太陽 (COVER 邱振哲)
4 жыл бұрын
League of Legends (Aram 15) - Ziggs
League of Legends (Aram 14) - Singed
League of Legends (Aram 13) - Sylas
League of Legends (Aram 9) - Singed
League of Legends (Aram 8) - Katarina
League of Legends (Aram 6) - Maokai
@therealneal3034 Күн бұрын
Only Jane could cockblock and wingman simultaneously
@mariamcaleavey3444 Күн бұрын
thankyou sharing.
@mariamcaleavey3444 Күн бұрын
jane unique gifted actor producer director in his own way priceless.
@JoeyP946 Күн бұрын
I can't imagine believing psychics are real xD especially as a freaking detective
@TyfoiD75 5 күн бұрын
really should not be watching these clips because they make me indulge the whole series... again.
@PetterAgren 6 күн бұрын
I love you Simon Baker ❤❤❤
@develynseether4426 6 күн бұрын
Not religious by any means, more believe in science but the fact its a belief allows me to be open-minded. Do I think there is a kingdom of god? No. But things have happened throughout history we haven't been able to explain yet and those inexplicable occurrences male me believe there is more out there than just this mortal coil.
@FM-dm8xj 8 күн бұрын
Rigsby shouldnt have opened his mouth lmao
@varunsharma3532 10 күн бұрын
2:48 Aum Namah Shivaaya
@marianoraperezmartinez4099 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@marianoraperezmartinez4099 2 ай бұрын
恭喜你 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@pritha_gh26 3 ай бұрын
I love this song so much ❤
@fondogma5571 5 ай бұрын
感受停在我髮端的指尖 Gǎnshòu tíng zài wǒ fàduān dì zhǐ jiān (I) feel the fingers that stop in my hair 如何瞬間 凍結時間 rúhé shùnjiān dòngjié shíjiān How a moment freezes time 記住望著我堅定的雙眼 jì zhù wàngzhe wǒ jiāndìng de shuāng yǎn (I) see the pair of eyes looking steadily at me 也許已經 沒有明天 yěxǔ yǐjīng méiyǒu míngtiān Maybe there already is no tomorrow 面對浩瀚的星海 miàn duì hàohàn de xīnghǎi Facing a vast sea of stars 我們微小得像塵埃 wǒmen wéixiǎo de xiàng chén’āi We are as small as dust 漂浮在 一片無奈 piāofú zài yīpiàn wúnài Floating in helplessness BRIDGE: 緣份讓我們相遇亂世以外 yuán fèn ràng wǒmen xiāngyù luànshì yǐwài Fate had us meet outside a chaotic world 命運卻要我們危難中相愛 mìngyùn què yào wǒmen wéinàn zhōng xiāng’ài Destiny made us fall in love in the middle of danger 也許未來遙遠在光年之外 yěxǔ wèilái yáoyuǎn zài guāng nián zhī wài Maybe in the future, far beyond light years 我願守候未知裡為你等待 wǒ yuàn shǒuhòu wèizhī li wèi nǐ děngdài I am willing to guard an unknown location, waiting for you CHORUS: 我沒想到 為了你 我能瘋狂到 wǒ méi xiǎngdào wèile nǐ wǒ néng fēngkuáng dào I never thought that for your sake, I would go insane to the point of 山崩海嘯 沒有你 根本不想逃 shānbēng hǎixiào méiyǒu nǐ gēnběn bùxiǎng táo Landslides, tidal waves. Without you, I don’t want to escape 我的大腦 為了你 已經瘋狂到 wǒ de dànǎo wèile nǐ yǐjīng fēngkuáng dào My own mind. For your sake, I’ve already gone insane to the point of 脈搏心跳 沒有你 根本不重要 màibó xīntiào méiyǒu nǐ gēnběn bù chóng yào (feeling like) my pulse and heartbeat are totally unimportant without you 一雙圍在我胸口的臂彎 yī shuāng wéi zài wǒ xiōngkǒu de bì wān A pair of arms encircling my chest 足夠抵擋 天旋地轉 zúgòu dǐdǎng tiānxuándìzhuǎn are sufficient for resisting the rotation/revolution of the Earth 一種執迷不放手的倔強 yīzhǒng zhí mí bù fàngshǒu de juéjiàng A type of stubborn persistence not willing to let go 足以點燃 所有希望 zúyǐ diǎnrán suǒyǒu xīwàng Is enough to light up all hopes 宇宙磅礡而冷漠 yǔzhòu pāngbó ér lěngmò The universe is immense and cold 我們的愛微小卻閃爍 wǒmen de ài wéixiǎo què shǎnshuò Our love is small yet shining 顛簸 卻如此忘我 diānbǒ què rúcǐ wàngwǒ precarious, yet selfless REPEAT BRIDGE REPEAT CHORUS 也許航道以外 是醒不來的夢 yěxǔ hángdào yǐwài shì xǐng bù lái de mèng Perhaps outside of this path is a dream from which (we) do not wake 亂世以外 是純粹的相擁 luànshì yǐwài shì chúncuì de xiāng yōng Outside of this chaotic worold is the most pure embrace REPEAT CHORUS 相遇亂世以外 危難中相愛 xiāngyù luànshì yǐwài wéinàn zhōng xiāng’ài (We) met outside a choatic word, (we) fell in love in the midst of danger 相遇亂世以外 危難中相愛 xiāngyù luànshì yǐwài wéinàn zhōng xiāng’ài (Same as above)
@user-dh8sz4xb9o 7 ай бұрын
@LarryDickman1 7 ай бұрын
I'd bang Van pelt also. lol
@paiman1976 9 ай бұрын
Lisbon meanwhile quietly hoping that there will be no harsh or bitter words... she is religious as well but doesn't judge. She shows understanding of Janes loss and is careful not to hurt him. Kind hearted, as Jane would later tell her.
@DavidJohnsonFromSeattle 9 ай бұрын
The kingdom of God is real and God made it perfectly clear that the dead don't talk to us.
@amnguyen245 10 ай бұрын
斑马斑马 你不要睡着啦 Bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ bù yào shuì zhe la 再给我看看你受伤的尾巴 Zài gěi wǒ kàn kàn nǐ shòu shāng de wěi bā 我不想去触碰你伤口的疤 wǒ bù xiǎng qù chù pèng nǐ shāng kǒu de bā 我只想掀起你的头发 wǒ zhǐ xiǎng xiān qǐ nǐ de tóu fā 斑马斑马 你回到了你的家 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ huí dào le nǐ de jiā 可我浪费着我寒冷的年华 kě wǒ làng fèi zhe wǒ hán lěng de nián huá 你的城市没有一扇门为我打开啊 nǐ de chéng shì méi yǒu yī shàn mén wèi wǒ dǎ kāi a 我终究还要回到路上 wǒ zhōng jiū hái yào huí dào lù shàng 斑马斑马 你来自南方的红色 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ lái zì nán fāng de hóng sè 是否也是个动人的故事啊 shì fǒu yě shì gè dòng rén de gù shì ā 你隔壁的戏子如果不能留下 nǐ gé bì de xì zǐ rú guǒ bù néng liú xià 谁会和你睡到天亮 shuí huì hé nǐ shuì dào tiān liàng 斑马斑马 你还记得我吗 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ hái jì de wǒ ma 我是只会歌唱的傻瓜 wǒ shì zhǐ huì gē chàng de shǎ guā 斑马斑马 你睡吧睡吧 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ shuì ba shuì bā 我会背上吉他离开北方 wǒ huì bēi shàng jí tā lí kāi běi fāng 斑马斑马 你还记得我吗 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ hái jì de wǒ ma 我是强说著忧愁的孩子啊 wǒ shì qiáng shuō zhe yōu chóu de hái zi ā;a 斑马斑马 你睡吧睡吧 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ shuì ba shuì ba 我把你的青草带回故乡 wǒ bǎ nǐ de qīng cǎo dài huí gù xiāng 斑马斑马 你不要睡着啦 bān mǎ bān mǎnǐ bù yào shuì zhe lā 我只是个匆忙的旅人啊 wǒ zhǐ shì gè cōng máng de lǚ rén ā 斑马斑马 你睡吧睡吧 bān mǎ bān mǎ nǐ shuì ba shuì ba 我要卖掉我的房子 wǒ yào mài diào wǒ de fáng zi 浪迹天涯 làng jì tiān yá
@vichuvishwa8141 10 ай бұрын
The entire cast is charming and interesting and you've this psychotic bish in between ruining😂😂i frickin hate Vanpelt. She was annoying then when I watched the series she's annoying now.
@justincase7848 10 ай бұрын
Last line was the funniest
@wcresponder 10 ай бұрын
I knew I liked Jane.
@antoniodominguezhernandez2458 10 ай бұрын
Una pena q el ping yin no esté bien hecho
@yinghingtsui9543 10 ай бұрын
@aaronmichaelpilien8224 11 ай бұрын
Rigsby learn card trick the hard way 😂
@GenX-Rising 11 ай бұрын
Man's got 52 pockets in that vests and uses a battleship grid location system to memorize where every card in a deck is. But if you're prepped always for a trick and can use suggestion and manipulation up get them to ask you to do a card trick and pretend like you don't have your own and they give you a deck then the rest is misdirection and showmanship. As far as being able to tell what people are writing by reading their pen, you would either have to create your own videos and study your own pen while you write what you know you're writing and reverse engineer how you can know by doing a LOT of practice or have someone that's willing to let you practice with them a LOT or you just have a different DaVinci-esque type of intelligece. I don't think Leo D even had to practice the mirror writing he used to make his blue prints and engineering look nonsensical and he just kinda knew how to do it. They do show how he pulls most of his machinations off which is usually withholding information to extreme situations and plants evidence and uses several of tricks that would not hold up in court, but he's usually able to do it so what he does is incidental because if you fish out a confession on video or audio than their done, at least in civil court if not the criminal court
@jackhowe6 Күн бұрын
DaVinci left sketches of raindrops splashing, showing the characteristic crown shaped splash. Most humans had to wait for sufficiently fast photography to see it. Very different brain.
@GenX-Rising 22 сағат бұрын
@jackhowe6 oh da Vinci would be an Elon Musk on Adderall today! He already understood helicopters before they figured out a freaking decent gun. Da Vinci today would be coming up with time travel and teleportation, and figure out how to travel FTL on his down time
@GenX-Rising 21 сағат бұрын
@jackhowe6 he would buy birds to let them go and watch them fly, then sketch every micro second of it in flight, instead of finishing a painting for some rich patron that bores the hell out of da Vinci but he's still the most expensive artist for portraits and hated doing them for rich noble royal pompous sods, that's why there's extremely few, but when Cesare Borgia employed him as the master of his military defense force, da Vinci let out his inner darkness and created war machines, fortresses, and was supplied with as many living and dead bodies as he wanted to revolutionize our understanding of anatomy and physiology.. something he had been arrested for and denied by the church his entire life until he teamed up with Borgia, Machiavelli, and Micheletto, and united Italy with both fear and love, one of the few to pull off being both which Machiavelli said was nearly impossible to be both, but Borgia found many ways, a couple of scenes from Game of Thrones comes straight from Borgias historical actions.... like the Red Wedding.. for one
@ShadowShift Жыл бұрын
Loving this
@EmrysTheGreat-dg7zv Жыл бұрын
The gesture combined with the tone of Jane is just hilarious !
@songnguyen5252 Жыл бұрын
@seanrochon9240 Жыл бұрын
You fried
@stanleychun5512 Жыл бұрын
@adityakarade8034 Жыл бұрын
Pls reply can it get connect with canon eos 1500d
@lonelycake6 Жыл бұрын
Sorry pal, I am not very sure about it, but I believe it can be used with canon eos 1500d, as it has the intervalometer socket
@beanzy1891 Жыл бұрын
I loved this song since I first heard it 8 years ago thank you for uploading this song will always hold a special place in my heart
Wait hang on that’s red John?
@Hanstein. Жыл бұрын
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
Kansas City
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
I miss Ghost 👻
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
Wucha's readn' Cho? Russian literature? William Blake? Dante?
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
If you're using a regular deck of cards, eight Ace of spades could be the card of death depending on the other card surrounding it. Amongst others. It could be the card of divorce depending on the start rounding cards for example or it could be the start of a new intellectual pursuit or you could read it depending on the other cards as the start of a conflict both positive or negative depending on the house & the cards surrounding. 🃏
@sweetheart436 Жыл бұрын
♠️ • ❤️
@tariqashraf7575 Жыл бұрын
What a master piece. Every time I hear this, I feel like out of this world.
@user-tl7dq2kg2t Жыл бұрын
@robm7543 Жыл бұрын
@caitriona9617 Жыл бұрын
@jonny-b4954 Жыл бұрын
Immortal life sounds.... terrible. Imagine for a second how far back childhood seems. Now imagine you're a 100, like the Queen was almost, a wholeeeeee life. Still, nothing but a blink. NOT even a blink. Now picture 2, 3, 4, 500 years. 1000. 10,000. 1 million years "alive" in god's kingdom. 1 billion. You'd experience quite literally everything to experience, worth experiencing. You'd have nothing left to discuss. It just sounds like a nightmare. On the flipside, 7/8 of ALL of humanity (since, not Christians) is for that eternity, while you're enjoying glorious Heaven, is writhing and burning, twisting and blood boiling in the pits of Hell of eternal damnation. Sounds like a loving, almighty, all powerful, all knowing god, eh? Hahahahaha
@tongpei5446 Жыл бұрын
@ingjorgeescola Жыл бұрын
Excelent! Real love song. GEM is amazing and this song too! Thank you for giving us such a beautiful song!
@zawmyomyo4268 2 жыл бұрын
@kaolyko6545 2 жыл бұрын
@user-gb9re9wf2x 2 жыл бұрын