@SuperheroArmorychannel 2 күн бұрын
Couldn’t you add multiple resonant tuned receivers nearby and draw power equally from them all? This is the essential concept of Don Smith’s device but in a modified configuration.
@cold3lectric 2 күн бұрын
so I've heard; alas i'm wishing to reproduce it before i speculate any further 👼
@anthonyscott9936 9 күн бұрын
I didn’t know anyone else knew you could use bulb as top load, and it’s works amazingly..
@anthonyscott9936 10 күн бұрын
My circuit on my channel is a variation of the single wire transmission as well, but I have it feeding half of the 2nd coils oscillation, kinda like feedback..
@corneliuselbourne1044 17 күн бұрын
Try thickening the coil it maybe able to hold more load in the output, with an increase in current.
@shawncalderon4950 21 күн бұрын
@shawncalderon4950 23 күн бұрын
This video has inspired me!
@cold3lectric 21 күн бұрын
Hakasays recommended this type of coil to me lately (I'd been using bifilar pancake geometry) and it's been an adventure, learning a new approach and playing with the voltages 3x or 4x greater than I'd previously been able to achieve 😎 20kV+ wo0t!
@shawncalderon4950 21 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric Awesome! Will you be posting any videos on this new approach?
@cold3lectric 21 күн бұрын
@@shawncalderon4950 working on such content now & all weekend 😈 thanks for asking! there are 2 new tools to demonstrate (an expensive VNA to characterize impedance & resonance points, and an inexpensive Field Strength Meter to easily measure Q factor)... And then to discuss the new coil design choices, steps involved, changes in my circuit, and then show how it performs with different toploads.... ideally some other side by side comparisons too! Should be nice and daunting, but for me, practice w/ discussing this newly-learned stuff, attempting to convey it it to others in clear & simple language - it's a powerful 'incentive to progress', kinda forcibly sharpening my game and cementing the learning. ...Wanting to "show off" (and be accurate) is a useful motivator i find; a good way to leverage one's own silly vanity 🙃
@shawncalderon4950 21 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric Running on what I call “thank you juice” isn't a bad motive:) I'm new to this hobby and newer to your channel. I have so much to learn, and the KZfaq algorithm isn't on my side:/ It tries to “hide” good content like yours. I will set the notification bell so I don't miss your updates. I can't wait to tune in to your channel and learn from your learning!
@cold3lectric 13 күн бұрын
@shawncalderon4950 "thank you juice" has been giving me daily chuckles for about a week now lol. i think you're onto something, bro 😸
@bussi7859 Ай бұрын
The reason that today’s power transmission does not look this way is that Tesla was ignorant, we are a lot smarter today. You still are ignorant.
@combycat Ай бұрын
Is that supposed to be an insult? It’s not clear
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
if, by ignorant, you mean that i know nothing at all, you're correct. whats your point?
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
@@combycat right? "we are a lot smarter today"... awwww thats so cute; i think they're serious too 😂
@wbeaty 29 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric With Tesla, if you build his devices, they work just as he described. We have a local millionaire who did just that, back in the 1980s when he was a tech at Boeing. The Mechanical Oscillator is now sold worldwide, part of the construction industry, but with no mention of Tesla of course. Tesla's "earthquake machine" makes huge pilings sink into the ground, via soil-liquification. (That's probably what happened with Tesla's NYC lab, where the vibrating pilings started rapidly sinking!) The main difference is that Tesla's piston was iron, while the modern version uses much denser tungsten. Silent (vibratory) pile drivers. This guy then used his new millions to buy a mansion from a rock star (I've been down there,) also to fund a UFO documentary, and almost funded a Burien UFO museum. All from taking Tesla seriously, and then building prototypes from those hundred-year-old patents. No earthquake. Just unexpected soil-liquification.
@wbeaty Ай бұрын
I'm convinced that "radiant energy" was Tesla's term for ionizing radiation. (He got it from his hero William Crookes, who had coined the term "radiant matter," to refer to electron beams (called cathode rays back then.)) Probably Tesla was generating x-rays since well before 1891. But he never happened to wave his hand in front of a fluorescent panel, to see his own bones. So, if we aim an x-ray beam at a metal plate, will the plate become charged? YES! The plate becomes positive. This is a common physics demonstration, although in physics class we use hard ultraviolet light, and a recently-cleaned zinc plate. It's just a demonstration of the photoelectric effect. So in other words, Tesla patented the phototube. But his version didn't have a glass bulb. (And, if we use x-rays instead of UV light, I think it should work much better.) Tesla even did the same as modern phototubes, by coating his plate with liquid mercury. (Today we use melted cesium metal, and others, the multialkali photocathodes.) Also about aluminum-foil forces ...capacitor plates always attract together at high voltage. The polarity doesn't matter. AC or DC both work. So, if you form a capacitor where one plate is a fluorescent tube, the conductive plasma should attract aluminum foil. (Replace the CFL bulb with a bent metal rod, and I bet it still attracts the foil.)
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
hmm interesting points! could be, your logic makes sense. Though i immediately think of some work of Griffin G Brock (on youtube) who seems to show that the 'Tesla shadowgraph' tech has very different behavior to the X-rays we use today; for instance being able to image things several feet away (as much as 40ft), as demonstrated by griffin with replica vacuum tubes of his own construction 🤷 I have a hardcopy of Crookes' radiant matter, i thought he was just referring to plasma though. here's links to a couple of G Brock's stuff on the topic: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/mceol816mK6Xqo0.htmlsi=SLsTXmW_6iNcAX11 kzfaq.info/get/bejne/irWAfMR3ydSXiIU.htmlsi=C58ZVBaODkwIvDyh
@wbeaty Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric Yep, I have a couple of his tubes, setting up spectrometry right now (but lost my lab space last month!) But in his first video, he seems to be using a ~150KV supply on his tube (which should produce near-harmless x-rays which pass through everything,) but then used 30KV to drive the conventional Crookes-type x-ray tube (which is dangerous, a major source of melanoma etc. from strongly-absorbed x-rays.) He says that the electrode material determines the x-ray energy. Nope, instead the supply-voltage controls it (while electrode material only produces some x-ray spectral lines.) To do a fair test, he MUST use exactly the same power supply on both types of tubes. (If then the Crookes-type tube still killes algae even when given a 150KV power supply, then we do have a mystery.)
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
OH YOU HAVE SOME!? Respect. I need some when finances permit. I'll defer to your judgment then, good sir 😸
@wbeaty Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric He didn't use glass-enclosed electrodes as Tesla describes. In that case, they're supposed to only have hours of total lifetime. I bought two, assuming that I'd quickly ruin one of them. Yes, in Griffin's latest video, he does mention the lifetime problem. I have a Radiacode 102 here, and I'll test whether I can take an x-ray spectrum by powering his tube with a little BD-10 handheld violet-ray coil. (All my TC junk is stacked up in storage right now. Wah!)
@wbeaty 29 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric I tried it with Radiacode 102 spectrometer. But the tube only being powered with a handheld "vacuum tester" BD-10 coil. The x-ray output has a huge peak at 28KeV, plus small broadband hash extending up into MeV. No big peak at 3MeV though. And no beam output, just radial pattern. (I suspect that the results would be very different with a 500KV Tesla coil, up where electrons turn relativistic, and weird physics may appear. Even 100K might start producing a narrow x-ray beam rather than sphere-waves.) Oh also, in Alex Frolov's NET magazine, they were doing single-wire experiments with gold-plated optical fibers, and then found that, with pure glass and no metal plating, it STILL WORKED. (That large PDF archive of all the magazines is still online somewhere.)
@jacekdobrowolski9115 Ай бұрын
An interesting tidbit with no real use.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
interesting IS useful 😎
@mattharvey8712 Ай бұрын
Bravo........is it neutral bonded to ground....?.....like to see separate power supplies on each side......ok .....lighting bolt........single wire....cheers
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
thankya kindly! neutral not bonded to ground as far as I know.
@mattharvey8712 Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric the electric grid....they bond nuterial to ground at main panel........u.s.........
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
@@mattharvey8712 ah gotcha, misunderstood, yes at the main panel it is
@alocin110 Ай бұрын
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
@joseblanco7258 Ай бұрын
I mean that when rectifying, only the electromagnetic part is used but the longitudinal part is wasted, which is why there is such low performance with respect to transmission.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
wow I hadn't thought of it in those terms; maybe so BUT doesn't the step-down receiver also transform LMD into transverse (TEM) somewhat? I am still acclimating myself to the physics at the user end. But I also believe my system is frankly just NOT so well-optimized for longitudinal mode. Recently I got a vector network analyzer which is opening my eyes to things. Plus I'm working on a new helical coil assembly (featuring well-spaced windings & open-frame as seen here: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/sJiaZLOWmafYYYk.html), doing the math beforehand (lol), so hopefully we can see better efficiency with a more finely-tuned design. Peace be with ya, from Austin, Texas, USA; thanks for your insights, I'll have to consider those points.
@joseblanco7258 Ай бұрын
ohh stevie ray vaughan place, i love him, longitudinal energy is perhaps easier and more difficult than it seems, haha. Argentina is difficult, you can't find components, everything is very expensive. I shared a link of what I'm working on, using flyback zvs and capacitors in series with the primary coil and spargap in parallel. I saw the video that you suggested and it is interesting, it would be good to be able to chat with Eric Dollard since you are perhaps close to him. Greetings
@joseblanco7258 Ай бұрын
Regarding the fact that perhaps the receiving coils invert again from LMD to TEM, it could be possible, it just seems more appropriate to do it as Tesla would have done with capacitors or an electrostatic switch, its patent talks about charged particles that move, which is why the effect of attraction with the sheets, it would be good to try loading larger sheets, I notice an effect with the fluorescent tube when I bring it close quickly, it takes a while to light up and it does so immediately afterwards as if the particles were accumulating inside like a capacitor. Particles are also waves, another paradox!
@joseblanco7258 Ай бұрын
Sorry for my English, I have to use Google Translate because it is difficult for me
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
@@joseblanco7258 sorry I've got no Spanish, the Argentinian dialect is delightful 😸
@joseblanco7258 Ай бұрын
Hello, greetings from Argentina, your work is very good, I am working on the same thing but in a different way, I think that as you mentioned Tesla did not use diodes or semiconductors, it occurs to me instead of wanting to rectify the radiant energy it would be good to extract useful energy from another way, perhaps with solar panels or capacitors, then I also find it interesting to use insulating elements for the only cable through which the longitudinal energy can travel equally. greetings
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
¡Salud! My uncle was petroleum engineer in Buenos Aires, though i didn't get to visit. Also 'Hakasays' said the rectifier would make it look like an unbalanced system/load for the generator 🤷 I've heard Tesla coils may charge up solar panels directly, i could imagine that being a radiant effect. Also there's the notorious radiant effect of charging DC capacitors in proximity -maybe THAT is what we wanna leverage? Strebkov called Tesla's step-down method "impact incitation", which I'm guessing might mean "impulse excitation" (or maybe even "electrostatic commutator"?). I need to try dielectric as conductor - I've read IEEE papers where that works, at UHF/microwave freq anyway. Good to meet you, comrade 💛⚡😸
@allenhargis4317 Ай бұрын
Are your bi-filar coils tuned for resonance?
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
yes, I use tuning capacitor 'switchboards' (with caps available in intervals which can be switched on/off, in effect giving a variable capacitor), one in series with the primary (about 103nF for example), and one in parallel across the secondary (4nF, though i had use switchboard/variable caps to find optimal value, then make static/non-variable cap of that value, so as to combine caps in series for increased max voltage, after burning up some caps). Though I'm working now on having a primary tank circuit pre-tuned to match the resonant frequency of the secondary, in order to dispense with the secondary parallel capacitance, which limits the max operating voltage - also since having parallel caps across the secondary is a very uncommon practice for Tesla coils. For the bifilar pancake coils i showed in this video, i was following Master Ivo's approach (see his channel for more info) - but presently I'm building a more typical solenoid/cylindrical/helical coil system, like those shown by Hakasays (more details on his channel).
@allenhargis4317 Ай бұрын
use a low ohm resistor on your ground connection. it will keep the power coming in but not let it go out. more resistance than the load. electricity will always take the path of least resistance so it should keep everything moving in the right direction.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
hmm... interesting! I'd considered using a capicitor in series with ground connection, but not a resistor. I think I'll try it, thanks.
@williamfox8795 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, our current electrical system is 3 phase. Try doing that over one wire.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
that's a good point, but there are 'phase converters' which can accomplish that end (though the economics are unknown to me), here's a copy/paste from Wikipedia: "A phase converter is a device that converts electric power provided as single phase to multiple phase or vice versa. The majority of phase converters are used to produce three-phase electric power from a single-phase source, thus allowing the operation of three-phase equipment at a site that only has single-phase electrical service." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_converter
@williamfox8795 Ай бұрын
Well yes, there are phase converters, but I’ve never seen one that would convert high voltage high frequency (in the kHz range) to a mains current at all…
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
Yeah high freq AC (RF) is better suited for DC uses, I'd been supposing: rectify (RF) to DC, invert DC to AC single phase, and then convert single phase to 3 phase. After its transformed down to low voltage high freq AC at receiver end.... But with how convoluted & lossy that sounds, your point is def valid - it would need to be VERY cheap power, in order to justify all that conversion loss 🤷
@wbeaty 24 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric for phase converters we could make 3-phase RF if we wanted. Better to just create DC, then use inverters. For those who want hundred-KHz three-phase, first create 2-phase with inductive and capacitive phase-shift, then build a "Scott-T" transformer. That was a Westinghouse invention, designed to convert the very first Tesla generators output into three-phase. (The first big Tesla generators were just two normal AC generators on the same shaft, but shifted slightly, to give 90deg 2-phase 4-wire output.)
@cold3lectric 24 күн бұрын
@@wbeaty ooooh good to know - sounds waaay better than re-re-inverting RF to DC to 3-phase AC
@anthonyscott9936 Ай бұрын
It looks like you are using HV, the aluminum foil is being attracted via static
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
HF HV AC. But typical HV alternating current would be expected to repel AND then attract, alternately, each cycle, is my understanding 🤷
@anthonyscott9936 Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric well, it’s just going to oppose which ever charge you “send out” until it neutralizes.. meaning it will attract, THEN repel once it has the same charge built up “aluminum foil”. Like a Franklin bell. And it would do that every cycle, so attract positivity half the cycle and then attract negatively the other half. It’s basically just a capacitor and you made the plates “movable”
@wbeaty 24 күн бұрын
@@cold3lectric note that RF power will slam the capacitor plates together. When one side is neg, the other side automatically becomes pos. Flip the polarity, and they still attract. If you make a capacitor using thin foil or aluminized mylar, when you apply HV high-frequency to it, the plates suddenly flatten to the dielectric sheet, as if being sucked down. Or in other words, when voltage is high, AC becomes "electrostatic," just like DC. One of Tesla's discoveries was that this only works if the frequencies are exactly matched. If one side has a different freq, then the strong forces vanish. (Well, actually they become a vibration, with an average force of zero.) So, during resonance, AC acts like DC.
@cold3lectric 22 күн бұрын
THAT explanation clicks, cool! Well said my goodman, thnx for the clarity!
@isettech Ай бұрын
Important note when used for long distance. It was assumed that ground was the same voltage world around. This proved false. The cause is the earth's magnetic field and the solar wind, which increases with a CME toward earth. The transmission lines for telegraph exhibited voltage to the point the batteries could be disconnected and the telegraph still worked. Longer lines stopped working as the sounders stayed energized and sometimes were overpowered to the point of burning them out. This is why the US electric grid does not contain a DC current path between substations on the HV transmission lines. One end of a transmission line is configured in a Y with the center grounded to discharge static discharge and lightning. The other end is in Delta configuration with no ground so DC on the line can not flow.
@raycar1165 Ай бұрын
Much ❤ Love 🌎🌏🌍☯️⚡️ World🌞Peace
@raycar1165 Ай бұрын
Are you familiar with Birkeland currents? I wonder if that's what is happening with your carbon fiber wire. Basically a vortex in one direction, on the outside, and a stable flow on the inside...
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
yup, i was seeing Birkeland currents in the light-bulb discharges @ end of vid too
@raycar1165 Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric cool, I'm glad I found your channel. I was surprised to see some familiar faces in the comments as well, so... bonus points. I added you to my Experimenters and Tesla categories. My channel is becoming a glossary for stuff like this.
@Itzonn Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experiments. You never know what ideas it may spark in other viewers thoughts.
@GuardianEngraving Ай бұрын
Vary nice :)
@cold3lectric 26 күн бұрын
oh wow btw😲 I'm watching your vid which covers "Radiant charging + One wire" stuff, from 11 years ago - props, impressive!
@shawncalderon4950 Ай бұрын
Clever, thanks for another interesting presentation!
@shawncalderon4950 Ай бұрын
Glad I found this channel. Nice presentation!
@JB-20 Ай бұрын
Nice video. In my 'area' this setup is no longer one wire, we used line to ground system. The Earth acting like a return wire/cable to make a complete circuit. Tried this before but I'm switching to single/one wire technology which totally one wire which doesn't have earth... Although earth is needed in another stages for the whole system to improve performance. But sending energy from the first stage is totally one wired. My system seems physically one wire but still a complete circuit through capacitive coupling via parasitic capacitor.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
with antenna/elevated topload capacitance acting like a ground?
@JB-20 Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric Sory, my comment wasn't complete... What I meant is based on the scheme of tesla patent. The one suggesting to remove one ground is I believe correct. Or can do in opposite way, sender has no earth while receiver has earth... This to minimize looping. Sorry about my term, I'm not na engr. If both rx and tx have Earth physically seen as one wired but earth is acting like another cable as return cable to complete the electrical connection similar to two wired system. In my area we used line to ground system. So even you removed the ground cable from the pole transformer and earth them, still the system working...which become like the tesla scheme seen in the beginning of the video. So maybe the reason why tesla made another setup to use earth instead and used as the main medium to transmit energy. So there's no wire/cable able to be seen but only the earth. So now earth is serving like the one wire... which similar to purely one power transmission. Good luck for the next experiments brother.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
ah, gotcha, yup agreed, all good cuz electrical language is new on me too 😸 Dawned on me how Avramenko patent's "conductive body" (instead of grounded Rx) is what I'd formerly called 'RF Ground', or even an earth capacitor, and it's not so different from the "topload" "aerial" or "elevated terminal" ... "earth capicitor" as well? So we can picture it symmetric like a 2wire circuit, like some say the ground & ionosphere balance eachother to-and-fro, BUT its still.... super tricky somehow 🤷 considering the whole "waveguide" aspect & the unipolar character.... All i know is, i'm testing effects of a particular RF ground this evening and will report back ☝🤓 💛
@tomgeorge3726 2 ай бұрын
Hi, nice demonstration. What diodes are you using to rectify the receiver AC. As the frequency is 117 kHz, I would hope you are using fast / high speed diodes as normally used 50/60Hz will not be as efficient.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
hi thanks! yup the ones shown here are MUR440 ultrafast diodes, and in the next 'part ii' video i show a test of ultrafast vs. schottky diodes (which work a little bit better). kzfaq.info/get/bejne/j7-IpZmnzMvKYGg.html i wish the slow ones could be used though, since most/all the convenient integrated single-piece rectifiers are made for 50/60Hz 🤷 the slow ones like to get real hot though lol
@DiannaGold 2 ай бұрын
Your coils are going to loose energy due to other metals in the area. You need to shield them with Aluminum maybe
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
True! My aluminum-frame table/stand has been warmed up by the RF/field, if within a couple inches 🤓 pretty localized, i think maybe even more localized than other 'tesla coil' geometries - being wound as a flat spiral (but that's just conjecture). Nearby metal SEEMS not to dampen the secondary coil's signal/voltage on oscilloscope much, until brought within 5-10cm (like if i approach/situate a 'topload' or probe/compass near to the coil). Though I suspect any shielding may itself heat up 🤷 Then again, transmitter/sender coil DOES have an 'RF Ground' plane (sheet of Al foil) beneath a lower shelf under it - and i DO plan to try to transmit/receive from inside a [grounded] foil faraday cage box - am interested to see how that'll affect it!
@DiannaGold 2 ай бұрын
I recently started learning . and I had this thought about how much energy we waste and this just confirmed exactly my thoughts. Very awesome.
@toymaker3474 2 ай бұрын
is their a voltage gradient on the single wire? like you would find on the stout bar experiment.
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
good question, i expect that bulbs in series at each end of the line would not always be lit simultaneously; AMInnovations shows this with his similar setup (there are times where the Rx end lights up bulbs brighter than at Tx end).... But i still need to confirm/explore this aspect more. I have swept neon/flourescent bulbs along the wire and not noticed any gradient. Nor did voltage probe (inductively) swept across the line show any noticeable gradient. So yes, good question indeee - I'll get back to ya!
@ftwproject658 2 ай бұрын
Great analysis. Thanks!
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
If anybody wants to see more about specs & precise details, look here: open-source-energy.org/?topic=3676
@brettmoore3194 2 ай бұрын
No vacuum tube for switching 🎉
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
@@brettmoore3194 i would like to get hands on a vacuum tube oscillator sometime though - but yes Silicone Carbide (like the switching MOSFETS i have) apparently is a big up-and-coming "next gen" trend in for power electronics!
@brettmoore3194 Ай бұрын
@cold3lectric I'm want to build a Mason jar tube but with a thorium filament for thermal emission amplification. Beside the emitter,gate and collector I will use old speaker magnets for confinement
@ahmad-firdauscook1452 2 ай бұрын
Hey Jim, just wondering about the frequency readings from your oscilloscope into/out of the high voltage line. Would any AC devices have to put up with a much higher frequency since you're not using an active frequency generator...you just used the terms "step up and step down", not paying mind the frequencies
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
there's a function generator which controls the oscillator circuit, its running at 128kHz (i prefer the usage of kilocycles/sec). Also my name is Mike 😂
@danielfoster2788 2 ай бұрын
We are facing many technological singularities in our lives including partial immortality by living in space warp vehicles. With backing I will showcase an Earth Low Atmosphere field levitation, momentum vehicle. Such technology can provide people sleeping rooms where time stops.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
that stuff is a bit too advanced for me 😇
@danielfoster2788 2 ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric actually it’s fairly simple. I am only now once again buying the parts a gear I need as I first levitated coils magnetically cancelled 20 years ago. Once I’m up and running I will post videos and send you an invite.
@bengriffin4027 Ай бұрын
@frogz 2 ай бұрын
i dont know exactly what you're trying to show in the videos but i can tell you this, you're basically transmitting high energy RF through an antenna, the plasma inside the bulb is a clear sign of it, im surprised your video equipment/phone isnt freaking out from it
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
it does make my digital microscope spaz out from interference, but tbh its only a couple kilovolts, relatively low voltage compared to many other Tesla coils. I have a pretty good RF ground (foil sheet) right below the transmitter, and also i think the bifilar coil may be generally less "noisy", it hardy even deflects a compass needle - but that's just a conjecture 🤷
@frogz 2 ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric look into rf(high switching frequency) plasma, you basically have a microwave in a antenna but lower frequency than 2.4 ghz like an oven, I'm definitely following after watching a few of your videos, also be careful you don't get a burn from it because rf can penetrate deep, I'm going to have to rewatch some as well and maybe make some of them
@frogz 2 ай бұрын
It would be funny if this whole time Tesla wanted to surround us with high frequency high energy radiation
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
@@frogz I'd feel more wary about close proximity to my wifi router, as opposed to my coils 🤓 another reason i like bifilar coils is they bring down the frequency a lot (due to high inter-winding capacitance), into 'low frequency RF' (LF RF). So at my operating frequency of ~130kHz, the wavelength is 2.3kilometers. Those seem to interact much less with organic tissue, kinda 'non thermal'. So perhaps kilometer wave is preferable to microwave 😸 There are electrotherapy devices which also operate in the low-kHz range 🤷
@JenkoRun 2 ай бұрын
@@frogz "It would be funny if this whole time Tesla wanted to surround us with high frequency high energy radiation" The thing about Tesla's tech is that 1, he wasn't transmitting through the air, and 2, he wasn't using electromagnetic radiation. Tesla was using the Earth as a single wire transmission line, and he was using capacitive displacement currents which are NOT Electromagnetic, experiments with open HV HF circuits and the displacement currents produced by them have shown the potential for rapid tissue regeneration, experiments with dying plants have also shown a vastly accelerated recovery time. Wardenclyffe would have done far more than merely transmit power across the globe.
@undulations 2 ай бұрын
Really love those plasma shots at the end✨✨✨!
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
right!? i was overly amazed when i first saw those little grains dancing around lol, guess i just love a good light show 🙃
@joeeasygo 2 ай бұрын
A laser as a conductor? That's awesome! Does it have to ionize the air to do that? Also using water tubes as transmission lines
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
my understanding (limited) is that a powerful enough laser does almost instantly ionize the air - there's weapons called "electrolasers" that operate by making "laser induced plasma channels", cool! the author Strebkov used 10mm tubing filled with water to transmit electricity - the irrigation tubing i used was only 1/4" (6.3mm), and was several pieces spliced together (so the inner diameter was constricted at several places) - which is perhaps why mine failed. I'll have to try again though, now that i know ☝🤓
@raycar1165 Ай бұрын
some places are using lasers now to guide lightning to lightning rods.
@mykedoes4099 2 ай бұрын
Master Ivo 👍
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
I'd been planning to do a video just on Ivo's circuit, and the interesting way it uses back-EMF impulses. it'll probably the next "big" upload i do.
@mykedoes4099 2 ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric I just relayed with him about a week ago , he said he is not interested in the back EMF and his focus is on something to do with the ac phases .. I am so rusty but got the background for this stuff . lmk
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
oh yeah my bad, you've already seen this one 😇 here's something new then, i think my NEXT one is gonna feature a Tesla coil like dollard/Hakasays make em (open-frame solenoid, one already built): kzfaq.info/get/bejne/sJiaZLOWmafYYYk.htmlsi=ULP1lp7BFY4WwZuA
@mykedoes4099 Ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric yep
@newmonengineering 2 ай бұрын
You should lower the duty cycle on the sending coil and compare the results.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
adjusting the duty cycle of the gate-driver on/off signal @ sender coil.... FOR SCIENCE ☝🤓
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
at 40% the voltage was a couple percent increased (with a corresponding increased draw from power supply). i admittedly hadnt known that'd happen 😸
@newmonengineering 2 ай бұрын
​@cold3lectric that's very interesting, I was thinking you could potentially increase efficiency numbers if the system stays in resonance with a reduction of the duty cycle. I only suggested it because I noticed it myself but my coils aren't the same as your are, they were simple tesla like air coils. Keep up the great work, I'm here for it!!
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
@@newmonengineeringindeed! i suspect adding a capacitor in series before the ground connection (of secondary) might also "reduce expenditure" from power supply without losing resonance. an area to explore!
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
.....plus, you gave me the perfect chance to show that "requests are welcome", so thankya 💛⚡🌟
@MrThacke 2 ай бұрын
The dark lines of the wrapped ghost wire from the past on your round fluorescent bulb is way freaking great stuff lol ! Proves my spacecraft laser power drawing technique for warp speed idea ;)
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
lol i figured it must be epic somehowz
@cold3lectric Ай бұрын
wait, my fluorescent bulb is HAUNTED!? help bro!
@MrThacke 2 ай бұрын
I’m a Master Ivo fan too :)
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
Master Ivo basically taught me how to use an oscilloscope, i bought all the same gear he recommended before i knew what i was doing at all, love that guy!
@MrThacke 2 ай бұрын
Single wire is great fun lol!
@michelmorel9208 2 ай бұрын
Great replications, thank you for sharing. Have a look at Prof. Konstantin Meyl who has done 40+ years of research on wireless transmission of electricity based on Nicola Tesla's research. Professor Meyl's even came up with some amazing discoveries in the process himself. He has published a few books and he also made a few PCBs if you want to scientifically read and replicate some of his experiments. I made my own replication twice and can hit resonance frequency each time now.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
indeed, i gave a "shoutout" to Meyl on the previous "Part i" video. i wish i could afford his scalar kit ☝🤓
@Fenderak 2 ай бұрын
there's something about your presentation, maybe it's the equipment or a cadence thing but you don't speak that fast, I don't know. I can barely understand what you're saying. I completely miss every 5th or so word.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
yeah my bad, i think i edited it down a tad bit much (for time), using "AI speech enhance" for gap removal. But i added 100% accurate subtitles/transcript if that helps any. I do talk pretty fast but not quite THAT fast 😇
@jamest.5001 2 ай бұрын
Try a foil pyramid , possibly another inverted pyramid on top in place if the cube,
@JenkoRun 2 ай бұрын
Dan Davidson?
@toymaker3474 2 ай бұрын
I suggest everyone read Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses: and other transients - January 1, 1911 by Charles Proteus Steinmetz
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
yup! ya like my 'steinmetz homage' in the thumbnail pic?
@toymaker3474 2 ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric his pupil, alexanderson is another one to look into.
@JenkoRun 2 ай бұрын
@@toymaker3474 Alexanderson was his pupil? I need to catch up on my history.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
Dollard always be extolling Alexanderson too; I hadn't gotten there yet, shall do!
@johnkoury1116 2 ай бұрын
With Tesla's Fuelless generator even all that great stuff is obsolete. Conversion of static electrical energy to Dynamic electricity such as the Testatika or Tariel Kapanadze's 100 kilowatt freie energia power plant are great examples. Here is the link to the powerplant in Syria.........kzfaq.info/get/bejne/rbxlaZOpy7-3emQ.htmlsi=iXhGB2l_fUTlElSG
@JenkoRun 2 ай бұрын
That's a self-sustaining Electromagnetic system, the system cold3 is experimenting with is to do with transmission methods and non-conduction current based systems, both are important but not the same.
@johnkoury1116 2 ай бұрын
@@JenkoRun Absolutely! even with the power plants there will still need transmission. I in no way meant to lessen what is being done. It is like cogs that work together to make the whole thing work.
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
hmm.... i been seeing Kapanadze mentioned a lot at open-source-energy.org where i post stuff (intermittently), by generally reputable sources 🤷 admittedly i can't say I've given it enough attention yet; I'll take the recommendation though and give it a closer look 😸
@toymaker3474 2 ай бұрын
longitudinal & transverse ; just like maxwell said in his original 20 equations. a simpler version of this would be the tesla stout bar aka hairpin circuit.
@JenkoRun 2 ай бұрын
@@raydan18 Is it possible he might have used heterodyning techniques to isolate the output coil and load? These kinds of systems never work unless you have a way to stop the load detuning and fighting back on the source, I've been chatting with someone on the energeticforum and it seems Don Smith used such a method.
@johnkoury1116 2 ай бұрын
Your builds are Beautiful!! I wish mine looked more like yours and not like I dumped pieces of wire , glue and a bunch of semiconductor trash on my desk..lol
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
lol! i do have an unfair advantage though, i made custom wires (audio/home theater stuff) which i sold on ebay full-time between 2016-2020 - eventually selling several thousand units. So it was a fluke, but i was a "pro wiring maker" before i even started this stuff hehe. Thanks for noticing!
@johnkoury1116 2 ай бұрын
@@cold3lectric Incredible!! You are definitely next level awesome. And the single wire transmission is coming along brilliantly. It will be able to decentralize the collection of renewable electrical resources and make electricity available without the incidence of blackouts and brownouts like they are planned or not but are still happening because of our aging infrastructure...
@cold3lectric 2 ай бұрын
YUP. imagine global integrated solar collection with the continents interlinked... we wouldn't even need storage batteries if the grid had access to 24hour daylight (like strebkov's suggestion of Australia, Africa, and America as the 3 solar farms). #wo0t