Get into AI | Ep. 147
9 сағат бұрын
How Groq is taking over jobs | Ep. 133
Roku Cyberattack | Ep. 122
@TheKingsComingAlefTav 6 сағат бұрын
So what do you think about the Pixel 8A with graphene OS compared to this phone? Which one would you buy and why
@Mo.Ab.Ma-Ca 15 сағат бұрын
You buy a phone from the people who created the Pegasus spyware?! They are hypocrites man. They have all your calls and data recorded. And they are listening in real time.
@evanwellemeyer1964 Күн бұрын
When is the follow up video coming out? How was your week of using it...............?
@PapiChulo-lq6sz 3 күн бұрын
4 күн бұрын
Current galaxy owner but just received this phone. Highly cumbersome at best to import contacts but was able to do so manually after emailing myself a vcf card and logging manually into the gmail website to download said file. The email app I use, FairEmail, won't work on the new phone and/or import. UPmail won't work with gmail because gmail blocks it from accessing the server. Shocker. Not sure it was worth buying yet, it was definitely released way too soon especially if there is no actual support other than for iPhones. FAQs are extremely limited. It may just take a lot of getting used to - for me. But, I'm definitely keeping my galaxy just in case I need to return this thing, assuming you even can. Updated 6/1: Not that anyone cares but I ended up returning the phone yesterday. I gave it a few days but some alarm bells were going off for me. Some of the non-UP apps I downloaded via the UP store (banking, and such) just don't fully function. One actually said it was out of date so it seems that the UP folks just go out and download apps to their store for people to pull down to their phones. Second alarm is the seemingly non-existent support. I sent two via the chat and not even an acknowledgment. I just don't have the time to spend to get used to this thing. Hopefully I get a credit for it since they claim either a 14 or 30 day money back.
@Chriswood-gt8pm 4 күн бұрын
I'm sending my up phone back for a full refund. I was disappointed and disappointed in the support. The applications my Bluetooth devices. I have 3 different ones. Continue to connect and reconnect every 15 to 30 seconds. Very frustrating. I talk to support, asked if they could help. And also asked if they could extend the return period until we get these problems fixed because if they're not fixed.I have a phone that I can't use. They said no you have fourteen days For a full refund Or 30 days for a full refund. $50 restocking fee. I asked again. Can you extend this until we can work this out? I really want this phone. I'm willing to go through some frustration frustrations. Trying to work this through Monique. said no, you have 14 days or 30 days, that's it And these problems were not my problems. They were problems with the phone. It's there phone I would have expected someone like. Eric Prince to have a company that would stand behind their product and not try to take money from people. For something that doesn't work makes no sense to me. I ask support many times how to fix the Bluetooth issue. They gave me directions. I followed the directions. 3 or 4 different times it did not work.I was having issues downloading their updates that they would send me through their store app.They could not help very disappointed.I wanted this to work
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
Here is something else that you don't know the data chat group in the up app messenger help with both the hardware and software development of the hole phone
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
If any apps has to have GMS or GFS it will not work on the up phone
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
Most of the apps in the up app store was requested by the up users
@JacobHicks-hz7nr 6 күн бұрын
So it’s an android that looks like an iphone, has all the google apps… and a physical off switch. On the surface it sounds like a bad iphone, a bad android, and not that private.
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
I have one of this up phones and I just love it, not only can you contact the up support tech team at anytime, you also asked questions with the CEO of unplugged and the co-founder as well and they all will reply back to you, I have never had a phone like this before, if there is a problem just go to the up private messaging app to the Unplugged Early Adopters chat room there is always some one in their that can help you out
@lgdelvalle 6 күн бұрын
19:00 Where you able to add Brave? OK just had to wait a few minutes
4 күн бұрын
Brave browser is available on their UpStore and I was just able to download it.
@Mark-sl2fj 6 күн бұрын
Does it have a navigation/maps app?
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
No but you can download any maps as long as it's not Apple or Google of course there is a way around that
@maleccnurse1 7 күн бұрын
I would really, really like to know with confidence if it is really necessary to not open source the OS source code. Is there some functionality that needs to be "protected" in this way. I don't know enough to say. But it is a finger in my eye, and should be in yours too, unless there is something I am not getting. You can also physically take the battery out of some other phones that might be flashable to other builds of non google android.
@marinebrat1888 6 күн бұрын
It's all about protecting the user's data
@iamNotHereB 9 күн бұрын
I wouldn't trust Erik Prince to deliver on anything to be safe or private. The man is evil.
@justinl5182 8 күн бұрын
How so?
@iamNotHereB 8 күн бұрын
@justinl5182 he's a war profiteer. Built his fortune on the murder of people in the middle East. Just search up his "accomplishments" and Blackwater's war crimes.
@technom3598 3 күн бұрын
You don't know wtf you are talking about
@iamNotHereB 3 күн бұрын
@technom3598 great rebuttal.
@user-xf3cu4le5z Күн бұрын
@phoneticau 10 күн бұрын
I doubt USA can even do a thing, also so much fake news around
@ExpensivePizza 10 күн бұрын
First of all, I don't believe Warren when she says it's the Iranian government mining Bitcoin but the hilarious part is that she actually thinks other countries won't try to get around sanctions. From Iran's point of view sanctions are an oppressive penalty imposed by a foreign adversary. If it was flipped around and Iran was putting sanctions on the US they would be just as annoyed.
@nostric4237 10 күн бұрын
If you like Bitcoin then you will love Kaspa. Kaspa is what Bitcoin couldn't be. Bitcoin couldn't solve the blockchain trilemma because the chain is congested and slow. Kaspa is real decentralized digital fast money that has solved the blockchain trilemma, and is the ONLY crypto that has done that. Bitcoin was p2p money for people at first, until people realized its expensive to transact with and slow. So now the maxis has to call it a "store of value" because it doesnt fulfill the real vision. Kaspa is better than Bitcoin. It just is. Look at the tech and fundamentals. Why use Bitcoin when it takes 2 seconds to send and recieve Kaspa?
@christopherhartline1863 11 күн бұрын
Let's be honest Sen Warren is a national security risk
@papasmurf9146 11 күн бұрын
There are two things that a software developer needs to learn in college: (a) a fundamental understanding of how software works, and (b) how you personally learn. As the video points out, everything that you learn in school will eventually become obsolete, but how you personally learn will be critical for the rest of your career. Historically, once someone decides they don't want to learn new things, they are 5 years away from leaving the tech field -- but that may have accelerated recently. Other advice I would have for tech based college students, take a speech course (debate might even be better) and learn how to write. Regardless of where you end up, the ability to effectively communicate will be critical. If you find yourself in a chicken-and-egg situation where they won't hire you without experience and you need to be hired to have experience, consider (a) contributing to an open source project that you like (smaller ones are more likely to welcome the help, which may be documentation oriented), or (b) start your own consulting company and offer services for free to mom-and-pop businesses. This works best if you're looking at web based technologies. Standard job seeking advice: learn about the position you're applying for. Play the technologies ahead of time if at all possible. When you interview, you should be interviewing the company at the same time they are interviewing you. Is this a place you would want to work? Is this a person you would want to work for? Did they arrive on time and prepared (which shows you respect), or did they arrive late (in which case they don't respect your time)?
@organic723 11 күн бұрын
From the thumnbnail.... looks like you're reviewing the movie Witches??? Seriously though.... skip ANYTHING dealing with her and the waste of everyone's time she represents.
@hammerhead19able 11 күн бұрын
@jadedemerald 11 күн бұрын
Very interested in how well this phone works. I’m an apple user and I am ready to upgrade my phone. Hopefully this phone will be the best device to use
@tonysolar284 11 күн бұрын
This answer does not surprise me and now A.I. will make it harder to get a tech job. Degrees will only be required by some jobs until A.I takes it over too.
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
Maybe, but with a rigorous education and training you may have alternatives. Please see my long winded response.
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
I disagree completely!! He's advising you to how to become a private my advice is how to become a general. Of course we need many more privates than generals and many don't have the ability to become a General. It up to you to decide how far you want to go and for some positions your education, training and abilities matter! I apologize if I'm off the mark but, 1. If you're hiring for arms and legs position, then it doesn't matter, as long as they have a pulse and meet the contract requirement then they qualify, 2. Why the hell would Google or any top tier company hire a history major right out of the school unless the person has the direct applicable experience plus the ability to think critically, it just doesn't happen. Critical thinking ability rarely comes naturally and is a learned skill and hard science degrees teach you that, but exceptions do happen. Do you want to rely on exceptions or do you want to have a reasonable shot at higher opportunities? Couple of years ago I hired a CIO out of one of the 3 LTR agencies that did offensive Cyber, the guy hardly had any education but lucked into the job at the agency, worked his way up, picked up the skills and demanded a large salary. While his knowledge was still state-of-the-art he would be valuable but once he becomes obsolete he would be useless. All because he didn't have the rigorous degree and background (If you cant spell nor understand stochastic you don't belong) and he most likely wouldn't be able to evolve into bigger and better positions and his career would soon purely depend on his contacts in the industry. As appose to a physicist or EE or CS graduate would have the credentials and the ability to learn other important technical skills and move up. Again we’re talking in generalities, exceptions happen. 3. Cyber security is one of the softest of the hard science fields in the IT industry. in fact I believe most of our universities curriculum in Cyber Security is not rigorous enough, most Cyber engineers don't even know the OSI communication layers which basically means they don't even know at what layer a attack vectors is launched or at what layer need to be mitigated. 4. exceptions are always there but within one sigma of normal distribution, its clear what contributes to getting the good jobs and moving up. Hard work, Rigorous curriculum/training, Continued learning, and Luck, probably in that order but luck maybe the equalizer!!! I don't know your background nor even know who you are but I can guess you don't have a rigorous education, you moved up (if you did) because you where hard worker and a go getter and learned on your own. I would not hire you as a director for any of my contracts unless its a low level performance contract or its a development contract but I would make sure a senior EE with same number of years of experience is watching you. You're probably good in trenches but you're not a visionary because you have very limited view of the vector space. A rigorous education first teaches the entire vector space!! IT is one of the least technical fields of the hard sciences. I always prefer to hire an EE or a physicist over a CS because most just don't understand what they're talking about. CS's are basically a wrench turners vs a mechanical engineer that designed the engine. But we need many more mechanics than Mechanical Engineers. Just little about my background, BS. MS, Ph.d. EE, have served as CTO and other SR. executive roles for some very large SP500 companies. I agree with many things you said including get a relevant tech job, don't be a waiter, but I completely disagree that your degree doesn't matter. how the hell do you go from a history degree to an IT job in google? Does it happen yes but it doesn't happen because of his history degree it happens because candidate was offering something that was valuable to the company and that's whats important. So its not an apple to apple comparison. Early in your career and apple to apple comparison, a EE vs a history major with no experience, who would get the job. A CS and a history major with 5 years of identical technical degree and same drive, and communication skills, who would get promoted? 15 years later, who would become the CTO with identical experience? baring the luck element its clear. GUYS, GET THE MOST RIGOROUS EDUCATION YOU CAN, BUST YOUR BUTT AT WHATEVER YOU DO INCLUDING SCHOOL (the easiest opportunity you have to learn because you pay someone and they will teach you what you register for, its not that easy in the industry), BE COMPETITIVE, ALWAYS LOOK FOR ANGLES TO IMPROVE YOURSELF AND YOUR PRODUCT, AND YOU WILL SUPERSEDE PEOPLE THAT SAY RIGOROUS DEGREES DON'T MATTER! ITS ALL BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW!
@happystash 11 күн бұрын
To get the masters degrees I want at college it's going to cost around $800,000 AUD That's without being fussy How the fuck would I be able to pay for that, yet I should "strive to be a "general" O.o? I am also struggling to pay bills and have been for years, exactly what would be your plan then ?
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
@@happystash There’re no free lunches, I can only tell you how I did it. Worked as a dishwasher and a cook while I was working on my BSEE. Immediately got a job as an engineer after graduation and went to school at night for my masters and most of my phd, my company paid for my tuition (most companies do that for tech degrees), when I was ready to work on my dissertation, I quit my job to concentrate on that to finish my phd. You don’t have to strive for anything if you don’t have the tools or the drive for it. That’s what most people do. All I’m saying is when there’s a will there’s a way! But the advice that no degree is as good as a technical degree is absolutely false. Some get lucky and works out that way but for most it doesn’t.
@happystash 10 күн бұрын
@@735Secure Fair point No problem
@Greg-yu4ij 8 күн бұрын
I was taught the 7 layers of the osi model at RPI in 1995. Brings back memories. I would have to say my education helped me to think in ways that other people just couldn’t manage. One time I advocated to write an action classifier in Java instead of using the JNI interface, which was slowing us down. Everybody told me that it would be way too slow. I told them it would probably run faster. So I didn’t get approval and I had to write it weekends and nights. In a few weeks, I had an action classifier that ran much faster in Java because of the way that Java manages strings. If you don’t know what your basic data structures are and their big-O runtimes, it really puts you at a disadvantage when you need something that uses less time or less space.
@happystash 8 күн бұрын
@@Greg-yu4ij Fair enough but outside experience tells me that you are 735Secure, its in the handwriting. xD
@Juhsga 11 күн бұрын
There's even MIT dropouts that have been super successful.
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
Exceptions don't make the rule!! Something that generally you won't learn unless you have a rigorous education! Please see my long winded response.
@ronweber4508 11 күн бұрын
I’m not a tech person. What phone carriers can a person use, Verizon?
@thekingofcanada3939 8 күн бұрын
at & t also
4 күн бұрын
I'm on Tmo and it seems to work.
@MediaAttorney 12 күн бұрын
She's so full of sh*t. Where were her complaints when Biden lifted the oil embargo on Iran, which has enriched them by over $100 billion? You're right about this being a ruse to go after BTC.
@happystash 12 күн бұрын
Thx heaps for the video.
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
Please see my long winded response.
@senshai1267 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for this
@735Secure 11 күн бұрын
Please see my long winded response.
@briancasteel7160 13 күн бұрын
That does NOT look like Jager in that rocks glass.
@happystash 13 күн бұрын
Somebody tell her there's no oil in it.
@aviator831 13 күн бұрын
I respect your work mate. TA is good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure T.A and completely Ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC Is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major pump at the peaks of BTC.. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. more emphasis should be put into day trading as It is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the Market.. I have made over 8btc from day trading with Wayne Jones, insights and signals in less than two weeks, this is one of the Best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish
@TyCook162 13 күн бұрын
I Have seen post about Wayne Jones. Pls how do i reach him..
@arg1907 13 күн бұрын
He mostly interacts on Telegrams, using the user-name.
@arg1907 13 күн бұрын
@TyCook162 13 күн бұрын
This is the kind of information we don't get from KZfaqrs..l will contact hIM right now.. thanks for recommendation
@allansarmiento4908 14 күн бұрын
Do pickpokets carry tsa keys 😂 if not then this will be good to keep your bag from opening
@HellAwayG 16 күн бұрын
Can i come?
@unfried_ 17 күн бұрын
So do you use Signal or which ones would you recommend?
@AVADAMS1967 17 күн бұрын
I guess "At schwab, my voice is my password" is now a moot security measure.
@CaseyStrouse 17 күн бұрын
Cactus Con in AZ is usually decent and can't go wrong with BSides.
@Marine_0317 17 күн бұрын
Great video! so how do we know you're not AI? 🥴🤪. You should do "How to" videos of Elevenlabs voice AI.
@sueyourself5413 17 күн бұрын
Pronounced Mee - treuh
@paaao 17 күн бұрын
We're all swimming in a pool built beneath a pool of poison that has a chain link fence for a bottom. It might be time to stop looking up. It's getting a bit absurd at this point.
@NineteenEighty8 17 күн бұрын
Snapchat is owned by Meta aka Facebook.
@NineteenEighty8 17 күн бұрын
Absolutely true.
@louis-philippesavard742 18 күн бұрын
Underrated channel
@rickyu1978 18 күн бұрын
Tls passthrough ? What about deep packet inspection for viruses firewalls.
@WhatsOnMyShelf 19 күн бұрын
Could the speed difference be due to the number of users concurrently using the services? These specific speech synthesis programs shown have quite stilted output, though I have found one in the past that adds variability and stressors to certain words to sound more natural. My solution to sussing out fake AI-generated audio, text, image, and video is that the output of these be encrypted, stored, and searchable to determine if anything generated by them was used to incriminate, defame, or simply used. Isn't AI-generated art already considered public domain?
@StuartJ 21 күн бұрын
Groq don't sell hardware except for R&D purposes/Governments. Their key advantage is they are fast and cheap at scale, because they built the entire stack themselves. They are partnering with datacenters around the world, and a huge threat to NVIDIA for inference only.
@ThomasTomiczek 21 күн бұрын
Not their advantage. I have run the numbers for multiple proejcts for clients and they ALWAYS came back significantly higher cost than alternaives. They are lower on power (for much lower performance if you batch) and MUCH larger floorspace - 2300MB memory on one card is not competitive with i.e. AMD 192GB per card, and for a large model - the math falls apart fast. YOu can get a server with 2 MI300X and run a large morgel - or spend a million inGROQ Hardware on racks full of servers. Where they shine are single non batching pure performance (for a cost) and - well - small time critical models. The later is under heavy attack by - well - modern processors, though those are not there yet totally, but for REALLY small models... Set it like this. I was quotes around 10k for a card with 2300 mB Memory - same price for an MI300X with 192. Now, if I need 100GB for a large model... also remember those cards need servers and it is what - 10 GROQ cards per server. Gets REALLY bad REALLY fast.
@StuartJ 21 күн бұрын
@@ThomasTomiczek well, they are making huge investments in data centres all around the world. So either your numbers are wrong, or their investors are chumps.
@andersjenbo7048 21 күн бұрын
It looks like you are including the animation into the time you think it takes for them to generate things. Mostly all of them get the full text almost instantly and then just plays the text animation in the browser afterwards. It's not like it generates the words as they appear on screen. You can just disable the animation or tweak it to run faster if you like. Gemini was the only one that appeared to take a noticeable time to generate the response.
@mxoxo222 22 күн бұрын
A random number called me asking if this was my name and I asked why they said business reasons they will explain after I verify.. so they asked again and I said yeah then they asked if **** was my last 4 Ssn digits and ofc I said no and they said sorry and hung up. It was my last 4 digits and now I'm freaking out on how they even got them or what they can do with that info??
@ThomasTomiczek 23 күн бұрын
Ah, GROQ is NOT a software company. They are a hardware company. They make chips for AI inference (and software to use them)... And it is not half as transformative as you think - it takes a LOT of money to run that AI; you could well - just no one does it yet - run speculative inference on a non-batch setup. GROQ really - spoken to multiple investors and outside of SMALL models, they make NO sense financially.
@StuartJ 21 күн бұрын
Wrong, Groq is a hosting company, they don't sell hardware except for R&D purposes/Governments. They build large compute clusters at scale, to get ultra fast, and cheap (at scale) inference.
@raoultesla2292 24 күн бұрын
Have any of you, AI Explained, Wes Roth, even Eliezer Yudkowsky considered GROK is 'training' off of Nolan Arbaugh? This is not Sc-Fi, we are fused as of last month. There is no AI harming us, or replacing us in "10"yrs. We have been replaced (past tense). Lookup the word exponential.