The Power of Music | Dr  Robert Loretz
What is human flourishing?
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No, The Last of Us EP3 is NOT great
The Deeper Meaning of Barbarian
Why 'Fat Pride' is a REALLY Bad Idea
Four Abuses of the Word 'Community'
@AltairEgo1 2 күн бұрын
The funny thing is, that comment you made about power was actually made in The Acolyte, by one of the "innocent' characters. I think Leslie was taking notes from your video. 😂
@wizard932 3 күн бұрын
No. Jyn is too passive dull boring
@allengreg5447 5 күн бұрын
"Because nothing adds more meaning and enjoyment to a dialogue than weaving in hollow phrases, transforming every conversation into a labyrinthine exercise in futility and existential dread."
@BlueShift24 7 күн бұрын
Great video for a great movie. I absolutely loved it, too.
@petermartin8756 7 күн бұрын
Fantastic movie, one that dares to realistic in not allowing Kate to beat the cop, Benicio Del Toro and Josh Brolin are monsters… the best of the last two decades…. The follow up is as good…
@Parez5 8 күн бұрын
This movie was important, because it shows, how much better the 1st was.
@Rustycarr59 10 күн бұрын
Yes but what percent? 95, 98, or 63.3%
@frisco9568 12 күн бұрын
The tone of this film was on point
@spiderjump 13 күн бұрын
Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars but launched hundreds of KZfaq channels.
@colinryan3952 15 күн бұрын
Yes spot on one of the greatest films ever made. I think ganz is excellent. I also like the guy's performance who plays goebbels. Thin pale drawn and sweaty he is like a demented ferret with his black eyes. Its depressing that there were so many evil people around. The scene where magda kills her children haunts me.
@Wangash18 16 күн бұрын
There is bo such thing as good feminism.
@SimpleJack-mc4cg 17 күн бұрын
You betrayed max mate... Oh noooo :D jesting ^-^
@VinceMoran-en5sv 19 күн бұрын
Punching nazis is not fascism. If you think it is then you are woefully under educated on how fascism works. Fighting fascism is anti fascism. Take a look at the 14 points of Umberto Echoes essay Ur, Fascism, etc. You cannot stop it with peace. They will not listen or reason with you. They kill all opposition. The allies of ww2 fought fascism with violence.... That worked. It's called anti fascism. Do more reading and reasoning. Ffs.
@leomtuwa120 20 күн бұрын
They seem to luck emotion and empathy and another thing I've noticed is that they seem to be oblivious to the pain and suffering they cause
@syliagray 20 күн бұрын
I like this movie because it's a very emotionally moving film that shows the audience how the consequences of evil can be extremely costly if good people remain silent at the threat of evil.
@glo3139 20 күн бұрын
I hate when ANY one Band or Entertainer of any kind, uses their celebrity as a soapbox to school the public. They only lose fans in the process. Springsteen did it, BonJovi did it, Taylor Swift and so many others did the same. All of Hollywood too. Let the MUSIC and the FILMS/QUALITY OF PERFORMANCES speak to us, NOT your point of view on POLITICS. Once you turn the public off, it’s hard to get them back. That being said, I always liked U2, especially in the early years. I haven’t heard anything new from them in years.
@davidmaltais2912 21 күн бұрын
Can you imagine male commentators in their 40's rubbing a female athletes chest with oil XD?
@eosapienrancher4045 23 күн бұрын
It's funny you say True Detective season 1 doesn't present an "edgy," pseudo-intellectual take on religion, because that's exactly what some people accused it of doing when it came out. I doubt most of these people are even religious themselves. I wonder if, for these sorts of people, there is ANY legitimate way to criticize religious theology (not just the deletirious social effects of organized religion) that is sufficiently mature and sophisticated for them. True Detective's challenge to theism isn't spectacularly nuanced, but it's about as good as I've seen a TV show do. At least it tries to go a little bit beyond "Christianity is good actually; Christians are just hypocrites."
@SuperChrisDub 24 күн бұрын
The main character really is Alejandro. It's his story told through the eyes of Kate, so we don't get to be inside his head. We, the audience, have to try to work him out in real-time, just like Kate. He's such a nuanced character, a good man corrupted by grief (which I can personally relate to), he is doing necessary work and possible good work in helping the US fight the cartel, but he is only doing it pursuit of his own revenge. I read somewhere that in the original script he is actually an enforcer for the rival cartel. So, he's clearly doing what he''s doing out of revenge only and couldn't care less about the damage and pain that drugs and their production and sale do to both society and individuals. I know in the final film, a couple of scenes make it seems he cares but I think that may have been a concession to help the audience not see him in too bad a light. Is he a good guy now? I don't think so, but he is being used by whatever shadowy US agency it is to help in the drug war which is good at a macro level. It raises the question of - if playing by the rules fails to take down your enemy, is it OK to descend to their level if a greater good is achieved? In the film, the answer seems to be yes, but are they actually making a difference to the import of drugs into the US. I would argue not. Even if you take down an entire cartel, do you think drug production will stop? Of course, it will not. Another cartel will take over, or a new one will arise, which will likely be more ruthless in a bid not to suffer the same fate as their predecessor. Movies never usually explore the notion that bad people can do good things. They may not do it only to inflate their ego (or get revenge, in Alejandro's case) but the good thing gets done. Does the motive really matter if a good thing has been done. Look at art. Some of the world's most beautiful art was produced by horrible human beings who abused everyone around them.
@stephanarizona9094 26 күн бұрын
Liberal women are upset that Christian Conservatives are trying to stop baby sacrifice and sexual sin, I see they selected 3 high profile Conservative women, they are not evil, EVIL is sacrificing your baby to Baal, taking off your clothing for money, and replacing God with wokeism.
@stormship1647 26 күн бұрын
Truth of the matter is most societies in Europe are only a few far right politicians away from all of this …Hitler was the typical lower middle class Austrian …the slightly strange uncle but a monster ?….the key issue her is that Germans aggression was unleashed against other Europeans …thats why it’s such a historical issue
@AmericanHorse-sg9oc 26 күн бұрын
This guy did not get the overall importance of the documentary. Certainly will not subscribe to this nut.
@isabelled.7732 27 күн бұрын
The only thing I would have changed- I felt like they could have taken off 20-30 minutes from the running time. Other than that, it’s perfect
@teddyj5187 27 күн бұрын
Was the worst until the rise of skywalker happened
@BB-ed4om 27 күн бұрын
Interestingly the weather man that was fired has “Christian” and “patriot” in his bio. Even though he only talks about the weather and positivity/inspirational stories on social media, they undoubtedly came for him because of those magic words - they were just waiting for an opportunity.
@JimmieCooper-le6vj 28 күн бұрын
Just one man.Benicio dell toro !!!
@ravagetime 28 күн бұрын
Gary Kurtz is the man responsible for making Star Wars special. Without him steering the original trilogy, Star Wars could have been another sci-fi B-movie of the seventies.
@dr.wolfganglistabarth6984 Ай бұрын
The performance of Bruno Ganz has to be considered as even greater, when, as a native Austrian German speaker (as myself) with swiss friends, who therefore knows the difference between Swiss and Austrian German (and that is like the difference between say Scottish and American English), can hear that he speeks with impeccable Austrian accent. Something almost no person of Switzerland ever manages.
@HybridGlobalCitizen Ай бұрын
Because, it shows HOLLYWEIRD admitting that our Border, along with ICE, the FBI, CIA and DOJ etc are F_cked ... the second Movie/Sicario II, shows even more so ...
@shooterdownunder Ай бұрын
13:51 there’s a deleted scene where when Luke confronted yoda about this and he in that scene he confirmed that it was true but then in the deleted part of the scene yoda points out that obi wan would’ve told him if yoda hadn’t made him promise not to and I think that would’ve been the better way to handle that in the movie.
@Godimus17 Ай бұрын
Everytime i try to watch season 2 i just turn it off and rewatch season 1. I somehow saw S3 and S4 once but they pale in comparison to season 1. I think I must have seen season 1 like 30+ times
@m.b.boyack2228 Ай бұрын
One thing and one thing only has destroyed the Star Wars franchise and that is "Intersectional (Identity) Politics", any specific cause that may be named comes under this heading and the Marxist ideology it represents, born of the Frankfurt School. Lucas was most definitely a initiating and contributing factor to this end result. Nice critique.
@trevturp6891 27 күн бұрын
How was Lucas a initiating and contributing factor to this end result?
@m.b.boyack2228 27 күн бұрын
@@trevturp6891 Lucas himself gave up caring about Star Wars, period. Reflected in the end result, the quality of the writing, which wasn't ready and the directing, done from a chair, of the prequel trilogy was widely criticized and critiqued from the time of release to this day. Lucas selling his work to a faceless corporation who new nothing about the franchise except it had an existing, loyal fanbase willing to spend money.
@clarity2199 Ай бұрын
The five things that destroyed Star wars 1. Disney 2. Disney 3. Kathleen Kennedy (aka coffee girl) 4. Disney 5. Disney
@do0ranfrump260 Ай бұрын
5 things? Katheline Kennedy, mitachlorians, joke characters being puppeted by the sentient "force", dei, abandonment of established lore in order to push woke narratives.
@massivemike7358 Ай бұрын
Perfectly analysed.
@sauronluna3669 Ай бұрын
Christianity is a group that suppresses and dominate or did the minority, its their drug to hate other people they are more worried about who other people sleep with and political power than having a relationship with a space monster.
@zietgiestnewspeak6143 Ай бұрын
This man's logical critique of Star wars kept me sane during the Disney trilogy.
@hackysmacky Ай бұрын
@hackysmacky Ай бұрын
Welcome back, loved you're take on the sad state of starwas. As always excellent stuff
@oddoutdoors Ай бұрын
You're clearly not a reader of Lovecraft. If you were you would understand the true subtext. Rust lost his mind at the end. It was setup and foreshadowed. Finding religion for Rust is him losing his mind.
@noyesharrigan6217 Ай бұрын
I think what we are all learning now is that postmodernism is just the natural end to enlightenment liberalism. This is why many are becoming interested in religion and other pre-modern value systems.
@atticstattic Ай бұрын
What I see is a complete rejection of everything society has learned about storytelling - due to it being "male gatekeeping". This comes out especially strong against the hero's journey and the transcendence the hero normally goes through. Avoiding it has been happening in mainly two forms: - Preloading the main character with everything she needs( e.g. live action Mulan ) - Internal retcon ( e.g. Captain Marvel), where the journey is diluted through flashback.
@chronicguardian9684 Ай бұрын
I think it was George Macdonald in his essay "The Fantastic Imagination" that said "In physical laws, the writer may create; in moral law, he must obey". As you point out, the unmoored relativist perspective will make this a difficult truth for the modern writers to grasp... So we know what must be done to write the ship. Who would you say has the best chance to actually do it? Or is there a point when we simply must let Star Wars die in its own hard-wrought banality?
@mattjames7386 Ай бұрын
"Star Wars" is propagnada huh? Oh, you mean like religion and your beloved Christianity? Get a grip on yourself.
@MateuszElpepe Ай бұрын
I mostly like IT cuz of the main character he seems do human
@VenkmanJ Ай бұрын
Just 5 things? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@CA1567-v8p Ай бұрын
How to know what a women truly is, dont give her what she wants
@mitchellalexander9162 Ай бұрын
"None of this crap ever happened with the Expanded Universe. Just saying." -The Once and Future Fans who aren't giving Acolyte and Disney Star Wars Time of Day
@andrewlim9345 Ай бұрын
Thanks for your analysis of the problems facing Star Wars. I was saddened to see the plot holes and pacing issues in the four episodes of the Acolyte that have been released. Acolyte is a good example of a post modern story since the heroes are deconstructed and the antagonists are rationalised. I wouldn't have had issues with this if not for the problems with the storyline and pacing. We have a character wanting to kill the Jedi for a wrong that happened during their childhood and then changing her mind after learning her sister is alive. The series feels more like a corporate product that ticks the right diversity boxes. I feel sorry for the actors in the show but the screen writers, directors and showrunners have much to answer. Have you watched the Andor series by Tony Gilroy. It captures the spirit of Star Wars without preachy storytelling and fan service. The Clone Wars, Rogue One, Rebels and The Bad Batch are also good.
@descartes_8696 Ай бұрын
Everyone in the comments are lying to themselves… Why don’t y’all tell the truth about why you don’t actually like the film. Don’t hide from your truth.