Torso to Jedi in 100 days
Sion on EVERY rune page
6 ай бұрын
Teemo on EVERY rune page
7 ай бұрын
the worst league player ive seen
@pytho8 2 сағат бұрын
I quit Ascension a few years ago because I used so much time making a great build, worked on items, worked on learning all spells and ids so that I knew the interactions. I told the devs about what I did, what worked and explained how this role (who did not damage) was a full support build in raids and how it helped raids zoom through bosses. The reaction? They "fixed issues" and made the build totally useless.
@MrLibbe 13 сағат бұрын
Ascension is 100000times better then classic, ppl that say " private server is gay" have never tried ascension! So mich funnier, I tried retail/classic, its so boring
@MrStone125 16 сағат бұрын
runescape is doing it pretty well when they brought back 07, they've been making new content and all that. It's been nice.
@Equitine Күн бұрын
Love project ascension. Way more fun then normal wow. The point you made at 2:34 about lack of passion isnt just in wow alot of big studios have this issue. An old dev was talking about it how now these younger devs just show up do what they are told and dont question anything. And getting them to have an orriginal thought is like pulling nails by hand. And a step further getting them to fight for a design choice at all is nearly impossible. The second i get completly the world of game devs in terms of employment can be so unstable you dont wannaa risk fetting on someones bad side. Used to be able to get into a heated argument walk away couple days later everything is fine but in todays world that argument could just get you canned before any cool down period.
@lightlesssouls9434 Күн бұрын
Ooof, you should remake the video, they put MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSIIIIVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE buffs, especially to prestiging/making a new character, more card slots, huge updated Synergy system. So many good new buffs! Also to note, Bear is 1 of the most broken specs to do MANASTORM with, when you get the right cards to do it with :D
@massj4287 Күн бұрын
ayo D2R is a banger
@Bitter-Wounds 2 күн бұрын
Ahsoka was a good friend
@abalosjaykee 2 күн бұрын
I noticed that the voiceover in that video is by Ezreal's voice actor, isn't it?
@MrGoldhanns 2 күн бұрын
and now we have builds that do 50k Single and 150k Aoe dmg
@dank7289 3 күн бұрын
Does this server not let you press V and have health bars over mobs/enemies? It's making me lose my shit watching you play without health bars over shit haha EDIT: holy shit thank god at like 3hrs something you turn it on. lol I'll try this server out next season it looks like a lot to learn but also a lot of fun.
@lorenzoghassab6855 3 күн бұрын
Still haven't watched the full video, but I'm a big fan since the total war videos! I'd love to see you do more playthrough of palworld, and it will obviously be nice to see you back on total war! Good luck!
@DevynPlaysGames 3 күн бұрын
love that you're using the clone wars conversion, but I do wonder how legendary of kenshi works with these star wars overhauls
@tinedbox 4 күн бұрын
i copied your pack and have re kenshi and it crashed the second i try to play
@trmplays 3 күн бұрын
Hmm you're the first comment who says that, I'm not sure what could be causing a crash sorry.
@onepenny5382 4 күн бұрын
Within the first 4 minutes of this video, you already show how little you know about the communities that play these games. I'm not meaning this in some super negative way, but to bluntly tell you that you're wrong in your assumptions on what the players wanted from remasters and such. The players WANTED their games to remain the same, in the same sense of classic when it was first released. We weren't able to even play those older titles like diablo 2, starcraft broodwar, ect because windows 10+ didn't allow it to be played due to how the games were created. They were just literally not supported, and you could only play them by doing kind of wacky fixes like for diablo 2 you needed to play it in windowed mode. Or you needed to get a modded/emulated version of the game. People wanted to be able to play these games as they were when we played them back in the day, primarily because blizzard's newer features to any title these days are generally hated. Though, on D2 Blizzard did do the right thing and were adding new runewords, and fixing limitations or things that didn't act like they should have or just made some classes more fun to play by changing how certain spells work. Warcraft 3 was hated at the start mostly because it was a rather lack luster "remaster" that didn't have half the features the original game had such as custom games and was missing TONS of promised features such as remastered cinematics. WC3 remaster was also made with like an extension of chrome or something (I can't remember exactly) and it caused the game lag in a weird and annoying way. As of now, WC3 remastered is kind of received well by it's audience because it did implement a lot of fixes like adding in custom games. Acension's battle royal honestly just sounds lame to me. I liked plunderstorm for the most part. It wasn't ground breaking and addictive, but it was something fun and decently balanced. Most people will say that they hate when every class has everything, but when you look back at the times that it was the most prevalent you'll find that it was also the same time that pvp was the most popular and active (Mists of pandaria). I am not defending blizzard in any way, the company we knew and loved is gone. There is no one there that cares about the games, and it shows. But spewing out assumptions and flat out wrong opinions only muddies the water for a discussion on how to improve things. Blizzard is an imitation company. There are innovators, imitators, and idiots in business. Innovators create something, but don't know how to market it or how to progress it further. Imitators take what has been made and improve on it to make a better product, and know how to market it to who. Idiots just try to run in and cash grab by making cheap versions of the product. Blizzard ran ALL of it's competition out of the scene, thusly losing out on all of the innovations that they created for them to take and improve. The moment blizzard tried to innovate, they lost major portions of their core audiences. So now they are just trying to be idiots to squeeze as much as they can out of the brand as they can before everyone turns their backs on them. What I've been hoping to see from blizzard is them taking ideas from private servers that work well, but that BR that didn't do well even in it's original design is not exactly a feature that seems like it would do well in other places. The biggest thing blizzard can do right now is reopen the sand box design of their games. Allow people to make pennies on their dollar to create new features and content by allowing them to be able to create custom games. Custom games were the origin of their imitations. So allow people to create their own private servers, by purchasing and running the server from blizzard. Basically just like how Fortnite did, but with the added bonus of a subscription for that server. It can be a tiny server with just one zone, and people use it as a guild hall after building a giant mansion in that zone, or maybe some create new arenas/BGs. Some people might create new mechanics for bosses, and so on. But blizzard is too busy looking at dimes while they walk over dollars.
@xinlou6707 4 күн бұрын
Ascension is when the devs are passionate, engage in conversations with players on world chat on daily basis, INSTA ban botters and gold sellers and with Conquest of Azeroth which is progressive vanilla but with 21 custom classes in alpha right now, i'm sorry but fuck blizzard and their retail and classic anyone who spends a few hours on Ascension will instantly never go back to retail
@Khrimz0n 5 күн бұрын
I cancelled my WoW sub to play PA. Its so much better in my opinion.
@danielhanson1434 5 күн бұрын
is this still popular or is it better to wait for next season? any idea when the next season starts?
@FullbringerQuincyGlazeGod 5 күн бұрын
My type of build.
@gabbagundam 6 күн бұрын
I just realized how you can get a shit ton of tonus. Buy boosters and convert the temporary stats into tonus.
@roachdoggjr9262 6 күн бұрын
Always glad to see you play kenshi, I still remember gifting you a few bags and then seeing myself in your video years ago on ascension! keep up the good work fun video, I noticed this mod yesterday but didnt wanna play it yet glad you did
@redmoon9179 6 күн бұрын
1:59 Isn't this just the exact same feature rimworld has? Are there cold though?
@lonewolfgaming1488 7 күн бұрын
Honestly the main reason I stopped playing Retail was it just became so.. stale? boring? idk something in me just grew tired of it so I went to classic, then blizzard made some less then savory life decisions as people so i no longer wanted to support them so stopped playing all their games, which was sad since I grew up playing WoW then i found about ascension and was like WoW? Free? and I can make weird ass builds giving me 1000's of hours of replayabilty why not
@kikosaurusbh 7 күн бұрын
How are they illegal when they earn more than Blizzard and are more polished/no bugs? Take molten-wow (now known as warmane-wow)... THE most popular wrath of the lich king based server to be ever found, after all...WOTLK was and still is THE best expansion to be ever created, anything after that goes down hill
@stitches4president 7 күн бұрын
“The light side of the force here, dark side of the force here” as a black man I gotta say that’s one of the funniest racist jokes I’ve ever heard.
@Dazulolwarrior 7 күн бұрын
This shit aged like wine
@tnaxpw 8 күн бұрын
For future use, you might want to use Auctionator
@clemchowdertrap 8 күн бұрын
Still playing or was this a one shot thing?
@thepicvsso8523 8 күн бұрын
Hey, I don't know whether somebody has already asked that, but could you please list addons you used through out the vid?
@cactuscantshoot Күн бұрын
I don't know which add-ons he used but ascension's launcher has an one click install feature for quite a few nice add ons.
@trmplays Күн бұрын
@Shujee. 9 күн бұрын
Warband got a new driver called WSE2 and makes literally every mod so enhanced and better looking, you should do a hardcore playthrough or something. Miss you man😭😭😭
@Vindex4566 9 күн бұрын
Ohhhh and wait and see when we get CoA
@discmania5677 9 күн бұрын
gotta love the ignorance to ignore Season of discovery
@bloodymortifying 9 күн бұрын
The Rain Man strikes back!
@yg_euro 9 күн бұрын
Project Ascension is literally everything a private server should not be. Microtransactions on a private server? Gtfo dude like literally.
@RetMagnetik 10 күн бұрын
Mcdoubles mentioned, he deserves mentions, man is hard and honest working :)
@Xreed117 11 күн бұрын