@bernhardjanssen9284 6 сағат бұрын
@dogma593 17 сағат бұрын
Does this game have suppressors for the rifles? Does it have grenades? I googled this and it looks like they were talking about it a while back. I mean suppressors for sniper rifles and regular rifles.
@LBMartin_ Күн бұрын
I just figured out that you make that hard mission without the heavy protection. That was fun but you almost die at the beginning. You can vault inside using windows in those buildings. Nice adventure in this chapter 😉
@LBMartin_ Күн бұрын
Finally you change that setting I told you about xD I was ready to comment about it after a few videos ;)
@morkore7 Күн бұрын
Good vid! No one can access your big crates, no matter if it is a PvE or PvP server. On a PvP server, you have to be killed by a player, and your raid token to be dropped and activated, to be able to access your big crates. Yeah, you need just one repairkit - it is not like Scum, where you use them up ;) There are just 6 fixed spawn spots, where the convoy spawn at(used to be 8). From these 6 spots, they can take 2 different routes. You can sometimes alter their route, by engaging them, and then letting them de-agro :)
@stewartscales1564 Күн бұрын
Hey buddy another fantastic video with some perfect boat parking. I really get your rants about the game and I think most players will agree with you, but we all know small the dev team is, so everything is going to take a lot of time. We have said before about night time being un-playable which is such an easy fix with NV's or a scope. Vehicles would add an extra dynamic to the game, there is so much more this game could have to make it truly awesome. With regards the large crates nobody can access them unless you add them to your territory. I have been experimenting with the C4 on convoys and have managed to blow the whole or most of the convoy with just 1 C4 but to be safe 2 would suffice, remember you have to be within 100 meters to use the detonator. If you want to check the airfield out I own my own server and would gladly give you the admin tools to go and check it out yourself. Anyway buddy keep the content coming and I'll see you on the next one.😀😀😀
@caesiocaesio7043 Күн бұрын
On server I am playing no one can access big crates (small one you are placing outside your territory are accessible), it is impossible to take your water, use your workbench, etc. Probably, your server have the same rules. And you need just ONE electronic Repair Kit to make explosives!
@caesiocaesio7043 Күн бұрын
Just wonder why you are not marking mission (shift+left mouse button click), convoy location, etc? Compass is good to give a direction to you team member if he is nearby. Otherwise it just occupying the slot :) As for your question about detonator - yes, in my experience, even a tripwire detonate C4. But the point is - if you combining C4 with tripwires you have to sit close ~30-50m to guard your explosives from AI occasional patrols. But the point is: at least in my server convoys become too touchy for shouting in a direction they are moving too. Already several times I saw them turning back😮- even if I am not shooting at convoy.
@amisoftau2659 Күн бұрын
The remote range is 60m. And convoys won't spawn if you build closer than 100m. Yes the convoys seem to know that you're there, at up to 600m. Though they can't see you due render distance, over 400m. I've seen convoys stay in place, until I move to over 600m away, at which time they begin moving again.
@oldgamer1299 2 күн бұрын
I love this game, but why can't they get the interior lighting right? it kind of ruins the immersion of the game. love the vid by the way. I've not played for a long time, I might give it another go
@f3nn3x Күн бұрын
thank you for watching 🫡 i am really new to the game so i have not yet tried any base building or anything like that. I really like the game so far and it seems like the devs are hard at work so i hope they fix your issue 🙂
@morkore7 2 күн бұрын
Good vid! Yeah, Scum is a great game. Can be a bit overwhelming in the start, but it will come fast. I see you pick up things(and especially your arrows) manually - just use TAB search to pick up things in vicinity = much easier! Lockpicking will come to you - just need practice. You can make a practice lockpicking board, so you can practice without spending/costing any resources. Your good with your bow - very nice! :)
@f3nn3x 2 күн бұрын
thanks for the tips, especially the lockpicking one 🫡 i will have to try that out to get some practice for sure. The game can be a bit overwhelming for sure, but i am trying to look past that and not think to much about it. One step at the time 🙃 these first episodes is more of a trail run, to put it like that and i have started a more "serious" run dropping later. Thanks for watching 🙂
@deej1976 4 күн бұрын
Just catching up, Another knocked it out the ball park video. Nicely done on the Epic. Keep up the good work.
@f3nn3x 2 күн бұрын
thanks' for watching 🫡
@morkore7 4 күн бұрын
Good vid! Wolwes can be "dictated" like this: if you hear the wolf howling - it is warning you. You hear the wolf growling - it is gonna attack you. There is so much more 5.56 ammo available from diverse sources now. Especially from reward crates, with full stacks of 100 beeing a "thing" now. But also in/at ammo stashes - forex. there is 12(10 of those is static) ammo stash-box spawns, just at that military complex you were at, up at the northern island. So it is pretty easy to get 5.56 ammo and thereby "maintain" a 5.56 rifle. You can actually see the boat despawn at 23:30 when you zoom left/past of the boat. This happened because boat render is 500 meters. But player render is 400 meters, and you were more than 400 meters away from the boat, so the boat despawned. If a player had sat in the boat, it wouldnt have despawned on you, I.A "player in a boat render" is 500 meters. So yes, just run in and out of render(you did when you did the medium mission) - it will respawn at one of the spawn points( there are 3 up there by the harbours). 🕵
@f3nn3x 2 күн бұрын
awesome, thanks for the tips and info 🫡
@armschoolc32 4 күн бұрын
Boat despawns after 30mins if there's no players within 100m radius.
@caesiocaesio7043 4 күн бұрын
If you don't want your boat to despawn, don't leave it for more than 30 minutes. Return sit in and than leave for other mission.
@caesiocaesio7043 7 күн бұрын
You need just one electronic repair kit. By the way - you can put on Mosine excellent optic you already have. Another good video!
@f3nn3x 7 күн бұрын
Nice, thanks 🫡 Yeah, i kinda keep forgetting, lol 🙃😂
@JerrysGamingBY 8 күн бұрын
Stacking bodies in the doorway! SO many flies haha The Northern military base is always my favorite place to attic. I haven't played in some time and I just noticed they put in electronics(TVs and Computers) to loot. The small things make me smile in this game lol I'm anxious for the airport to open up on the map. Looks like there's bunkers and jets there. Just like the Helicopters, It begs the question, will we get to fly??
@f3nn3x 8 күн бұрын
lol, lord of the flies 😂🙃 Yeah it's a cool place for sure and the tv loot thing is fairly recent i believe. Yeah i'm really looking forward to that area opening up to, gonna be nice with something new to explore. I hope we get some fun missions there 🫡 Hmmm, i would not hold my breath waiting for us to fly helicopters, but who knows 🤷‍♂️
@Teleport73 8 күн бұрын
Worth stopping by the southern lighthouse on your way up, as a VSD often spawns at the top of it. GG on the epic mission and thanks for the video.
@f3nn3x 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching 🫡 yeah i usually stop by if im in that area to take a look for it. But i think the chance of finding a DMR is higher on the middle dock area, there are a couple of different places they usually spawn 🙃
@MrSchijtzooi 8 күн бұрын
Liked the less ranting. Cheers and thanks
@f3nn3x 8 күн бұрын
thanks for watching 🫡 yeah i have pretty much ranted about what there is to rant about and is basically just repeating myself at this point 🙃 so trying to keep it at a minimal 🍻
@INFJ-ThaneTr 8 күн бұрын
SCUM is too easy with just 1 strength and a 20# bow. Fuck this game and anyone who posts videos about it
@hairymongoose4931 9 күн бұрын
When you hear that load roar that means a hoard spawns so run and try get somewhere high lol.
@f3nn3x 8 күн бұрын
lol, yeah i have sort figured that out 😂 lots to learn about this game 🫡
@davidmcclenaghan2461 9 күн бұрын
Your a Contestant is a sick 'game' run by a evil Mega Corporation TEC 1 you are also a Prisoner
@conniee. 10 күн бұрын
My rant: They need a better setup of ur inventory and toolbar...you should be able to scroll the whole length of ur toolbar to eat and drink not have to hit keyboard keys, and you should be able to put any gun or rifle in any slot not just have certain 3 slots for the axe and pistol, etc. and you shouldn't have to throw things on the ground to get items in slots that are occupied, it should just place whatever item ur trying to place in that slot and put the item that's already there in another slot or on the ground. I'm really tired of the whole pockets and backpack system. I'm surprised that there are no modders for this game that are working on modded versions of this game. As far as vehicles go, the more the merrier, I'm really tired of the "treadmill simulator" to get anywhere. Oh yeah, the growlers as I call them (wolfies) need to drop meat not just pelts. Yes, more animals indeed. The fishing system is atrocious, to cast ur line should be R mouse button or L mouse button not whatever the freak they have now. I'm near starving to death and can't fish, have a rod and worms but can't cast my line cuz I don't know what the fubar system is they are using to fish. Ridiculous!🤔😫
@f3nn3x 10 күн бұрын
a very valid rant 🫡 there are a lot of QOL they can do for sure, i have never done any fishing or hunting for that matter, so i dont really know hoe that works, but it sounds like it can use an update 🙃 as for modders, i guess we wont see that as long as the game is in EA or ever 🤷‍♂️ it would have been really nice tho, and if we could have the server files to host on our own hardware too would be nice. I hope the vehicles are getting close, and it is going to be interesting to see how they handle that. Esp in regards to the convoy, can you just run them over with your jeep or what? Guess only time will tell how it all pans out.
@conniee. 10 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x - Bc it's in EA doesn't mean it can't be modded. I play a game called 7 Days to Die that was in EA for a long time (it's out of EA now) and has modders making modded versions of that game. This game may not be modded bc the Devs for this game may not allow it for some reason, I don't know.🤷‍♀ I'd love to be able to run down bots in a vehicle, but if they(the Devs) are going to be as stingy with the land vehicles as they are with the boats, then I don't know how often that would be possible.🧐😮‍💨
@f3nn3x 10 күн бұрын
oh yeah, for sure, not saying that EA = no mods. Lots of EA games have mods as you say. But i dont think that mods are on their list atm 🤷‍♂️ I would love for it to be moddable. Yeah, i dont know, i guess we would have to "fix" the vehicles by finding "parts" or something like that. And considering there is a limited amount of vehicles on the server i dont really think you can "own" a vehicle. But we will see 🙂
@conniee. 7 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x - Yes, they do that fix up a vehicle you find thing in, "No One Left Alive" where if you find a vehicle and put parts in it for it to run, it's yours.🤔 But knowing this game they'll probably have it where you only have the vehicle for 30 minutes like the boats even if you did fix it up to run.😖😟
@JerrysGamingBY 11 күн бұрын
Your rants are valid and need to be spoken, particularly because you are one of the only streamers i know that stream Deadside on a regular basis. You are our voice at the moment. I can't speak for everyone but as for me and my gamer group, we all want more from this already great game. Vehicles will be great but we all want a real gameplay loop, a storyline and/or challenges. Thanks for another great video!
@f3nn3x 11 күн бұрын
thank you, i really appreciate that 🫡 i really hope there are some plans to make "more out of the game" than what we got atm. I can appreciate the QOL updates and additions we are getting, but there is nothing that will change the "core" game loop. I really wish they put out a roadmap or shared some of their long-term plans oof the game. It is such a great game, and we all prob just want it to as good we all know it can be 🫡
@caesiocaesio7043 11 күн бұрын
I know - it wasn't your intention, you just making a game more challenging for yourself, but your use of Hunting Scope (while you have an excellent ELCN) causes an inferiority complex among some viewers. And this is a natural reaction ;) What can I say? Very good tactic, without frontal attack, good movement, smart changing position to control and to kill agring AI . And of course you are not a dumbass! I agree with you - the game is awesome, it's magnetising, like any other games I played. Views and landscapes are beautiful. Sure - vehicles will not make it better as well as making players to search and collect sheet metal. What developers a really need is a help from good marketing person who will critically listen to opinion from players. Successful products is a product providing a novel customer experience that creates demand. To understand what is novel it is essential to listen players thoughts. Anyway, thank you for another great, interesting video!
@f3nn3x 11 күн бұрын
Lol, I'm not a dumbass, I'm an old dumbass 😂 but thanks for the kind words 🫡 I try to play the game smart-ish and challenge my self by not using the best / top gear. It really is a great game, and I'm glad that others agree that it need more. I wish they put out a roadmap or something like that, and i think Loaf is (or at least was) one of their community managers, and he is a great guy making great content. I really think the game has a great future IF the devs was more transparent with their plans and development. I don't expect anything to happen over night at all, but give us a deeper glimpse of the more long-term future / vision of the game. Thanks for watching 🫡🤘
@caesiocaesio7043 11 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x Great! Agree, but I bet I'm still older. And it is not an achievement, just a reality :)
@deej1976 11 күн бұрын
Lovely work with the Mosin and Hunting Scope some of those shots where mad, I love my VSD+ELCN(4.5) Scope. Keep on RANTING the game is great(until you've run out off content) your putting at more videos that Loaf on YT and he is/was the something like the community manager! And I agree with everything you said, it's a great game, vehicles won't change anything, farming scrap proves nothing of your skill, it needs a new loop with missions.
@f3nn3x 11 күн бұрын
Thanks, appreciate that 🫡 yeah i get lucky sometimes, lol. That VSD combo is really good and i am looking for a VSD but have not come across one yet. Yeah i have been watching a lot of Loaf's videos and that is what got me into the game in the first place. I hope he is busy trying to get the game better 🤘 And I am glad i'm not the only one wanting more out of the game. A roadmap would have been really great. But i guess we have to give it time 👍
@armschoolc32 15 күн бұрын
Medium has chance dropping assault packs Hard has chance dropping Typhoon packs Epic drops either Typhoon or Stalker packs Won't hurt spamming mediums, chances are you out to get an assault pack or two after you've done a few.
@f3nn3x 14 күн бұрын
nice, thanks for the tips, gotta try and remember that 🫡 yeah sometimes the medium missions seems "harder" than hard / epic for some reason, lol 🤷‍♂️ but overall hard and epic are more worth it in the sense of rewards and such
@bernhardjanssen9284 15 күн бұрын
You need a lot of bullets to kill the bods such rar thing in this game i really like your lonely journey
@f3nn3x 14 күн бұрын
lol, yeah im not the best shot out there, for sure 😂 thanks for watching 🫡
@deej1976 15 күн бұрын
Great video, nice work with the Crash and Epic mission. I've started to feel the Epic's are becoming to easy now and predictive, would be good to have some sort of random elements to them. I'm not sure where the developers are getting these requests for the changes from, I've not kept up with there Discord channel, but as you said they need to add more loops. The trader levelling is a good idea, but not for the scrap metal which is used in other place, and I really don't care much for the vehicles. I'm slowly losing interest in what was a promising game, for a quick in an out play.
@f3nn3x 15 күн бұрын
thanks, appreciate that 🫡 yeah i know what you mean, thats kinda why i wanted to go with the rules and such, to make the game more interesting for me i guess 🤷‍♂️ as for the changes i think it is something parts of the community have screaming pretty loud for for a while, esp vehicles. I really do hope what they are working on adding in now is a foundation of more to come. It sucks when you start to loose interest like that, but i get it. What would they need to do do to the game to keep you interested and excited for the game again?
@deej1976 15 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x Think it really is just getting more POI's on the map, maybe adding a bit of randomise to the troops deployed at the POIs ( EPIC mission at the rail yard, "3 guys in the room") A timer on the map so a mission doesn't de-spawn after running across the map. Did you see the development on Incursion Red River, they are building a bunker!
@Teleport73 15 күн бұрын
Congrats on the backpack! Hopefully the devs will open up the airfield part of the map soon. If you're finding PvE too easy and predictable now maybe try PvP...:D. Not that I do. PvE only for me. But i do agree that the open world exploration needs to be spiced up. More variation for random encounters and missions. If the devs looked at STALKER (GAMMA), with its wandering factions and their interactions (independent of players) and tried to implement some of that , it would be a good decision I feel. Just to make the (PvE) world more unpredictable, alive and lived in. Maybe also a very small amount of story around the missions, along the lines of Ghost Recon Wildlands. Maybe this could be introduced via NPS missions.
@f3nn3x 15 күн бұрын
@deej1976 yeah, there are stuff they can add for sure. My hope is that they add some kind of task / quest system as you know, other that handing in scrap metal :P It would have been nice with a roadmap or something like that 🤷‍♂️
@f3nn3x 15 күн бұрын
@Teleport73 thanks 🫡 yeah, NoClip did a video flying around the airfield part you should check out. But that will be a nice addition for sure. Oh yeah, i have thought about doing some PVP, and i might do that on the experimental servers just for fun. But as you im more into PVE, the amount of cheaters, griefers, campers and trolls in PVP games (not only DEADSIDE) is such a buzz kill and im just getting to old for that shit i guess, lol 🙃 there are so much they can do with this game and i really hope they work on giving the game more "game" 🫡
@caesiocaesio7043 15 күн бұрын
I was really impressed with your skills: you managed to exterminate all helicopter protectors with machine gun and complete epic mission with a hunting scope. Well done! Just to remind you: the issue with devs is simple: marketing in Russia is still at embryonic stage. And was non-existent in Soviet era ;)
@f3nn3x 15 күн бұрын
thank you, appreciate that. Getting to a point where the content is starting to get kinda predictable and "easy", idk 🤷‍♂️ Yeah they are a small team so stuff takes time, and that's ok 👍
@dogma593 15 күн бұрын
The only reason I watch these video's is for the phenomenal boat parking. "PERFECT!" 😅
@f3nn3x 15 күн бұрын
thank you for watching, appreciate that 🫡 Finally, someone gets it! Between you and me, i just want to be Captain McDocking and boat around all day 🤘🙃
@dogma593 14 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x from now on I will refer to you as "Boaty McBoatface" 😆
@f3nn3x 12 күн бұрын
lol, i'll take that 😂🫡
@Mark-jz2xg 16 күн бұрын
Chop puppet, make bones into needles, combine needle and thread make sewing kit, can repair clothes and things.
@f3nn3x 16 күн бұрын
thanks for the tips, really appreciated. There is so much to this game so taking it slow and learning the hard way 🤷‍♂️😂
@Mark-jz2xg 16 күн бұрын
You can bundle rags.
@f3nn3x 16 күн бұрын
thanks, i will try to remember that 🫡
@JerrysGamingBY 17 күн бұрын
They are working on Trader upgrade system but it's cashing in scrap metal. They need to make it upgradeable with dog tags that we use already to travel or make tokens per mission difficulty. Just not scrap metal. Just seems like a cheap addition.
@f3nn3x 17 күн бұрын
yeah, i know and do a rant about it in an upcoming episode 🙃 It feels kinda cheap as you say, but i hope they use it as foundation to build and expand on going forward. Only time will show i guess 🤷‍♂️
@caesiocaesio7043 18 күн бұрын
It is always interesting to watch your games! Really exiting and challenging. Just one suggestion for guns - just get muzzle brake M1 or M2. Easiest way - from helicopter crash guards. Recoils decreases and accuracy increases substantially. An use marks on a map "shift+left mouse key" for navigation, convou path tracking, etc. Compass, as I understand, is a must only if you are working in team to give a direction to your mates. Anyway, keep doing it nice and exiting like you always playing!
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
thanks, appreciate that 🫡 yeah, i got some muzzle breaks and try out some new guns in upcoming episodes and the tip for using markers for convoys is a good one. I keep trying to keep an eye out of where they go when they spawn in the different locations. Have a great week 🤘
@LBMartin_ 18 күн бұрын
About game play, I agree with the quest missions from Traders (for money or special equipment rewards, under time limit). I also cool with more hard and epic missions in some more places. There are a lot of places in the map great to set some more missions. One more thing is that we need bots to enter inside "all" buildings not only a few. That way you will have really hard time in some missions or situations.
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
Yeah i totally agree, game needs more... game 🤷‍♂️ And i really hope they are working on something, other than bringing scrap to vendors to level them up that is. Give us something more to do and as you say, make the AI access all buildings and stuff. I hope the airfield will be a location for some really difficult missions 🫡
@LBMartin_ 18 күн бұрын
Hi @F3NN3X, about those popup messages in your bottom left, I have dissabled those kind of messages turning OFF the game setting "Show popup messages". After that, if you want to read any message, you have to open your chat window manually. It would be less annoying xD
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
Oh nice, didn't even think about that 😂 thank you for the tip, will do that asap 🫡
@deej1976 18 күн бұрын
Good video, and if your neighbour complains just shut "NO No no!" and run away :D As mentioned in a previous comment, I've seen some odd behave with the AI similar to what you've shown in the video. No rushing and coming down a floor to shot you in the back. On easy and medium they still seem to rush most of the time. Also have you played Ghost Recon: Wildlands?
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
lol, yeah i would prob do that 😂 yeah it is kinda hard to put our finger on it, but it "feels" like something changed with the AI, glad im not the only one noticing 👍 Oh yes, i love Wildlands such a great game and it still holds up pretty good. Not the biggest fan of Breakpoint tho, game plays good, but i could never really get into the story of that one.
@hairymongoose4931 18 күн бұрын
Yeah trader quests would be good and maybe some secret underground bunkers with experimental stuff in them? 😁
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
Oooooh, yeah that would be cool, some secret locations and stuff like would fit this game perfectly 🫡👍
@morkore7 18 күн бұрын
Good vid! Yeah, we need new stuff to do! I think they are prepping for some quest-like stuff to come, with the next update, where you bring things back to the vendors, like scrapmetal to level up your reputation. Hopefully they will start to focus on creating more of that type of gameplay. And if you need things to do, there is the 29 Deadside achievements to "conquer" - have you unlocked them all? ;)
@f3nn3x 18 күн бұрын
Yeah we really do need "more game" in the game. And yes, i know they are working on the bring scrap metal to vendor to level them up, and i mean, they are really close to something but i don't think that's it. But i really do hope that simple thing lays the foundation for something more advanced down the line. Oh yeah, i know, but im not an achievement hunter to put it like that, im currently missing 9 achievements, and in no rush to get them done, but maybe one day 🤷‍♂️🫡
@caesiocaesio7043 20 күн бұрын
Your ideas about mission timer and shrinking mission symbols are great, but mind you: game devs a Russians and it is not in Soviet tradition to reppect customers time and customers per se. And I am dead serious😳! 🙂
@f3nn3x 19 күн бұрын
yeah, something to indicate something about the mission timer would be great. Well, one can always hope something is on their QOL list 🫡
@armschoolc32 21 күн бұрын
New to a server, backpack of any sort that holds at least a gun or two is always the first priority, followed by armor. N4 shotgun is super good at clearing that building indoor Epic, I could do with just the N4 alone in maybe 10mins ? Since you miss so much, I would say the NK417 DMR is better suited for you, much larger margin for errors.
@f3nn3x 21 күн бұрын
Thanks 🤘🫡 yeah, i should prob use a shotgun, but don't really like them, in any game 🤷‍♂️ lol, i do miss a bunch of my shots, so i am looking for a vsd or nk, prefer the vsd since the ammo is easier to come by and the stats are not that different 🙃
@WicklumGaming 21 күн бұрын
Try out our server Slopside. Created by KZfaqrs. Cheers!
@f3nn3x 21 күн бұрын
nice, will check it out 🫡
@caesiocaesio7043 22 күн бұрын
Very impressive! But why you are not using boat inventory? It is not included in your strict game regulation and conduct! As for AI - it looks that got a little bit more iniciative.
@f3nn3x 22 күн бұрын
Thanks 🫡 boats despawn and stuff dont they? i guess i could for a temporary storage if i need to transport something 🤷‍♂️ but trying to stick to only the one crate and the safe zone storage 🤘
@Teleport73 22 күн бұрын
@@f3nn3x Since the last update the despawn timer on boats seems much longer. More time to complete missions and get back to your transport now.
@armschoolc32 21 күн бұрын
@@Teleport73 You never know, he could spend more than 30mins on a job lol. AFAIK, boat timer is 30mins with no players within 100m radius. You could reset the timer by going close to it (100m) Worked for me and is tried and true as my base is offshore just within 100m, my boat never despawn whenever I am in base doing errands.
@morkore7 20 күн бұрын
@@armschoolc32 Boat despawn/reset is 400 meters(500 meters if a player in boat approches from water) - because player render is 400 meters and player in a boat is 500 meters. And yes, it is still 30 minutes.
@MrSchijtzooi 22 күн бұрын
Nice. Thanks.
@f3nn3x 22 күн бұрын
thank you for watching 🫡
@JerrysGamingBY 23 күн бұрын
Awesome seeing you on Scum Island. There's so much to this game, you really can't beat the survival aspect. If you want some PVP there's a Battle Royale Server that's interesting to say the least. It's exactly what it sounds. Small circle area with guns, ammo and armor for loot. There are so many ways to play this game.
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
thanks, it has been really cool so far 🫡 yeah at this point i wish i jumped on the game earlier, bought it way back in 2018 when it released but been collecting virtual dust in my steam library since... Oh nice, that actually sounds cool, might have to check that out 🤘🙂
@morkore7 23 күн бұрын
Hahaha hello bear and welcome to Scum! Yeah, that is an abandoned bunker you were at. There is an bunker in each sector(so 25 bunkers in total - not including the WW2 bunkers) - 17 is abandoned and 8 is active. The active ones you can go into, without the bigger hassle("only" ordinary puppets and beepers(explosive/suicide puppets). The abandoned ones are another "story" - there you have to deal with razors and Mr. Brenner. Have fun! ;)
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
thank you, and i feel like somebody could have warned me, lol 😂 Oh nice, awesome, thanks for the info. Cant wait to explore more. There is a lot to learn tho, but that's half the fun 🫡
@deej1976 23 күн бұрын
Nice video, was confused as hell trying to hunt down EP1 and EP2, looking forward to further adventures in this!
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
thanks, yeah, i could have made it more clear i guess 😂 i did edit ep 1 and 2 but they were more boring than usual, lol, so i just skipped them, put in the recap and here we are 🙃🤷‍♂️
@alexreigel7950 23 күн бұрын
I just started playing this game today because of this video. Thanks for showing this off!
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
thanks for watching, and i hope you enjoy the game 🫡
@Arcanis200488 23 күн бұрын
Hi F3NN3X, enjoyed the video. sidenote: you spelled "deadside" wrong in the title. Greetings
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
thanks, appreciate that, and corrected the title 🙃🫡
@michaelka2095 24 күн бұрын
night vision goggles would be more than nice
@f3nn3x 23 күн бұрын
yeah i really hope that add something like that