是‘你’,而不是‘怎樣’的你。 《天官》是心頭血 長階血未盡,那是他帶你回家的路 《二哈》是白月光 問靈十三載,等一不歸人。 《魔道》是夢開始的地方 三號路依舊長的沒有盡頭,梧桐荫也枝繁葉茂,人間驕陽剛好,風過林稍,彼時他們正當年少。 《某某》是現實 原耽是光 而我們是追光者-2024.6.30 3:25-樂
@user-Jean_Lin 19 күн бұрын
樓上姊妹說得好 對我來說 《某某》是白月光 他告訴我,不是所有破鏡重圓都必須經過一段磨合期,久別重逢不一定會吵架,他依舊可以很溫柔,溫柔的讓人想哭 "我的骨骼說,我還是愛你" 《二哈》是朱砂痣 他告訴我,不是所有的愛都會浮於表面,有些要把外殼剝開,才會知道,裡頭的心意比任何東西都要來的熾烈且易碎 "一個人,願意用萬兩黃金換你,那是欲;一個人,願意用前程似錦換你,那是愛;而一個人,願意用二十年的年華,最好的歲月來換你,來等你,且不吭聲,不求回報,也不求結果,那是傻" 還有《撒野》《偽裝學渣》《碎玉投珠》《將進酒》《天官賜福》《魔道祖師》《人渣反派自救系統》《殺破狼》《全球高考》《犯罪心理》《破雲》《默讀》《營業悖論》《AWM〔絕地求生〕》《我行讓我來》《我喜歡你的信息素》《小蘑菇》《一級律師》《判官》《囂張》《我只喜歡你的人設》《死亡萬花筒》《刺青》《歲月間》《提燈映桃花》……,好多好多 我們讀完了這些少年的故事,陪他們走過了青春歲月,在作者敲下最後一個字的時候,我們到了終點,他們才剛站在起跑線 我不喜歡句號,因為他們的故事從未結束 -2024.07.03 -Jean
@paulagomes7713 25 күн бұрын
Heartbreakingly beautiful ❤
@paulagomes7713 28 күн бұрын
I just made it 101k 👍 ❤😂
@user-lg8ng4wd3w Ай бұрын
師無渡確實是爛人 但是對青玄好的沒話說
@user-lm6wp6se7w Ай бұрын
@echehil Ай бұрын
**Fragments of Thought Streams in a Collage Style** Drawing on the metaphor of "living water" which traditionally refers to knowledge from authoritative books, these streams are instead from the "collage style" - fragmented pieces of information and opinions from various sources. These fragments are often biased and emotionally charged, leading to preconceived and erroneous thoughts. **Lost in Guidance, Patting Forehead Amidst the Sound of Cranes** Upon a shallow understanding of an event and not having a clear stance, one is easily influenced by a biased opinion from one side. This is like patting one's forehead in realization, finding it unnecessary to investigate further. This phrase, borrowing from a poem, doesn't carry a special meaning but adds a quirky visual akin to a cold joke. **Thus Compiling an Encyclopedia of Arguments** "Thus" refers to using the aforementioned fragmented information and impulsive realizations to naturally compile an "encyclopedia of arguments." **Scattered Paper and Sofa Comments** "Sofa comments" refer to meaningless, fast-food nature short remarks. This phrase reworks "full of absurd words" into "scattered" to emphasize an overflowing abundance of such remarks. **Firm Assertions Backed by a Series of Neural Sparks** After the so-called "material accumulation" in the previous lines, this phrase signifies the act of making firm assertions, where the speaker is confident. However, the foundation of their statements isn't solid data or reliable evidence, but a series of neural sparks. --- **Deceptive Waves and Clouds, Executioner Circles the Wine Pool** In plain language, this means "How strange, the perpetrator is at ease." **Despising the Victim, the Dress is the Lamb's Label** Continuing from the previous thought, the realization dawns on the person: "It must be the victim's fault for wearing a dress," which is the infamous victim-blaming mindset. The tone in the first half mimics the dramatic "enlightenment" of the person to enhance the theatrical effect. **Skimming the Surface, Believing to Understand the Vast World** Understanding the matter superficially yet thinking they have profound insight, leading to lofty and bizarre remarks. **With Golden Lotus in Mouth, Even Mjölnir Overturned** "Mjölnir" refers to Thor's hammer, symbolizing solid evidence or undeniable truth. This line mocks those who are lost in their solipsistic world, naturally assuming that no evidence holds any credibility. --- **The Pen Twirls a Few Times, Every Scene is Entertaining** The act of writing or creating spins various narratives, all of which are captivating. **Catch a Few Symbols to Observe and Enjoy** Picking up a few signs or cues to examine and find amusement in. **Scoop Up a Handful of Hostility to Enhance the Flavor, a Hot Potato Feast** Using conflict or controversy to make things more interesting, akin to serving a feast of difficult issues. **Perched at the Top of the Insight Chain** Positioned at the pinnacle of perception and understanding. **Picking Up Wisdom, Viewing the Sky from the Bottom of a Well, Feeling Proud in Leisure** Gaining bits of knowledge while having a limited perspective, yet feeling proud and content as if being an immortal in a jar. **Life Philosophy: Deal with Water and Earth as They Come, Season Words to Taste** Adopting a pragmatic approach to life, handling challenges as they come, and seasoning one's speech to suit the situation. **Becoming the Pillar in the Midst of the Current, Transforming Oneself** Rising to be a steadfast and central figure amidst challenges, undergoing a significant transformation. --- **Putting Down the Keyboard, They Become Innocent Victims** When online bullies are discovered, they often pretend to be innocent and vulnerable, as if they've suffered great injustice, even threatening to cut their wrists to prove their innocence - a despicable act that exploits kindness and humanity. **Unjustly Treated, Blood Vessels Grafted onto a Fruit Knife** Continuing the idea, this phrase highlights their exaggerated claims of suffering, symbolizing the extreme and manipulative lengths they go to in order to garner sympathy. **Musicians Gather to Share the Spoils, Exploiting the Image of Notes** From the perspective of some extreme listeners, the same musical notes being reused by different composers leads them to suspect plagiarism when they hear similarities between melodies. This line indicates the contentious and sometimes unjust accusations within the music community. **Stealing Roses but Praising the Lingering Fragrance on Their Hands** This represents another extreme view: "As long as it sounds good, who cares if it's plagiarized?" It mocks those who value the end product without considering the ethics of its creation. --- **Those Who Can't Be Smeared, Argue a Few Rounds and Raise a Couple More Points** For those who can't be discredited, engage in a few more rounds of argument and raise a couple more counterpoints. **Those Who Can't Be Whitened, It's Better to Change Battlefields Than Admit Defeat** For those who can't be cleared of blame, it's better to change battlefields than to admit defeat. **Black and White Blood Pumping, "Fools Must Be Enlightened"** For the zealous, black-and-white-minded listeners, any group that doesn't share their views is seen as ignorant and incapable of understanding the truth. Hence, the latter half of this phrase, from their perspective, states: "You fools, the reason we can't reason with you must be your lack of intelligence." **Still Wet Behind the Ears, Enthusiastically Pointing Out the World's Affairs** This describes those who are inexperienced but are already keenly eager to direct and comment on world affairs. --- **The Crown Sways Twice, Defiance Becomes a Laughingstock** "The crown" symbolizes someone who holds themselves in high regard. Challenging them head-on is futile, as they often dismiss or ignore opposing viewpoints, leading to baseless attacks - a common occurrence. **Monkeys Should Stick to Their Tricks** Initially from the perspective of some listeners: "As a creator, you should just stick to making music and not show so much temper or emotion." This can also be applied to other fields. **The Key is How to Feel Good, How to Place Hot Memes, Ignoring Context is Exemplary** Using inappropriate and meaningless memes in serious situations and feeling smug about it. --- **Inquisition of Words, Naturally Skilled, Separated by Screen Walls** "The inquisition of words" refers to the tendency to censor or judge harshly based on words. This is a natural talent for some, who do so while hidden behind the barriers of screens. **Hiding Under the Covers is Heaven** Escaping into the comfort of one's bed is like finding a personal paradise. **Listening to the Wind as Torrential Rain, Frustrated by the Silent Blows** Perceiving minor disturbances as major crises, yet being frustrated that their attacks make no noise or impact. **Mental Execution, Red Sleeves Adding Fragrance** Executing someone in one's mind, while enjoying the literary and cultural embellishments that accompany such thoughts. --- **Hell is Always Empty, There's Always a Precursor for Any Event** This line satirizes the overused phrase "hell is empty," indicating that people are quick to accuse or jump on a bandwagon without proper reasoning. **Wrap a Well Rope and Pretend to Be a Heavenly King** "The Heavenly King" refers to the guardian deity who holds a serpent-like dragon and can see everything with his divine eye. "Wrap a well rope" mocks those who, lacking real skill, pretend to be exceptional and believe they have the authority to judge and comment on everything. **Either Deliberately Eccentric or Daytime Werewolves** "Daytime werewolves," from the context of the game Werewolf, hide their true identity and manipulate others for their gain. This line contrasts those who are intentionally rebellious with those who appear innocent but have hidden agendas. **Which Snowflake Deserves Forgiveness?** Drawing from Stanisław's idea, it implies that every conformist, who goes along with the crowd, is complicit in the wrongdoing. --- **Everyone Will Grow Up Overnight, Feeling Guilty About Certain Pasts** This suggests that everyone matures suddenly, often reflecting with guilt on past actions. **No One is at the Center of the Universe** Implying that no one is the most important or the focal point in the grand scheme of things. **Yet Rusty Nails on the Fence, Removing Them Still Leaves Sores** Even if we remove old problems or fix mistakes, the scars and consequences remain. **Before Speaking, Shake Your Brains Evenly** Think carefully before you speak, ensuring your thoughts are well-considered.
@Sukiyakis280 Ай бұрын
你永遠是我心中信仰唯一的神明 而你永遠是我最忠臣的信徒 天官賜福,百無禁忌
@Ai_Ren7 Ай бұрын
Judul lagunya
@zhuangsaur227 Ай бұрын
Reminds me of Taipei and also winter nights in Melbourne....
@user-ir7lk5tb9f Ай бұрын
改的有點失敗,有種一瓶水倒掉一半,再裝一半的油進去的感覺。不如直接改編成完全翻唱的或許會比較好。 個人意見,有不同意者以你自己的為主
@chingwalam5212 Ай бұрын
@user-bb3km5fm7s Ай бұрын
@user-bb3km5fm7s Ай бұрын
@user-bb3km5fm7s Ай бұрын
@user-fs2mf9qp5c Ай бұрын
一类人 自从某天呱呱坠地 亲戚邻居指挥来指挥去 天真的她们和父母都相信 长大后才发现 却未必 三姑说要进国企才会稳定 六婆说嫁精英一生都安心 她们想自主深造工作学习 大家哄笑曰:“有没有毛病?” 男人追求青年才俊(Yo ~) 女子碧玉寥寥几句 别等到 变老变丑变风华散尽 肤变皱变垮 后悔惋惜 穷极一生精彩光阴(Yo ~) 只为陪衬若干年黄金 要丢弃主张与自由的时光换厅堂和厨房 Peace 总是不请自来帮我做选择 为我好的理由就是借口 (对我)吃什么 穿什么 日常做什么 观察我喜怒哀乐献计献策(不停地啰嗦) 家长里短的道听途说 几句现代鸡汤助你长舌 (胡扯)一套素质三连将其回收 你知不知道每个反派角色通常死于话多 小学毕业前 上街危险(Hey Ya ~) 高中毕业前 早恋危险(Hey Ya ~) 大学生毕业前 动真心危险 上班满一年 单身更危险 小学毕业前 上街危险(Hey Ya ~) 高中毕业前 早恋危险(Hey Ya ~) 大学生毕业前 动真心危险 养纸片儿最安全 朋友圈发张照片臭美几下(Hey Ya ~) 上午刚刚认识的人私聊她评价(Hey Ya ~) “你这样缺乏稳重 太过泼辣” 天空浮现了大写的(尴)尬 不熟的甲乙丙丁自说自话(Hey Ya ~) 每日夹带奇葩忠告希望她采纳(Hey Ya ~) “呵呵好哒 送你恶魔妈妈” 什么含义 快回家自查 败支口红吃顿火锅(Yo ~) 自己剁手自己享受 请做到 不看不听不过问干涉 装不知不明 谢谢拜托 长腿短裤搭配显瘦(Yo ~) 动歪念头休要怪罪我 麻烦快找个没有灯的角落对自己的眼睛 戳 总是感觉良好学不会沉默 人生辞典始终没有尊重 (对我)逛什么 看什么 日常玩什么 都让我辗转反侧患失患得(不停地啰嗦) 戴起有色眼镜开倒车 遮挡不住一颗自私内核 (胡扯)批判我的性格温柔不够 你知不知道每个反派角色通常死于话多 (´▽`ʃƪ)搬運
@SeleneDing Ай бұрын
@milanesadechocolate7929 Ай бұрын
@Kay-iq8ht Ай бұрын
And here i am 5 years later after wishing for an audio drama with all my heart, just finished listening to the first 2 episodes for the second season, i'm so happy and so in love with them.
@Kay-iq8ht Ай бұрын
btw the "let's get married" for the audiodrama makes me cryyyyyyyy, he sounds so serious about it, i adore them!
@KinAinah Ай бұрын
@user-lg8ng4wd3w 2 ай бұрын
@user-iy2li5bv7r 2 ай бұрын
那一年,他们还是那些风流倜傥、自由自在的少年郎... 16年后的他们...不再是那风度翩翩的少年郎了,而是各怀心思缜密的青年了...😢 魔道的每一个人都有着自己的故事,可这些故事都是令他们成长的关键😢
@merrytan5110 2 ай бұрын
@dianatah5342 2 ай бұрын
The video reached 100k likes!! I really love this novel so very much ❤❤ edit: minor correction
@zzy0828. 3 ай бұрын
@a581381 3 ай бұрын
@senko3175 3 ай бұрын
Nangisin beefleaf terus😭😭
@user-qp4is9lh4w 3 ай бұрын
@tracydee9458 3 ай бұрын
@leviathan9501 3 ай бұрын
still listen to this ngl
@user-hk8ee6iy1o 3 ай бұрын
@rogue3586 3 ай бұрын
@amia887 3 ай бұрын
@Muichiro_520 3 ай бұрын
青玄:「明兄~你可是我最好的朋友!」 黑水:「誰是你最好的朋友了」 黑水:「你還有什麼想說的嗎?」 青玄:「我想死.....」 真的淚崩🥲
@ellenwang9045 3 ай бұрын
@NakoNeko-eq9cf 3 ай бұрын
@yaoyao23 3 ай бұрын
@SharehappinessGT 4 ай бұрын
@angelineyapyuqing85 4 ай бұрын
@user-fs2mf9qp5c Ай бұрын
@25nightcord25 4 ай бұрын
天官yyds 此歌好神