Birds of Paradise Hair Makeover
Vogue Makeover with VogueUnicorn
Creating Ash Blonde on Asian Hair
4 жыл бұрын
DIY for Broke Bitches
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How I Fixed This Damaged DIY Hair
How to Consult with Your Hairstylist
How to Lighten Asian Hair
5 жыл бұрын
@LoserDub Ай бұрын
Yeah you buy the fake, and the real abd return the fake in the real bix
@ototfriendly 4 ай бұрын
Only takes one day for the surgery and consultation? I live in US and planning to do lasix in malaysia
@BearBearCammyVlogs 5 ай бұрын
You are the first person with this side effect. Scale 9/10 sound really bad. Use to accompany my friend for lasik and immediately came out nothing and painless. Immediately the next day can go to work. My other friend recommend me this clinic for me too. But after seeing your video, i'm worried pulak 😅 Nice sharing by the way.
@vrajtheimpaler8486 5 ай бұрын
Absolute Brazen Beauty.
@fuxseb 6 ай бұрын
They're both original. It's just that one is dyson, and the other is uoshp.
@larriekleriq3538 6 ай бұрын
dadah pemusnah bangsa
@capitolbity 6 ай бұрын
Where did you buy this from ??
@LukeVMH-Games 6 ай бұрын
Return the fake to dyson
@LukeVMH-Games 6 ай бұрын
What is shopb storehouse
@LukeVMH-Games 6 ай бұрын
Where do I buy the fake
@eve8486 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video.
@OnlyTop385 7 ай бұрын
Where buy fake?
@mbshsguy 11 ай бұрын
Great and honest feedback. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@naturesglamshop4941 11 ай бұрын
Did they change the cord ? That would be my first suspicion!
@norliyana2061 Жыл бұрын
Nobody gonna save in bank anymore. Covid still there 😂
@norliyana2061 Жыл бұрын
Terlalu membebankan utk km rakyat biasa. Saya sgt x bersetuju. Basic necessity pn Xde purchasing power nie nak tambah lg beban rakyat! Last year bank2 kt Malaysia nie untung billion pada kadae OPR yg rendah. Kenapa perlu naikkan lg? 😅😅😅. Nie sgt memberi tekanan kepada rakyat. Nnt tkt lg ramai lg yg Akan teruih bangunan xpn terjun jambatan. It’s really depressing to those who have loan. It’s make family relation broke then it will broke everything. I’m totally disagree with it. The are other policy that BNM could implies rather than just increasing the OPR. It’s already show that big bank cannot move if nobody wants to make loan in the USA. Please la BNM previous data is for your reference not put in your research 😂😂😂😂
@poziahothman4335 Жыл бұрын
Good 😊 conversation..
@ko-thor-lel6902 Жыл бұрын
Aku tak faham,,,,banyak kerja tak boleh dijadikan alasan... report dah buat.. kenape tak bertindak pada report yang pertama ❓
@manbarons2042 Жыл бұрын
Ini lah Ego kaum lelaki....walaupun ada 4 kuota untuk lelaki islam....namun mereka akan tetap mencari gundik dan simpanan yang yang baru untuk mereka....terus lah berhati hati lelaki saperti ini wahai kaum hawa......🤣😂🤣😂
@peterteddy2370 Жыл бұрын
Bole tak aku balun suami Dan polis polis bangang tu?
@namreetakaurgssingh8995 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. At least can help others in the same position.
@teratai9944 Жыл бұрын
Kesimpulan ialah syamsul nak pusng2 cerita n lengah2 masa utk faktor terpenting iaitu TARIK SAMAN!!!!
@tanaaz7593 Жыл бұрын
From TikTok to here to see Madam Reina ! 😍🤍
@tanaaz7593 Жыл бұрын
Done subscribe too ! ✅
@mssaleha3273 Жыл бұрын
CIK reina, kes cerai Syamsol dan Sarah ini melibatkan perlanggaran Takliq. Takliq ialah 'perjanjian' atau kontrak perkahwinan Islam. Di belakang surat nikah ada disenaraikan Takliq. Pengantin membacanya sebelum akad nikah. Antara Lafaz Takliq yg tercatat ialah talak akan gugur jika 'Suami meninggalkan isterinya lebih dpd 4 bulan tanpa nafkah zahir dan batin'. Dalam kes cerai Sarah dan Syamsol ini, Syamsol enggan melafazkan talak ke atas Sarah pada perbicaraan18hb March kerana Sarah enggan menarik balik samannya ke atas Ira Kazar dan keluarganya serta perbalahan tentang bayaran nafkah. Jadi mahkmah tunda perbicaraan kpd 25 Mei. Pada 25 Mei nanti Sarah perlu meyakinkan mahkamah, Syamsol sudah meninggalkan dia setahun tanpa nafkah zahir dan batin. Mereka tiada komunikasi langsung kerana Syamsol block Sarah dpd wassapnya. Sepanjang setahun itu, Syamsol tak datang jengok Sarah dan anak2nya, walhal mereka semua tinggal di rumah Yusof Haslam, bapa Syamsol. Sakit, terbaring di hospital pun, Syamsol tak datang. Jika mahkamah terima bukti prima facie menunjukkan Syamsol sah meninggalkan Sarah lebih 4 bulan tanpa nafkah zahir&batin, talak gugur tanpa memerlukan Syamsol melafaznya. Bagaiman pandangan Cik Reina, betul ke tak...???
@nursyafiqah6963 Жыл бұрын
YT pun YT lah, asalkan dapat tengok you 😂😂
@ljaafar3618 Жыл бұрын
Reina ....what you mean perjalanan PS masih jauh. Bole elobrate sikit. Tks
@yantiyusof7830 Жыл бұрын
Dont understand this kind of people, she is basically giving out law information to whom who don't understand, and yet people are attacking her just for her hair, are the haters being simply retarded if you don't like her then why are u here at her page...
@jjgg7677 Жыл бұрын
Sejak kebelakangan ini, banyak ilmu tambahan diterima sejak banyak kes berkaitan suami isteri dilaporkan di media sosial secaea terbuka. Yang saya tak boleh brain adalah= kenapalah sy x tau ada jenama tong gas mira selama ini???haishh
@syafiqahaini8593 Жыл бұрын
Baguih Reina bijak undang2 dunia moga Reina mnutup aurat dgn sempurna sungguh undang2 Allah satu kewajipan yg lbih besar🤲🏻.
@yumiulrich4eva Жыл бұрын
ugh bila laki tk nk lafazkan talak, mcm nk kene cekik
@mohdyusoff9110 Жыл бұрын
Rambut dh macam beruk nk tunjuk bgus
@suewahid4355 Жыл бұрын
Dia bekas peguam bang. Dia terangkan pun Dr segi undang2, bkn ikut perasaan dia. Kita tengok content dia ,bukan rambut dia.
@ismabaizuramohamad5072 Жыл бұрын
Nama yusoff tp sygnye xde sifat2 mcm nabi yusoff. Dimanakah adabmu wahai umat muhammad?
@mohdyusoff9110 Жыл бұрын
Yg kau sibuk kenapa.dh bgus sangat
@ismabaizuramohamad5072 Жыл бұрын
Mmg dia bagus sbb dia ex lawyer. Ko ex apa? 🤣
@suewahid4355 Жыл бұрын
Bro,dgr content dia. Dia terangkan prosiding kes ni. Dia ni ex lawyer. Dia x memihak mana2 pihak pun. Anggap je sbg satu ilmu pd kita.
@worldrandomvideos1584 Жыл бұрын
U cakap pasal MAHKAMAH SYARIAH.. I better hopefully you pakai tudung, tutup aurat then I feel you have the right to talk any issues related religion
@ReinaLum Жыл бұрын
I talk about the law, not religion. If you can not differentiate between the two, then that's your lack of comprehension. And you don't have to listen to me. If you feel that I have no value to give you based on how I look, I welcome you to block me and live your life well.
@suewahid4355 Жыл бұрын
Dia bekas peguam & prnh jd peguam syariah. Tgk content dia bkn rambut dia. Dia terangkan pun brdasarkan undang2 bkn ikut perasaan
@ismabaizuramohamad5072 Жыл бұрын
Lol…u are funny. She’s talking about law. Kenapa kalau x pakai tudung tak layak brckp pasal law ke? She is ex syariah lawyer so apa masalah nak share pasal law syariah tu eh? Nabi ajar dgr nasihat dan ayat2 yg baik. Tak kira dari sesiapa pun. Sdgkan nasihat baik dr seorg pelacur pun kt kene terima. Xtau la kalau u seorg manusia yg hebat xde tandingan kan. 😅
@user-sy4zz3pr6m Жыл бұрын
@syedmohd4707 Жыл бұрын
Kalau pehak hakam tk bolih pakse, betol, TAPI PANDANGAN SAYA DAH TAK SEPERTI SUAMI ISTERI KERNA ALMAKLUM JELAH, Kalau terjadi pada diri saya sendiri, saya Terlalu sangat malu kerna sebelah sana Dah tak mahu, tkkn nk terhegeh hegeh, muka Saya nak tarok mane, itu pandangan aje, Tiap manusia ade penderian sendiri sendiri. DAN KALAU PADA SAYA LAGI PEREMPUAN LAIN TKNK, SUPPOSINGLY LAH LAWYER NIE NAK, puashati saya pilih siapa yang nk dengan Saya, ye tak.. pandangan aje, k.
@mercuryracun Жыл бұрын
Im here from tiktok
@jebatderhakajebattt5686 Жыл бұрын
Lagi lama lagi laa PS tuntut sara hidup isteri..tertunggak lgi ..isteri yg tk brapa isteri..
@faridahsulong5514 Жыл бұрын
Tq tlg explain. Hrp2 buka minda taksubers.
@mellyivandaxton3177 Жыл бұрын
Sebuk lah Kau
@ija.Nasir25 Жыл бұрын
yeahhhhh 🎉❤ upload more !!!
@AbangJ159 Жыл бұрын
Kesian rambut ko kak
@jebatderhakajebattt5686 Жыл бұрын
Kenapa rambut dia?
@ismabaizuramohamad5072 Жыл бұрын
Kesiannye tu je mmpu ko ckp. 😅
@ReinaLum Жыл бұрын
Kesian perangai kau bang 🤣
@sitiumaiah Жыл бұрын
Kesiannya perjalanan masih jauh
@lebaimok9996 Жыл бұрын
@mrsdin3739 Жыл бұрын
Subs bukan sebab hot topik,tapi sebab educational.
@HanaYuki12 Жыл бұрын
Hi miss reina, saye nak mintak opinion miss reina. Kawan saye skrg ni tengah menderita, saye risau dgn mental health, makin lama makin teruk lepas kawin. Laki dia pinjam ah long RM 20k lebih and very physically and mentally abusive. Kat depan bukan main tunjuk baik tapi lepas dh kawin, perangai dia teruk giler. Dh lh x bagi kawan saye balik rumah parent dia, lepas kawan saye punye mak passed away, bukan nak pujuk tapi makin hina kawan saye dgn arwah mak dia lagi ah. Saye suruh dia cerai tapi dia takut anak2 dia x dapat dekat dia sbb laki dia selalu cakap yg dia kenal org dalam AKA ade cable. Mother in law and father in law dia pun abusive jugak tapi mentally, selalu perlekeh kan kawan saye. Kalau ade yg x kena, diorang akan salahkan kawan saye and ugut nak ambik anak kawan saye kalau cerai. Nak buat camne ye? Saye x tahu camne nak convince kawan saye untuk cerai, saye risau sangat dgn mental health.
@CryptoPrince87 Жыл бұрын
Oh no u should ask ur friend to seek a legal advice on this matter. If the husband keep beating her and all, she need to make a police report on that and try to stay away from him. But I'm no expert perhaps Miss Reina can advice on this thing further.
@HanaYuki12 Жыл бұрын
@@CryptoPrince87 I did told her to seek legal advice or go to NGO for help, but she worries that she didnt have enough money to pay them. Even told her to go do a police report with her father but she kept on saying the law said the father cant interfere in their marital problem and can get in trouble if her father did interfere. Idk if its real law or her husband were lying to her but mannn , it does frustrates us all. Im scare she will do something drastic that will make her regret later onwards.
@CryptoPrince87 Жыл бұрын
@@HanaYuki12 oh wait she got that advice from the husband?? Gishhh u not supposed to get that advice from that kind of person who uses the law to his advantage. There are some hukum in syariah marriage that I'm not sure of but I've learnt it last time but unfortunately I'm no expert like I stated above. But the law protects the wife too. With regards to the father can't interfere with her marriage is utter nonsense even the syariah law varies from each state here in Malaysia. @reina perhaps can help advice on this. I'm sorry I can't help much. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@HanaYuki12 Жыл бұрын
@@CryptoPrince87 Fr, i told her that law (excuse my language) sounds bullshit. Theres no way that law exist! But she wouldnt believe me and insist it does. Like ik your husband has org dlm but im sure theres no such a thing as that law.
@cahayakeadilan189 Жыл бұрын
Trima kasih Reina share ilmu .moga bnyk lg ilmu brmnfaat yg Reina dpt share
@saidatulshedaakmar7975 Жыл бұрын
Done subscribe ❤ keep on educating 💪 u go girl!
@cekodok143 Жыл бұрын
Ni 1st time ak sub channel yg baru buat... sb sedih tt riena kena banned..go 🎉
@wahidsalasa158 Жыл бұрын
Isteri banyak mulut punca suami cari lain., Tapi kalau isteri bersungguh mintak cerai, suami kene main die pastu baru fikiran isteri tu normal..
@Nn-yh5dl Жыл бұрын
Kena cari isteri bisu
@jamilahkawa4303 Жыл бұрын
Sblm dia byk mulut.. 4 tahun dia diamkan diri jaga aib suami tp ksbrn tu ada had so sol kna terimalah apa2 tindakan PS skg
@ismabaizuramohamad5072 Жыл бұрын
Bro ko Islam ke? Bahasa ko lain mcm.
@mazliismail6313 Жыл бұрын
Minta fasak ja lah apa masalahnya
@nursyafiqah6963 Жыл бұрын
Kalau fasakh, dia tak dapat lah tuntut apa2. Sia2 lah pengorbanan dia selama ni nanti. Jaminan anak2 jugak