Police try to shut down NatCon
Éric Zemmour at NatCon Brussels
@prajnaseek 9 сағат бұрын
Misunderstanding Autism & Schizophrenia Brilliant talk... BUT, an error - at least one, and even the most brilliant of us make them: One of my best friends, and also, one of my closest family members, are both labelled as schizophrenic. Both have vastly more right brain traits than 98% of the public. And my daughter, now 20, has autism and is non-verbal, though she proved she was genius level in intellect by 18 months old, and in both right and left brain intelligence; then, after severe emotional trauma, she stopped talking, suddenly became temporarily severely depressed and withdrawn, stopped talking completely, in fact, and started having seizures. She proved to me she is in the top fraction of 1% in terms of both left and right brain intelligence. She simply experienced far too much for her ultra-sensitive and ultra-intelligent, and empathic, nature to be able to handle. For her, autism and epilepsy resulted; for the first two i mentioned, it was schizophrenia. But all three shatter your assumptions as to the nature of autism and schizophrenia, both. JTR, Philosopher at large, July 9, 2024 Highlands Chiapas, Mexico
@KristynLorraine 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you for making this available. Great minds!
@brendonlake1522 17 сағат бұрын
I'm reminded of the joke, "Can I drop my body off at the gym and pick it up again in a few months?"
@philnewton3096 23 сағат бұрын
Might the minimalistic music be an impediment to choice ,a gratuitous gesture?
@reTH7 Күн бұрын
Well said, HPitt and Mankoo - wonderful vid. More of the same. Got this from twitter X
@eerusowi Күн бұрын
Catholics really have a thing for mary, it's kind of weird.
@freddiejwp Күн бұрын
good stuff!
@fhugheveleigh2 Күн бұрын
Thank goodness for the European Conservative and in particular Mr Pitt and these dialogues. His guests are always interesting and knowledgeable and I find I learn much from what is on offer. I wish those who have contrary views through lack of knowledge might be compelled to listen but I suppose the notion is rather fantastic and unlikely to be legal. Pity. Thank you for mentioning where the interview took place. I was mildly considering which of you lived there but then I read ... The point toward the end re history and the first person plural is important, in my mind even vital. We are losing it for sure and in its place multiculturalism, ethnic division, mistrust and a broken society.
@martyfromnebraska1045 Күн бұрын
Interesting example here of a fake Zionist conservative organization appropriating the language of nationalists, in this case our use of "anti-white blood libel," to spread a watered down milquetoast message which will keep our people spinning on a hamster wheel until we no longer exist. Many, many, many such cases.
@martyfromnebraska1045 Күн бұрын
Big W that you're forced to do rear guard actions like this, though. Maybe there's hope for Europe.
@strongbow3896 Күн бұрын
'Zionist' has nothing to do with it.
@martyfromnebraska1045 Күн бұрын
The reason Europeans are attacked on these grounds while other people are not is twofold. One, we abolished the practice for moral reasons, which makes us susceptible to moral blackmail. Two, the Jewish presence in Europe led to them leading movements, both intellectual and political, to undermine European confidence in their national/racial identity, which they viewed as an obstacle to their power as outsiders. Anything that doesn't deal with problem number 2 isn't going to solve anything.
@liamkelly1312 Күн бұрын
Harrison puts a spin on the truth to construct a classic straw man argument- "...The age of European empires was enabled a a racist culture..." the converse is true European racist culture was created to justify its imperialism. How else could good "christians" elites have slept peacefully at night after enabling the slaughtering, enslaving, and exploiting of indigenous peoples in every other continent for centuries.
@liamkelly1312 Күн бұрын
typo above should read - "by a racist culture"
@strongbow3896 Күн бұрын
Amazing how many anti-whites have Irish names.
@liamkelly1312 Күн бұрын
@@strongbow3896 Not amazing how many cowardly trolls are afraid to show their names on here
@FiveLiver 19 сағат бұрын
@@liamkelly1312 You are the troll here.
@liamkelly1312 18 сағат бұрын
@@FiveLiver You are another one afraid to show their real name -Why? - How come are you not able to critique what I said ?
@rsr789 Күн бұрын
Humza Yousaf's speech in the Scottish Parliament attacking 'white' people (i.e. Scottish People) all the while over 95% of Scotland being 'white' was one of the most racist things I've ever heard.
@strongbow3896 Күн бұрын
Call them anti-white and win the fight.
@LucienCanon 2 күн бұрын
Eric Kaufmann, always wortth listening to. Great work Harrison Pitt.
@richardouvrier3078 2 күн бұрын
Western, Educated, Imperialist, Rational, Democratic.?
@richardouvrier3078 2 күн бұрын
Imperial prestige.
@andreakrueger7851 2 күн бұрын
I can make a case for US reparations, my 4th great-grandfather was middling farmer from South Carolina. He was the direct descendant of the 2nd Lord Cathcart of Scotland. He had a white family, and a Black slave family with his slave, my 4th great-grandmother, and bequeathed to them 160 acres of farmland which stayed in our Black family for two generations. Owning property saved my family from ever experiencing generational poverty. And the profits from Cathcart's original 160 acres can be traced to my own family inheritance which I used to buy my house. Our slave owner Cathcart gave me my reparations so I don't claim it. I argue for slave reparations for the Black descendants whose slaveowners didn't recompense their slaves- those Black Americans are owed.
@sanniepstein4835 13 сағат бұрын
Any debt was paid in blood. To ask for money after that sacrifice is indecent.
@roywilliams1989 2 күн бұрын
This has to be the biggest bull I have ever heard? How can you sit there with a straight face and say Britain didn’t benefit from the slave trade? Complete intellectual dishonest Rafe.
@strongbow3896 Күн бұрын
No he was right.
@kingsandqueenskingsandquee8616 2 күн бұрын
These people scared😱 of their own history😢⌛️✂️💰 reparations
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
Liberal Society can be multiethnic but it must be a Single Culture.
@martyfromnebraska1045 Күн бұрын
Or you could just leave and we could ditch liberalism.
@ryanparker4996 Күн бұрын
You are living in lala land. That kind of place only exists on Television. It was never real.
@davidsingh6944 17 сағат бұрын
@@martyfromnebraska1045 so you are either a Fascist and hate Liberal Society or you are fooled by fascists to reject liberty. Which one are you?
@davidsingh6944 17 сағат бұрын
@@ryanparker4996 I live in a multiethnic society in the United States of America. My neighbors here in Bay City are most German Polish and Irish. We are all Americans. I am the son, grandson and great grandson of immigrants, my family first arrived in Boston Harbor 7 June 1634. We are All Americans. Your Ethnic Hegemony you admire failed in the ovens of Birkenau.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
The socialist attack on liberty begins with replacing Morality with Reason and then replacing Reason with Emotions. With this demoralization, literally, it’s easy to sway the beliefs and actions of its victims.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
Slavery was “Abolished” but was perfected through Socialism.
@martyfromnebraska1045 Күн бұрын
This is really stupid. Capitalism has enslaved our entire people to a hostile foreign elite through their control of finance.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
The source of Modern Slavery is in 610. Prior to the Cult of Masters & Slaves, slavery was one nation conquering another, modern slavery uses disinformation then divides a homogeneous society into superior and inferior and continues today with the efficiency of socialism.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
This really isn’t a discussion about western civilization but rather the results of the English Political Experience. Even with the development of the Modern Nation State in England the fundamental flaw is embedded through the mechanism of the acts of supremacy.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
We are indeed Plagued by the Racist remnants of Colonial Power. It’s called “Progressive” “ Liberal” & “WOKE”. In America we call it the Democratic Party.
@dirtyharrydefeatsislamblmt6900 3 күн бұрын
Not interested in any anti --ZIONIST garbage 😡😡😡😡🗼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱✡️🕎🇬🇧🇳🇿🇨🇦🇧🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇺🇦🇨🇿🇬🇷🇫🇷🗼🇵🇱🇸🇯😡😡
@strongbow3896 Күн бұрын
Israel is an ally against Islam.
@NorthernObserver 3 күн бұрын
New Slogan: “No One is Colonial. “
@Invictus_999 2 күн бұрын
New slogan The offended is always right.
@BaltimoresBerzerker Күн бұрын
The so called ethnic minorities, immigrants, migrants, etc could be described as colonizers.
@williamwright82164 3 күн бұрын
People have to stop saying that the U.S. Civil War was about freeing the slaves! The facts is, that the Federal Government passed a law that the slave owners could send bounty hunters into the free states to recover escaped slaves. Some of the free states performed Nullification and made it a criminal offense to recapture escaped slaves, some sheriffs actually arrested the bounty hunters that came into their counties! The purpose of the Civil War was for the Federal Government to usurp power and land from the states.
@grannyannie2948 3 күн бұрын
I'm Australian and even I know that.
@smartiepancake 3 күн бұрын
If only someone knew Henry George when talking about liberalism. The memory holing of the Single Tax movement, its role in the birth of modern Socialism, its devastating critique of statist socialism, it's completely unique perspective on societal problems, its relevance today, is an ongoing loss to discussions like these.
@SEKreiver 3 күн бұрын
Regarding the WEIRD hypothesis... I think it's part of it. However, I would posit that the Germanic Manorial System, the spread of which matches up well with the Hajnal Line, was another major factor. A question I keep asking: WHY, when 'colonialism/imperialism' gets brought up, the imperialism by Islam in Spain and eastern Europe is NEVER thrown out as a counter-argument. The 'bad behavior' of the West could easily be explained as 'post-imperialist trauma', a reaction to the brutalization of Muslim expansion.
@grannyannie2948 3 күн бұрын
Well said.
@Uuilll3L 9 сағат бұрын
BS, it if there was an ounce of evidence of what you said then you could sell the story in a book with a load of hypothetical analysis. The fact is that Imperialistic Islam has been a feature of world history all along with its slavery , and that is without your dialectical theories you set out for which there is much less evidence.
@Uuilll3L 9 сағат бұрын
@SEKreiver 3 сағат бұрын
@@Uuilll3L With all due respect, what are you talking about? Asking for a friend.
@user-wd3gt9dw5z 3 күн бұрын
@hazchemel 3 күн бұрын
Your independence of mind, freed from the shackles of drudge, dogma and voodoo is much appreciated and admired. Thank you both, and the whole team.
@dominicrooney5638 3 күн бұрын
Exactly, even Marxists will tell you that South America, compared with antebelum USA, developed economically much less quickly because of its reliance on slavery and peonage until the late 1880s
@michaelpcoffee 3 күн бұрын
For real reparations: they identify an actual victim of the offense in question. They specify the abuses and damages. They assign a dollar amount for their compensation. They pay the victim. If the victim is deceased; they identify the closest living legal heir and pay them.
@wiseonwords 3 күн бұрын
@michaelpcoffee - But what would you do about the thousands of African elites who owe their wealth to the enslavement and selling of their fellow Africans? Why is there no talk about the descendants of these African beneficiaries of the slave trade paying reparations? And why are there no demands for Arabs to pay reparations for their far more extensive practice of slavery in Africa?
@grannyannie2948 3 күн бұрын
No the person who suffered needs to be alive. This was mentioned in the video, by law the person to be compensated needs to be alive. I can attest to this. When my father died we discovered he had been a victim of fraud for several years. When we sought justice the conclusion was that the victim was dead so there was no victim in law
@michaelpcoffee 3 күн бұрын
@@grannyannie2948 So; victims of the Holocaust who were killed weren't awarded reparations?
@stevealba4599 3 күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:21 *🌀 The postcolonial theory critiques that cultures and systems developed during the colonial era, claiming they continue to oppress ethnic minorities in the West.* 01:16 *⚖️ Discusses the universality of slavery across history and questions why countries that abolished it, like the USA and Britain, are often singled out in academic and media narratives.* 02:25 *🔗 Highlights the selectivity of activists who focus on Western slavery while ignoring modern-day slavery in countries like Nigeria, Sudan, and Libya.* 03:20 *🕊️ Emphasizes the importance of addressing contemporary slavery issues over historical grievances.* 04:15 *🌍 Provides a comparative analysis of the historical European involvement in slavery to other regions, especially the Islamic world and Africa itself.* 06:36 *⚔️ Discusses Robert E. Lee's complex relationship with slavery and loyalty to Virginia during the American Civil War.* 07:34 *💸 Argues that the economic benefits from slavery were minimal for Britain and that empire was more of a status symbol rather than a major economic advantage.* 11:29 *🧠 Examines the unique development of the Western mindset, attributing it to historical bans on cousin marriages by the Western Church, leading to societal reliance on broader social trust and innovation.* 14:41 *📈 Discusses the correlation between low corruption levels and high social trust in Western societies, compared to other global regions.* 17:15 *🌐 Reflects on the global economic and cultural dominance of the West over the last 300 years, citing unique Western traits and innovations as key factors.* 19:31 *🏗️ Critiques modern reliance on low-wage immigrant labor in Britain, rather than investing in technological advancements.* 21:39 *⚖️ Challenges the legal and moral basis for reparations for slavery, arguing that the descendants of slaves are not directly harmed today and that their current conditions are generally better compared to if their ancestors had not been moved.* 22:20 *🌾 Bayard Rustin, civil rights activist and friend of Martin Luther King, expressed that he did not personally suffer from the legacy of slavery, emphasizing personal responsibility over historical grievances.* 22:49 *🌍 Muhammad Ali humorously noted his gratitude that his ancestor was brought to America, illustrating complex perspectives on historical events.* 23:29 *📈 African-Americans are considered net beneficiaries of their ancestors' enslavement due to better living conditions and opportunities in the U.S. compared to Africa.* 24:25 *💷 The dialogue posits that both Britain and the U.S. have effectively "paid off" any debts related to slavery through historical efforts and financial investments in welfare.* 25:16 *🌐 Discusses how Caribbean nations benefit from British inheritance such as infrastructure, legal systems, and global financial networks, contributing to their middle-income status.* 27:20 *⚖️ Acknowledges the negative aspects of the British Empire while also emphasizing its role in abolishing slavery and improving social conditions in the colonies.* 28:30 *🚫 Highlights Britain's influence in ending harmful traditional practices in its colonies, such as sati and infanticide in India.* 31:28 *📊 Critiques claims that Britain economically drained India, arguing that the British Empire's investments and policies contributed positively to the region.* 36:28 *🏛️ Discusses the ideological battle over history, suggesting that distorting or undermining Western history serves to destabilize societal values and identity.* 39:15 *🧩 Examines the intersection of various modern ideologies (like Marxism, feminism, and critical race theory), suggesting they collectively aim to dismantle Western achievements and norms.* 42:32 *🤔 Proposes that the core ideologies driving contemporary socio-political unrest are rooted in Marxist theory, manipulated by a minority to inspire societal disruption.* 43:56 *🎓 Points out the challenge in maintaining academic rigor and objectivity in discussions of history when audiences have post-imperial grudges.* 44:24 *🌍 Discusses the complexities of audience biases at the Cambridge Union, noting that diverse backgrounds often bring pre-existing resentments that can influence receptiveness to certain viewpoints.* 44:52 *🤝 Highlights a paradox in diversity: instead of fostering a rich exchange of ideas, increased diversity might lead to greater intransigence and group self-interest in public discourse.* 45:20 *📜 References historical figures like Gladstone to illustrate how modern political correctness and demographic shifts could restrict freedom of expression on sensitive topics like religion and ethnicity.* 46:15 *🔍 Examines the negative impact of high ethnic diversity on social trust and cohesion, suggesting it can lead to increased community tensions and a decline in public engagement and infrastructure quality.* Made with HARPA AI
@FiveLiver 3 күн бұрын
Needs work.
@johnpaulnash8144 3 күн бұрын
Europe and the UK need to have incensitives for it's indigenous young to have children. Mass immigration from Africa, Asia and the Middle East is only going to have one outcome. Immigration controls need to be taken seriously.
@RichardEnglander 3 күн бұрын
Incentives? Pro-natalist policies? Yes Question is why have they not done this and chosen replacement immigration instead?
@grannyannie2948 3 күн бұрын
Australia had effective pro natalist polices in the 80s and 2010s. Now they don't care about birthrates. It's easier to replace us.
@RichardEnglander 3 күн бұрын
Arguments for Protection of English Culture and People 1. Preservation of Heritage and Identity Argument: England has a rich cultural heritage and history that spans millennia, shaped by its indigenous people. Risk: Globalism threatens to dilute and erode this heritage through mass immigration and cultural homogenization. Action: Implement policies to prioritize the preservation and promotion of English culture, ensuring future generations can connect with their heritage. 2. Impact of Mass Immigration Argument: The influx of millions of immigrants in recent decades has strained infrastructure, housing, and public services. - Risk: Overcrowding and cultural fragmentation undermine social cohesion and erode the sense of community. - Action: Advocate for controlled immigration policies that prioritize the needs and integration of native English citizens to protect societal harmony. 3. Economic and Social Stability - Argument: Mass immigration contributes to wage stagnation, increased competition for jobs, and economic pressure on working-class families. Risk: Without controls, continued immigration can exacerbate inequality and reduce opportunities for native citizens. Action: Support policies that prioritize native English workers in the labor market and ensure fair wages and working conditions. 4. Cultural and Ideological Threats Argument: Globalist ideologies often undermine national identity and traditional values, promoting multiculturalism at the expense of native cultures. Risk: Political correctness and multicultural policies may suppress criticism of foreign ideologies, threatening freedom of expression. Action: Defend freedom of speech and promote critical thinking to safeguard English values and traditions from ideological subversion. 5. Environmental and Urban Impact Argument: Uncontrolled immigration contributes to urban sprawl, environmental degradation, and strain on natural resources. Risk: Loss of green spaces, increased pollution, and pressure on infrastructure threaten the quality of life for English communities. Action: Implement sustainable development policies that balance population growth with environmental conservation to protect England's natural heritage. 6. Security and Sovereignty Argument: Open borders and unchecked immigration pose security risks, including terrorism and organized crime. Risk: Vulnerability to external threats and challenges to national sovereignty undermine stability and safety. Action: Strengthen border controls, enhance national security measures, and uphold the rule of law to protect citizens from external threats. 7. Future Generations Argument: Securing the future of English children and ensuring they inherit a cohesive, prosperous society is paramount. Risk: Failure to address the challenges of globalism may lead to social division, economic hardship, and loss of cultural identity for future generations. Action: Advocate for pro-natalist policies, invest in education, and promote family values to foster a strong and resilient society that values its heritage. Conclusion: By addressing these arguments with thoughtful policies and actions, we can protect English culture and people as a native ethnic group at risk of being washed away by the globalist tide. It is crucial to prioritize the needs and interests of native citizens while embracing diversity in a manner that enhances rather than diminishes England's unique identity and contributions to the world.
@buddyduddyful 3 күн бұрын
Get the book Go Free by Jason Köhne. It's a book that details all of the antiwhite arguments and the dialectics to defeat them.
@GodsOwnPrototype 3 күн бұрын
All the influential parliamentary parties continue to support ir stay si demographic policies that lead inevitably to native minoritisation or stay silent on that being their impact & the omerta on stating the plain facts still remains unbroken on state & corporate media & most of the alternative & independent media as well. The official figures from schools in England show the children of native families will be a minority within 11 years. By the trends of the official voluntarily provided census, along with official immigration ones, the English nation will be a minority in their homeland in a mere few decades & all Britons in the Isles some short years after that & who knows what the reality on the ground means for how much sooner these will occur. When supposed democracy for a people has meant the institutions of power & influence proceed to demographically minoritise native people in their own land with policies that were never proposed let alone received any mandate & maintain a conspjracy of silence about it, then it's useless & we are left in an existential situation where self defence moral calculus may soon well apply.
@davidsingh6944 2 күн бұрын
Government Action (aside from its constitutional duty) is the Error that got us into this mess in the first place. First with the Error of Rome and then the Error of 3 November 1534.
@evolassunglasses4673 3 күн бұрын
We live under a anti White regime now.
@LS-xs7sg 3 күн бұрын
Decolonisation in the west is just brown people colonising, demoralising and deconstructing native society
@BenIsraelSeatriz 5 күн бұрын
You just pioneered the walking podcast. It's better than just sitting down, I would argue.
@TRUTHorSTFU 6 күн бұрын
Dear Sebastian Morello, only a word and a poem could possibly describe the kind of video this is. The word is BRILLIANT, as in LUMINOUS. The poem is still unwritten but definitely not dormant, in the dark, rich mystery of the depths of my right hemisphere; my left hemisphere tells as much. Blessings to you and Dr. McGilchrist and the Isle of Skye.☯️💚🕉️
@TRUTHorSTFU 6 күн бұрын
Would you please share the names of the piece of music sprinkled throughour your video and especially at the beginning of 1:28:15 and 1:47:47? Thanks so much.
@TRUTHorSTFU 6 күн бұрын
Thank you, also, to you, Dr. McGilchrist for being so gracious as to share these jaw-dropping views of your idyllic grounds.
@TRUTHorSTFU 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for including so much stunning scenery of the Isle of Skye in your intro and throughout your video! 😄
@jamesallison4875 7 күн бұрын
My.studio is the same shade of green as his. Very proud of this! Great interview and beautifully filmed. Thank you.
@apeculiargentleman6925 14 күн бұрын
David Starkey conflates Christianity with the Church (Roman Catholicism and the Church of England. But doesn't consider the role of non-conformists Protestants in shaping the country as far as parliament. Consider what good came during and shortly after the glorious revolution and the brief kingship of William of Orange.
@snalemsnolek1539 15 күн бұрын
50%of invention to reduce the harm the other 50% are causing.
@YouTubemessedupmyhandle 16 күн бұрын
Woke is just a term the inarticulate use to articulate political feelings.
@truebalourd14 16 күн бұрын
Great conversation Does anyone know which song is played at 1:58:30? Thank you!
@scotiabound3547 16 күн бұрын
Blair did great damage, however, it was Harley, in 1708, who made it possible. Both changed how Parliament functions and created unbreachable schisms, from their overweening ambition and lust for power.
@sapientiapotestasest3073 18 күн бұрын
Christianity was no moral compass of Europe. Quite the contrary. It acted more like a constrictor attempting to crush the life out of its prey. Enveloping the great cultural, scientific and philosophical traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome into its dogmatic coils, strangling them for a thousand years. We must be very cautious about this insidious resurgence of the so called moral guardians and morality judges who would plunge us back into the Dark Ages.