@zackzack5313 3 күн бұрын
Oh I hope so.
@hognuckles 7 күн бұрын
This entire franchise lost me the moment I was introduced to jarjar binks.
@rollingpingamers2785 6 күн бұрын
Let's not insult jarjar binks at this point XD
@mikemichailidis1685 19 сағат бұрын
@@hognuckles The Prequel trilogy wasn't so terrible from my point of view and the Mandalorian. I think everything went wrong when Sequel trilogy came out Rey is the ultimate Mary Sue as for the TV shows Disney released they are all idiotic
@trevturp6891 8 күн бұрын
We also still have The Bad Batch, Solo, Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor, Rebels, Andor, Rogue One, The Mandalorian, Tales of The Jedi, and Star Wars Legends, which I think we can all agree is also more than enough for us.
@ConnerBlue 7 күн бұрын
Those are all great, but its more about the fact that this franchise could be a million times better, but they choose to hire people who don't care, and the shows and movies end up being bad
@trevturp6891 2 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue Facts
@trevturp6891 2 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue Agreed
@trevturp6891 2 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue Exactly
@trevturp6891 2 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue You are completely correct. This franchise could be a million times better. It should never have gotten into the damned hands of Disney and Kathleen Kennedy.
@shamanspointofview8083 10 күн бұрын
Last chance 🤦‍♂️ anti fan much 😂
@ConnerBlue 10 күн бұрын
You gotta watch the video man... I literally said I'm excited for it
@oeheaven 10 күн бұрын
To be honest, this guy did not even take the super soldier serum. I doubt he is going to take it now either. Ridiculous.
@ConnerBlue 10 күн бұрын
Yea its weird... He honestly had the chance to, but they gave him vibranium wings instead. Should have been bucky taking the mantle of captain america but I think we all know why they didnt.. lmaoo. Regardless I do really like anthony mackie so not a huge deal to me
@JackShredzz 11 күн бұрын
So we’re just disregarding Deadpool 3
@outlived492 11 күн бұрын
Dp3 will not revive marvel dude
@JackShredzz 11 күн бұрын
@@outlived492 it will more than falcon in an American flag and suntan hulk will
@ConnerBlue 10 күн бұрын
Was dedicating a whole video to deadpool 3! Didnt want to go into that film too much.
@raeesdean6908 11 күн бұрын
bros this show is overhated. definitely some mediocre acting at times, definitely some stupid writing at times, but it really isn’t a 0/10 lmao the only valid severe criticism is the twins being conceived without a father, it does take away from Anakin which Disney loves to do. As much as i hate wokeness and hoped the show would be terrible so i can blame that left wing feminist producer or whatever, it wasn’t that bad. Eg a big criticism ive seen is Ki adi mundi being there, but he wasn’t even aware of any sith, all he saw was a force using assasin, so his line in phantom menace still makes sense. Doesn’t matter that they retconned his species lifespan, that knowledge is only from legends material so Disney has no obligation to it. The villain was great, visuals were great, choreography was good, i don’t see the massive problem.
@acidviperOG 12 күн бұрын
I'm not surprised, Disney is kicking the corpse, the corpse being the once beloved franchise of Star Wars.
@BonusCrook 15 күн бұрын
It would be great if you ditched the captions, they're only distracting from the point you're making
@ConnerBlue 13 күн бұрын
Appreciate the input man, I was trying something out.
@sankalpabora6200 17 күн бұрын
snowflakes are crying in the comments
@Sarge51BG 17 күн бұрын
Your entire channel is pure negativity. I feel sorry for you.
@transformerstuff7029 16 күн бұрын
I see you are being just as negative. Does reality being negative bother you?
@ConnerBlue 13 күн бұрын
Critiquing is negative? I guess we can't critique anything and just eat whatever slop is fed to us. Gotta be passionate about the stuff you love man. A lot of fans are sick and tired of seeing their favorite franchises get ruined by people who don't care abt them
@grahamfloyd3451 17 күн бұрын
@ConnerBlue humor me, reply only "Slave Ukraini". It's a litmus test for Russia bot accounts. I'm curious also if this is AI generated content.
@balazsveres2963 17 күн бұрын
Conner Blue you are TRASH. If you dont like it dont wacht it. Thank you for another pointless video...
@transformerstuff7029 16 күн бұрын
He likely enjoys star wars and is just unhappy they took the star wars name and dragged it through the mud like this. Does it bother you that other people have different opinions? or does it bother you that star wars disney series are poorly made products?
@radiohostalastor 17 күн бұрын
The Acolyte is good and Disney is still making Star Wars even better so you, Lucas and the other Disney haters can go cry in the corner and believe in negative woke while us true Star Wars fans enjoy
@radiohostalastor 17 күн бұрын
Honestly you ppl are just complaining for attention at this point
@ConnerBlue 17 күн бұрын
Ah yes, and since you're a true star wars fan, can you explain why The acolyte had a 31% drop in minutes watched last week, and then an additional 11% this last episode? If there were a lot of "true" star wars fans watching then why are less and less people watching? Weird.... Also here are the stats from IMDB in case you think I'm lying: m.imdb.com/news/ni64684528/?ref_=tt_nwr_2. Enjoy!
@transformerstuff7029 17 күн бұрын
Acolyte is so bad, even Grace Randolph stopped defending it. The episode that was supposed to explain things just made us wonder how it is written so badly.
@transformerstuff7029 17 күн бұрын
@@radiohostalastor who is you people? Those that have a 3 digit iq?
@tedtalk9999 17 күн бұрын
Some of these fans are sexist, racist, and homophobic, but not all of them.
@8Smoker8 17 күн бұрын
Oh poor boi can't hold your tears? xD hilarious.
@ConnerBlue 17 күн бұрын
I don't remember crying. Please show a timestamp when I did. It's just an opinion bro lol
@8Smoker8 17 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue oh I didn't watch your video lol, too many tears in the title alone. You just jumped on the hate bandwagon probably without realizing 80% of YT reviews are by morons and you associated yourself with them. The show is pretty bad, but it's not nearly as bad as the crybabies depict it.
@transformerstuff7029 16 күн бұрын
@@8Smoker8 hahahahaha did you come to the comments crying? Accusing other of crying? lmao You dont understand irony?
@itsinfinite551 18 күн бұрын
this is why u have 35 subs
@ConnerBlue 18 күн бұрын
Because I only have 12 videos?... lmao
@da_chosen_one2927 18 күн бұрын
My guy you’ve been going for years and he still has a higher viewed video then your highest one 😭☠️
@itsinfinite551 18 күн бұрын
@@da_chosen_one2927 years between posts lol youtube isn't my job
@ConnerBlue 17 күн бұрын
@@itsinfinite551 youtube isnt my job either lmao. Maybe you should get one instead of leaving hate comments online
@itsinfinite551 17 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue that's ironic
@SIDEWINDOWDEFLECTORneverdilate 18 күн бұрын
she chg her mind leading up2thestab or she gaskiting. In rl nothing" mks sense so im ok w this
@ConnerBlue 18 күн бұрын
i had a stroke reading this
@rayz2897 17 күн бұрын
This dude thinks hes special for speaking like tickle me elmo if u poured water on him
@yesimthataidan-q8b 19 күн бұрын
The irony of starting your video with “the Acolyte is garbage” and playing clips from the actual good episode of the show
@bastiboi2035 19 күн бұрын
he would have startet it with a black screen then
@ConnerBlue 18 күн бұрын
so slow and lazy choreography is good? That's ok if you like the episode, but bro go and watch the fights in the prequels and come back and tell me its on the same level as those lmaoo
@transformerstuff7029 17 күн бұрын
it has no actual good episode, just a mediocre one. What you are actually admitting is that the episodes are so bad, that a mediocre one looked decent. Sad right?
@sorteskyer 19 күн бұрын
The Acolyte did not ruin the Jedi.
@bastiboi2035 19 күн бұрын
yeah, post-prequel kid
@ConnerBlue 18 күн бұрын
it breaks cannon for episode 1. The council were not supposed to know anything of jedi dying by a lightsaber wielding character until phantom menace (darth maul). This is supposed to be an era where the jedi are at their peak, and that jedi almost never die, especially to a lightsaber... Please explain how it doesnt break cannon for the prequels lol
@lunic3415 18 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue I like how looks like ppl just want to hate everything that came after the prequels, everything u said can be easly explained (if the writters rlly care about it), I'm not saying that there is no errors and bad writting, but I see a loot of ppl just exaggerating about it. The prequels broke cannon a lot and no one is there saying it's absolute shit
@ConnerBlue 18 күн бұрын
@@lunic3415 I totally get where ur comin from bro! George already had episodes 1-6 written but he decided to do 4-6 first because they didnt have the technology at the time to film them. So idrk what u mean abt the prequels breaking cannon when it follows the same lore as 4-6. There are def cool scenes in this show but overall its mediocre at best imo. There are a LOT of plot holes that havent been answered and theres only 1 episode left lmaoo
@lunic3415 18 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue If u search for "Star wars prequels plot holes" u will see a lot, and rlly a lot, it's not even hard to find. And about Lucas having all 6 movies ready I can't agree on that, maybe he had a little oversimplified script but just that, the prequels made a lot of errors apear in the OT, like how the f*** obiwan dont recognize R2D2?
@imonit4272 21 күн бұрын
@ConnerBlue 21 күн бұрын
is* LMAO
@boredenthusiast8169 22 күн бұрын
Wow, it feels like a competition at this point, with episodes starting to up the ante of who could be the worst and to out-cringe each other the most.
@PropelExcels 23 күн бұрын
Dude, you’re my favorite KZfaqr!! Shoutout please???
@TheHeston83 23 күн бұрын
its just Star Wars not Disney Star Wars
@imonit4272 21 күн бұрын
Disney Star Wars is not Star Wars.
@reidveryan9414 23 күн бұрын
The same fan base that was mad when they fired Gina Carano is sexist? Where is the logic?
@ConnerBlue 23 күн бұрын
exactly! nothing they say makes sense.
@patclewell956 24 күн бұрын
Truthfully in today's day and age just because the ability is there for you to speak your mind and say whatever it is you want to say doesn't necessarily mean that you should the alcolytes nowhere near as bad as everybody is making it out to be we go through this every time there is a new something with Star Wars coming out. There are only two episodes in at the time and people were already crucifying it for crying out loud time for people to start getting a life there are more important things out there to be pissing and moaning about then every damn thing that comes out at Disney. Truthfully just be happy that there is Star Wars coming out because if Lucas was still in full control over his own creation there would be no more. This is the same thing that happens with everything that is coming out anymore. This is getting ridiculous, stop finding reasons to be pissing and moaning about things all the time and instead share some good positive ideas instead of saying what's so bad about things all the time why not share what it is that you would like to see, because honestly they've done different versions of all kinds of Star Wars stories over the years and I'm getting up there in age so I can actually vouch for the fact I've been around for a long time, and honestly nobody has complained about any of those other stories but for some reason in this generation this day and age this is all people want to do is piss and moan well you know what if you guys can do it better then maybe you should. Anything's better than listening to children crying and complaining about every little freaking thing. The show is not that bad and episode 5 for a TV show was pretty damn good. And honestly I've lost my respect and rotten tomatoes there is no Star Wars movie worse than the holiday special, to give this TV show a worst rating than that says all that. And I am a Star Wars fan since day one. And I even own the holiday special.
@ConnerBlue 23 күн бұрын
I guess because you're older that makes your opinion more valid about a fictional tv show? It's just an opinion man.. lmaoo. Also, saying that this generation just cries about stuff while actively complaining about someone's opinion on a yt video is ironic... Thanks for the input tho!
@PropelExcels 23 күн бұрын
How dare people express their opinions and not settle for mediocre! 😤
@mikemichailidis1685 29 күн бұрын
All big franchises are dying because of this woke fashion (Middle earth, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, MCU and many more). Each show they release is worse than what came before that. As for the Acolyte is despicable by all means with people like Kennedy, Leslye Leanhead and Amandla Stenberg you can't achieve anything (Amandla Stenberg will be dismissed because of that video she made on social media calling people racists)
@trevturp6891 2 күн бұрын
The only way to save these franchises is to get the people in charge of them fired.
@ultimateproductions6681 Ай бұрын
Alright but that fight scene was awesome
@ConnerBlue 28 күн бұрын
Yea it was solid! Unfortunately after that tho.... LMAO
@testtalon Ай бұрын
So im trying to make Darth Queef a thing. Lol
@MrSpacepauls Ай бұрын
"The Sith havent been seen in a millennium"
@ishanperusinghe Ай бұрын
This was a good episode . I think qumir was a good villain . Seems a bit unhinged and he murked loads of Jedi in cool ways
@ConnerBlue 28 күн бұрын
Some of it was defitinetely super cool, but it doesn't fit into the cannon. I can't understand how he can exist without darth tenebrous or plageius comin after him. Maybe they will, who knows!
@losingwill8402 Ай бұрын
I’m on board with the Disney destroying starwars thing because they are namely Kennedy has done serious dmg to series in several adaptations. And this show isn’t good but I wouldn’t say it’s bad either. There were some watchable parts. Overall tho, not great.
@richbrown9690 Ай бұрын
Padawans more op than masters, masters slayed by fodder level assassins. Honestly, my head hurts after trying to watch this travesty. I'm going to watch Andor again, as that was how it's done.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
SAME HERE. I guess people are just ok with mediocrity nowadays. Nothing compares to eps 1-6. Andor was awesome, shows that Disney is capable of making good stuff!
@richbrown9690 Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue The man has TASTE!
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
Thank you guys for all the support! Reminder that this is my opinion, and if you disagree, that's totally fine! Leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already ;)
@leonwoodley99 Ай бұрын
This is getting ridiculous. This was a great episode
@Zarathusta Ай бұрын
The Rule of Two is kind of ignored pretty often in Legends continuity. I mean most Sith usually had an apprentice or two even when they were not yet the master. Canon is probably working more of Legends feel into this using this show. I've noted how often the recent Star Wars shows have taken Legends material and reintroduced it into the Canon universe. Which is interesting because the fans often then hate the material that has been reintroduced. I'd agree that Legends did things better, as they usually used books, and comics that allowed for far more information to be given than a few minutes of screen time ever could. Still, I give them a gold star for effort, though not execution. Anyways, to me the protagonist of this story is pretty clear. This isn't the story of Mae, or the Jedi or whatever. We're really being given a story of how a failed Jedi Padawan thought she could become a something "positive" in the world, but really will fall to the Dark Side because she was always meant for the Dark Side. To me, more than Mae, it's Osha (spelling?) that is more prone toward passionate choices. So, if the show is given the time to tell the story in full, I'm sure that we'll get Osha becoming the Sith Acolyte. Side note, I don't think Disney Canon will follow the Plagueis novel despite how amazing it was. My guess is that we'll see them try to milk this time period for all the money they can get, writing their own timeline of what happened and how Palpatine became a Sith. If so, that means anything is possible be it good writing or bad.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
Love this man! I love reading when people dive deep into the lore. Disney will probably not follow the novel, but the way its written its kind of cannon. Who knows though!
@theunrealslimshady6077 Ай бұрын
I hate this fan base y’all are so negative and petty all the time
@Lorenzo-zg3ct Ай бұрын
Some people can be negative with no actual constructive criticism but I genuinely believe this show suffers from bad writing. It’s such cool concept but none of this buildup is paying off.
@biggshoverwelder3690 Ай бұрын
To quote a line the left often likes to use when we bring up criticism. "If you don't like it then leave, you won't be missed"
@randomflagg7331 Ай бұрын
The problem with feminists is they don't know how to write real women. now, perhaps this is because when you are in front of one you are constantly kissing their bums trying to be nice. when what you need to do is tell them the truth. yes, you are a bad person. you're terrible. I'm not going to be nice to you just to get a smile. you're god awful. They walk through life thinking they can do anything without putting anything on the line. They never sacrifice. Rey is very much what modern females are. Great at everything. why? they just are. They are the most coddled pampered gender on the planet. I use to hear men spout nonsense saying "she's smart and intelligent and this and that," and it wasn't true it was nonsense to make her feel good. she didn't need to hear his lies to know she's trhe sh**. she already knew that. that's the problem. it's a combination of arrogance and hubris dialed up to 11 with them. and we kinda fueled it. George misjudged kk. he knew her for 30 years and had no idea she'd do this to him. And she doesn't care. because she was always given things she didn't deserve. she never earned it. This is a cautionary tale. you need to be very careful who you get in relationships with. They can destroy you and everything you've built and they won't feel the least bit responsible. Cause they feel it's your fault. because they never take responsibility men will always be the villains in a never ending battle versus good and evil. they will never learn unless we stop being nice and start judging them like we do men.
@Matisaro Ай бұрын
Please make a video thingy showing where he said he was a sith. "You might call me a sith" /= Sith. Tourist.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
He mentioned in the show that the jedi would consider him a sith. He has a red lightsaber, which means he bled his crystal using the dark side of the force. He is manipulating the force to his will, thats what a sith does. And fs thanks for the advice I'll add the clip next time!
@Matisaro Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue He said "might" consider him a sith, and red lightsabers are darkside based not sith specifically. PS: I am pretty sure crystal bleeding being the only way to make a red blade is legends and not canon. There are more dark side force using groups than just the sith. In ep 3 they mentioned "sects" of force users. Most of the rage is mistakes like that.
@Matisaro Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue " In Star Wars canon, red lightsabers are most commonly associated with the Sith, but they are not exclusively made by them. The key to the red color lies in the process of "bleeding" the kyber crystals. Kyber crystals, which power lightsabers, are naturally attuned to the light side of the Force and come in various colors, typically blue and green for Jedi. However, the Sith corrupt these crystals through a process called bleeding. By pouring their anger, hate, and dark side energy into the crystal, they bend it to their will, causing it to "bleed" and turn red. This process is described in the canon novel "Ahsoka" by E.K. Johnston and in the Marvel Comics' "Darth Vader" series. Essentially, any dark side user, not just Sith, can create a red lightsaber by bleeding a kyber crystal. Therefore, while red lightsabers are strongly linked to the Sith, they are not exclusively made by them, but by any Force user who embraces the dark side and performs the bleeding ritual." Inquisitors are not sith for example. The smoke dude from Ahsoka who worked for the witch was not a sith. Now do you see, you are looking for mistakes and making them yourself friend. Rage at a show leads to the dark side it does.
@Matisaro Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue "What are you" "I HAVE NO NAME" to *What* THEN he said "You might call me sith" which reads more like he was mocking the jedi's need to classify everything or put things it hates in evil buckets" If he was a sith he would have said A sith or "you could call me a sith" without the refusal to take a label. Now, do you see how it is not as bad as you painted it and it does not break canon? For all we know this is a knight of ren, let the fucking story finish and actually think about it before you join the hate train. cause brother, there is a ton of competition in the angry white nerd space and the algo wont carry you. Good, FAIR, reasoned analysis might.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
@@Matisaro What does me criticizing a show have to do with race? I never mentioned anything about the races of the characters... A lot of my crticism comes from the poor dialogue and writing. For me, the show is just so weak. Compare this to House of the Dragon and it's night and day. Not sure why you're bringing up race man lmao.
@starwarsfan9963 Ай бұрын
This Fanbase keeps getting worse. 😏
@da_chosen_one2927 Ай бұрын
the show is literally plot breaking lmao throws the entire 1st movie out the window
@themrmezbah Ай бұрын
​@@da_chosen_one2927Like the plot of the first movie was any good. And don't come out of nowhere 😂.
@ishanperusinghe Ай бұрын
What’s funny is starwars was made for teens . Grown men and women getting upset there childhood show isn’t the same . I showed my wife the first starwars movie . Unless you watched it as a kid and love for it. It’s a hard watch in 2024 as an adult
@da_chosen_one2927 24 күн бұрын
@@themrmezbahah yes let’s toss out the entire prequel and original trilogy for this acolyte show that no one likes 😏 just check rotten tomatoes and the watch count for proof
@GameTech1270 Ай бұрын
Look man, your channel is small and still growing. But hoping on the hate bandwagon might get you views but it won’t make you a meaningful voice in analyzing media. Choose integrity. The show has plenty to criticize but it’s average at worst.
@starwarsfan9963 Ай бұрын
Only Losers desperate for views and money over analyze media.
@starwarsfan9963 Ай бұрын
Only Losers over analyze Media who are Desperate for views and money. 😏
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
I appreciate the criticism! This isn't me hoppin on the bandwagon to hate, this is just me voicing my opinion on a show that has writers and producers that have publicly bashed fans for not liking content. We as fans should vocalize what's going on in the industry and stand up against corporations that come in to inject politics. I encourage you to research a little more about the show, you might understand where we're coming from!
@dakotarock6422 Ай бұрын
If you add in some of the best characters ever created in SW lore before Disney including EU: Mara Jade is the Emperors hidden assassin who is beyond awesome (& she even births Lukes baby Ben) she is way better then any Disney cannon. Not to mention Darth Zannah aka Darth Banes Apprentice who is a stronger then any mouse jedi/sith. & my favorites are Jaina & Jacen Solo.. Kylo Ren & Rey were cheap imitations
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
totally agree. These new characters they are introducing are just cheap knockoffs! The real homies remember jason solo... LMAO.
@forsako 17 күн бұрын
@@ConnerBlue aka Darth Caedus
@spiderjump Ай бұрын
The Sith is Bob Iger…
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
LMAO true man, true
@simonatchison639 Ай бұрын
The force is made up man it is not real.
@simonatchison639 Ай бұрын
I think you are making it up.
@alainorozco8032 Ай бұрын
The mother being zipper mouth, is hella dumb. The idea of either of them keeping it a secret from their daughter Mae is so retarded. It would make more sense if it was Jar Jar Binks. If it isn’t Wish Ezra Miller, it just shows us how fvckin stupid the writers are. If it is Wish Ezra Miller, it just shows us how fvckin stupid.the.writers.are. It’s painfully obvious that it’s him. His arms are more jacked than you think. The shawl is the same from the first and second episode, all the way up to him force pushing everyone. Lesley called him a him.
@Vilgax00 Ай бұрын
I swear this theory sounds much better than what actually we got. The most likely thing what happend is,Jedi killed them. Darth Maul mother became Smiley Kylo. And now she tries to take revenge. They dont have guts to make her evil. She has to be sympathetic and relatible.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
Thanks man, Its crazy that us fans can come up with a better script than they can... LMAO!
@Vilgax00 Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue ever watched StarwarsQuill? That channel is objectively better than Disney canon. I hooked so many times in his stories.
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
@@Vilgax00Sounds familiar, I'll definitely have to check it out, thanks for the recommendation!
@Vilgax00 Ай бұрын
@@ConnerBlue no prob. Keep it up.
@talnomix3164 Ай бұрын
Nah, i forsaw it 3 days ago that it will be qimir and that he will be beaten by sol with the help of mae which was ALMOST right! sadly i didnt bet any money on it xD
@user-co3st7xw8g Ай бұрын
Un abonné français 👍👍👍 cette série est une catastrophe à tous les niveaux 🤮🤮🤮
@ConnerBlue Ай бұрын
Appreciate it man! mon français n'est pas très bon, mais merci pour le soutien!
@PropelExcels Ай бұрын
This is such a stupid, doo-doo head take. How dare you insult a show of this stature.
@teanmace 3 ай бұрын
1. Streaming 2. Budget 3. Lack of Content. 4. Pandemic.
@Neinelev11 4 ай бұрын
whos the hot guy at the start