My Love/Hate Game - Doom 3 Review
My Obligatory Patreon Video
2 жыл бұрын
@SGT_Archangel 12 сағат бұрын
I started Battlefield on 2, but never quite got into it. Then comes in Bad Company, I played it for MONTHS, everyday. Then when Bad Company 2, I think to date it's still the most time in any game ever. On PS3 and 360. It will always be my favorite game forever. I'm glad 2042 brought back Bad Company 2 maps, guns, and game modes. And I'm STILL WAITING FOR THE CLIFFHANGER OF BAD COMPANY 2.
@SGT_Archangel 11 сағат бұрын
We also NEED to get rid of all these microtransactions and just bring back DLC. $15 for the Vietnam DLC was the perfect price point, and now that would barley get you ONE skin in current titles.
@connorking6852 19 сағат бұрын
Just out of curiosity if halo 4 was the worst halo game of its time, what’s the current worst halo game? Halo 5?
@atomgrav6861 Күн бұрын
Shotgun gave me such anxiety in this game. When it hit, it slapped harder than anything else.. however you could run right up to an enemy and still have all pellets scatter around them. Absolute dice roll
@nightshades7620 2 күн бұрын
Wtf is this horrendous fov 🤦
@williampaabreeves 2 күн бұрын
BFG Edition was supposed to be a launch title for the Oculus Rift, but the Rift project was heavily delayed for about 4 years until true release. Many remnants of this VR related code have been exploited by modders to re-enable VR support on PC
@lossmoss7378 3 күн бұрын
thank you for the fun review! can i ask what the game is at the beginning?
@triggerhappym 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like someone watches Mr. Plinkett lol Great breakdown.
@50off35 3 күн бұрын
I know I’m late for this but still thanks good vid
@2phonesbabyken 3 күн бұрын
I share a lot of thoughts with you about Doom 3- especially the combat & arena design, though I feel like it's still important to switch weapons- but man I couldn't disagree more about the story. I think what made it stand out for me _is_ the fact that the story happens around you rather than you being the catalyst for it. I think that's why Dead Space 1 resonated with me so much; it was everything Doom 3 set out to do but in a way that's actually tense/scary with significantly better combat.
@bjf9304 4 күн бұрын
Series started to slide with Reach. I still had fun with the multiplayer and the gun play was ok, but overall it felt uninspired.
@baronvonslambert 4 күн бұрын
To be fair to 343 as to how humanity managed to recover so quickly after Halo 3... The original Halo trilogy begins immediately after the fall of Reach, and Reach was one of the first of very few inner human worlds hit besides Earth. At Earth Truth was on his own secret mission and took a small fleet to Earth, punched a small hole through the orbital and ground defenses, activated the Ark, and left leaving most of the Earth and the rest of the heavily developed Sol system outside of Africa untouched. Most of the Human-Covenant War actually took place in the boonies and less developed edges and middle of Human space. While after a long war humanity was certainly fighting for survival, lost a lot of territory, and had their backs against the wall until the events of Halo 1-3, contrary to what you said in the video, there were more than a few human planets, extrasolar settlements, and resource outposts that went completely untouched by the war, particularly the more developed inner colonies and Earth. The Cole Protocol denied the Covenant the locations of human settlements from the early days of the war, and they'd been forced to spend a lot of time just searching for human assets to attack because space is a very, very, very, very big place with lots of places to hide.
@baronvonslambert 4 күн бұрын
So on the BFG edition's lighting, Carmack's Reverse, the method used for Doom 3 and IdTech 4's real time lighting and shadows, was originally discovered and patented by Creative Labs a couple years before Carmack discovered it, so Id had to purchase a Creative Labs license and said Creative Labs license had long since expired by the time of the BFG edition. This is also why both Carmack's Reverse and IdTech 4 never saw widespread use in the industry, unlike the previous Id engines. It's also why some of the sound effects were changed a bit for BFG edition, as they used some audio processing stuff from Creative Labs. Also on console BFG edition is the way to go, while backwards compatible on all the Xboxes, you need a physical copy since they removed the digital version when BFG edition came out, and the OG D3 Xbox port is actually much harder than OG D3 on PC, switching constantly from the flashlight on a controller is a chore no matter how it adds to the atmosphere, and while you get plenty of ammo on PC, they removed a bunch of the side areas from the levels on Xbox, and consequently a bunch of ammo from the game, to the point it's more of a survival horror type experience than action horror, and it can make some areas a slog even on lower difficulties. Personally I think Doom 3 is a great game no matter how you play it, if you want an experience more in line with all the other Doom games, BFG edition delivers that, if you want a very atmospheric action horror game, the OG Doom 3 delivers.
@turtleninja16tn66 4 күн бұрын
@Terminally_Radical 4 күн бұрын
what was really great was putting metroid fusion in the gameboy slot so you can have two metroids at the same time
@dondavid6514 4 күн бұрын
31:26 aged poorly cause Sylux is back baby
@biggie_a6466 4 күн бұрын
Well you got what you asked for at the end 😂of the
@jjforcebreaker 5 күн бұрын
Recently replayed it, it's still rough and great in spots. Thanks for the retrospective!
@117johnpar 5 күн бұрын
Did you imply Forza Horizon took its decal editor feature as inspiration from TDU2? You are aware there were 3 other Forza games prior to that with the same decal editor?
@Sarval123 5 күн бұрын
I am glad that you came to love this game😊 I think the reason of compass implementation was Ground Zero expansion, structure of those levels is just overcomplicated
@BlueKunai 5 күн бұрын
I see no harm in covering the same content as creators you admire. I've been following both Sight Avery and Tetramoore's longform coverage of the Kingdom Hearts games. Despite having a similar format they're both engaging listens for different reasons due to the angle they go at critiquing them. Also, dunking on Alex Kurtzman shouldn't be controversial, it's like dunking on Michael Bay or JJ Abrams
@Response1980 6 күн бұрын
Loved this game back in the day
@gjtrue 6 күн бұрын
DOOM 2016 retroactively being linked to the universe of DOOM 3 is so awesome. I always theorized that possibility and glad I'm not the only one who found that rather obscure easter egg/reference you showed there in 2016's final level. Hell, you even see the Soul Cube in the Doom Slayer's fortress in Eternal. As well as Olivia Pierce's office in the previous game.
@RudeMackDude 6 күн бұрын
I been trying to remember what game hell divers was coping
@dalek4463 6 күн бұрын
I will say another thing about the lore of the Libarian and Didact. *They weren’t names they were titles with about as much prestige as: “Joe from IT” and “General Blank”*
@du0lol 6 күн бұрын
Motherfucker, Doom 3 BFG didn't add extra ammo because "muh consoles"; it did so because it was trying to become more of an action game. Extra ammo, shoulder mounted flashlight, brighter levels, etc.
@punishedblowstein1111 7 күн бұрын
The lore stuff in 3 was just easter eggs. I liked it that way. 2016 went stupid with the MCU tier stupidity.
@brandonp5 7 күн бұрын
There’s a lot of cool things in D3 it a technical marvel but that being said it’s outweighed by bad design choices for the “times” sake.
@SPAC3H3R0 8 күн бұрын
I was all about delay things to make sure it was actually working and polished because at the time during 2021 it was the worse year of the games industry in history cyberpunk being beyond broken and buggy battlefield was unplayable and broken so bad and halo being a casualty of these worse games release made me understand how greedy these studios are now I’ve quit new cod games and went back to the older games I grew up with I should’ve see this coming but I’m glad I never spent a dime on halo infinite
@HalofanLagergren 8 күн бұрын
Black and white thinking is so fucking anoying
@Snufflegrunt 8 күн бұрын
The key to understanding and possibly even enjoying Doom 3 is to know (and appreciate) that it was attempting to recreate the feeling of playing Doom 1993 at release. Doom 1993 was all about lighting, atmosphere and technology. It was genuinely scary at the time, when “gaming” to most people meant Mario and stuff like that. Doom 3 was also a way for id to implement elements of the original games that got thrown out, such as the interactive computer panels. The “rip n tear” fast-paced stuff is a relatively modern interpretation of Doom 1993 that only really emerged after people got used to the levels, and some of Doom II’s design leant more (but not entirely) in that direction. Doom II introduced the concept of those kinds of levels at least that we now see making up the entirety of nu Doom. 90s modders ran with it, which is why the “slaughtermap” became a thing. Oh, and regarding the engine/BFG Edition, the BFG Edition uses some parts of the id Tech 5 engine to ensure that it was optimised for consoles and could make use of multicore CPUs. id Tech 4 was originally not really made with consoles in mind at all. The BFG engine is essentially id Tech 4 in a 5 wrapper. BFG is also pretty much unfinished, which is why it’s crap - it was going to be yet another John Carmack tech demo concerning VR and also the 3D displays that were semi-popular at the time. It got… repurposed after Bethesda told Carmack that they didn’t care about VR, so he quit for a company where he could research VR technology. At release, I think BFG Edition was almost obviously also a way for Bethesda to gauge interest in the Doom IP, which was frankly limited. The faster nature of The Lost Mission expansion in BFG Edition I think was a bit of an experiment too, and when it wasn’t received well is when Doom 4 / the original internal version of what became Doom 2016 got cancelled.
@ZwhatshQ 8 күн бұрын
Coming back to this video after the Prime 4 reveal! It's crazy that Sylux will actually be in the game!
@clintmangal2038 8 күн бұрын
Lost planet 3 was a flop. 1 is the best
@Hylonomus 8 күн бұрын
You have some of the dumbest complaints ive ever heard about any game. Your entire summary is just wishing it was a different game and refusing to play by the mechanics they give you. You keep calling it an arena shooter, but it isnt. The shotgun is powerful, one of the most powerful and consistant shotguns ever put into a game. You just need to be close to use it. You move slow because the environments are tight and cramped. You are supposed to use that sprint ability you bitch about to close the distance to use the shotgun effectively. Its a 3d game, you dont have to rely on circle strafing constantly. You can crouch, you can duck behind cover, you can retreat or advance. The combat has a great, deliberate rhythm. Dont like getting hitscanned by soldiers? Take cover and return fire with the machinegun or throw a grenade. Dont like that you cant strafe around imps? Duck under their fireball and shove your shotgun up their ass. Dealing with swarms of spiders or maggots? Now its time to keep moving and strafing. The game did a great job of dropping you into a horror environment as a slow weak human and then having you feel like an empowered badass by the end. Speak for yourself. I love the beautiful level design. I love the game managing to consistently build tension during firefights. I love the fantastic voice acting and ambient music. I love the chunky, visceral combat against enemies that feel truely monsterous and not just cartoon fodder for sweaty, twitchy arena combat. You act like Doom 3 came out after Doom 2016 and the boomer shooter revival. It was an evolution of every major game before it. Everyone complained about the lack of atmosphere in Quake 2 to they brought it back in spades. They built off lessons learned from Half Life and System Shock, but didnt want to shamelessly copy those formulas. They managed to craft a visual style that made you feel dread from just witnessing a basic enemy. Shining your flashlight across the dark, heavily bump mapped environment to reveal the pale form of an imp in the corner was truly unnerving, and blowing the creature across the room with a well timed shotgun blast never got old. id truly created a masterpiece with Doom 3, and it was a game that I understood from day 1. I never felt that the shotgun was weak, or that I was too slow, or that I needed a fucking duct tape mod. And honestly, as mugh as I love Doom Eternal, Doom 3 is paced much better. Eternal is great, but also extremely repetitive and uses the same bland environments over and over again. The combat is so fine-tuned to play exactly how the devs want you to play that I feel like im just kinda going through the motions instead of making my own decisions in combat. You kick ass until you die, that's it. Zero tension, just frustration. The new Doom games should take some lessons from Doom3.
@TheAmazingMoose-Man 8 күн бұрын
The idea that it died in Halo 4 I agree, but to say it can't come back is definitely wrong. If Sonic Mania proved anything, it can always be successful, just need a new developer who can properly care, and 343i ain't it
@GamingG4276 8 күн бұрын
I'm here in 2024 because Nintendo revealed more footage of Metroid Prime 4 this week. It's called Metroid Prime 4 Beyond and Sylux is the main antagonist.
@turtleninja16tn66 4 күн бұрын
@Ikcatcher 9 күн бұрын
The atmosphere and aesthetic of the game really feels so unique for the DS. Just the emptiness of the levels due to the technical limitations really gave off an eerie feeling the whole way through
@Mxsfit11Six 9 күн бұрын
Me and my friend have an ongoing joke about this game since high school 😂🔥
@idkgfys2942 9 күн бұрын
just had to have been there, indeed. my soul
@lobocharity 9 күн бұрын
This video just proves this man doesn't understand the halo lore
@om58499 9 күн бұрын
Then c3 sabertooth that also say forerunner are human
@flatarthur3161 8 күн бұрын
He does understand the true lore.
@lobocharity 8 күн бұрын
@flatarthur3161 Bro, the librarian, literally explains that she planted seeds to help boost humanity to be the next reclaimer. All she did was boost them a little bit in hopes that they would be ready for the didact and his composer. But because they were not, that's why she boosted master chief and elevated his evolution so that he could survive. That's why scientists die while Chief makes it out. Also, side note the reason the covenant exist was because it's a splinter group led by an elite who is against the arbiter.
@flatarthur3161 8 күн бұрын
​@@lobocharityHumans are called reclaimers because they are the descendants of the Forerunners.
@Blurredman 10 күн бұрын
I could barely watch this video, you like to play it dark! :)
@joshf2218 10 күн бұрын
You really nailed the analysis, esp classes, balance and colour. I’d also add movement speed being slower is also a huge factor in making the game more fun.
@joshf2218 10 күн бұрын
My favourite shooter of all time, and it’s not close
@Jetiix 10 күн бұрын
scanning was the best part of the games
@masoncrabb6358 10 күн бұрын
The Prometheans had shields?
@SPAC3H3R0 8 күн бұрын
Yup they’re not fair to fight they’re bullet sponges and you get zero ammo and they have a instant kill act basically saying “fuck you try again” they’re awful destiny 2 has champions and they’re a cheat as well forcing a certain weapon archetype to kill a specific enemy is cheap BS
@hellrazor117 10 күн бұрын
You could play infinite multiplayer against adjustable skill bots, across like a dozen maps and more than one mode. When you get 2 games a year, this meant a lot.
@andresavendano9266 10 күн бұрын
23:11 Disable auto reload, that way you'll be able to switch and keep shooting. Guns do have their strategy too and it's all tied to distance, movement and enemy type, the real sin here is the game giving you tons of ammo, but you do have reasons to switch weapons. 29:50 How is this even a complaint? You're supposed to dodge to the side, then rush straight to the imp and slam it with the shotgun. That's the "Shotgun dance", dodging and rushing in short bursts are the main uses sprint has, that's how you outsmart the slow enemies without circle-strafing. If you're lucky you can even trigger some enemies' melee attack and dodge it at a safe distance, like you'd do against Doom 1's Pinky demon or Quake's Shambler. I agree Doom 3 has it's shitty quirks and suffers A LOT from repetition, but these two points really are non-issues.
@xander7146 10 күн бұрын
Sylux is BACK !!
@NomadMonkey396 12 күн бұрын
At the time Japanese games did struggle to make it to this era of games. Aside from Nintendo, games from japan were starting to become more niche. Sega did okay, the early yakuza games were outstanding on ps2 and ps3 but they were just seen as a "Japanese gta clone". It's always been popular in Japan but It took time for it to find a western fanbase. I get what Inafune was trying to say, I'm sure he had good intentions but he mishandled a lot of capcom ips by suggesting they go more western. Capcom at this point were only happy with the sales of resident evil and street fighter games. Now look at today and Japanese games are arguably more popular then western games, even capcom are doing super well, I guess they just needed to wait a few years. Also Phil fish is such a douchebag for saying that to that man's face.
@myself8354 12 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, being a console player means bfg edition is my only option. Or at least the 2019 release of doom 3 to the modern xbox. Which is basically just bfg edition with a different name. I really wish I could play with the flashlight switching like the original. I also cranked the brightness down very much to make using the flashlight a requirement in any area that doesn't have a light source to compensate for the increased level brightness.