Just Quit  [Rick & Morty]
7 ай бұрын
Garnet Heart Anime OP (Textless)
Lofi For DeepBros
Жыл бұрын
Old 'The OA' Theories
2 жыл бұрын
The OA Theme (Reversed)
2 жыл бұрын
@gerry5134 10 сағат бұрын
Show has been cancelled 😭 So annoying when you invest time and interest in a series only for it to be given the chop !
@markchappell4148 15 сағат бұрын
The Sith"s surrender has been accepted. It is only paper work that is the problem with anything. Take a medical number and please wait for service of medical care and maintenance.
@mphobonolo4555 Күн бұрын
Which God
@eliaswiebe6862 Күн бұрын
I actually expected a big Family tree, Like with Yahweh being a son of El, and other Connections between gods
@leejohnson7645 Күн бұрын
Yes,yes they are! Someone is very happy you made this video lol
@deepcut7788 Күн бұрын
@carlosuncar44 Күн бұрын
The Jewish-Christian mythology Parallel to Osiris and Odin would be Nimrod. Then, Thor would be Tammuz, I think.
@ramiroavila9985 Күн бұрын
I would really think you would like perkwunos the idea of the chaoskampf
@PrometheusHeart Күн бұрын
Let’s get it!! 💥
@thegreatguldo9956 2 күн бұрын
Christian here this is an interesting video i like to mention in judges theirs a god named dagon
@jhenson5168 2 күн бұрын
It’s makes so much sense that the people of “Kemet” (Egyptians) were descendants of “Chem” (Ham). Languages change so much over time it’s like we will never know our true roots. The Canaanite gods for example and the Sumerian gods. Zarathustra explains that these were the Olympics to the Vedas and their “Titans”. The missing eye of Horus! Foresight! Guess what Prometheus means in Ionic Greek? FORETHOUGHT! This video was wonderful thank you
@deepcut7788 2 күн бұрын
It’s all one story from Egypt to Finland about a figure losing his eye and the ability to see the future because he let the enemy have it knowing that they would abuse the power and it would return.
@embermoto 2 күн бұрын
loved this video. When learning about mythology its usually done in a bubble where you don't venture outside of that particular cultures myths. Videos like this are neat to watch cause it shows how similar some of these cultures myths are to one another. Its a different view of mythology I don't see a lot.
@Bonsib420 2 күн бұрын
Like how you did this video, I would be interested (if your not planning on doing so right now turning this into more of series and expand to Asia and America's showing where they fit into the mix.
@deepcut7788 2 күн бұрын
I had plans for dedicated videos on each mythology but this channel is still just starting so I’m not sure how algorithm friendly they are with this one already being so slow. I’ll need to focus on the more trendy topics first unfortunately to keep building up the audience. But by the end I’d like this channel to explain everything
@Unclebaden 3 күн бұрын
Psalm 82 - God renders judgement to the gods
@thelittlebosniaexperience8181 3 күн бұрын
Never heard of this show. Why did i get recommended this video?
@deepcut7788 3 күн бұрын
you subscribed to my channel six days go, likely because of one of the mythology videos. Before I started to transition to that I was talking about how mythology playas a role in shows like this one.
@thelittlebosniaexperience8181 3 күн бұрын
@@deepcut7788 lol oh i guess that explains it. I thought it was just a random recommendation. Lol. My bad.
@deepcut7788 2 күн бұрын
No worries. There will be a few more videos on some TV shows maybe, but my focus right now is mostly on the esoterica.
@thelittlebosniaexperience8181 2 күн бұрын
@@deepcut7788 i guess that threw me off and didnt realize it was a video from someone i had subscribed to. Not a big fan of tv show reviews, sorry about that!
@deepcut7788 Күн бұрын
No worries, I Don't like most shows, I mostly like stuff I can talk about the mythology for but I mostly plan mythology videos like this week will be about the full fallen angel story from the apocrypha
@Uncanny_Mountain 3 күн бұрын
Pythagoras means 'Heart of the Serpent', he was born in Sidon, a fishing Port in Phoenicia. His mother received a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi that he would become a great Leader & Teacher. Sidon means 'Kingdom of the Fish', & the Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, worshipped Pythagoras. The Sarcophagus of Eshmun III found in Sidon names him as the 'Widow's Scion', aka Hiram Abiff, Founder of Freemasonry, of which Tyre was the premier Capital (at least equal to Thebes). In 911BC Rameses II married the Queen of Sidon, home of Jezebel (Daughter or consort of Baal, ie "Queen") founding Neo Assyrian Babylon, an alliance between Egypt & Hiram, Father of Jezebel, & King of Assyria; forming the Phoenician colonies, & building the Temple of Melqart to commemorate their alliance. The Si in Sidon is the basis of the Latin Exe, or X, and is the basis of the Cross, or Chi Rho that Constantine painted on his shields. Also known as the Cross of Tyre, or Cross of Baal, being Ra-El, or Ba'El. Using Euler's number to map irrational numbers also produces a Templar Cross: ie where Eclipses are most likely to occur, called the 'Saros' Cycle. This cross can also be seen around the neck of Nimrod in Assyria, consistent with the Union Jack, & Solstice Calendar found in the Vatican's Shiva Lingam. Shiva is the Hebrew word for 7, & their culture also found its way to Korea & Japan (via the Philippines) ultimately becoming Shintoism. It was the Phoenicians who gave their name to the Pole Star, _Phoenice,_ which they used to Navigate the Oceans using the Zodiac, that's what the Antikythera mechanism was for, & with it they wrote the Byblos Baal; what we now call the Bible. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC & called 'Vaticanus Graecus', or 'Son of the Sacred Serpent', ie Sirius, the basis of the Sothic Calendar, which uses a Hex Decimal & base 60 system found in all Megalithic sites around the world. In the second century AD the Astronomer Valentinus Vettori transcribed it into a Lunar chart of 13 houses, what we now call the Zodiac. Horoscope means 'Star Watcher', or 'Time Keeper' & the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, was *_Israel_* or _El,_ (Fruit) of Isis (Ishtar) & (Amin) Ra. Equally El is the 'Father' of Ra the Sun, & Consort of Isis the Earth Mother, ergo _'El Ptah'_ is the *Moon* or Set. Phoenicia was the interim between Egypt & Greece, with artisans & culture exceeding that of the Greeks, whom literally adopted the Phoenician Alphabet, which we still use to this day; sounding out words phonetically. 'Phoenician' is alliterated in 'Venetian', & 'Vikings', being Kings of the Sea, [Sea Pharoahs] El is the primary God of the Phoenicians, representing the offspring of Egypt, & his consort Astarte or Ishtar represents the Assyrian half of the alliance. Such lineages & alliances can be traced (through the naming of gods) to Ireland & the Vikings, Indonesia, the Americas; even as far away as Australia, & New Zealand. It denotes Sirius as 'Son' of Orion & Pleiades, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The basis of the Sothic (Seth) Decan Calendar of the Egyptians. The New Moon in this position marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Celtic, Phoenician, & Assyrian New Year, with the first New Moon of September, so called as it's the 7th House of the Zodiac, when the Sun is in Ophuichus. 'Phoenix', 'Benben', or 'Bennu', is Egyptian for 'Heron', or Feathered 'Serpent'. It baptised itself in frankincense & myrrh at Baalbek, then alights atop the Great Pyramid, upon the Holy Grail, or Altar of Ra, every 630 years to take three days off the calendar; during the course of the first New Moon of Nisan, which means 'Prince'. The Capstone of Pyramids is even called the Benben or Bennu. The Phoenix is found in all religions, which are all Astrological Allegory for the Moon travelling through the Constellations as a soul migrating from body to body. Thus is the basis of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, or 'Hero's Journey' with the cycles & orbits of the planets serving as portents, omens, allies, etc. Thus Astrology was the Science of the Bronze Age & Reincarnation was the early teaching of the Gnostic Christian Church, & relates to the lineage of Kings: "The Pan is Dead! _Long live Pan!"_ The Bennu is the Egyptian Phoenix, to Phoenicians the Hoyle, Etruscans saw birds as sacred too, as did Celts, & Picts. Hebrew & Iberia have the same root; meaning _'over'_ ie _'overseas'_ or 'those [whom travel] over [the] sea'. A colony called Iberia also appeared on the Eastern shores of the Black Sea, with the same Dolmen & Megalithic culture originating in Ireland and Brittany circa 4500BC. _Phoenician_ means 'Scion of the Phoenix', the first Bible: Vaticanus Graecus; 'Scion of the Sacred Serpent' (Prince). Then there's the Essenes; :Sons of Light', the Tuatha De Danaan; Sons of Light, Anunnaki; Sons of Light, Arthur Pendragon; Arthur [Thor] 'Son of the Dragon'. Chertoff is Russian for "Son of the Devil" & Dracula also means 'Scion of the Dragon'. Masons call themselves the "Brotherhood of the Great White Serpent", & the Ziggurat of Anu denotes her as a great white Serpent too, while at New Grange & the Bru na Boinne, Ireland (4000BC) the white quartz ramparts also denote the Moon. The Moon itself travels either side of the Solar Elliptic by 5 degrees through specific constellations in a serpentine fashion that is always changing, but repeats every 19 years, the time it took to train a Druid or Magi, Magi meaning 'Teacher'. The Phoenix is also associated with this sacred number 19. "Pharoah" means 'Great House' or 'House of Light' & Cairo used to be called Babel. Pharaohs were called 'Commander in Chief' & wore a hooded crown representing feathers, as do Native American Chiefs, ie the Feathered Serpent. Aztecs also had 'Serpent Kings', (Canaan means Serpent Kings, & Sidon was a Son of Canaan & Great Grandson of Noah) who were called to lead with "cunning & guile" being the virtue of their "right to rule"; being seen as "just" in public, while shrewd in private. "As wise as Serpents, (while appearing as) _gentle_ as Doves." The old Egyptian flag of an Eagle holding a Snake is also reflected in the Modern Mexican flag, denoting the Constellations of Serpentis (13th sign of the Zodiac) and Aquila. The dimensions & 12 mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid are also expressed in New Grange, & Stonehenge, as well as in Watson Brake, (2500BC) & Teotihuacan, which correlates to the Phoenician/ Sumerian Seximal system, which is what our modern systems of time are based on, unlocking a fractal pattern reflected in the musical chord, electrical resistance, relative Planetary orbits, indeed; throughout _all_ creation. Officially no one knows who invented Astrology, the Zodiac, navigation by the stars, or time keeping. But whoever built the pyramids, & pioneered the 24hr clock in Egypt 5000 years ago already knew the exact dimensions of the Earth, & the speed of light. Because these can all be calculated using these Megalithic sites as a Surveyor use a Theodolite. Specifically at Teotihuacan; 230 degrees opposite Cairo, & with the exact same footprint. The ideal positions to determine the speed of light using the transit of Venus, allowing for accurate Longitude for Maritime navigation. Capt Cook did the same thing in 1774 when he 'discovered' Easter Island. The only culture that fits the bill was wiped out "not one stone upon the other" by the Romans in 146BC. Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia (Israel) sat just offshore from Ursu Salaam: City of the New Moon; City [or 'Rock'] of Peace; root of the name _'Jerusalem'_ & was also seized by Rome in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege. The gap between is 216 years (6x6x6). Greek Dionysians built the Temple of Solomon (now called the Temple of Melqart) representing the Solar Lunar (Solomonic) Metonic Calendar on which this system is based. They also carried mirrors, a practice associated with Magi, Druids, Greeks, & Egyptian scholars. These Mirrors are Astrological charts called 'Cycladic _Pans'_ & record the cycles of the planets. The first Temple of Melqart ( Phoenician Horus, Hercules, Pan, Thor) represents the 13th Constellation of Ophiuchus or 'Serpent Bearer' (hence Orphic Serpent worship) & had pillars of Emerald (Jasper) & Gold, ie Isis (Tree of Life) and Osiris (Tree of Knowledge). The Jerusalem Temple only took payment in "Shekels of Tyre" a currency minted during the Jewish rebellion against Rome, hence _"give that which is Caesar's unto Caesar"_ When Alexander sacked Tyre in 332BC they moved to Carthage meaning "New City" or New Jerusalem, & built a second temple with Pillars of Bronze. Nebuchadnezzar also sieged Tyre for 13 years, taking the City captive in 573BC: the same time as the biblical account of the Jews, (& again the Romans in 70AD after a 3.5 year siege, also consistent with the same biblical accounts). Palaset was the name of a tribe of the Sea Peoples, Pallas _Set_ denotes the New Moon of Ammun Ra rising in Gemini, the *Pallas* Constellation of the Twins "that stand before Orion", due West of the Temple between the Gates [Pillars] of Gibraltar; "Gabriel's Altar", ie 'Pallas Stein', or Pallas Stone, 'Phallus' or Philosopher's Stone: the _"Rising Son"._ So 'Wormwood', like 'Tyre' means 'Bitter Rock', for the same reason; as the Son rising from the 'Bitter' [Salt or 'Black'] Sea of the Underworld; The 'Black Rock' or 'Gatestone' 🌑 The Cross of Tyre or Ba'El ❌ represents Lunar maximums & minimums & correlates with the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Calendar. Align the Cross ❌ Chi Rho Christian ✝️ & Star 🔯 to the Zodiac, & you have a Compass & Timepiece that correlates to the Nautical Mile; allowing for global Maritime navigation. It is in fact an Astrological allegory for a Sothic Metonic Saros Zodiac Calendar using Accusations in a Mirror 🪞 *A Phoenix **_Cypher_*
@lukemccullough5227 3 күн бұрын
The Chaoskampf, sky/storm god slays the chaos serpent, worth some looking into
@danielsaravia6384 3 күн бұрын
Literally gave me chills
@deepcut7788 3 күн бұрын
Consider checking out the Giant OA break downs we have on the channel! The hour and a half one includes a finalized version of how a murder at the end of the world factors in.
@ebonyblack4563 4 күн бұрын
Something to note is that in Kemetic recreation we often see Egypt's faith not as much about good vs evil as order vs chaos, making Ma'at ultimate order/judge.
@starking2162 Күн бұрын
Interestingly, dnd originally did that with alignment. Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic in an infinite cosmic conflict
@ebonyblack4563 Күн бұрын
@@starking2162 That's neat! I did not know that.
@CrawfordPrime 4 күн бұрын
This is actually been really interesting to watch, as it relates to something I’ve been diving into as part of my spiritual journey and experiences, where part of those experiences has led me to believe that all these ancient cultures with their different religions, humouring the idea that these entities are real, all relate to the same primordial pantheon of gods that through oral means changed and were adapted and merged between other cultures over time with some entities being merged together or fabricated to explain other things. Most of these mythologies share the same basic structure and characteristics, even the ancient cultures at the time making the same comparisons like Yahweh made them think of Set, Zeus as Ra, or Cronos as being similar to Anu of Canaanite traditions. Great video!
@deepcut7788 4 күн бұрын
The channel will have plenty more videos in comparative mythology, I hope you keep watching.
@youstolemyhandleyoutwat Күн бұрын
Honestly the conclusion I've come to is that the Christian God, My God, is the Creator God. Above every single other being out there. He is the one who cause the big bang, and all the other gods are just other celestial beings, but in the end He is Above all of them.
@CatotheWise 4 күн бұрын
Explains a lot of things in the old testament...
@ladymadeline3595 5 күн бұрын
After my personal falling-out with Christianity, I spent a lot of time asking a lot of questions, and researched a lot of religions while looking for answers. I've been saying for years that religions all over the world have similar stories, but that they're so convinced that only their version can be correct, that they refuse to cooperate to find the bigger picture and figure out what actually happened. These are legends of the most ancient times, before written history when the only way to pass down stories was by word of mouth. Stories that were probably often told by the wise men / women of the villages, to the younger generations. These younger generations spread across the earth and then we have different accounts of events because its basically the telephone game. Not everyone is going to remember it accurately, and names got changed as language evolved.
@DemolishtheCheto66 2 күн бұрын
I completely agree and have been thinking along the same lines for the last few years
@bryanmcclure2220 Күн бұрын
I’m thinking you confusing all religions with Abrahamic religions, most other religions don’t care whether their version of events or someone else is correct. It’s only because important for us because it were view events versus the pagan view of events is inverted. So who is right becomes important for us.
@deepcut7788 5 күн бұрын
If you found this information useful please check out the free Lecture available on my Patreon: www.patreon.com/DeepcutsMysterySchool The more support we can get from sources like Patreon, the more educational videos we can put out about the world mythologies.
@Uncanny_Mountain 3 күн бұрын
You are now the aecond person to realise this Check out Egyptian _"Nomes"_ and the Festival of Ophet Also their Decan Calendar and the Valley of the Bru na Boinne, in Ireland
@SkarKingg 5 күн бұрын
The issue i have is with how the modern new testament bible came to be, wasn't written by anyone that knew Jesus or were alive during his life, translations being misinterpreted, books being removed, humans exaggerate, forget and lie, people with power lie for control, the fact Jesus wasn't even his name and i could go on but you get the message
@tional5266 5 күн бұрын
This mythology story and the references to ancient Egyptian mysticism is all demonic but in the story It’s a darker version of biblical stories
@tional5266 5 күн бұрын
Cecelia being Wayne’s girlfriend explains the hatred between the two men
@tional5266 5 күн бұрын
Every bit of this show is misunderstanding of the Bible stories, as in the Jews did when Jesus appeared to them and they didn’t understand
@augustcanyon3438 6 күн бұрын
It is not gnostics who believe that, it is the Jesuit and Catholic orders who follow the laws of Moses and St. Ignasius. St. Ignasius followed the Luciferian doctrine
@hillarysemails1615 7 күн бұрын
Why is this entitled "crazy?" This is the actual Truth. Also, you seem to think that all Gnostic texts and beliefs belong to only 1 school. I am Marcionite, there are also Valentinians and many other Gnostic Schools. Just like Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Southern Baptists don't all agree on everything.
@billyboasiako1775 7 күн бұрын
James 4:7 God Allah is Zeus Dionysus Dios goat devil 👿 Revelation 22:16 Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar From POMPEII Roman Quran 14:22 Quran Muhammad ibn Abdullah mecca necronomicon is Satan Religion is hallucinating OSIRIS-TUTANKHAMUN RISE UP AGAIN
@thecentralscrutinizerr 7 күн бұрын
There is no God, gods, or gawd. The proof of that lies within the context of the comments which demonstrate that if such a being existed, it is doing a piss poor job of articulating exactly what it is it demands of its creations, evidenced by the many diverse opinions, thus making manifest the obvious confusion which exists among the deity's adherents as to exactly what they are supposed to believe. Gods are an attempt to explain how and why humanity came into existence by primitive people who had no internet access. To compensate for the lack of information and, perhaps even more importantly, information sharing, they turned to the next best thing - drugs. And they really, _really_ liked drugs, especially psychedelics. In reality, that is, the 3rd dimensional reality you are incarnated into, everything is composed of atoms, each with a vibrational frequency which, accompanied by gravity, is the "glue" that holds the 3rd dimension together and why you, composed of atoms, do not fall "into" or "through" the chair, which is also made of atoms, your are sitting on. Splitting atoms causes a nuclear reaction, which is most likely the way many of you will cease to exist in the near future, and thus humanity will not "go into" the light, but will actually become photons of light as your atoms are ripped apart. But look at the bright side, you won't have to pay taxes to those that invented the means which caused your atoms to be ripped apart and perhaps, assuming an "afterlife" actually exists, you'll finally find out if Jesus ate pork chops - a most pressing issue to be resolved.
@deepcut7788 7 күн бұрын
you are such a pseud
@LumaSloth 7 күн бұрын
The prequel we deserve
@davidwebb576 7 күн бұрын
Enlil was his name
@trashaimgamer7822 7 күн бұрын
I can't comprehend how you can read the Bible and not think it's god is evil.
@shadowbarkspawn5711 7 күн бұрын
Ask any cathar. Oh wait, you can’t.
Forget what the English say about Gnosis. Gnosis simply means To Know. Like in the word Diagnosis. Gnostics is in Diagnostics. Gnosis by Greek definition means, To have knowledge of the spiritual mysteries. This is pertaining to the hidden wisdom of God that's told in a mystery and a parable as explained in Corinthians 1 and 2 because the gospels are veiled. The Kristos is Kryptos. (The Christ is hidden) not Jesus Christ the man who became the Christ but the title. It's when God covers you in his holy oil of joy within yourself where he dwells. The word mystery in the Bible is not the English definition but the Greek from Mysterion which in the Greek Lexicon means secret or hidden or only given to the initiated and not given to ordinary mortals (Immortality) and not obvious to the understanding. Only God can anoint you to enter heaven through Christ Jesus. God reveals himself to you through an Epiphany hence the name Epiphysis gland which is your Pineal gland symbolized by a Pine cone. Epiphany Christian holiday is January 6th. The name of the place Jacob saw in Genesis was called Peniel and Penuel which means God face to face which is talking about between the two hemisphere of the brain because it was from a dream he had and because the Pineal gland is associated with sleep, specifically melatonin. Bethel, Beit El, is the House of God which is also Jacobs Ladder or the Stairway to Heaven. Israel may be an actual country but it's a nation of people who have had Gnosis and live in the house of God, inside the temple not made of human hands. Golgotha is the name of the real crucifixion site of Christ but the word means Skull or Place of the Skull. More like place inside your skull lol. El means God, and Superman's name is KaI-El. He's Christ like. The Kristos is Kryptos. What was the name of Superman's home planet? Krypton. Superman had to hide his real identity. The reason why God was Evil is because they were cutting off peoples right hand back then for disobedience. The God of the old testament is, El Saturn El Toro the Bull, and the LORD of the rings, like a halo ring or in marriage, and his day is on the Sabbath which is Saturday for Saturns Day. Almost every single big Hollywood movie contains the hidden wisdom played out with the Biblical parables. It's just people do not see it because they don't Gno bro. Gno Know bro. Come on he's only been leaving us Eastern eggs every April. You're supposed to catch on to the mystery. And receive the Holy Spirit of the Holy Wisdom.
@ronnawoodhouse2212 7 күн бұрын
No God Is Evil 👿! Nothing New! God is still Evil 👿!!
@bignoob1790 7 күн бұрын
Not all gnostics are sethians
@MAW51187 7 күн бұрын
@jamesstaggs4160 8 күн бұрын
How do many people for so many years can read about the vindictive, violent, jealous genocidal god of the old testament and think it's the same one running around healing the sick regardless of their ethnicity, scolding on of his disciples for cutting the ear off someone sent to arrest Jesus then healing that ear and dying in an unimaginably horrible death while asking those that did it be forgiven is way beyond me. I have no idea if any of it actually happened but the messages and tone between the two are vastly different. Jesus basically calls the old testament god evil and a liar. He confronted the Pharisees who were supposed to be the foremost scholars on Judaism and talked real bad about their god (please nobody read that and call me antisemitic or say I agree with you Jews are evil, I didn't write the Bible, I'm just illustrating that it's easy to see how Gnostics came to their conclusions).
@FriendlySlots 8 күн бұрын
God forbade Adam and eve from eating from the tree of knowledge, but the serpent was right. They did not die, and they gained knowledge, of good and evil, which bought enlightened thought.
@Carlos-bz5oo 8 күн бұрын
I honestly don't see why Gnosticism is seen as weird. In the New Testament Satan is called "the God of this world", so it kinda just goes from there
@alexanderafxendiou8525 8 күн бұрын
Lol for obvious reasons I bet all demon's think God is pure evil 😂like how God kicked all there butts then banished them to hell and has plans to throw every single demon in the lake of fire for eternity without any mercy or remorse lol 😆 yeah they definitely feel that way about God ✡️💪😈🤣⚡️🔥
@bluezero8557 8 күн бұрын
The reason heretical gnosticism isn't wide spread is because the true faith forced it into obscurity. Looks like it needs to be fully destroyed.
@billybobwombat2231 8 күн бұрын
Was evil?? Is evil
@user-jw6uu9sm3r 8 күн бұрын
Hahahah it’s crazy to take the current Christianity as a source when they don’t have a preserved revelation And in truth they made god a human , son of god , 3 in 1 concept That Roman things I see it as the Anti-Christ religion
@dianekeller7534 8 күн бұрын
I don't think no one noes anything we all are just guessing
@victorgrays6708 8 күн бұрын
God created good and evil but every thing he does Is for righteousness period
@victorgrays6708 8 күн бұрын
You no nothing off me