@trapwell7149 3 күн бұрын
What game is the background music from I swear it’s from one of the OG cods but can’t put my finger on it
@stoffejensen 5 күн бұрын
My mother passed away 2 weeks ago. The Cyberpunk 2077 end credits hits like an uppercut T_T
@bepsi306 4 күн бұрын
I know I may be some random guy on the internet, but you have my condolences.
@xcobmi 5 күн бұрын
The credits music in Cyberpunk just hit different for both the base game and Phantom Liberty
@siyacer 6 күн бұрын
@juancamole9154 9 күн бұрын
There should be a rule for anyone playing this game for the first time: avoid the "where is my mind" ending at any cost
@mikche1 10 күн бұрын
Best game ever made.
@yab0iKaleb 14 күн бұрын
unfortunate it had such a rough launch. this prolly one of the greatest games i ever played
@theharvinator7935 18 күн бұрын
Grab your iron. Let's mobilize.
@djcryox3687 19 күн бұрын
Bro this shit hit my soul so hard i had inspiration to make a game like this.
@KryzysX 26 күн бұрын
@MrLoPeZPT 27 күн бұрын
The cello sections of this game’s soundtrack are some of the best sounds I have ever heard in my life
@ciepelejanowska 28 күн бұрын
Hits so hard everytime you complete the game, the background with the rain dropping, the beautiful ambient sounds that leave you depressed for weeks and it also leaves you questioning your whole life, is it the end? or the beginning?
@nihalvehren1388 28 күн бұрын
This still gives me chills at how this game just gets right under your skin if you actually get invested in the characters and storyline. The music for this game is probably the best part about it. Its haunting and sends chills right down your spine. Even makes you cry at times looking over the video logs during the credits. To say Cyberpunk is a fucked up dystopia is a understatement. It tries to actually make you care about the characters and grinds them all up in your face. Its a story that by design doesn't have a happy ending. It takes us into the dark inside the heart of the deepest depths of the human condition and how it can cause suffering on a unimaginable scale. Cyberpunk is the perfect storm of watching society melt all around you. Where goodwill and intentions evaporate in a every-man-for-himself mentality that makes Night City both interesting and its own personal kind of hell for its residents. Its a matter of perspective. Some see opportunity and freedom, others see darkness and suffering, and in truth its closer to reality than some want to admit. We like to think what guards us and society would ensure something like Cyberpunk wouldn't be our fate but in truth this is a litmus test against what very well could be the future of mankind. V by all extents and measure is one of the most remarkable people to ever live in this city. This person has skills and talent completely unmatched by anyone else in the city. What drives them is nothing short of willpower the extreme vast majority do not have. Because they were willing to crush and (depending on playstyle as it is possible not to kill anyone, but where is the fun in that in a game that very much encourages you to) slaughter as many people as it took to escape their own death. Fighting the inevitability of death and nearly succeeded despite all the odds. The gangs near the end were likely absolutely terrified of them because they were absolutely an unstoppable force of sheer will. Make no mistake your not a good person. You never were regardless of which path you took. Criminal, murderer, you leave mountains of corpses in your wake even in a stealth playthrough sometimes. However, the message of Cyberpunk is (to me) is what even is morality when you push things to the brink like this? There are so many layers to unpack here its not even funny. Human history is this tangled web of who is right and who is wrong moralistically where the lines are far less clear and things are far more shades of gray than we are comfortable admitting. The age old argument of how many hundreds of thousands of people suffered and died so you get to pay thirty cents per pound on those bananas. How many were worked to death in horrific and inhuman conditions to make that chocolate bar your munching on from the gas station. How many millions were slaughtered in wars so you pay three dollars for a gallon of gas. Either way you slice this pie you are enabling this engine of hatred, pain, suffering, death, and abuse. As a society we don't like talking about it because A) there is no real solution to it. If you don't do it this way someone else will and that is how it works. There will always be a country willing to subject their people to hellish conditions working them to death in misery so you can enjoy your lifestyle. These same systems smuggle their product into third party markets so you can never stop it. Sanctions and trade bans in practice are effectively useless in stopping it completely because trade is this gigantic web of products passing through so many hands its impossible to track it all. B) There will always be people who don't care about it like you may. All they care about is their way of life doesn't get interfered with and that is where the discussion starts and ends. On a level you can;t even blame them for it when who wants to stress about all the fine details like that? Dunno about you but I don't have time to run a multi-week investigation on all the food I buy and where exactly it comes from just to have a clean conscious. No one does. C) This is inherently an argument of weighing lesser evils. Something Cyberpunk beautifully shoves this concept right in your face. Where are you willing to draw the lines? Where are you willing to set boundaries in this deeply flawed system? Again see point B above in how people inherently want to just not think about it because at the end of things there's so very little you can do about it. Another layer to this is how you gauge happiness and how content you are with your own life. This is a blaring message Cyberpunk screams at you from the word go. Which is asking this all important question of: 'Are you happy? No? What does it take then for you to be happy?' You pass by so many others on the streets of Night City without ever really thinking about how they feel, what their opinions are, and what life is like for them. Its why I was always a harsh critic of Johnny Silverhand as a character. He is the very last person to complain about the social rot of society when he boozes and indulges whores on a regular basis himself. He smokes, he drinks, he parties, he shoves his dick into anything with a pulse. He actively contributes to the very system he claims to hate. What I have the biggest problem with in this is he wants change but makes it everyone else's problem but himself. He will sit there and scream all he wants about how fucked shit is and yet never becomes the change he wishes to see in the world around him. He lashes out with violence, death, and ultimately you see the fallout of his actions. Look at Night City. Did he change anything? No. Do people even remember his name? Also no. He was a terrorist who was a blurb on the news only people old enough even remember outside of the Afterlife bar. He became a test subject for Soulkiller so Araska could have fun enacting their revenge on him in the most poetic way they could. Which is preserving a copy of his consciousness to TORTURE it for eternity. Let. That. Sink. In. That is exactly how vain, self-absorbed, and petty Saburo was. What did Johnny hope to accomplish in nuking Araska Tower? Sending a message? Well that backfired spectacularly in his face. It was high risk with very little reword because you don't destroy a gigantic international corporate conglomerate by blowing up what was a branch office and not even their main headquarters. It wasn't going to accomplish anything from the onset. Johnny at best was a tool being manipulated by Militech to try to hurt Arasaka and he was a pawn in accomplishing that, nothing else. This also doesn't address the absolute ELEPHANT in the room and that is the absolute irrefutable fact the Johnny Silverhand you see in the game is NOT the real Johnny but a AI copy of him. Completely artificial. The real Johnny. The Johnny who lived, rocked, dranked, whored, and screamed into the void when behind the mic is NOT the same Johnny who is killing you in Cyberpunk. That Johnny is dead. What's left is a copy. A facsimile of what he once was that mimics him and his personality as closely as it can. You can try to mimic consciousness as much as you like but what makes you yourself dies with you and your body. Unless your willing to put your brain in a jar there is no work around for this as the organic part of you that makes you yourself has to die. You are dead and this computer program remains trying to mimic what you once were. Something I feel that is lost on most who experience Johnny in the game. He is an AI program that is killing you. Him feeling remorse for it doesn't matter because the Johnny you see is entirely artificial. Mikoshi and the Soulkiller program is the snake oil Arasaka is trying to sell the world. Preserve your 'soul' with us. Bullshit and lies. Its is a corporate vanity project on a scale of ignorance I can't even describe. A copy of you is still exactly just that. A copy. You and everything that makes you yourself dies with your flesh. Your not preserving ANYTHING that matters by doing this because what 'lives on' is NOT you. A copy is a copy. Something Araska and its leadership willfully ignore. You can map all the synapses in the human brain to an absolute T but a copy of that is still a copy and not the original or real thing. All you have done is created a digital consciousness that has your memories and most of your personality, but yet is still not you. Anyone in programming can tell you this as the memories and personality are just assets the AI will use to try to mimic you to the best of the AI's programming. Doesn't divorce it from the fact it is still an AI and artificial is in the name. You ca make an AI feel and sound as life-like as you want but it is still an AI. It doesn't abide by the same principles as a living being that biology, science, and basic common sense can prove. We see the upheaval from this if you choose the Devil ending. Its called the Devil for a reason. Its a bad ending that hurts and should hurt because its bad. You get the Devil ending for playing by the devil's rules. Arasaka is the devil in this case. When you realize all this it sours any sympathy you can feel for Johnny imo. Your caught up in a extremely warped twist of fate that is cruel by design. It is a warning against this technology and how it threatens to supplant Atheism in becoming a whole new region practically all its own as more people buy into these lies. AI is going to be the first snake oil salesman to sell you on something that is practically a religion itself because it is another lie promising you a solution to death that does not exist because it is not real.
@h3xman-314 29 күн бұрын
I've lost family to disease and addiction. Friends to the same, and self-medication and suicide on top. The theme that plays on the credits of this game (which this is a part of) somehow balls it up and throws it back at me every time I hear it, knowing how it's framed in context of the character, lining up in many ways with that pain. It literally causes me anxiety to listen to it, as amazing as it is. Even without the calls, just what it is and how it's presented is enough, after a few playthroughs. The sheer willpower of V to go the route they do in some of those endings are the other side of what many folks in my friend group and I had to live through, and the perspective is haunting. In nearly 30 years of gaming I don't think I've ever come across anything else that could do that to me but this. Years later and seven full playthroughs, it still does it every time.
@lfrozen Ай бұрын
the awkward motivation this song gives you to go out there and fight against the giant megacorporations.
@aleksanderstrzyzewski3490 Ай бұрын
In life its all about saving yourself in the first place. This is what Cyberpunk2077 teached me.
@Not.CloudZyy Ай бұрын
This game definitely made me set standards for all other story games.
@ciepelejanowska 29 күн бұрын
same it's my favourite and i doubt there is and will be a game that's going to top this one
@Moonshine449 Ай бұрын
This song makes me feel so much dread it’s insane.
@briocheenslip5914 Ай бұрын
Adieux nightcity
@eco999 Ай бұрын
Who is the author of that piece? Shazam says Blackfir3, who is that? Marcin Przybyłowicz, P.T. Adamczyk & Paul Leonard-Morgan, all three together?
@tatsumigakill7347 Ай бұрын
This game had an awful launch. But it doesnt change the fact that this game is still an awesome game
@canaldodorn839 Ай бұрын
i will never forget how devastated i was in the end
@Dhdjdjsjdjsjk Ай бұрын
Such an amazing game man
@futurep9094 Ай бұрын
"leaving this world isn't scary as it sounds"
@TitoVespasianus Ай бұрын
@larr4960 Ай бұрын
Help, can I find it in Spotify? how this track named there?
@edwindavalos3051 Ай бұрын
I finished this game the other day, I went the arasaka route to take down yorisibu and help hanako. What broke me was betraying Johnny S. And after recovering from getting the artifact removed and have the tests ran on that when reality set in. Johnny was right. I sat at the ending credits realizing what I had done for the entire duration. It wasn’t about the choice but the principle and loyalty. I refused the contract from arasaka and went back to earth. This game was awesome and impactful.
@damokay254 Ай бұрын
I didnt expect this game to have this emotional impact i thought its going to be like doom or watch dogs from the trailers but man this is heavy the emotions this game is so good its in my top 5 best games i ever played if not number 1
@JerryGorvette Ай бұрын
night city really makes you feel like you want to love it
@young5395 Ай бұрын
*This game keeps calling me back.* I want to leave it but, its like each time I visit it, I learn more about myself and what I want for the future.
@benjib2691 22 күн бұрын
Indeed, it's a masterpiece imo. Easily in my top 3 with Zelda BOTW and the Mass Effect trilogy (as a whole). I want to play it regularly but I restrain myself in order to forget about some things and discover them all over again. I've done 3 playthroughs since the game launched, but none since the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty (which I have bought but not played yet). I know I'm going to have a blast when I'll do my 4th playtrough of the entire game (and the 1st of Phantom Liberty).
@ozangunerr Ай бұрын
Peace, Pain, Sadness
@Dmitriii77 Ай бұрын
@hyperguy1398 Ай бұрын
V: "There is another option, y'know." Johnny: "What?" V: "We put all this, the pills, everything... to bed." Johnny: "If we don't try something, anything, we're both doomed." V: "I know. Exactly why I will do one last thing." Johnny: "OK, lost me. Realize the shit we've been through to get this far?" V: "Sure do." Johnny: "To let it all go now? Why?" V: "Cleanest, least bloody option. We try anything else, people will die." Johnny: "People die. It's the way of things." V: "Am I worth their sacrifice? Are you? besides, it's the only way we'll both be aware." Johnny: "Of what? Death?" V: "...Mhm... The moment life escapes." Johnny: "Hmm. Never really gave it a thought. Funny how you still manage to surprise me sometimes." V: "Might be somethin' I learned from you." Johnny: "V, you sure about this?" V: "Long as you got nothin' against it." Johnny: Not how I'da done it, but that's all right." V: "Just like that? No pushback?" Johnny: "Huh, might've learned a little somethin' from you, too. Is it time?" V: *looking around* "Y’know, it really is beautiful." Johnny: "Been nice workin' with ya, V." V: "Yeah... With you, too, Johnny…" *Pan out wideshot of Night City focusing near Megabuilding 10, Roll credits*
@ambreentariq1423 Ай бұрын
Fuckin hate that ending the most. It's a complete spit on the face of not just the message of the game, bur also V's character.
@zx_fra Ай бұрын
first Playthrough completed as Nomad life ending, that’s what my heart said, so basically i’m a new player here and i have a question for you guys… during the credits Panam calls me during a severe storm preparation, is she gonna be okay or she’s screwed? I really want to know this cause i felt a little bit scared during that call.
@wooshendoo4495 Ай бұрын
It’s been 3 years since release Still the best game I’ve played
@ar_cher Ай бұрын
URGENTLY, what is the name of the genre of such music?
@MrLaserPony Ай бұрын
@ar_cher Ай бұрын
@@MrLaserPony the answer is incorrect
@ciepelejanowska 25 күн бұрын
ambient sounds with synthwaves would be the easiest to say i think
@angeleyespoe Ай бұрын
can somebody tell me what is this song? 0:53 i can't find the name of this theme.
@vch_m Ай бұрын
"End Credits" by Blackfir3, Fir3Sounds But, unfortunately, the whole album, including this track, is blocked for listening in all regions on Spotify.
@nourmoralli9014 Ай бұрын
POV: it’s 2024 and you’re missing V just as much as your missing Jackie and Johnny.
@KaterinaRolina Ай бұрын
Name music please
@vch_m Ай бұрын
"End Credits" by Blackfir3, Fir3Sounds But, unfortunately, the whole album, including this track, is blocked for listening in all regions on Spotify.
@qbl1v1on28 Ай бұрын
Why cant i find this song on the cyberpunck soundtrack
@jasondeguzman6279 Ай бұрын
Can you do other voice lines for Maverick, Vigil, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Buck, Thunderbird, Lion, Frost, Echo, Kaid, and Mozzie
@blaze848 2 ай бұрын
This game. So fucking good story. And my feelings are crushed everytime i hear this song
@GohanBurner 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if everyone that I killed in night city had this ending.
@greigtoye Ай бұрын
Probably. The world of Cyberpunk is truly tragic.
@ambreentariq1423 Ай бұрын
Remember, V was the bad guy in many other people's stories.
@lVOR- 2 ай бұрын
While I listen to this music, it takes my breath away. Although I haven’t played cyberpunk, I understand how deep this composition is.
@benjib2691 22 күн бұрын
This game is a masterpiece. If you like narrative-immersive FPS-RPG with deep lore, incredible characters and atmosphere, enrironmental story-telling and you have a sufficiently good PC or a current-gen console, you should definitely play it (or at least try it). It easily fit in my personnal top 3 (alongside Zelda BOTW and the Mass Effect trilogy).
@user8881 2 ай бұрын
These are the credits where I just stare and think, "Damn, what could I have done differently?"
@XIIWOLVES2050 2 ай бұрын
Keanu reeves is doing a good job but I hope he is doing will take care everyone
@orange_turtle3412 2 ай бұрын
“If I gotta die, rather fall into my grave gun in hand and on fire. And not drag anyone else down with me” “Youve just discovered what it takes to become a legend. Grab your iron. Lets mobilize!”
@SoilderofChirst 2 ай бұрын
"You know it's still not too late, I can still call Reed... You forget I had that option?"
@badgalraven989 2 ай бұрын
@KaterinaRolina 2 ай бұрын
@BOSMAXSON 2 ай бұрын
Thinking about everything thats changed in my life since i became an adult, my nana passes away, then my uncle, then my pappy and now recently last November my mom, im 27 now and while i have friends and family that love me, at times im still uncertain about whats to come in my life forward.