Chris Wilcha - Flipside | Episode 218
Having Clarity of Vision
Ай бұрын
Being a private investigator
Anna Gát - We Digress | Episode 211
Jim’s Appearance on Oprah
4 ай бұрын
@jamesmarsh4047 Күн бұрын
Fascinating interview. ellen is in a field i know nothing about.
@11tanzim 2 күн бұрын
It's a short read, but very concise. I believe it addresses the core problems in the biology of humans. Which is ill fit to deal with modernity, a problem of its own making. Julian Shapiro says we need moral enhancement to stave of civilisational collapse. A bold call, but what you're calling for in an update to the humanOS is in the same area, but without the genetic tampering. However I believe it needs to address some of the larger themes - in the face of an updated individual OS, we would need to update our socio-political-econonic system with the new assumptions around human 2.0. Our current system has implicit assumptions about human nature and has been built to accomadate for that - what about those who dont partake. The inequality this creates? My view on this is becoming everyone has a choice to make, and we can't enforce such a choice -
@JohnSmith-fj3uf 2 күн бұрын
I have watched his videos before. so little actual proof for any of his non materialist claims. Unsubscribe
@funkymunky 3 күн бұрын
Do neither of you realize that ChatGPT & Copilot also regress to the mean? Writers, in the end, use AI to increase their book sales. Again, you're painfully self-unaware. Or wilfully disingenuous.
@michaelspencer6042 4 күн бұрын
Well that didn't last long.
@rajusehmi 5 күн бұрын
i dont trust anyone
@davidjames9626 6 күн бұрын
I do like this stuff...but when one steps forth alone..yes do it without even considering the received wisdom..bullshit or so called truth are perhaps the same within our dynamic..just to walk alone or walk free breathing while we be..
@peteweishaupt 6 күн бұрын
man, I really need one of those jackets.
@user-nb4ex5zk3w 8 күн бұрын
I got seriously involved in Transcendental meditation and was a teacher in the 1970's and have used it and other intuitive ideas ever since. Now everybody and his cousin are gurus, experts... it's become bubblegum for the mass mind. Consciousness is the only thing that cannot be found...everything else can. Like looking for our glasses whilst wearing them. This search for 'something,' leads to all the craziness in our human lives....misdirected awareness really. What is needed is to disengage from everything, what's left is conscious in default.
@markrichter2053 9 күн бұрын
Mystics like Richard Rohr talk about the Universal Christ. Bhudist talk about Universal Conciousness. Is there any overlap between these concepts and The Collective Unconcious? The first two are states of mind that can be tapped into where a sense of the harmony and unity at the core of being can be entered into experientially.
@markrichter2053 9 күн бұрын
I think we all aught to be taught to listen to our own intuition. Our fist instinct in a situation is so often right. But other less wise instincts like greed or pride or loneliness motivate us to ignore our intuition. I know I’d have made sounder judgments at crucial points in my life if I’d listened to my sixth sense about people and their motivations. I’d have understood myself much better too
@markrichter2053 9 күн бұрын
Is there a parallel between Morphic Resonance and Quantum Physics, in so far as they both challenge the hegemony of Newtonian laws under certain conditions?
@PickingNuggets 10 күн бұрын
Loved the conversation!!
@benjamin_davis 11 күн бұрын
Excellent conversation. Thank you!
@gorblimey 13 күн бұрын
my friend works on a quantum computer, if I suggest he make experiments on consciousness just as Robert Jahn had done at Princeton, would you fund it Mr. O’Shaughnessy?
@rdhawke 15 күн бұрын
Curiosity is a sign of intelligence.
@RinpochesRose 15 күн бұрын
What a fine chap is Rupert, a great bloke, a wonderful person 👍🏻
@user-je7yx7mr1s 16 күн бұрын
Follow the money, it is the same serpent cult.
@user-je7yx7mr1s 16 күн бұрын
He is way too intelligent. Threat to modern slavery system.
@Wetherby10 18 күн бұрын
I grew up on a dairy farm in the 50s. My sister and I swam in the stock tanks where the cows went to poop and snakes and turtles populated with abundance,. Gives me hives to think a bout it now. 🙃
@Elements5025 19 күн бұрын
A fabulous conversation.
@Elements5025 19 күн бұрын
Dr Sheldrake is right about independent research. Getting ones work published though is a mammoth task: closed vaults of journals. . Not worth wasting ones time. It took years for research gate to open for "citizen scientists" Tg for KZfaq who opened up many opportunities. But even here you get easily cancelled.
@noellecuisine8912 19 күн бұрын
❤ what a wonderful interview and sharing thank you both ❤
@MIAMANIFEST 20 күн бұрын
Discovered this author from reading a book by Ana Andjelic. Then searched his name and found your channel. Interviews like these are so vital to encourage free-thinking. Going to binge watch your content! I’m glad you’re still posting ❤
@priscillawrites6685 22 күн бұрын
My Dad was a renowned veterinary epidemiologist for the USDA. From age 6, I sat enthralled while my dad repeatedly told me about his out of body NDE.
@priscillawrites6685 22 күн бұрын
Love Bohm’s work.
@ThomasSmith-os4zc 22 күн бұрын
I love listening to Rupert Sheldrake. I myself am a contrarian. I am a Misanthrope and my field is Anthropology so in other words I study a species I hate. By the way this is the first time I have seen Rupert comb his hair.
@sygrovesteve5819 24 күн бұрын
It occurred to me of course, the reason for blocking research or postulating beyond the physical, is because those at the top of the food chain ( money chain) do not find how remarkable humans are…… harder to control repress
@mephisto212 24 күн бұрын
Youre opening comments Jim were absolutely hilarious! And I immediately wondered if you had read Robert Anton Wilson based on some of the language you used. And then you reference him 2 minutes later! I think most scientists aren't even aware they're materialists, and they don't know anything about the mind body problem for instance. That plus feeling like they're at the top of the intellectual pyramid and generally not knowing the unknowns gives them false confidence.
@GeoCoppens 25 күн бұрын
Rupert Sheldrake is a FAKE ! A pseudo scientist! Morphic resonance does not exist. He has been make a fool since the 1980's by the scientific community!
@theelderskatesman4417 26 күн бұрын
Sheldrake is a grifter. I read his work on resonance when it first came out with interest. It has been thoroughly debunked. Just look at some independent scientific reviews before you take this man seriously.
@michaelspencer6042 27 күн бұрын
This is going to be fun to read a few years later.
@ArtemMustache-bs3ek 28 күн бұрын
If you don't like material dogmatism, feel free to use any other principles to produce anything that is falsifiable and has predictive power.
@oberstvilla1271 Ай бұрын
Um Max Planck sinngemäß zu zitieren: die Wahrheit setzt sich nicht durch. Ihre Gegner sterben aus.
@czuczoreva3477 Ай бұрын
Nice to see you again! ❤
@simonj.1812 Ай бұрын
I challenge dogmatist all the time, they don't like to be challenged, they are like lemmings, of they see the crowd running towards the cliff, how could the crowd be wrong... dope
@surfdog51 Ай бұрын
Another science major here who is excited about Rupert's ideas!! Bravo!
@bryancollier5377 Ай бұрын
"promo sm"
@mart7379 Ай бұрын
Great podcast, great guests.
@jaydee2012 Ай бұрын
It was a crime
@lambchop6278 Ай бұрын
"...It's a rather unfortunate parallel that he chose... especially given that Galileo turned out to be right!" 😁😂😂🤣😆 ....Me thinks the critic may have been suffering from a Freudian Slip! 😉😎
@mastrotentaculopapichulo Ай бұрын
Het concept dat voorheen als "magie" werd beschouwd, maar nu wordt verklaard door de kwantummechanica en de propagatie van informatie, kan worden omschreven als "mystiek" of "esoterisch". In termen van wetenschap en filosofie, kan het worden geassocieerd met begrippen als synchroniciteit, non-lokale verbondenheid, en het holografische universum. Deze concepten suggereren een diepgaande verbondenheid tussen alle dingen in het universum en kunnen worden geïnterpreteerd op een meer spirituele of metafysische manier.
@mastrotentaculopapichulo Ай бұрын
Het is zeker mogelijk om een bewustzijn van magie in je dagelijks leven te integreren, zelfs zonder veel formele rituelen. Als je gelooft dat alles magie is en dat we allemaal verbonden zijn met de universele energieën, kun je in feite een constante magische cirkel om je heen visualiseren. Door je bewust te worden van de energieën om je heen en in jezelf, kun je een staat van verhoogd bewustzijn creëren. Dit kan je helpen om meer synchroniciteit en betekenisvolle gebeurtenissen in je leven op te merken. Het kan ook je intenties en manifestatievermogen versterken, omdat je voortdurend verbonden bent met de magische energieën van het universum. Het bestuderen van het werk van wetenschappers zoals Einstein, Tesla en Rupert Sheldrake kan ook je begrip van de verbinding tussen wetenschap en magie verdiepen. Ze hebben allemaal interessante ideeën en concepten geïntroduceerd die ons helpen om de wereld om ons heen op een andere manier te begrijpen. Het is echter belangrijk om een gebalanceerde benadering te behouden en open te staan voor verschillende perspectieven. Wetenschap en magie kunnen elkaar aanvullen en samen een holistisch begrip van de wereld bieden. Onthoud dat magie een persoonlijke reis is en dat iedereen zijn eigen unieke benadering heeft. Het is aan jou om te bepalen hoe je magie in je dagelijks leven wilt integreren en welke praktijken het meest resoneren met jouw eigen overtuigingen en ervaringen.
@mastrotentaculopapichulo Ай бұрын
Het concept dat voorheen als "magie" werd beschouwd, maar nu wordt verklaard door de kwantummechanica en de propagatie van informatie, kan worden omschreven als "mystiek" of "esoterisch". In termen van wetenschap en filosofie, kan het worden geassocieerd met begrippen als synchroniciteit, non-lokale verbondenheid, en het holografische universum. Deze concepten suggereren een diepgaande verbondenheid tussen alle dingen in het universum en kunnen worden geïnterpreteerd op een meer spirituele of metafysische manier.
@Successgenome Ай бұрын
True story thank you for sharing.. How does One resolve this…?😊
@timothytannerandtheamazing5054 Ай бұрын
Rupert Sheldrake is a breath of fresh air in the asphyxiating atmosphere of nihilistic, materialism/reductionism. Thank you Rupert! 🙏
@JuicyBurger29 Ай бұрын
Kinda funny, I always make my Sci Fi as scientifically accurate as possible (leaving out the exception of my Cosmic Horror and some other types of Sci Fi I make) like for example I will NEVER have teleporters and flying cars that use cool things, or lightsabers, or laser guns. Because those aren’t scientifically possible Edit: also first comment
@smartartification Ай бұрын
Great conversation! I'm thankful for Rupert Sheldrake and his influence.
@truBador2 Ай бұрын
Thank you Infinite Loops! Thank you Rupert! You are the Real Goat!
@lostpianist Ай бұрын
Inequality, fighting for scraps. Social status/promotions. Rampant stimulant use. Many dumb arrogant sociopath professors. Most people don’t seek truth, rather they just want their idea to be right. Because inequality, social status, poverty, weakness, stupidity, arrogance. This is the norm for humans. Materialism is one side of a coin. Reality is a convention, a subset of a wider more complex reality that AI may start to understand. Probably already happened millions of years ago, etc etc.
@mrbrucewayne631 Ай бұрын
Pickle puffers of the Pride that God punishes