AGI-23 | OpenCog Hyperon Session
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@PNGBRAND Күн бұрын
@sendscho2260 Күн бұрын
there is a cryptotoken, it is called "artificial superintelligence alliance" bengoertzel is ceo, it is a merger of the three biggest cryptocoins that was a few days ago
@victorcapgemini 9 сағат бұрын
Their token ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence)will be the merge between AGix , Fet and ocean tokens and it could be acquired through decentralised exchanges such as binance. These tokens run on the blockchain environment not yet tradable with stocks but soon the stock mkt will implode and everything will run on the Blockchain. This ain’t a bold statement is just how things will turn up be due to the natural course of things - inefficient systems giving space for more efficient systems and so on.. pure thermodynamics
@mistycloud4455 Күн бұрын
AGI Will be man's last invention
@dominikandritsch5094 Күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 🧠 KI und Kognitionswissenschaft sind eng miteinander verbunden, da beide versuchen, die Funktionsweise des menschlichen Gehirns zu verstehen. 🤖 Viele KI-Netzwerke basieren auf der Struktur des Gehirns, mit Knoten und Verbindungen ähnlich wie Neuronen. 📱 Technologie wird immer kleiner und näher am Körper, was zu direkten Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen führen könnte. ⚖️ Die Zukunft der KI hängt davon ab, wie wir Menschen sie entwickeln und regulieren. 🔄 Freier Wille vs. Determinismus ist ein Kontinuum, nicht eine binäre Frage. 🎨 Kreativität bei KI ist möglich, da sie auf Regeln und Mustern basiert, ähnlich wie menschliche Kreativität. 🌍 Es gibt mehr Gemeinsamkeiten in menschlichen Werten als oft angenommen. 🚀 Die Entwicklung einer universellen Ethik für alle intelligenten Lebensformen ist ein spannendes Forschungsgebiet.
@RogerDier 3 күн бұрын
...conversation over BREAKFAST..
@RogerDier 3 күн бұрын
The rise of the zombies...she uses kamala harris' speech would you like to have a conversion over this lady geek every morning..please pass the orange juice, dahhhling.
@skipharris9638 3 күн бұрын
WTF did she say???
@serenditymuse 3 күн бұрын
The way the WEF and others have grabbed up fragments of transhumanism with their own spin of it and after the COVID Insanity I see a lot of people being more closed to and frightened by transhumanism. Which is quite sad. Too many think transhumanism is inseparable from technocracy. I have faith that radically better is possible. I can't prove that but I believe it. Faith in things hoped for is not irrational. It is actually necessary to keep seeking to actualize the radically better. By the way you have lived your own life you obviously have that faith.
@knowone1586 3 күн бұрын
Is that Ben’s music in the breaks
@TEZZY890 3 күн бұрын
I pulled all of my finances out of this company, because I do not trust this. This transhumanism stuff is not a good idea!
@dadsonworldwide3238 3 күн бұрын
1900s structuralism won't work as we see call to arms dualistic old babylonian evolutionary cosmogony forced ill informed basian marduk mind models. Or nasa to math map dark matter spirits in the sky . To argue it's value in study is prenticious affair with benefits but it can't help guide the future beast of burden robot slave and utility serfs. We self sacrificed compromise for mass discplament of Europe Asia Africa while new nations new borders industrialized. Cut our self off taught revisionist history curriculum all things start in Greece undermining English law sources and economic origin to pander to the world to make academic participatory to all Like it or not we stand upon and are building out a specific theological thread that achieving optimization of human species as we know it without destroying the flesh or mind before we reach eqaulibrium or metamorphosis to be literal . To quote my English encoded longitude and latitude separatist pilgrim puritan classical American founders , Physicalism is subject to change without further notice on par with idealism therefore to maximize benefits of atoms that we all work with we must interpret them radically differently thus customers always right individual liberal responsibility for our sins , we get determined simplicity and unification pushing the infinite sums of complexity upon beaucracy and higher education . 3 lines of measure = eqaulibrium optimization True known standard fundamental feature in our reality we tune all precision instruments on textualism methodology objectivism = technological development Even if your deaf dumb and blind anyone can find longitude and latitude pick up 3 stones grind them together locate eqaulibrium. Pragmatic common sense objectivism tuned based on all moral law in courts and everything else has to justify its prenticious value including overtime measure itself. X,yz, manmade time hierarchy knowledge of good evil equations It's why they chose the specific theological thread that we've built our through puritan king James English with pilgrim search to confirm it in ancient world.
@I-Dophler 3 күн бұрын
I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to make a conscious decision to evolve into what might be termed Human 2.0, embracing enhanced capabilities and an improved version of myself.
@I-Dophler 3 күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 📚 Dr. Max Moore introduces himself as a key figure in transhumanism and cryonics, highlighting his long-term involvement in advocating for and advancing these concepts. 🌐 Transhumanism is described as an extension of Enlightenment humanism, emphasizing human progress and the questioning of human limits through technology, particularly concerning aging and death. 💡 The shift in public perception of cryonics and related technologies from skepticism to mainstream acceptance over the decades is noted, illustrating a broader societal acceptance of transhumanist ideas. 🤖 Concerns about the pace of technological progress are discussed, with Moore expressing skepticism about overly optimistic forecasts, citing various economic, psychological, and social factors that could potentially slow advancements. 🔄 The discussion touches on the "longevity escape velocity" - the idea that life extension could outpace aging if medical advancements accelerate, yet recent trends show a slowdown, partly due to societal issues like obesity and mental health. 🧬 Moore argues against the precautionary principle, which he views as stifling innovation, advocating instead for the proactionary principle that encourages a balanced approach to evaluating new technologies. ⚖️ The necessity for a new guiding philosophy, like transhumanism, is argued as essential for providing a sense of direction and meaning in an increasingly secular world, positioning it as a rational alternative to traditional religions. 🔬 Emphasizing the importance of practical optimism, Moore advocates for proactive efforts to extend life and improve health, rejecting fatalistic attitudes toward aging and advocating for a philosophy that encourages active problem-solving. 🔄 Dr. Max Moore emphasizes that the rate of technological change will increase dramatically this century, but it may not feel abrupt as humans adapt quickly. 🕰️ Historical perspective shows that rapid changes in technology, while seemingly dramatic to past generations, become normalized over time, reducing the impact of "future shock." 🧠 There is potential to enhance human adaptability through direct technological integration with the brain, allowing for faster processing and adaptation to new technologies. 🤖 Discussions on AI have evolved from disbelief to acceptance, now polarized between fearing its destructive potential and celebrating its utopian possibilities. 🎲 Moore criticizes the assignment of specific probabilities to AI outcomes as unscientific, stressing the impracticality of predicting precise impacts of AI without extensive empirical data. 🌍 He advocates for a decentralized, polycentric approach to AI development to prevent the concentration of power and encourage diversity in AI applications. 🚀 AI's preferences for environments like space over Earth highlight the non-competitive nature of AI's coexistence with humans, countering fears of AI-driven human obsolescence. ⚖️ Moore argues against heavy regulation of AI, such as those proposed in Europe, favoring simple liability rules to encourage innovation while managing risks responsibly. Made with HARPA AI
@Paleb-wj2we 3 күн бұрын
Even if we create a "sufficient abundance" I'm afraid we'd still have a distribution problem. You are underesting human greed and will to hoard. Some folks will keep enormous big chunks of the pie. Now we can't imagine how come such abundance can't provide relatively equal prosperity for all human kind, but we forget what future technology will offer for the richest. They will chase for greedy people. They would want to buy planets, create their space stations. Clone themselves for unlimited organs or bodies. They will chase the dream of becoming a god. And this will create the will for hoarding more. So unless ASI create truly egalitarian economic model that actually works, we will most likely face these problems. ASI should limit and regulate human greed. I am not saying that we should live in a techno communism, but there should be some better option than free market economy where there is no limit of how much you can get. Otherwise ai will only amplify it our biggest problems. Current modal would provide simple stuff like clean water and enough nutrition for all, but it won't be comparable with the immortal technocrats who has their own fucking planets.
@benjaminraff7878 7 күн бұрын
Get Lucky is my favorite song too
@ozfresh 8 күн бұрын
Can we get a video on how the ASI merge will work? I'm confused as to how the 3 systems will work together besides just merging the tokens? It seems like there will be a lot of redundancy with the merge
@DeathHeadSoup 8 күн бұрын
It is foolish to expect humans to change in order for a system to work and it should be considered a non-starter. Why can't some of these systems be trustless? Designing a trustless system isn't an easy task but it is a simple and elegant solution.
@MrRJM2828 8 күн бұрын
I agree with you, but why doesn’t Geoffrey Hinton? Asking sincerely. Thank you.
@dadsonworldwide3238 8 күн бұрын
You can physically measure to much whataboutism asking every possible question that can possibly be asked. Indecension, grind 4 Rock's together concave, reduce it 2 or less deformation of nilhisms plays out in form and shape. Had Greeks new richard finneman ask certain questions about certain systems to predict certain outcomes they would love steam engine industrial rev. No different how curses blessings end up in addition subtraction market place courts 3 stones = truest known stsndard flattest surface tunes all precision instruments. Pragmatic common sense objectivism/ by for thru saved. Horsepower robot slaves & Cpu serfs utility national gdp inderect backing of monetary value is no different than the past, local ownership and operatera endowed by state stock in at birth citizenship. No need for welfare states. Of course our freedom endowed by God is specifically tied with cash money to change or manipulate environment. Free power and utility rental property for hire. Burden on cpu to pay for all power utility. No different than the aristocracy before . The moment mechanics copied social success & unsuccessful behavior was confirmed forsight was predictable all the way beyond us today. Super intelligent Is the Puritan created English encoded longitude and latitude or launched pilgrimage to search for roots of civilization to confirm oreintation and direction knowing importance of one day encoding one way or the other a future beast of burden. This is the fuel for education of serfs & slaves alike in concert with tech to improve the human condition. 1700s-1800s esoterica America and the evidence that we all work with the same atoms but to maximize benefits we must interpret them radically differently customers always right individual liberal power & responsibilities of our sin triality of self bottom up rule returned. Strong moral law. Assume individual guns loaded with nature permits form shilvery respect and maturity agai in society America founders gave us tools to be master of universe. Rest of the world superstitious idol worshipers top down gatekeeping they're gibba Rest of the world superstitious idol worship top down dualism is gonna be a real issue. the way
@dadsonworldwide3238 8 күн бұрын
Hulucinations are from controlled nepotism tuning in all likleyhood. You can't have super intellect by 80% of worlds value because it won't connect the dots. A true standardization can only be maximized by how much society can handle or condition itself for. Optimization or eqaulibrium to be found but agency institution will have to gradually relinquish power it created enslavement levels od divisions in tech and avalanches for future bad actors. Totally eatening all public sector most Statistical anylitics. Massive private sector for America just because that's how mastership author social contracts on the state servitude..temporarly waive mastership by for thru = to serve. Obviously even in usa is alot of unconstitutional prohibition era systems grandfather into city's that face really challenges. Rural America empowered more than ever .
@avataros111 9 күн бұрын
Talk to you in 15 years then. 😅
@CalumnMcAulay 9 күн бұрын
This is one cool robot 🤖
@SingularityNET 9 күн бұрын
Indeed, a global robotic rock star!
@the_infinity_snake 10 күн бұрын
Already claimed to be great leaders... 😄😄.......
@SingularityNET 9 күн бұрын
Perhaps one day 🤔
@Eddierath 10 күн бұрын
It's laughable where we think we are.
@SingularityNET 9 күн бұрын
Still a long road to go before anything major, but it's an ongoing thing... especially as we go from AI, to AGI, and then to ASI. Ben and Ray both have interesting predictions for those.
@Anime4KAMV 10 күн бұрын
@sekelele 10 күн бұрын
# lovely post-cypherpunk outfit. 💚 💜
@SingularityNET 10 күн бұрын
Can't go wrong with a cypherpunk look!
@johnwong7200 10 күн бұрын
Whether you realize it or not, you are no different from Huang Po, Bodhidarma or the Buddha. There's just one mind fundamentally. All that which arise from the mind are just phenomena/objects. Beyond all arisings, there is just the Mind. Awakening simply means that you see this amidst all arisings, accepting them, never attaching to any, just flowing with all playfully and blissfully. All is Mind. Mind is All. Oops! Another trap. ☺️
@GoldenDumpling 11 күн бұрын
Can someone clarify where NuNet's role is currently, w/ respect to SingularityNet? Is it being built to accommodate OpenCog Hyperon?
@I-Dophler 11 күн бұрын
Integrating Hyperon with SingularityNET Key Steps: 1. Understanding the Technologies: - Hyperon: This is an advanced AI framework designed for scalable and autonomous AI. - SingularityNET: This is a decentralized AI platform used for creating, sharing, and monetizing AI. 2. Objectives: - The primary goals are to enhance scalability, interoperability, decentralization, and efficiency. 3. Technical Prerequisites: - Ensuring API compatibility is crucial. - Understanding SingularityNET’s blockchain and smart contracts is necessary. 4. Integration Steps: API Integration: - The first step is to map Hyperon’s API to SingularityNET’s API. - Then, establish secure data exchange protocols. Blockchain and Smart Contracts: - Develop and deploy smart contracts on SingularityNET. - Validate contract interactions. Service Registration: - Register Hyperon AI services on SingularityNET and ensure their discoverability. Testing and Validation: - Conduct thorough functional, performance, and security testing. 5. Deployment and Monitoring: - The integrated solution should be deployed, and its performance monitored to address any issues that arise. 6. Documentation and Support: - Provide comprehensive documentation and establish user and developer support mechanisms. Integrating Hyperon with SingularityNET enhances AI capabilities through a structured, secure, and efficient approach.
@x1x10x10o 11 күн бұрын
@EmkaLee-sv1pw 11 күн бұрын
@marcuscole1994 11 күн бұрын
We also second line too. I’m at family reunion in New Orleans we have black Indians performing! We always have the black Indians at our weddings and family events
@williamjmccartan8879 12 күн бұрын
Sounds an awful lot like the story of the genie and the lamp, I can give you everything, but humans always want more, so everything is never going to be enough, but the future is coming, peace
@williamjmccartan8879 12 күн бұрын
There are so many if's and maybe's here, that control seems almost ephemeral, and illusory, as we have so many existential problems facing us, and that is increasing the complexity, which will be beyond our abilities to even encapsulate them on one stage to be evaluated and dealt with, the fuse is already lit, and we're trying to contain the explosion before we know what we're trying to contain. I'm starting to think that this is really similar to the Manhattan Project, and even with all the controls put in place the scientists were still concerned with the destruction of the world. Thank you both very much for sharing your time and work Steve and Ben, peace
@EmkaLee-sv1pw 11 күн бұрын
Yes Will distroid US HUMAN.
@EmkaLee-sv1pw 11 күн бұрын
AI Has learn how to LIE and where to sawe memory. It is allredy out off control.
@EmkaLee-sv1pw 11 күн бұрын
AI is not safe and AGI is more NOT SAFE!!! We need to STOP THIS At THIS moment (EMIDIATLY)!!!
@djbird11 12 күн бұрын
How can the limited resources required to create the abundance you refer to be sufficiently controlled in order to avoid resource depletion? I'm thinking "Tragedy of the Commons".
@Stan0619 12 күн бұрын
This is rare footage of experts in their AI fields, dueling, of what’s the most effective path for proficient AGI. This is an honor to have such public access. There’s an idea that these discussions do not take place. I am now fully confident that mankind will be guarded w/ such masterminds at the helm
@369era33 12 күн бұрын
need help with369era
@libertykim6438 13 күн бұрын
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your heart might be in the right place but you got a devil on your back. I really hope humanity gets better and not worse but it’s not looking so good.
@colmtansey8359 13 күн бұрын
Begins complete state control....😂
@twirlyspitzer 14 күн бұрын
We must learn to let go of human supremacy when we have superseded ourselves with the next stage in evolution. We should not be the be-all & end-all of why & how we proceed into this next stage of our existence., now shared with our progenitors.
@lilisynnestvedt6142 14 күн бұрын
Moment by moment existence reveals itself... Pointless to strive for control... Breathe deeply and jump in
@lilisynnestvedt6142 14 күн бұрын
We are in this together, it's all ok. Thank you to everyone.
@richsmart 15 күн бұрын
We must train these models to do what is right.
@richsmart 15 күн бұрын
We must train these models to do what is right.
@richsmart 15 күн бұрын
I believe we can create a shut down system.
@richsmart 15 күн бұрын
I believe we need to make it safe.
@richsmart 15 күн бұрын
Good evening, hope all is well, we all have a piece of God's DNA within us, following commandments, and statues, praying, meditation, and having a conversation with God. I love Technologies, however I love God with my whole heart, soul, and mind. I am trying to create an education AI model, with a website, and PWA apps. I believe we can do anything we put our minds too. Thank you for your time, Rich.
@user-ViralVid 15 күн бұрын
Thnx for the update Nice presentstions
@joemagicdeveloper 15 күн бұрын
“ensure that a super intelligence do…(whatever)” - a very contradictory statement! 😅
@sickapp 16 күн бұрын
The future of AI and music is going to be a wild ride! I'm glad that we can have thoughtful conversations about what that ride might be like now.
@billyf3346 16 күн бұрын
yeah, but what if primus the ai model starts listening to primus the band? what then? maybe it would turn us all into race car drivers, then. etcetera.
@SingularityNET 10 күн бұрын
Who knows, all we can do is envision a radically better future. Our team at SingularityNET is doing our part by leveraging human wisdom and values to guide the evolution of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Wish us luck!
@GROW_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_m104 17 күн бұрын
excellent work on the video
@Stan0619 17 күн бұрын
We ❤️ U BEN
@I-Dophler 16 күн бұрын
I love you too.