Bernardo Kastrup on Metacognition - #1
Out of Body Discussion Panel
@mills8102 17 сағат бұрын
I think the distinction between cognitive processes and this reductionism that Bernardo brings has to collapse eventually. It is not willful projection/antheopomorphization, it is something like natural law.
@clivejenkins4033 2 күн бұрын
No ego equals no meta conscious and no meta conscious equals no ego?
@clivejenkins4033 2 күн бұрын
So ego is meta conscious
@stevenlee9064 2 күн бұрын
This is the best Spira/Kastrup talk. As to why it took 200k years could it simply be that culture tool that long to develop to where it is now. Our first priority is survival before we can contemplate. What Bernardo said about the seemingly banal present is absolutely brilliant.
@gabar6541 2 күн бұрын
Have always stomach pain wenn western start talking about CONCIOUSNESS but they demonized and ignored SPRITUALITY and MYSTYSIM since childhood 😢😢 Forget about knowing TRUTH= CONCIOUSNESS 😅😅😅😅😅
@sabinagraf6041 2 күн бұрын
Wooow..... that's awful! Soooo precious to listen to such clear minds and follow and integrate it in oneself. thank you so much! very, very inspiring!
@viratb1 3 күн бұрын
How do you know that the cat is not metacognisant. It only can't express it in language. How do you know it is saying "I have pain" or "I am pain"
@GeoCoppens 3 күн бұрын
Linking consciousness and spirituality with quantum physics is total rubbish!!!
@monicar4317 4 күн бұрын
Bernardo, I was waiting for you to say “Surrender” in religious terms Not sure if you would agree but that’s what came to me, total surrender to the “wish of God” or as you put it to the allowing Nature to work through or in you(?)
@MarinTvarog 4 күн бұрын
What is this malarkey about one trying to know itself?! It doesnt try anything, one is like Rupert Spira says: INFINITE. If you are infinite, you already know everything, and there is no unfamiliar aspect of existance from one/god. There is no time in oneness, so from the point of view of the one, we are already all dead and are all contributing in real time, so to speak. One created all this to have fun, not to find out what the heck it is. Just think, if you can create this universe, is it possible not to know yourself?! Why would the INFINITE one need to create anything to know itself if it is indeed INFINITE?! It created this to have fun from our points of view, just like we have dreams to have fun and excitment at night. 🎉😅 One just doesnt intervene in our seemingly seperate lifes cause thats not love, that is control. This is why god/one is not stoping wars, cancers etc. It respects its own (our) privacy. Its the goddamn brahman that fell asleep and he's dreaming all of us living beings. Why do humans need to have this purpose? There is no purpose other than pure fun and joy that life brings us if we truly know ourselves. What would you do if you were a god like christians says an omnipotent, omnipresent, omnieverything?? You would dream up the situation we, "humans" are in. To scare ourselves, to have fun and then finnaly wake up. And we call that death. 😆 About love... that is what i also felt during my satori, infinity of love like Federico said, pure unimaginable Infinity of love from all the living beings in oneness that is just overwhelming. ❤ Beings in oneness just pour all the love they have on you and you cant handle it. 😅😂😂😂
@JeanFrancoisVezina 4 күн бұрын
Regarding Consciousness as a manifestation of the 4th dimensions (Scales) of gravity of the passages of the events « intime » (Chronos, Kairos, Consciousness ,Aion) we had a nice conversation with Bernard Carr here at the Pari Center about the portail between the 3th and the 4th dimensions and not « after » the 4th dimensions ….
@JeanFrancoisVezina 5 күн бұрын
Thanks ❤ The différence between The One that search to know itself and the self that want to be known is very clear here ❤
@wighatsuperreggie 5 күн бұрын
I can’t believe it took me 56 years to find this guy. Finally someone who can offer a way to stop trying to make sense of this nonsense. It resonates with me now, well after having figured it out. I wishi had heard this as a young man. Philosophy departments are like prisons. Simply be as though you are listening to music, especially if you insist on thinking.
@Boris_Chang 6 күн бұрын
Can you be metametacognizant: aware that you are aware that you have pain?
@4kassis 7 күн бұрын
"why is there something rather than nothing?" Because emptiness is boring!
@KassJuanebe 8 күн бұрын
Loved the section on causality. Loved this dialog. Loved watching Bernardo have to stop to collect his thoughts after a challenging question. Thanks to all for letting us listen. Why do I feel like I am having a mini kundalini arising after this video? Beeeyoooteeeful!
@angelotuteao6758 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining Markov blankets with such clarity Bernardo. Dissociated boundaries within a field of mentation makes perfect sense to me as a meditator. Just a small point, a recent lecture you used the term Karen - I know you meant no disrespect but it’s a pejorative used by transactivists to demean women who are fighting to retain single sex refuges, sports and prisons
@MeRetroGamer 8 күн бұрын
The living world is what truly exists.
@VenusLover17 8 күн бұрын
@testsignupagain7449 9 күн бұрын
I still like the idea of heaven personally! like u give a sht
@jenniferl8714 9 күн бұрын
Bernado, you are getting better and better at explaining these beautiful, calming descriptions of our universe. It removes all fear. Thank you so much.
@iddo016 9 күн бұрын
For an introductory guide to consciousness and reality see ‘Finding Consciousness Within - The Essence Of Being’ by I A Gill
@sirhinojo 9 күн бұрын
Jerry Marzinsky! Check out his work on demons in schizophrenics.
@robdrialo444 9 күн бұрын
I guess what’s the point
@allenlunde7908 9 күн бұрын
Because of a chronic medical condition, I have to go undergo general anesthesia about every six months. I have begun to ask the doctors to let me know when the medication begins so I can observe the effect. I’ve come to realize there is consciousness in that place. It is beyond space/time. It has no attributes. It is perfectly peaceful. We associate psychedelics with the idea of confronting our true nature. I realize that experience only opens us up to more content of experience. Yes, the experience of ego death is illuminating but it is still awareness of objects. I’ve come to see the experience of being under general anesthesia as a much closer analog to reality. Infinite consciousness undifferentiated by any experience, wrapped in a black velvet of probability.
@DavydWood 10 күн бұрын
I will listen to this many times and there are many take-a-ways too. Trust the Process I think is key and can be interpretted in many ways in life. Whether it is going through hard times - if you're going through hell keep going, one step in front of the other. Or, as an artist, as I am. Stop trying to be orginal and let the process (technique) be the ritual that is the pathway to finding your voice. Of course, finding your voice, like the spiritual way, well there are many ways to the top of the mountain.
@FigmentHF 10 күн бұрын
I kinda wish Bernardo had a long beard and long hair and lived in a cave up a mountain with incense and candles aha. He’d make a fantastic Elden Ring NPC. I’d actually love Bernardo to give his interpretation of Elden Ring lore, it’s very much inspired by alchemical thinking, animism, idealism, “will”, the “greater will” etc
@VenusLover17 10 күн бұрын
@iddo016 10 күн бұрын
For an introductory guide to consciousness and reality with deep profound insights see ‘Finding Consciousness Within - The Essence Of Being’ by I A Gill
@iddo016 10 күн бұрын
For an introductory guide to consciousness and reality see ‘Finding Consciousness Within - The Essence Of Being’ by I A Gill
@Kers-o9k 11 күн бұрын
This guy is genius!!
@TheMikesylv 11 күн бұрын
Driving home after work and not remembering any of it. You know you did it but can recall a single thing about it . I guess this is the difference between the two consciousness
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 11 күн бұрын
Bernard's model is not an analytical idealism but analytical realism from my perspective. This revolutionary theory will change the world today or tomorrow.
@PuBearsticks 11 күн бұрын
Please explain. As a consciousness as fundamental theory it seems firmly planted in the realm of idealism
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 11 күн бұрын
I am an ordinary person, but I understand almost everything that Bernardo says! He has the magical ability to explain any super complex subject into very simple terms. What a genius person! All the best wishes for this extraordinary man
@ashcam1791 11 күн бұрын
I absolutely agree! He is amazing. It's unfortunate the interviewer was unable to grasp some of the concepts Bernardo was trying to convey, and thought it was because of his lack of knowing higher math or not being an academic. Not necessary at all. I wish Bernardo didn't stop with that line of thought... so interesting (around the @40:00 min mark)! A friend of mine who also has magical way of taking abstract/complex concepts and making them graspable shared this example with me, which I think is applicable to what Bernardo is describing... "A bird does not fly because it has wings. A bird has wings because it flies" Sidenote: I have always wanted to see a conversation between Bernardo and that friend... both are incredible minds. If anyone knows how to get in contact with Bernardo to put in such a request, please let me know. It is only because of this friend that I am aware of Bernardo in the first place, and have no problem following his conversations.
@adventuresinawareness 10 күн бұрын
@@ashcam1791 Hello! We hold these live conversations with Bernardo twice a year, and the next one will be in November - exact dates to be confirmed. You and your friend could join and ask questions to Bernardo directly - you can join the mailing list at to be notified when registration is open 🙏🙏
@ashcam1791 10 күн бұрын
@@adventuresinawareness Wow thank you so much for the reply and suggestion! I will absolutely add my name and keep an eye out for dates. I'm sure its a lot of work to do these interviews, thank you so much for providing them. I'm new to your channel and have only just started going through the videos. Love the topics! I hope you all the best!!! Thank you again!
@musiqtee 8 күн бұрын
I certainly agree! I also hold that “complex topics” can be an illusion upheld by some - think of how “economics” or “politics” can be hyper-reduced towards something ordinary peeps “can’t understand”…? Knowledge is one aspect that can hold asymmetry (“I know something you don’t” clickbait etc.) - intuition, creativity, relations or being cannot. Life is not a spreadsheet, so maybe we shouldn’t let ourselves ‘believe’ it must be…? 😅
@VanEazy 4 күн бұрын
Well said!! 🎉
@user-ru5xz3lz9c 11 күн бұрын
Egg 🥚 is a good example rather than domino.
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 12 күн бұрын
I'm not an academic in this field but, I spent spent several hundred hours reading the essential papers, books, and youtube presentations by Bernardo and the others. It seems to me that they're essential linkages probably go on past death, thoughts and emotions are linked by meaning. The acquisition of Mimi to me seems to be that point with mind. Could be modeled as a superposition. Perfect understanding with interiority non-clonable. Does Bernardo think meaning a crucial link at the heart 37:35 of construction of mind?
@MichaelJones-ek3vx 12 күн бұрын
It's believed in the collective unconscious and synchronicity and keeping more complex. 32:14
@maciekardanowski5327 12 күн бұрын
"... Let's pretend that it's a detail... " :D
@seacaster 12 күн бұрын
Where ever 2 or more are gathered in my name I am there among them. Group IIT?
@JodieJenkins114 12 күн бұрын
would it be possible in any neurological testing to actually detect all this and measure the activity of whats doing what in the brain.. id absolutley love to gain some clarity so i can learn about myself and understand myself and accept myself .. i want a real time experience just in my body and through just my physical eyes. i dont wanna watch me live my life i wanna experience fully the 'living' bit.
@JodieJenkins114 12 күн бұрын
loved this thankyou, in my experience, ever since i was a little girl iv had this metacognition, i always watched the other kids and wondered how they could be so engulfed in their play that they were completley unaware of anything else going on around them. i have always felt like iv missed out on my moments because the metacognition has taken more dominance in my moment of experience that im not actually experiencing it im being directed by awareness of metacognition but in my actual lived moment so how can i be doing both at thesame time.. i experience my moment as subject but its directed from meta alongside which splits me as an of the experience and being the experience.. theres something also at the same time thats aware of these two seperate experiences or perceptions so i feel quite intruded by whats outside of me in my experience. i want to just experience and exist in my moment like the other kids used to do.. im sharing my experience with my meta so i struggle to get engulfed in my existence in that moment.. its alwats there simultaneously, as its happening im living through the illusion in my mind of my reality as im in it. i dont understand why its something that i feel is blocking my actual experience of having fun in real life there and then. how do i stop that part of the meta from intruding my real time existence in my moment. i just want to be. its exhausing me and when you know its a fun moment, its taking away the full feeling of being in reality. i know how i feel as i feel it, i know what im thinking as i think, i see myself knowing how i feel while im feeling.. could go on and on.. im trying to figure out how to get rid of it so i can just be engilfed in my reality and feel it in real without watching me feeling and knowing im watching the experience of feeling when im feeling i dont want to be a spectator aswell i just want to be subject. its constant since a child.. its like having a god energy watching all the time which is yourself but not in body .. makes having privacy an issue cuz its never just me and my ego in real time.. like i feel it should be.. so much clarity from this thankyou.. iv been reading about cognitive polyphasia it has relations its what led me here xx
@zantecarroll4448 12 күн бұрын
is the number five 'many'? is that what he said ?? referring to free will as an incoherent concept
@imaginaryuniverse632 13 күн бұрын
Y pluribus unum. From one cause many effects. 🔯⚛️
@paleoghost 13 күн бұрын
Brilliant as always. Question: what is the argument surrounding metacognition, loss of metacognition, and then reacquisition through memory reflection? For example, if a person who is metacognitive of something like an alien abduction, they then lose time and forget, and later are able to recall memories through hypnotic regression? Once metacognition is achieved, can it be lost? Can you comment on this Bernardo?
@cheri238 13 күн бұрын
Amazing 👏
@paulkeogh9604 13 күн бұрын
So easy to miss but oh so profound; ~55min: Bernardo says, “Information is a way to characterise the discernible dynamics of qualitative states.”
@The.Watcher.2024 13 күн бұрын
@@paulkeogh9604 what's profound about that?
@FigmentHF 10 күн бұрын
@@The.Watcher.2024profundity is often in the mind of beholder, it could just be that this description helped the person to more concretely conceptualise information
@plafar7887 9 күн бұрын
@@The.Watcher.2024 Nothing
@dazlemwithlovelight 13 күн бұрын
Congratulations to Fidias on his election win and thank you for sharing. Cheers.
@zak2659 13 күн бұрын
I love Kastrup's love for Euler's equation haha. As a mathematics major, it is beautiful indeed.