REACTION-- Roy Orbison's "Crying"
Studying Shakespeare W/Ann & Kirk
Is "High Noon" Toxically Masculine?
Legacy of "Band of Brothers"
@godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor Күн бұрын
If you take Shelter From The Storm, she rescued him. Here, she has sent him back out into the rain.
@MattMichaelVO 2 күн бұрын
The Rock and Roll Circus was something The Rolling Stones put together and invited a lot of the big bands at the time. At the end you see Brian Jones whistling. Brian was one of the original Rolling Stones who, unfortunately, died from an OD and drowned in a pool, probably shortly after this was made.
@godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor 2 күн бұрын
Listen to the studio version. This was a live, looser version on the road..
@godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor 2 күн бұрын
Bob is the original proponent of MLM. That's Multi Layered Messaging...
@godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor 2 күн бұрын
Do you know that you say "literature" just like Bob? Are you from the same neck of the woods as him?
@godot-whatyouvebeenwaitingfor 3 күн бұрын
No it's Bob, end of.
@rmlucas 8 күн бұрын
Also, belly-laced?
@rmlucas 8 күн бұрын
Did he just completely miss that at the most basic level, the narrator is walking in the woods and came upon some ruins?
@kurtb8474 9 күн бұрын
The ''windmill'' was Pete's thing. But he did say that he would often rip off his thumbnail doing it.
@nickkraw1 11 күн бұрын
Ah so you left the single most rational and intellectual system of thought without learning almost any real philosophy to become an edge lord. Great.
@TroubadourChannel 11 күн бұрын
I hope you have the sense to know what you just said was opinion not an argument.
@brendacowling4219 11 күн бұрын
I have vivid memories of my 21st Birthday party listening in to a very drunk good friend explaining to my dad (in confidence, thinking that nobody else could hear) that he had fallen in love with a prostitute in Marseille whilst travelling on a student trip around Europe and she would be the love of his life for ever and a day. Guess it happens
@brendacowling4219 11 күн бұрын
This isn't just about a break up between girl and boy -- it's a nasty divorce involving 5 children. An emotionally crippling event for anyone.
@SuperSaiyanScandinavian 12 күн бұрын
Nothing "in-depth" about this when you're just stating your baseless opinions. You've unintentionally displayed your utter lack of understanding of what a cult is, and how it differs from religion, and it's extremely apparent that you have a very minute grasp of true Catholicism, and you spout of nonsense you've heard else where from others who also don't have a clue what they're even talking about.
@TroubadourChannel 11 күн бұрын
Or, I hit a nerve with you. I am happy when people think for themselves, especially when it is ideas that I am espousing.
@SuperSaiyanScandinavian 11 күн бұрын
​@@TroubadourChannel sure you hit a nerve with being a disrespectful a-hole, but this was far from deep, and you said many incorrect things about the faith. Even if you don't believe it, you still said things that aren't even true to Catholics, and confused terminology numerous times. One example. is that a priest is not the vicar of Christ, only the Pope is. A priest is In Persona Christi. there's a difference. Also you criticized things with extreme lack of knowledge to understand the depth of why they are problematic in Catholicism, but since you're absolutely clueless, of course to an outsider it might sound weird if you literally do not understand. Atheists can actually be decent human beings still, but you've proven to be the cliche conceited Atheist. At least someone like Alex O'connor, is respectful with his objections, and isn't constantly putting his foot un his mouth with factually inaccurate statements.
@jperez7893 12 күн бұрын
no matter how noble it may appear or holy, anyone who dares identify as catholic but is not in communion with the successor of st. peter, or is in denial of his legitimacy, and obstinately disobedient of the magisterium, will find himself out of the barque of st. peter and drowning in the chaos of heresy and schism. his piety become meaningless
@TroubadourChannel 12 күн бұрын
I believe you will find only unbelievers in fairy tale here-as it should be.
@Chrominance87 12 күн бұрын
I learned about REAL church history when I stopped listening to other atheists tell me about it.
@TroubadourChannel 12 күн бұрын
I see. That sounds honest.
@SuperSaiyanScandinavian 11 күн бұрын
yeah, it's impossible to learn true Church history through insufferable a-holes like this dude. At least he's honest when saying "i'm not going to be respectful". At least this fallen away Catholic isn't a douche and is being charitable about the faith even tho he no longer believes in it.
@gerry30 12 күн бұрын
Drink the Atheist Kool Aid for the Atheist cult.
@Donnybrook10 12 күн бұрын
How's that atheist LGBTQ cult working out for you? Your problem isn't the's in the mirror.
@dan_m7774 13 күн бұрын
SSPX is not traditional Catholicism.
@TroubadourChannel 12 күн бұрын
No? Isn’t that their claim?
@gerry30 12 күн бұрын
What's your experience with the SSPX? I've had excellent experience with them and watched the people who attend support both local TLMs and the SSPX prior to Summorum Pontificum were training diocesan priests in how to offer the TLM as well as gave them access to their bookstores and libraries. Diocesan priests used to periodically offer help by saying the TLM or hearing confessions. Most people who make claims about the SSPX have little to no firsthand experience.
@TroubadourChannel 12 күн бұрын
@@gerry30 Well I (kirk, left) have no experience with them. But Connor (right) lived in Saint Mary's for 13 years.
@gerry30 12 күн бұрын
Well, the SSPX en masse is the essence of traditional Catholicism. They have not had to either purge or revise the "hermeneutic of rupture" that the vast majority of Novus Ordo parishes have adopted which often times seeps into the FSSP ICK and other "tolerated oases" of traditional Catholicism in the conciliar structure.
@gerry30 12 күн бұрын
@@TroubadourChannel He's young. Probably hasn't seen much of the world to compare it. The grass is always greener. He may swing back after he's gained a bit of experience like many traditional Catholics have done.
@Cazadin 13 күн бұрын
Kirk, your interview style feels incredibly disingenuous. You're talking to someone who agrees with you, but you're so self centered that you will not let him finish a thought. You're like a poorly written marvel movie with how many quips you use. If you want to conduct a proper discussion, you should let your guest advance their ideas in a fruitful manner without interruption.
@TroubadourChannel 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Cazadin 13 күн бұрын
​@@TroubadourChannelThanks for replying!
@DrBased 13 күн бұрын
Oh nice, a jew and an apostate LMAO
@TroubadourChannel 11 күн бұрын
Which one is worse for you?
@ComandoWitty 13 күн бұрын
My objections: 2:42 If you use that definition, can't anything be a cult? Can't schools be a cult because kids having a "difference of their own reasoning mind towards the authority of another" like a teacher? The word "cult" is hard to use. Many think it is this bad word or word for crazy. Like Connor says, when people say "cult" one things of jones town. But many can use the term like "Taylor swift has a cult following". I think the most simplest definition of cult for the topic of this video is the elevation of a singular person to a God like status. This person indulges on ego and claims they are the top. Excellent examples are Hitler. People hailed his name as a greeting. People called him the leader. People did not think twice to his orders and all viewed him as a God. Even better is the dynasty in N.Korea. He is their God. Based on this definition it is hard to claim people like the Pope are cult leaders because they don't fit the narrative. The Pope doesn't claim to be God, rather the "Vicar". Like Christ, he humbles himself by washing the feet of those who view him as master. So one can't even say Christ is cult leader. There was no earthly glory. People questioned his teachings and disobeyed. People killed him. It's like saying is MLK a cult leader? He led many. Of course not, because just like the pope or Christ and unlike the definition of a cult, he didn't seek to escalate his status and glory. All i can say is without much reason (and i say that because this video is so full of many topics) is he's basing the reality of an idea (christianity) off the failures and dark areas of individuals. Kinda a "i didn't like how this person did it so im making it invalid". I mean if i wanted to learn science, am i going to look deep into why it teaches what it teaches, or look into the personal life of scientists? I rather look into how the man split the atom and not how he had a love affair.
@TroubadourChannel 13 күн бұрын
There certainly is a distinction between a teacher-student relationship and a cult leader - Follower relationship. I'm Kirk in this video (on the left) and I maintain that my point is that at its core a cult is a concept identifying the process of abnegating ones own individual mind to another person. A teacher does have knowledge that a student does not have. But a student does not abnegate their own mind in this relationship. The student is attempting to grasp what the teacher has already grasped. This "grasping" is grasping of facts about reality. But a cult has an aspect to it where some person has "special" access to a realm of "knowledge" that people only have through that person. A pope or christ definitely falls into that category. For the record, I believe this process can be applied to political figures as well. A demagogue can create a narrative in which a group of people will believe something based solely on the narrator's view. One that is not open to outside evaluation. "For those who know no argument is necessary, for those who do not none is possible." This is the credo of abnegating ones mind to another. And it is the essence of any religion. Cult captures the religious aspect of the process of abnegating ones mind to another; where as in politics we may use terms like chauvinist. For the record the word Cult comes from Latin Cultus 'worship" and in its origin means something like to pay homage to a divinity. Over time it certainly has taken on examples like Jonestown. But while Jonestown seems incredible to most people, I see the same thing in the history of any religion. Jonestown just happens to be a newer religion.
@luvlgs1 13 күн бұрын
are we sure that's Bob Dylan singing? (sounds different...
@jeanventura5366 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for putting this together. I do have to say, the flow of the interview was all over the place. Earlier on, you were pushing a lot against the religion(s). While he was just trying to setup his background and get to his time at the "cult" and how he got out, you interrupted a lot. Then you tried to rush him because it was taking too long (which you contributed a lot to).
@TroubadourChannel 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Gary-my9ko 14 күн бұрын
Shane McGowan said he just wanted to write a song with the word pissky in it. I think he's laughing at our attempt to try and understand lol
@HAnneSchwarz 14 күн бұрын
Really interesting conversation! Thanks Kirk and Connor. And I feel like I need to validate Connor's perspective that homeschooling is absolutely widely used as a vehicle for "parent's neuroses", as you said, and a lot of parents go down a kind of radicalization slope that gets worse when they begin homeschooling. They become more enmeshed in their ideology because usually that's where they are getting their homeschooling materials, support, and community, so it is directly related to their choice to homeschool. Unfortunately, the children get the brunt of the negative impact when that happens. However - I also agree that those are ultimately parenting issues rather than schooling issues. Most parents do want their kids to get a good education, and I think as more good materials and support communities become available radicalization becomes less of a problem (fortunately it's not the 90's/early 00's anymore out here).
@TroubadourChannel 14 күн бұрын
Thanks Heather! I think you summed up both of our positions better than we did. I agree fully that homeschooling can be a place where a parent has an increased ability to download their own neurosis onto their children. And I hope as alternative educations options grow, more parents will choose to work with specialists in the field of education.
@loisrogers9042 14 күн бұрын
You don't have to be a good singer to sing. If you enjoy it, sing!
@awezman 15 күн бұрын
Pete Townshend saw the Rolling Stones doing a soundcheck once and saw Keith Richards doing the windmill move with his arm and thought he played guitar like that. It turns out Keith was just limbering up and Pete mistook it for a playing technique. It became his signature from then on.
@arrow5599 16 күн бұрын
@100yardalchemist3 17 күн бұрын
I have a simple request Lupe fiasco released a new album by the name of samurai. The concept is a lyrical portrait of Amy winehouse if she lived to be a rapper. I think you’d be pleasantly surprised at the level of artistry.
@Wormwood1234 19 күн бұрын
I request you play PAINT IT BLACK by The Rolling Stones
@drts6955 19 күн бұрын
@BSD0614 19 күн бұрын
This is the composer’s (guitarist Pete Townshend) early attempts at writing a long form piece (the term now known as rock opera). One of the band’s mangers at the time was the son of classical conductor and quire familiar with classical music and opera. Pete was becoming less interested in composing standard pop tunes and didn’t know how to write a seven minute song that told a singular story. That band manager (Kit Lambert) told Pete that if he couldn’t write a seven minute song just write a few songs that were 2:50 in length and stitch them together. That’s how this particular song came to be….
@drts6955 20 күн бұрын
Great conversation!
@michaelwebster8389 22 күн бұрын
I don't think it's jerald is it? I used to hear jello, but apparently it's something else that I can't quite remember yet.
@michaelwebster8389 22 күн бұрын
He wouldn't have been in Vietnam. Not sure it's supposed to be about war, but it wouldn't be Vietnam if it was, given it's English.
@a2zme 26 күн бұрын
ps: there is NO comparison to Bob Dylan .. one of a kind. #theMaster
@user-gu1zb6cw6t 28 күн бұрын
My favorite rock lyricist is Bruce Springsteen. Probably the greatest illustration of his genius is the song Jungleland.
@MargaretR-cz5ml 28 күн бұрын
Best reaction I’ve heard.👍
@tommykelly5830 28 күн бұрын
Irish American wake where a car is being stolen outside inside everyone is getting ready to send the body back to Ireland and then the story of big jim
@admiralbillom7559 Ай бұрын
interesting version - not the blood on the tracks take.
@zoe-yw5om Ай бұрын
It is really beautiful
@user-cz9jj2em2v Ай бұрын
I knew at the chapter "the whiteness of the whale" that the story was one of misotheistic rebellion. The freaks who denounce it as proto-Fascism are closer than they think. Ahab is, in a sense, the Eren Jaeger of his time
@rossmccabe7671 Ай бұрын
The fun of Dylan is allowing yourself to join him in this exploration of not only what the words mean literally but what they conjure up in your mind. Olajohansson touches it for me or maybe his wife's comment that it is brings up the inability to connect just based on a simple twist of fate. The spark starts the connection but then it falls apart-is not that the risk of any relationship? Enjoy the search!
@pseudonymman9382 Ай бұрын
where do you get vaultz trappers from ?
@TroubadourChannel Ай бұрын
Unfortunately I can no longer find those. I just use other card carriers I’ve found online.
@stilldead1347 Ай бұрын
There’s a great version, which may have been included in the Biograph set, where his dogs bark as if on cue. And just as every grain of sand was planned and numbered in the universe of this song, so too must those barks been intended. At least it feels that way to me.
@stilldead1347 Ай бұрын
It’s the demo for the song, included on the bootleg series 1-3, and it’s one dog barking in two separate parts of the song. It’s magic
@shocklobster6266 Ай бұрын
So many good Dylan songs for you to dive into
@lutejowell7554 Ай бұрын
If that's the first time you listened to it then you missed half the song
@lutejowell7554 Ай бұрын
You are so distracted and distracting
@ageb4budde Ай бұрын
Now do his song Blind Willie McTell
@robertwoods3750 Ай бұрын
the only thing more annoying than someone who stops the song every couple of sec.s , is someone who insists on talking during the song . i know it's your vid., but show some class cause it's bobs song. try playing the song uninterrupted, then go back and replay it stopping it as much as you want to point out whatever you want , sounds like a win/win. the songs are not that long so length shouldn't be a problem, this particular vid. is 19.25 min.s the songs only 3 maybe 4 min.s , how much you got to say?.
@nirotvlive Ай бұрын
And its crazy people try to say Pac wasnt a lyricist smh 🔥🔥🔥🔥