“Turn-Based RPGs Are Boring”
Top 10 RPG Battle Themes Countdown!
Eternal Sonata in 2022 - Is it Good?
@Rebel3000 9 күн бұрын
Should be noted, you can transfer you PS:P save, which cononically means your ps:p2 character i the same from the 1st. Also you get unique dialogue with Vivienne. As for me, i played it for years at release. I went by Ace ingame, a red haired human, and had some of the best times of my life on this game
@OmarO_721 15 күн бұрын
I noticed that after the Expedition 33 Trailer, lots of people were bringing up Final Fantasy, and saying that this what the series should go for. It is possible to make a modernized turn based game with action elements. And Final Fantasy can certainly succeed in this. But if they still want to remain with action combat, then FF7 Remake/Rebirth combat is the way to go, no where else.
@backupschmliff1156 18 күн бұрын
I think I've seen this before but I would prefer an SMT II 3D remake, as outlandish and unlikely that would be. Before SMT IV, II was THE SMT game with the incredibly engrossing world and cast.
@KatanaRikku 13 күн бұрын
See I wouldn’t mind that too. It looked really cool from the little bits I’ve seen
@ryangmilam 20 күн бұрын
Hell house in remake was the worst designed boss in that game....
@albarrex1600 22 күн бұрын
I've played ff7, 8 and 9, as well as many turn based rpgs. I loved those games but now I dislike that combat system.
@Human_01 25 күн бұрын
This was a great video. I'm getting nostalgic when I listen to the Xenoblade 2's ost, however, I feel duant at the Idea of restarting the game again.😅😅😅
@KatanaRikku 25 күн бұрын
@KitsuneYojimbo 28 күн бұрын
God, I loved this game as a teen. Had both 1 and 2. Did my own little chronicle through the Universe series as a Beast named Neera, since PSP2 let you port your character over from the first game. Also made her in the PS2 version of Ambition of the Illuminus.
@jellyface401 28 күн бұрын
Game Industry: It's okay guys ( Investors ) we will spend a 1000 Millions on 5 live service games, yes 4 will fail and the one that kind of works only leaves us with a loss of 200 millions but we can always fire people to match numbers. 🤑
@MatthewMoreau 28 күн бұрын
This is why I go for Xbox games, because they create some of the most awesome games.
@chillyinsummer Ай бұрын
Im pretty sure both the Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi series are both SMRPG sequels!
@megakazuya123 Ай бұрын
Fast Forward and we have the soulless PSO2NG.
@chozochiefxiii3298 Ай бұрын
Not entirley about rpgs, but it's something im trying to figure out about myself. How i can enjoy other relaxed games like metroid prime, while i struggled outside of a few games to thoroughly enjoy turn based rpgs once i quit pokemon in 2012. I have since been trying to open back up to turn based rpgs alongside some other genres i want to try. Currently playing the paper mario 1000 year door release on switch. It's fun, I just feel i don't have a lot of time to sit down and get dug in.
@nishitagarwal8614 Ай бұрын
Yall just slapped the more popular ones lol Saga scarlet grace ambitions alone clear these mainstream rpg
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
These were all of our personal opinions tbh
@snoopdoggdankkush9285 Ай бұрын
I put the game on psp but I could t get the extra content working ): does anyone know what to do?
@strungarsshack5678 Ай бұрын
Remember when they released Monster hunter portable 3rd, and then Phantasy star portable 2 infinity for the PSP, And we ever got them? And then the PlayStation Vita came out, And then They made PSO2, and then MH Frontier for the VIta. But we never got them. Gee I wonder why the Vita was so successful in Japan, and not the US...
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
We really got shafted here in the US
@ponderingForever Ай бұрын
PSPInfinity was so goodddd
@Ashaweshk Ай бұрын
I wish they released single-player/multi-player PS games again... A revival is looong over-due.
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
I agree fully
@supercoolmaniajon265 Ай бұрын
Honestly, the main reason I don't _love_ turn based elements is because I don't have full control of the variables. In real time my reflexes allow me to weave through attacks, and heal whenever I get nicked. Meanwhile in turns, enemies just slowly walk up to me and eat away at my bar, while all I can do is hope that my character dodges and the attack isn't a crit if they can't. Speaking of which, I like the Mario and Luigi series for this exact reason. When I take damage it's either a canon event or entirely my fault. I didn't always feel like the games were rigged, I simply needed to focus and try harder.
@xoheartss662 Ай бұрын
One week away
@devantezephis8068 Ай бұрын
Playing this on my steamdeck as we speak
@LBnMie Ай бұрын
YES! (Saw the title and had to respond!)
@AmazingOwnage Ай бұрын
FFX and KH2 got me into RPGs
@bigwhiteshogun Ай бұрын
well now we know! and honestly I can't say how happy I am for them, Astro was the best game sony put out this generation and it was basically a tech demo. Full size Astro Bot game is a godscent for me
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
I am so excited!
@Adeyum64 Ай бұрын
Soooo.... yeah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who's hyped?
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
@Adeyum64 Ай бұрын
Their new Astro Bot game seems to have a LOT Ape Escape going on. And even Parappa the Rapper cameo! It's only a matter of time until Sony greenlits another Ape Escape.
@KatanaRikku Ай бұрын
@Nicomartz52 2 ай бұрын
The classes in phantasy star to me always has been play like Chaz, play like Demi or play like Rune.
@HattoriStudios 2 ай бұрын
Check out my game I’m working on, it’s a open world ninja jrpg, currently it’s just me working on it
@ankokunokayoubi 2 ай бұрын
As PSO2 went downward spiral since NGS, they should have make it at least to PC
@Michael-rk9iw 2 ай бұрын
RPGs in general are okay for young players that haven't experienced world building yet. For them, the stories haven't been heard yet, so they are engaging, which keeps all the dialog and turn based combat viable. But you play a few of them and you've played them all. Just like movies, TV shows, and even music. FF7 was one of my favorite games, but I couldn't even make it an hour into the remake. Too slow. Its like waiting for marriage -- maybe you can do it the first time, but you're not waiting after the separation.
@narckryptonite 2 ай бұрын
Only emotionally adolescent sociopaths or kids play these.
@KatanaRikku 2 ай бұрын
@felipebompiani 3 сағат бұрын
@narckryptonite Said the guy with a Care Bears character as his profile picture
@internallyscreaming2788 2 ай бұрын
Clearing they havent played darkest dungeon
@justlearning1881 2 ай бұрын
my childhood
@lumi4178 2 ай бұрын
10:20 The cut from Pyra to Mòrag in a swimsuit caught me so off guard
@KatanaRikku 2 ай бұрын
@sleepyprinny 3 ай бұрын
So, I'm 2/3 of the way done with Epiaode 2... and Emilia's past explains why she is the way she is and cements her as one, if not the most, tragic protagonists in the entire Phantasy Star series, past or pr4sent. Cuz, I mean.... jeezys did this poor girl not catch a break. I remember an earlier optional scene with Vasque, that dark knight looking CAST commenting on her birthday and how the way she reacted... and her backstory just.... hits you in the stomach with the reveal and the cruel reality of just how messed up the GUARDIANS' were at their lowest point. Yeah. I really don't think ANYONE had wished her a happy birthday in her entire life before that scene.... and, I can kinda relate. It wasn't my whole life, but there were long strethces in my own life growing up and even into adilthood where practically nobody wished me a happy birthday. Her character really resonated with me bc she was so understandably flawed and fragile. It made being her most important partner really worthwhile. Another kudos for PSP2I was also its homage to the old school PSO with its smaller pool of tried n true 4 classes and throwbacks to enemy possession by Datk Falz or a jetkass digital ghost, depending on the episode. No pure fantasy here. To quote famous science fiction author, Arthur C. Clarke. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Mika wven straight up says that she, despite her supernatural flavoring, is still just a program. Incidentally, this logic is also the rationale behind Technics in the series too. Another example of this is in the Xenosaga trilogy, at least as far as the actual tech and skills go. That series actually did touch on the supernatural. Universe, as a series, largely doesn't have overtly pronounced supernatural elements. They're there, but mostly in the background and uber downplayed, if not subverted. Overall, this game is damn good. Even the NPCs comment on events as the story goes on and you learn a few surprising details about them and the main cast. Yeah, I just can't say enough good things about the game.
@LoneKuroRaifu 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, ethan was funny in how dumb he sounded
@KatanaRikku 3 ай бұрын
@rodrigoacha4997 3 ай бұрын
Atlus released the Etrian Oddyssey I, II, III HD collection, so we still have the chance to have an either remake or Hd enhanced version of IV and IVA. Both amongst my fav games of all times
@kellinwinslow1988 3 ай бұрын
Got both 1 and 2 when they first came out. The first Phantasy Star game I played was the very first one for the Sega Master System back in 1989. Then the 3 sequels for the Genesis. It's a pity they never did another Phantasy Star game in that style after Phantasy Star Online changed the series. What's a real shame is that Sega,in a typical boneheaded move,took both of the PSP games off the PSN store shortly after the Vita came out. Being able to play the games on the Vita would have made the game look much better as it did with other PSP games. Now getting the game is becoming more difficult due to the games being ignored by Sega now.
@KatanaRikku 3 ай бұрын
So i honestly don’t know what series is like before PSO since I’ve only played a tiny bit of Phantasy Star 2 when they released it on Switch before calling it quits. And tbh I’d have kept my PS Vita if they released Portable and Portable 2 on there. What really hurts is that Phantasy Star Nova never came to the west.
@kellinwinslow1988 3 ай бұрын
​@@KatanaRikku Yes that is a pity. The original 4 games were more like Dragon Quest with a pretty great story that connects all 4 of the original games. The 4th game ties everything together and has a great story. I would recommend playing the original games in order if you could. It does take a certain retro mindset to get into them but with the state of modern games,and Sega not being the same company it once was,I find myself playing a lot of older games now. It would be nice to see them return to that style. And yes the PSP games would have been great to play on the Vita.
@mendax2460 3 ай бұрын
"If you haven't played these games yet, this video will spoil things from *all three* of them..." It's sad enough to be a Xenoblade X fan these days now that 3DS/Wii U servers are dead, you really don't have to rub it in like that. 😔
@KatanaRikku 3 ай бұрын
Lol I didn’t even mean it like that 😆 really I was just saying that the video spoils the Switch games. I didn’t mention X much because I’m a fake fan who hasn’t played it because I never owned a Wii U
@mendax2460 3 ай бұрын
​@@KatanaRikku No hard feelings, people have been forgetting about X since the release of 2. If you end up thinking about playing X, it definitely is the black sheep of Xenoblade games. In my opinion it has the weakest narrative out of them, but by far the best open world. It has the least useful AI party members and synergies between them, but the most freedom to customize the player character. If you put in the effort to learn the (admittedly poorly explained) intricacies of X's mechanics, you can potentially build a stronger character than any of the other games' entire parties. The music also takes a different direction, one that sometimes works really well and other times makes you wonder why they wasted such a good track on a menu that you visit once per play session, but also used such a repetitive hub theme. All in all, they took some risks and made a few mistakes along the way, but it's still a great game that has some unique things to offer compared to other Xenoblade titles. You can even see some influence it ended up having on Xenoblade 3, like having a class system that unlocks further customization once you master classes and begin combining them, or the hero quest system (sadly no sprinting).
@killout18 3 ай бұрын
Phantasy star portable 2 infinity is not just a good game it is objectively the best handheld game ever made. Everyone always complains action RPGs are just 1 button exploding screen speed runs, but all phantasy star online games have always been normal combat pacing with emphasis on player skill. It's the ideal that everyone always complains doesn't exist because they are casuals who don't know about phantasy star. Most people that get into this game have 500 hours or more, many with thousands. I need to emphasize if you are going to play this, get the infinity version with the English patch on ppsspp. Find out how to get it, instructions get banned here. I also STRONGLY ADVISE WITH ALL SINCERITY, TO MAXIMIZE YOUR FUN, DO NOT LOOK UP ANY INFORMATION EXCEPT FOR RACE STAT DIFFERENCES AND TYPE ABILITIES ON THE WIKI. I can't even hint why this is important for your dopamine's sake, resolve that you will only use the in game information npcs and then this game transcends being rank 1 all time handheld to wondering why American and New zealand ARPG devs can even sleep at night with the humiliation phantasy star brings upon them. Even the damn title screen in game will get you fired up. There is no handheld game with eng subs in the history of mankind that is better than phantasy star portable 2 infinity. Telling you why would be a spoiler, get in and you'll see in the first 30 mins.
@LongTran-kp3kz 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, Portable 2 is one of my favorite RPGs on the PS and one of my favorite in the greater Phantasy Star series. Of the Universe sub-series, it's my favorite. Plus, major props to the fan translators for letting us play Infinity! Also, Mika's 'not' a goddess... more like a ghost.
@LongTran-kp3kz 3 ай бұрын
For a blind shit like me, the slower combat worked really well for me, plus... come Portable 2, you CAN fully explore the colony again!
@KatanaRikku 3 ай бұрын
God I love Portable 2
@LongTran-kp3kz 3 ай бұрын
@@KatanaRikku And bless the team that fan translated Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!
@KatanaRikku 3 ай бұрын
@LongTran-kp3kz indeed I am so happy we finally have that game. I do need to go ahead and start a playthrough soon so I can make a video on that as well
@LongTran-kp3kz 3 ай бұрын
@@KatanaRikku You totally should! Plus, all the original voicework just really helps the experience. Yeah, I'm still kinda miffed on how half assed English localization can be... and don't get me started on how censor happy they can be... Anyway, it's totally worth a look!
@alexandersykes6300 3 ай бұрын
Meh... How much can you spoil me in 15 minutes?
@blakemayo1605 3 ай бұрын
This was explained to me, but in 100 years from now we can probably assume that VR has taken over the gaming world. Can you imagine VR having turn based games? I can’t. And I know that’s going to upset a lot of people who feel strongly about that style of gaming, but there’s a sense of realism coming to video games and the turn based gameplay is just not realistic. FF16 combat system is flashy and looks smooth, but obviously needs some polishing to be better. HOWEVER, FF16 was a huge step forward from FF15. I’d like to see the progress for the next installment.
@chuganoga1908 3 ай бұрын
Phantasy star online episodes 1&2 and Gauntlet dark legacy is what got me into RPGs and Diablo like games. I personally prefer the slightly slower pace the older phantasy star games had. It was more strategic and had you think more about positioning during combat New Genesis is just not for me idk if it’s the combat or just how bad the games world is content wise or maybe a lil of both. The older phantasy star games are still amazing till this day imo
I loved it was universe 😢
@AlphaAchilles 4 ай бұрын
Turned based RPGs are absolutely garbage. And if you like them..sorry….your opinion is wrong and you have bad taste. I loathe health bars over enemies heads and I hate having damage numbers pop up every time you hit an enemies. It comes off as a computer game and I hate computer games.
@KatanaRikku 4 ай бұрын
@rl2233 2 ай бұрын
@pinaseraphina 4 ай бұрын
The Fact that you played Ape Escape 3 before 2 amazes me! Also AE3 is my favorite PS2 Game ever! Currently playing Million Monkey for the first Time Its a bit different and more combat heavy.... But you still capture Monkeys sometimes and also you can play as Charu/Casi and she is the cutest
@marcrics 4 ай бұрын
GameCube? I wish it was 😂 great video though 🙌
@Alejandro_P03 4 ай бұрын
0:30 GameCube???