My Top 10 Strategy Games For 2024
It's Been 2 Years. Have I Improved?
Ranking All Of The Deathless Missions
18 Glitches You Can Do In Starcraft 2
@exudeku 12 минут бұрын
Its absolutely hard to see the Atlantean Island seriously because its literally Mindanao Island of the Philippines
@zbigniew2628 31 минут бұрын
People were fired... Like Steve Mele - Executive Producer. I think you did only basic research for it, without much thought put to it... Oh and it took only 8 months to abandon DOW3, COH3 is already twice as long and still updating.
@zbigniew2628 37 минут бұрын
1.70 update on 16.07 is going to change some things for SP too, so who know... Anyway, big map stuff is just not needed. COH3 is about 2v2 and 1v1. Big scale team games are always a chaotic joke. I think you should watch some 1v1 or 2v2 replays.
@kristenwilhelm2631 2 сағат бұрын
This was an amazing game and yes I played it.
@Pleksilasi 3 сағат бұрын
Considering stormgates third faction the best waifus are the ones with them B ole T's. Everybody knows this.
@karlsteffen7804 4 сағат бұрын
I loved this game.
@lordskyline9766 14 сағат бұрын
Everytime I watch this challenge I wonder if it would be possible with the coop mutator that allows everything to hit both ground and air
@SpagetiSpelledWrong 15 сағат бұрын
Dustfront looking good.
@mcgill504 16 сағат бұрын
the same thing happened to me a couple days ago, i got the secondary mission to return the armored car and right after it told me i failed.
@dudlecore7358 18 сағат бұрын
youtube wont stop automatically playing this video ... for over a year i have this video disliked now. I've watched it .. i used to like it but im getting spammed by the algorythm... How can i make this stop? I dont want to block ggg but i also dont want to wake up to this video in the middle of the night anymore this is just annoying
@sonnytag3720 4 сағат бұрын
@marcustimothymontaos3688 19 сағат бұрын
It's a bit of a punch to the gut to hear Totalbiscuit again. Time goes to fast.
@iconoclastsc2 20 сағат бұрын
@guillermogerrycabrera7625 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the great video! Definitely loved the time being able to reminisce about aom campaign but now just watching and with added analysis and commentaries. And on the topic of the aom being developed, aom retold trailer just dropped a few hours ago and its hype!
@mariuszgaaj2814 Күн бұрын
Retold is coming in september 4!
@Gluosnis9 Күн бұрын
Damnit, I wanna play Warcraft 2 now.
@Crimson_Edelweiss Күн бұрын
4:27 Terran base, i see all those SC2 challenge runs took their toll
@thescholarofAK Күн бұрын
@4F6D Күн бұрын
matching with randoms vs arranged teams is not unfair, every game does it so i think you are basically searching for reasons to hate on reforged. Feels kinda salty tbh
@OldSpaghettifactory89 Күн бұрын
This videos old now but one thing to shout out, about half the star wars galaxy is unexplored <s>due to lazy writing</s> for basically the entire timeline. The only real justification for this afaik has been "finding hyperlanes hard". The sith used this a few times to hide from the republic so youd think theyd put in some effort but no. But kerrigans wormholes dont need to worry about hyper lanes, meaning kerrigan could expand uncontested into the unknown spaces, access to even more resources to the swarn, and from there could even push through the deep core to attack the core worlds directly.
@huntersutton5489 Күн бұрын
Why reforged?????
@stanleybacklund5614 Күн бұрын
Empire earth got no love in this video just like it did when it came out 😥
@nialltealeaf275 Күн бұрын
Grom is also the name of a major Goblin character in Warhammer, the franchise Blizz wanted to license for WarCraft 1. GW said no, forcing the devs at Blizzard to rework the lore and WarCraft was born. Recently GW, the Warhammer owners, have been handing out "cease and desist" letters to anyone that uses their copyright. Blizz has no right, according to GW, to use the name Grom bc another character GW owns uses that name. Hence, Grom is retroactively referred to as Grommash or Hellscream to keep GW away from Warcraft 3 Reforged.
@ZCid47 Күн бұрын
After two incredible long retrospectives now the question is, when the StarCraft and command and conquer ones
@crackerplease15 Күн бұрын
"a brief retrospective" 4:44:43 i could play the game faster than this lmao i am not watching this
@oKnuTo Күн бұрын
Lads ??
@akaneyoshinaga425 Күн бұрын
the game was just too cartoony and mobile game looking and it really put me off on that alone as someone who'd played COH since the release of the first game
@harz632 Күн бұрын
Spell breakers are without a doubt the coolest looking Unit in the Human faction (Paladin close second) and like top 5 in all of Warcraft 3
@harz632 Күн бұрын
3:00:00 In theory you could push in the custom scenarios with the Horde on their way to Kalimdor and Rexxars campaign, the founding of Kalimdor in front of the second NE campaign
@dustindrabek1400 2 күн бұрын
There are so many things they could do to make this game better. 1) Give us the option to skirmish or not in the campaign 2) Give us bigger skirmish maps in the campaign, maybe even have an Allie company join us. 3) Expand the Italian campaign map, so we play from the toe of Italy, to the Alps. 4) Let us play as the Germans in the Italian campaign. 5) Give us a Pacific campaign. 6) I also miss the detachment mechanic from the Alpha.
@guillermogerrycabrera7625 2 күн бұрын
Watching this the whole day from doing laundry, eating breakfast, cleaning the house. This campaign is my childhood and even though as a child most of the time i only finish it with cheats, i still understand the story. That to this day i remember it while watching this video. Being a child, playing this is so immersive and the coolness of everything.(my fave race is undead btw. its a cool af race, no need for another reason.) Thanks for this great video, commentary, thoughts, and analysis.
@robinwolstenholme6377 2 күн бұрын
railway empire 2
@atlas-POG 2 күн бұрын
Keep an eye on silica! Its in early access and is very fun and promising
@ricardoc.isidrojr.2853 2 күн бұрын
how do you make their hp not appear but when damage? same as mana
@EldenPing 2 күн бұрын
Should have added Russia and Japan. 5 faction minimum minimum for ww2.
@cursedhawkins1305 2 күн бұрын
Devouring One lings are what Cracklings want to be because once you give your Zerglings the attack speed upgrade they match the attack speed of the Devouring One lings. Edit: also, for the Kel'Morian Combine mission, you technically can speed up the mission by infesting all of the command centers (yeah, yeah, I know Zerglings Only but it's not technically killing by infesting with a Queen).
@cursedhawkins1305 2 күн бұрын
I can probably guess what happened with the A.I, the game likely reached its overall map cap (a cap that's independent from population and as a hard limitation of 1500 entities permitted) so even if the A.I for the purple zerg wanted to produce more units it physically couldn't which resulted in the A.I for the purple zerg breaking while the other zerg A.I kept functioning as normal, maps that have A LOT of money (including mineral fields like the ones in the bottom left of the finale for the Protoss campaign) are absolutely going to be hitting that 1500 cap as buildings do count towards it so building a whole bunch of cannons and pylons was contributing to the map cap thus denying one of the two zerg A.I functionality.
@Meatbrawl 2 күн бұрын
cataclismo reminds me of castle story and the wasted potential that was that game :( hopefully it turns out better
@RasserMeyer 2 күн бұрын
Another banger.. Damn.
@doughnut469 3 күн бұрын
The thing CoH3 needs is a Mac version. Would inject them with a financial booster.
@LesbianJumpscare 3 күн бұрын
They could of had an australian faction dlc. Rainbow snake titan, yowi unit, bunyips etc. So many possiblities for dlc factions and expansions
@doink3570 3 күн бұрын
I've been playing warcraft since I was 7 (I'm 20 now) and I've played through the campaign atleast a hundred times but I never knew you could repair that bridge with an acolyte 😭🙏
@harz632 3 күн бұрын
40:40 Finally someone that sees it the way I do, there was no correct ways through these situations but out of all of them, the reason why he fell was because he was abandoned by the two most important people in his life, Uther the man he looked up to and saw as his Uncle and Jaina the woman he loved, One important thing to note which isn't shown in the game but was elaborated on in books, Arthas lost his ability to use the light in Stratholme, the light isn't a "force of good" you can use the light to kill and harm others, the power of the light is based on your conviction that you are doing the right thing, so a mass murderer who believes that he is doing what is right can use the light to kill thousands, but a person trying to use the light to heal a child who is unsure if healing the child is the right thing to do can't use it. This shows that Arthas was unsure about the culling, he didn't order it in a fit of rage or vengeance thinking he is doing the right thing, but instead knew that what he was doing is wrong but saw no alternative to it, this also is the reason why he was so desperate for Frostmourne, because when he arrived in Northrend he was no longer a Paladin, to weak to ever hope to defeat Malganis so he was willing to give up everything to gain a power that can save his people.
@Brody69Stud 3 күн бұрын
this video is one of those videos im gunna watch once a year huh
@HHyperGod 3 күн бұрын
Never played 😂??? Wtf... This is hilarious
@trevorwylie5882 3 күн бұрын
i get constant alcohol youtube adverts hate alcohol destroyed every workmate and friends
@BTAL1ama 3 күн бұрын
This was my first RTS and I played it at my daycare lol. Begged my parents to get it and my sister and I played it for years. Never won an online match but atill. Nothing's ever scratched that particular itch since
@cursedhawkins1305 3 күн бұрын
Something I feel like is very unknown to a lot of the StarCraft 1 community is that the mission "Choosing Sides" does have a single Terran base which in a normal playthrough might be worth destroying so you can acquire the resources there.
@joneszer1 3 күн бұрын
27:10 my only thing is I feel Vietnam/Cold War would be better. Like a theoretical Soviets vs NATO. BUT… WW1 vibe is unmatched and I’d still play the shit outta that game ngl lol.
@cursedhawkins1305 3 күн бұрын
Honestly it’s not really a surprise for me to hear that this game was bad even after a year, Relic lost faith the moment they abandoned Dawn of War 3 I believe after a year or was it two years.