Courage and Cowardice
4 жыл бұрын
The basis of our judgement by God
Holy perseverance for men
7 жыл бұрын
@Christ_is_King- 24 күн бұрын
Catholics also believe in double predestination as dogma. Even the molinists.
@lenpatairey354 26 күн бұрын
I have the greatest respect for Fr. Ripperger for his teaching on deliverance and exorcisms but on the gift of tongues, he is sending the wrong message. He ignores other parts of Scripture and the true workings of the Holy Spirit in people's lives. There is a difference between the gift of prayer tongues and the gift of tongues and interpretation mentioned in 1 Cor 12. If you want a true teaching on the gift of tongues, listen to Dr. Mary Healy. There was a priest whose name I will not mention, who was a theologian (he has now gone to God) and who had experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit but refused to accept the gift of tongues because he would not speak a language that he could not understand. One day when he was shaving, the Lord said to him, "All your life I have been speaking to you in your language and you refuse to speak to Me in mine!" That message changed his attitude to the gift and he was given it by the Holy Spirit. People who oppose the gift, do not understand it but those who are privileged to have received it, treasure the gift. It is regrettable that we have people working against the Holy Spirit through the rejection of the gift.
@nathanielus5296 Ай бұрын
You forgot to add Hitler to the list
@jgslnc33 Ай бұрын
The Good Samaritan. No one has ever opened this teaching of the church so explicitly & so deeply! Thank you father!!!
@privatecitizen8909 Ай бұрын
I don’t understand the distinction being made on the Church’s understanding of usury since modern capitalism arrived.
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
Francis says "No to capital punishment". Why, at this moment, I have to reject him.
@COGmercy Ай бұрын
There are many priests who would disagree with father R. The priest who have founded the the St. Michael Centre in the Philippines, the priest of Divine UK and Father Fortea who has answered this in his video titled 247 about those who criticize the gift of tongues. Father Ripperger is very intellectual and has no power gifts himself and while some of what he says is right. He is still not the world's best expert regarding the gift of tongues and how to use it. Yet this speech is forwarded around more than Father Fortea's and other priest look at the divine UK channel very good and holy priests all who have the gift of tongues to someone who has no understanding of course it is nonsense. Smh...i think therr are more "padre pio" mystic priests who use the gift of tongued than those who dont obe of the foremost priest who unlike Father R. has a doctorate in demonology uses the gift of tongues with just the rolling of his tongues demons manifest and people are freed his deliverance and exorcisms do not take several sessions as some exorcists including father R. Claim are needed to free someone. It is a shame sometimes that he is not as present on social media and only one or 2 videos are available of him online.
@rockroc1 Ай бұрын
I’m in the process of converting to Catholicism from Baptist. I guess you could say Baptist, I’ve been away from it for a while. What got my attention initially was the peacefulness of the sanctuary. I attended mass for the first time with my brother, who is also converting. During mass I felt a stirring and thirst for the word I thought long dead. Afterward I jumped into research headfirst. The history of The Catholic Church and my gut feeling were undeniable. Yesterday during mass I was praying to the Lord for a sign that I was in the right place. I went to the altar rail for a blessing during communion (arms crossed of course), and the Holy Spirit was present. I returned to my seat to kneel and thanked The Lord for answering my prayers, tears streaming down my face. I have never had such a thirst for the word of God. The Father of my parish has corresponded with me through email and patiently answered any and every question I have had. Today I decided to attend OCIA/RCIA and convert via a Church that is part of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.
@LadyGwen4 Ай бұрын
Ive looked through the transcripts and saw that the author of the book is named Frank J. Seed....but I can't find the title of his book. Does anyone know what it is?
@angelamalek 2 ай бұрын
When I attend the Byzantine , Anglican Use, Extraordinary Roman Rite or a reverent (esp. Latin) Ordinary Mass it’s never boring.
@xchipilon 2 ай бұрын
Is there a book written by Fr. John Hardon on the Pentecostalism?
@fieldofyellowroses 2 ай бұрын
I grew up a Presbyterian but never got baptized. I moved away from God in my early teens because of the sola scriptura doctrine. As a child I thought, "This book is the authority? It was just written by some guys in the desert, how do I know it is based in truth? It's a BOOK." Yes, that is pretty blasphemous as the scripture has been handed down as part of sacred tradition, but that is what a 8 or 9 year old me thought and continued to think until I separated myself from faith completely a few years later. I didn't know any other spiritual life. I became atheist, then pagan because I valued the loose traditionalism of it, then atheist again because paganism was not meeting my spiritual needs. Needless to say, I'm enrolled in OCIA classes this Fall. 😄 Thank you, God, for leading me to the truth and peace that can be found in the Catholic church!
@justinacton8897 3 ай бұрын
Unrelated but I miss how delightfully crunchy old cassette audio tapes were
@rmp7400 3 ай бұрын
wow.... very brief (no frills) very clear (no imaginings) absolutely true+🙏🏼 Amen.
@marissabuyao2092 3 ай бұрын
I am too emotional hearing this
@smithindustry1 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Scott Hahn As a lifelong catholic with 6 children I am blessed I have found my way to your Work. Struggling to help my Very good Protestant Son in laws journey, I found your book Rome sweet Home, ..Reasons to Believe. Now my journey back around to listen to this talk. My wife and I made did our Pre-nuptial classes at St Francis De Sales in 1986. After years of my Son-in-laws gentle jabs at my Faith the day came I knew I had to Defend my Faith. Particularly Our Mother Mary. Soon after speaking to him about my faith I realized I was woefully inadequately prepared to defend my faith. My Journey continues. Now after 62 years I realize it’s only just begun
@davidcole333 4 ай бұрын
I have heard of this talk for quite some time, but the first time I have sat and listened. Converts take different paths to the Catholic church. For me, it wasn't a matter of proving the theology to myself through exhaustive research, it was simply going where the Holy Spirit led. Then I prayed, Lord, if this is your church and this is where you want me to be, then I will submit to her teachings and her authority. As much as I admire the time and energy many converts put into researching, I hear many stories where these folks tie themselves in knots over it. More important than the theology is the real presence. And the Catholic church HAS the real presence.
@thefullnessoftruthapostola8328 4 ай бұрын
I can imagine what Father Hardon would think of the New American Bible Revised Edition. Is. 7:14 now refers to Our Lady as "the young woman".
@bblmd8001 4 ай бұрын
We can speak to God with words as well (and this is finest) by pure silence. Langage charism seems to have great sense at a time where the New Church had to evangelize worldwide. If you don't undestand what you are saying, stop speaking. Devil could not be so far trying to insert in your mouth blasphemy !
@karenjackson8219 4 ай бұрын
a Jesuit pretending to be Protestant Catholsim is based on paganism
@davidcole333 4 ай бұрын
@calebadcock363 3 ай бұрын
Bro what??
@mikefactsnotemotion2603 4 ай бұрын
Reading the gospel of John from beginning to end as well as volume 1 of the Faith of the Early Fathers convinced me that the Catholic church was the one true Church for Christians. I also watched a lot of videos and read books from Scott Hahn which further solidified my confidence in the Catholic Church. It's also important to recognize that one of the 12 apostles that lived with Jesus and witnessed all of his good works, teachings, and miracles betrayed him. That the leader of the 12 apostles Peter denied he was a follower of Christ 3 times before the rooster crowed, but later was martyred for his faith while in charge of the Catholic church in Rome. That another of the 12 apostles didn't have the faith to believe Jesus had resurrected until he could see the wounds from the crucification. There will always be sinners within the Catholic Church because of human nature and free will. Just like there will always be sinners within the Protestant churches which have numerous heinous crimes and sins like supporting abortion, contraceptives, divorce and remarrying, co-habitation before marriage and LGBTQ immoral lifestyles and marriage. Once I realized that no lay Christians personally owned a bible until well after the printing press was invented in the middle of the 15th century, and that the Catholic Church determined which books would be canonized and included in the New Testament.....I realized that Sola Scriptura was utter nonsense and Protestants had been duped.
@TheCatholicRevert 4 ай бұрын
This explanation is totally against the teachings of the church. All the Popes and Magisterium have endorsed the Charismatic Renewal. This man is so poorly catechised with respect to gift of tongues. To relate tongues to demons is grieving the Holy Spirit.
@gregoryt8792 5 ай бұрын
1 Timothy 2:5 “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” Luke 1:46-47 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 1 Corinthians 10:4 “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Samuel 2:2 “There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. Mark 7:7. “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Better to be a born again Christian
@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch 3 ай бұрын
We are. We are baptized The Catholic Church began at Pentecost. I was Protestant for 55 years until I studied the Bible
@11kravitzn 5 ай бұрын
Romans 12 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God,[c] for it is written, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 Instead, “if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink, for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
@billjones8503 Ай бұрын
Agree, but on a personal level. No hate! But, on a societal level it is different.
@MrMASSEYJONES 5 ай бұрын
Over the years, I found that former Protestants make the very best Catholics. I've always been interested in history and decided to explore the roots of various religions. I am a cradle Catholic, with a solid foundation childhoood and beyond, to know the difference. And I had absolutely no desire to leave the Catholic faith. Eliminating alll the evengelicals and other charlatans, who rake thousands from large asssemblies with a lectern, set on a stage in some mega church, I went to the basics, starting with Baptists and worked from there to the Protestant Reformation, always encountering people who had started a new religion, to suit themselves and their folllowrs, with a slight deviation of some Bible quotation. When I got to Luther, I had a good idea as to WHY he had left Roman Catholicism; but it brought about the fact that most who had left the Church, used to been monks. Yes, I have encountered Protestant clerics, who claimed that I am going straight to Hell, because I'm a non-believer. And I'll live with it, In the meantime, at 88, I'm a Third Degree Knoght of Columbus (recently joined) and hope to eventually attain the Fouth Degree, recite the Rosary as often as I can, attend Mass as often as I can and serve as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist in our parish. So, I'll take my chances, being a practicing Catholic, and want to thank (and congratulate) the gentleman; who, along with many other former Protestant Ministers, had the courage to give it all up (including an assured income), and joined a Catholic parish, It takes courage and conviction; RCIA is a gruelling trial. My bugaboo is not with Protestants; many who live their faith; but those from families of a mega church minister, who "found the faith"; following the old man's departure from this world. In so many words, they "joined the business" All that it requires is to memorize a few verses, find a lectern and rent a hall. If they're interesting (one Baptist church I know now features a band during its Sunday service); the people will follow. Meanwhile, in a Catholic church, the altar is the centre of attention; everything else is secondary to the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and Catholics go to a church to pray. All through the world;, and all in the very same way; now in each parishioner's own language; The key to the Catholic Church is "structure" Faithful KNOW where they stand; the Word of God is not wish-washy, interpreted by some pastor, to suit his (or her) congregation, and pass the collection plate, at the end of the sermon.
@rbnmnt3341 5 ай бұрын
He was probably already hanging out at the bars and brothels. So the transition to serve satan was easy.
@sueadauctus3306 6 ай бұрын
Dont mess with diabolic.
@briteness 6 ай бұрын
This clip is frivolous. No argument is presented.
@michaelj.spencer5276 6 ай бұрын
Research the atrocities carried out by the RCC during the Reformation. The Douay Rheims was Released in 1610, by the Catholic church to counter the release of the King James Bible (KJB) - they did not want the Bible translated into English - tried to keep it from the ‘common man’ as long as possible. The KJB was subsequently released in 1611 - the compilers honoured King James by changing the name of James, who wrote the book of James from his original name, Joshua (Yeshua in Hebrew) to James. All to honour the King. (the 1611, KJB included the apocrypha) The Jesuits issued the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible (DRB) in an attempt to counter the 1611, King James Bible, and William Tindall et al reformation work. The DRB is the only bible that uses the word ‘ball’ in reference to the earth. (apparently in Isa. 42) William Tindall stated: “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause the boy that drives the plow to know more of the scriptures than you.” Martin Luther stated: “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.”
@kendaugherty3828 6 ай бұрын
Scott Hahn remains a lost soul!!! Why be Catholic? Can't imagine ever turning back to this Institution that claims to be the "sole Church of Christ" (Catechism 816) yet DISTORTS the word of God with its "sacred Tradition" and "Magisterium." (Catechism 95) And this is the same Church that wants "global Government." Yes, in 2011, the Vatican released an official Vatican document outlining the need for "global Government," a "World Public Authority." You should read it! As I am listening to Scott speak, I hear the word "truth" mentioned. Well, Scott, your "dectective story" led you to a ROADBLOCK because you were NOT DELIVERED by your ADULT Baptism. For the Rite of Baptism "delivers no one." "YET the GRACE of Baptism DELIVERS NO ONE from all the weakness of nature" - i.e sin.(Catechism 978) And, since water Baptism "delivers no one," a minion of the Catholic Church has to confess their sins to a sinner (a priest) in the Sacrament of Penance. Penance, like water Baptism (which "delivers no one") is "NECESSARY for SALVATION."(Catechism 980) Scott is a BIG voice for Marian adoration and the "Worship of the Eucharist...the CULT of ADORATION" during the Mass. Yes, Catholics bow and genuflect to the "host" and even "carry" the " procession." "WORSHIP of the Eucharist. In the liturgy of the Mass we express our FAITH in the REAL PRESENCE of Christ under the SPECIES of BREAD and WINE by, among other ways, GENUFLECTING or BOWING DEEPLY as a sign of ADORATION of the Lord. "The Catholic Church has always OFFERED and still OFFERS to the SACRAMENT of the EUCHARIST the CULT of ADORATION, not only during Mass, but also OUTSIDE of it, reserving the CONSECRATED HOSTS with the UTMOST CARE, exposing them to the SOLEMN VENERATION of the faithful, and CARRYING THEM in PROCESSION."(Catechism 1378) "...the CULT of ADORATION" This is a very long discussion on Scott's "conversion" to Rome. I probably won't hear him mention what his "Church's RELATIONSHIP [is] with the Muslims." Catechism 841: "The Church's RELATIONSHIP with the Muslims. The PLAN of SALVATION also the FIRST PLACE...the MUSLIMS." "The Church's RELATIONSHIP with the Muslims. "The PLAN of SALVATION also INCLUDES those who ACKNOWLEDGE the Creator, in the FIRST PLACE amongst whom are THE MUSLIMS; these PROFESS to hold the FAITH of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's JUDGE on the last day."(841) Muslims, Scott, do NOT have the "faith of Abraham" who, in fact, "believed God." Muslims DENY Jesus Christ of Nazareth as God incarnate; they DENY Him as the "Lamb of God who [took] away the sin of the world," (John 1:29) by His death and resurrection; Jesus is the Creator of the universe and Judge, but they ("the Muslims") don't believe that. Yet, the "plan of salvation" has been granted to the Muslims by Rome. Again, without the Holy Spirit, because you're not "born again," you (Catholics) will say anything even if it opposes Jesus' own words. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT through Me."(Jn 14:6) Poor Scott Hahn. He was never delivered from sins because water Baptism has no grace, it "DELIVERS no one from all the weakness of nature."(978)
@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch 3 ай бұрын
Thank God I studied the Bible and left Protestantism for truth in Catholicism
@kendaugherty3828 3 ай бұрын
@@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch Unfortunately, you are not a Christian. You cling on to labels. You once called yourself a Protestant? I'm not a Protestant. I was once Catholic, but I was "born...of God"/"born again" in 1997.(John 1:11-13; 3:3) You are either a Christian or not a Christian. Obviously, you were not a Christian as a Protestant. You being Catholic do not belong to Jesus Christ, for no one can be "reborn" by water Baptism.(Catechism 980) Water Baptism "delivers no one." "Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of nature" - i.e. sin.(978)
@kendaugherty3828 3 ай бұрын
@@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch "Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of nature" - i.e. sin.(Catechism 978)
@JesusfoundedCatholicChurch 3 ай бұрын
@@kendaugherty3828 Baptism saves you. It's one of the 7 sacraments
@theart8039 6 ай бұрын
The horrible smell of death
@user-bo9ij3rh5c 6 ай бұрын
these are women these are the ones who truly deserve period please answer her prayers father amen shalom
@d1427 7 ай бұрын
He talks about God judging people while he himself takes the role of God and making judgments on Thomas Merton. How could your judgments about someone's inner experience going to change anything about your own experience in knowing God and, first of all, yourself? You can investigate if what you read is reflected in you or not and if not, just mind your own life and relationship with God, don't take God's job and become a judge. 'For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.' "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone"
@rmp7400 2 ай бұрын
Your comment come from an anti-Catholic mindset. Do you happen to have had some version of Protestant indoctrination? Or.... are you merely not well Catechized as a Catholic. May you soon find true peace in Christ through Holy Mary+❤
@breadwineandsong4014 7 ай бұрын
8:00-8:10 Gay sex is contrary to the natural law. Pope Francis' new teaching that it is acceptable to bless a same-sex COUPLE need not be obeyed because their lifestyle--as a COUPLE--which is what the couple as a couple is giving witness to, is contrary to the natural law---let alone that both biblical teaching and consistent Church teaching for 2000 years has been that homosexual (really all unnatural) sex is one of the four sins which cry to Heaven for justice. See Romans 1:24-32.
@thelonelysponge5029 6 ай бұрын
Dude, just learn how to read and reread the document.
@PanhandleFrank 7 ай бұрын
My dear, devoted Catholic aunt gave me this cassette a long, long time ago, because I was born again / became Protestant several years earlier. Summary / spoiler alert: "i FeLL iN LoVe WiTh MaRy!!!" 🙄
@promaster1351 7 ай бұрын
grew up catholic....started reading my bible and found that the catholic church is so full of lies and unbiblical teachings its amazing...its a faith plus works salvation and thats not ending up in heaven either...
@kendaugherty3828 6 ай бұрын
Amen! Do you know what the Catholic Church says about "the Muslims" in Catechism 841? Did you know that the Catholic Church wants global Government?
@tomj4262 7 ай бұрын
What a great man.
@rbnmnt3341 8 ай бұрын
This pastor will find that he is went from knowing he was saved to a life of fear, intimidation and an eternity that is in limbo. In limbo because of that fictional purgatory. May God have mercy on you. Mary sure can't give you mercies or graces. Those are lies of the devil.
@dawnnichols7742 8 ай бұрын
All you must do is believe in the simple gospel. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Not works, confessionals, penance, prayers to men women Mary or "saints" The twisted messy and man-made dogma of the Catholic Church sends thousands to hell.
@MF-rp9ox 8 ай бұрын
Haa hahaa!!! Yes, Radio Replies!! Whenever somebody got in my face to be deliberately smug and arrogant, I used to say "go read Radio Replies, go educate yourself."
@martinmartin1363 8 ай бұрын
Just like Martin Luther all Protestants believe they are their own pope and counsel and as righteous rebels they can join Protestant denominations they agree with or form their own church
@airfox44 8 ай бұрын
The truth remains unchanged. Archbishop Sheen displays it masterfully!!! Pray for us.
@francissweeney7318 9 ай бұрын
A change from the daughter of the harlot to the great harlot herself.
All the Catholics I grew up would fight, drink and have sex on Saturday night and be in Church for Mass on Sunday morning. It you asked them if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior….they wouldn’t even know what you were asking. They thought the very act of going to Church was forgiving the sins of the night before.
@wife97 10 ай бұрын
Fr. Hardon is so correct about Merton's negative effect on Catholicism. For more details, see
@tylermcquaid1272 10 ай бұрын
You're an entertainer. Not an exorcist. If you knew how things actually worked, you'd know that satan isn't afraid of you. He uses you. You're a joke to him and I am saying it as catholic man who has actually done his research and faces real possession every day, While you play games convincing drug addicts and attention seekers that they're possessed, Countless good people take they're lives because you want to be rich and not responsible. I can go into great detail debunking a lot of the things you and the like have made up. This isnt a game man. Possession doesn't just happen and satan isnt scared of you. You dont even know who satan is. You would cry being face to face with the monster himself. You seriously have no idea what i have to deal with on a daily basis while you gaslight real victims to avoid doing your one job. I bring people to tge faith every day and understand the kind of things that you should. Ive read your work. Believe it or not, I dont want to be mean but if you really knew what this was, you wouldn't be playing dress up and calling yourself an exorcist. Every day I deal with this monster. Possession doesn't just happen. Satans cult call themselves LoL for Legion of Lucifer. You think you know evil Rossetti but you have no idea. There is no, "I think I'm possessed". You're convincing people that it can just happen but thats a lie. This group is full of serial killers and believe it or not they're smart. They act in spite of God and target people who have suffered something traumatic. I had a large cloud of static shadows pour out of a black fire, into my eyes because satans cult pretended to be catholic knight's. If you were a real exorcist, you wouldn't have treated me as poorly as you did. You're not the only one either. The catholic church is now ran by pharisees equivalent to those that infuriated Jesus. Its all about money to you. This monster is killing me and you wanna act like theres nothing you can do. Have you ever read King James Demonology? What about Mallius Maleficarum? Imagine seeing a 5 year old with a stethoscope get credited for being a surgeon. Do your homework. These games you and others are playing, are dishonest and responsible for deaths. You could take this as an insult like a child, or you can act like a big boy and let me teach you how to do your job. Ive read your work. Others might be interested in the fable you created but good people are dying because you care more about money than serving God. You're welcome to prove me wrong. You have no idea how hard it is to fight this psychopath. Real possession is a matter of life and death. Four years of being tortured while you guys play games. Do the right thing for The lords sake. Because this hurts him too.
@dannyharvanek3908 10 ай бұрын
Word Enlightenment - in John 1-1 The Last Gospel
@Timothytheservant356 10 ай бұрын
Dr. Hahn strongly fueled my conversion from Protestantism into the Catholic Faith. I was no where near his stature as a minister, but i was in the preaching and teaching ministry before i began my studies into the early Church fathers and other avenues . I became catholic more and more by the day. I staryed RCIA two weeks ago.
@mariadelgado5567 6 ай бұрын
Thank you, so much for sharing with us. I thank The Sacred Heart of Jesus 💖 for making it possible for you to receive the sacraments, that Our Lord Jesus Christ founded. Specially, receiving The Holy Eucharist. May God bless you and your dear family 💕 ! !
@maryferrari-espressopressd7921 10 ай бұрын
This is probably one of those talks way ahead of it's time, very prescient. I tried to find more from Dr. Jeffrey Bond but couldn't find too much, a real shame. Great eye opening video, will keep and share. Wish there was more.
@Miriana727 11 ай бұрын
Thank you.