@minihalkoja590 Сағат бұрын
As usual, pushing and cutting corners leads to worse things happening. I bet they would gladly take the 1 minute delay over the days of cleanup and the shitstorm this event caused.
@jonconnor0729 2 сағат бұрын
This is the most stupid video you've created.
@spillfish4327 2 сағат бұрын
In a world with slow light, would you be able to make a lens that “corrects” light to make it look like our world?
@mandzph 2 сағат бұрын
This somehow felt like a speedrunner video who hits reset by just being a hair off. "Shit that section just cost me -4 seconds"
@IIGrayfoxII 7 сағат бұрын
In the 90s due to the limited resources on computers, devs had no choice but to optimize the software(not just games) before release, internet for updates was pretty much non existent. Remember how little RAM some programs used like Adobe PDF, heck look for PDF reader alternatives and you will see some use less RAM overall. Heck Windows did not show seconds on the clock in the taskbar as the CPU would need to render a new number every second and that would cause a performance hit, while this was more true for Win9x it still shows that devs had to make sure that the code they wrote was good from the start. But these days cause we can have 64GB of RAM, 2TB SSDs devs dont really bother with optimizing software, why waste time optimizing when you have so much resources?
@CSXBoys 8 сағат бұрын
Japan: Exact time, to the second. America: Soooo its on time-- wait no, we have a small delay due to a broken down train-- wait no, that delay caused a signalling issue, one hour delay at most-- wait no, the signalling issue hasnt been fixed just yet, 2 hour delay-- wait, no, still hasnt been fixed-- your train will be there tomorrow. Enjoy our luxurious station with old bus seats for benches and absolutely no chargers while you wait.
@firemonkey1015 9 сағат бұрын
So many lucky things in the universe, light is one of them. The fact we can’t travel faster than it, allows us to drive cars, planes, etc.
@justin2308 10 сағат бұрын
This whole thing reminds me of a misunderstanding I had with my uncle about my grandfather’s work ethic. See, he and my dad grew up in a poor family in the 60s and 70s, but Grandpa worked so hard to make it not seem like that for his sons that it was amazing that he ever got any sleep. I didn’t believe he should’ve HAD to do that, but I didn’t make it clear during that conversation and my uncle thought I was disrespecting my Grandpa’s beliefs about hard work. Thankfully, things were cleared up, but that chat still resonates in my head. No, hard work is important. Even when you’re having fun, doing something recreational, there’s going to be work involved in preparation and/or cleanup. Something’s always going to need doing, it’s how the world keeps moving. Here’s the thing, though, the best machines are machines that are able to run STEADILY. Overwork them, they start to fail or break. My Grandpa shouldn’t have had to work so hard to keep his sons happy, fed, and clothed. Several of my coworkers shouldn’t have had to have a second job. They had no choice, though. Remove room for error (as happened here), a proper work-life balance, or throw in an economic crisis that leads to inflation, things are going to fall apart.
@handsome_man69 10 сағат бұрын
@Zephriesz 11 сағат бұрын
What I get from this Video is that if we travel at the speed of light, we would basically see nothing
@ChaoticNeutral6 11 сағат бұрын
Cool video, would have been better if they kept the older bodies on the left screen to better gain perspective on how massive things are
@analias1983 14 сағат бұрын
In the US we don't get trains but we RELY on busses being late lol
@ninjacat230 14 сағат бұрын
densha de go is not very fun
@Stachelbeeerchen 16 сағат бұрын
Dude the "toxic work culture" of Japan is screaming at you every single day. Many people just elect to ignore it for their idealized view of Japan made for tourists.
@Cameron12416 16 сағат бұрын
I first want to pay respects to the victims and family of the tragedy, you have my deepest condolences. Worlds in motion, your animation skills and voice recording are wonderful and I cannot wait to see what you produce in the future.
@danielgertler5976 16 сағат бұрын
What you thought you were getting: a video about japanese public transit. What you got: a video about japanese HR.
@edgargaebolg9307 18 сағат бұрын
Meanwhile in Spain: We're 1 hour and a half late and my shift's already over, fuck y'all
@myfatassdick 18 сағат бұрын
Wow I wasn’t expecting the color changes but I was actually right on the buildings warping but I feel like it would be waaay more than that like max trails on a mouse or max motion blur on something but oddly crisp and not blurry at all somehow Like gooey vision where everything sticks to the place it was at different rates depending on how far it is for how long the light takes to reach your eyes after it reflected off the surface Oh wow and you mention it at the end and that’s exactly what I’m talking about Hah beat that A.I I thought about that logically and already envisioned it in my head seconds after wondering what would happen Does that mean my brain is 10 times faster than a super computer
@LikeDBZ1998 19 сағат бұрын
Watching this video in germany while i wait for my train thats currently on 45 minute delay is weirdly funny also passengers asking for an apology bro
@brokencat2662 19 сағат бұрын
Train operators in Japan are like speed runners, counting every frame, millisecond, tick, and second.
@Zazabazaa 19 сағат бұрын
There's a reason Japan is both famous and infamous in the animator community. Their animations are beautiful, but their working conditions are so horrid that their animation industry has one of the highest suicide rates, even in Japan.
@N-GinAndTonicTM 20 сағат бұрын
"It's better to get somewhere late and alive, than never and dead"
@Secarious 21 сағат бұрын
Human beings will never ever learn that punishing people for common error, won't just suddenly make them flawless.
@damonminnix4660 22 сағат бұрын
A well-oiled machine, running pristinely, but lubricated with blood.
@Lqvy1 22 сағат бұрын
Just an FYI, the amagasaki derailment was in 2005.
@Gegarace 23 сағат бұрын
Bruh, the punishmesnt for the person responsible is fired and the cycle continue. Come, work in Thailand we lack some professionalism, but we care. you can even send absent report for broken up with ur girlfriends.
@rosethorne9155 23 сағат бұрын
That poor man, and all the poor train drivers and conductors, running themselves ragged to try to be perfect. 😢 If even a 5 minute delay had been allowed and normalized, the accident might not have happened, and all those people might still be alive...
@thomasjr4202 23 сағат бұрын
This video gave me ASMR tingles for the first time. I've never actually received it from ASMR. It's such a strange sensation
@piratehunterreviews9958 Күн бұрын
Yea work culture in japan is fuuuuucked up.
@bigjake360t Күн бұрын
Trains are actuality very safe if one is patient. It is better to get there late than to get there dead.
@chopinnocturne5858 Күн бұрын
Considering all 4 Iowa class ships are still floating. The Yamato is a really shitty coral reef
@echiko4932 Күн бұрын
JP Bosses really be like strict parents huh. Teaching their workers how to lie instead of how to accept their mistakes.
@llbrainjoker5742 Күн бұрын
There is a reason that half the isekai MC’s death is due to Oberwork
@DarkFrozenDepths Күн бұрын
Maybe this is a bad joke, but here's one thing that Japan and Speedrunners have in common... They both try their hardest not to even be one second late
@FileNotFound404 Күн бұрын
This production quality is insane, I love it!
@FromTheDeck Күн бұрын
Mexico: we will wait on the station until the driver has had his breakfast on every single station of this line
@benjaminmorris4962 Күн бұрын
12:38 Oh, the irony of trying to get employees committed to safety by having them do something unimaginably UNsafe! Lol
@Nono-hk3is Күн бұрын
Changing Japanese work culture is probably as difficult as changing American gun culture
@kiraoshiro6157 Күн бұрын
5:30 minecraft acid pack
@benjaminmorris4962 Күн бұрын
It's scary just how much damage 116kmh, roughly 72mph, can do
@slange420 Күн бұрын
Meanwhile, in the United States, you'll be lucky if your bus or train arrives even 10 minutes late. You'll just end up driving instead.
@benjaminmorris4962 Күн бұрын
It's WILD that we know exactly how many seconds late the train was each stop/departure. Most were within a minute, which I (and probably most of the world) would consider still on time/as scheduled
@Sunnernite Күн бұрын
They need to change their work culture. It's toxic and literally killing people.
@myiathealbino Күн бұрын
in the southwest of Western Australia, there's a rural railway that operates in a centralized area around the state's capital. the company who runs the trainline often advertises the percentage amount of trains that ran on time within its train advertisements. usually it's a number between 94% and 97%. the only time the trains really experience delay is when they break down, or discover a pedestrian trespassing on the train tracks (neither of which happen often, especially the latter), and this causes the trains to get backed up. the trains sometimes leave or arrive a minute or so late, but when this happens, it's ignored completely. if it turns into a delay more than 2 minutes, the company issues a delay warning on their website. when trains break down, they are ordered to finish their planned route. after reaching their last stop, all affected trains and trains waiting to depart on that line are upgraded to express trains. the express trains will run either to a varying amount of stops, or straight to the end of the line depending on how long the delay is. some planned departures may be cancelled entirely since majority of the trains run all stops anyway. the trainline will continue operating in that way until the trains are back on time. the trains are rarely ever late, and if they are, the railway never stays behind schedule for long. I've also never heard of any derailment of a passenger train occurring within the region.
@daviddavid5880 Күн бұрын
I work for a Japanese firm. Can confirm. Deeply toxic. Zero cushion. If you could do it in 15min, you'll be scheduled to do it in 15min. Vapor lock occurs when anything goes wrong. And that thing could be completely normal. A late truck. A bad part. A winter storm. You'll be working weekends to make up for that completely normal occurrence. You or I would schedule in some padding. You or I would have extra personnel or extra stock on hand. My bosses? Nope.
@Lionwoman Күн бұрын
Japan: trains exactly on time. Spain: establishes return policy for ticket money up to 1 hour delays 🤡
@edgargaebolg9307 18 сағат бұрын
My town in Spain: Train broke so you'll have to take another one at a station in the middle of nowhere. Btw the tickets there are more expensive and your train pass won't work because it's a different station
@samandom8772 Күн бұрын
I wonder how many passengers (in the cars towards the back) first thoughts after the accident were "Wel, now Im definitely going to be late for work."
@vicnedel02 Күн бұрын
I like how the action music in the beginning sounds like a train.
@RideOnTimePH Күн бұрын
“On a spring morning in Japan” SUBSCRIBED
@Brenilla Күн бұрын
The whole being late and trains in Japan gets even crazier. If a… self death accident occurs on the tracks, every ammount in damages, including the ones calculated due to the train being behind/late (it’s mostly that one) gets billed to the family members of the deceased/gravely injured “cause” of said incident. I want to say there has been steps to fix how agregious that whole thing is, but I am no expert or caught up on what steps have been taken.