COLD WAR - Chapter 2: 'Containment'
Subscription Streaming - Sam
10 жыл бұрын
12 жыл бұрын
Kim Il-sung
12 жыл бұрын
Truman Hints at A-Bomb Use
12 жыл бұрын
THE COLD WAR - PART 9: Detente
15 жыл бұрын
Sixties JFK 1 of 3
15 жыл бұрын
America in the 20th Century
15 жыл бұрын
Great Depression
15 жыл бұрын
The Spanish-American War
15 жыл бұрын
World War I: Supporting the War
15 жыл бұрын
The Roaring Twenties
15 жыл бұрын
World War II
15 жыл бұрын
The Post-War Years
15 жыл бұрын
15 жыл бұрын
@user-fw3kt5ni2l 27 күн бұрын
how come 3 gen of obesity? or it it from parasiting on the blood and sweat of the ppl?
@user-zp5oo6is9p 2 ай бұрын
That's when Kim Il Sung was preparing for Korean War
@badpersonalityperson5578 2 ай бұрын
bro this video has nearly 200 thousand views and yet doesn't even have more that 450 likes
@johnmackey3937 2 ай бұрын
Is there an English version? Is this in Russian and is it written as propaganda or in praise of America?
@witwot61 4 ай бұрын
Im beating my shi rn in class lol🗣🗣🗣👍
@user-kj6vj5xg1n 4 ай бұрын
الله يرحم الاموات😢
@deepinside2120 6 ай бұрын
Wunderbar... ach, die Geschichte neigt dazu wiederholt zu werden. Mit einigen Updates mittlerweile, Sachen wie RL Exorcism und Replacements
@adampayne2088 8 ай бұрын
The causes of the cold war did strike a rift between the east and the west. It is considered still to this day the most horrific war in history along with the world wars that we have had in the past. This info of history speaks for itself. Thank you for sharing this important piece of history.
@ahbhmeh2725 9 ай бұрын
What if we run out of plants? No more nature??
@ahbhmeh2725 9 ай бұрын
What about the flora? Only fauna got rights?? Plants are not living beings???
@charleskeefer3043 Жыл бұрын
Truman at isu phish Cameron de jing theta.
@ArmpitStudios Жыл бұрын
Excellent footage. I’d be interesting to have a translation of the Russian voiceover.
@user-xf4pv5gd3c Жыл бұрын
0:01 개회시간을 앞두고, 조선민족의 절세애국자이며 민족적 영웅이신 김일성장군께서 회동하시었습니다. 0:37 새하얀 커버로 화려하게 장식된 대회장 의자에는, 전조선 각 도 대표 대의원들의 좌석이 질서정연히 지정됐고, 정각 12시가 가까워오자 장엄하고 엄숙한 분위기속에, 조국의 민주독립을 염원하는 남북조선제정당사회단체와 각계각층에서 선출된 영예의 대의원들이 감격과 희망에 휩싸인 얼굴로 입장하기 시작했습니다. 1:26 잠시 휴게실에 머무르시어 ???과 더불어 대회장에 참석하시자 격한 박수로 환영했습니다. 1:56 조선최고인민회의 역사적 제1차회의는 이 날 정오부터 대의원중 최고연장자인 정운형씨의 개회사로써 장엄하게 개막됐습니다. 2:12 개회사에 뒤이어, 의장에 허헌 선생, 부의장에 김달현, 이영, 양씨가 피선되어, 허헌 의장의 간단한 취임인사가 있었습니다. 2:27 다음, 주녕하 대의원의 제의에 의하여 조국을 창건하는 위대한 대회의 8개조의 회성?이 만장일치로 통과되었습니다. 2:45 회의 제 2일에는 전조선 각지로부터 수없이 보내오는 축전축문이 강량욱씨로부터 피력돼, 회의 제 3일, 헌법위원회 위원장 김두봉 선생께서 조선민주주의인민공화국 헌법에 관한 장시간의 포고가 있은 다음, 각 대의원들의 열렬한 토론이 시작됐습니다. 3:11 토론은 먼저, 대의원 김책씨로부터 시작되어, 양일간에 걸친 30여명 대의원들은 한결같은 지지토론을 ㅈ.... 3:35 대의원들의 열렬한 토론이 끝난 다음, 보고자 김두봉 선생의 결론이 있었습니다.
@michaelirizarry2276 Жыл бұрын
he was murdered in broad day light,by the c.i.a.but no one will come out,&say it.order's probably came from,the joint chief's of staff.
@arsxnavlt Жыл бұрын
Couldn't help but notice the 6 year gap between uploads 1 and 2
@randydelaney7804 Жыл бұрын
Start with protecting Humanity first and making the world safe for Humanity and the future generations, never mind Democracy. End wars that is more important so wars like this never happen again.
@DATAProductionsMedia Жыл бұрын
*Black Thursday* is considered the first day of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Black Tuesday was the tail end of the free fall.
@BigBoy3577 Жыл бұрын
whos here from ep
@Psycho_Psy Жыл бұрын
I'd be depressed too knowing i couldn't buy more staplers
@jackcodmyt1352 Жыл бұрын
The only word I understand in this is Kim il sung
@febrero-kf1vz Жыл бұрын
Lenin fue chino ok
@kennethkestner1505 Жыл бұрын
Dude was a cold blooded killer, butt still damn likeable
@jaydentranchino581 Жыл бұрын
Loving that 480p quality
@BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr Жыл бұрын
🇺🇸 What nation of the New World was in 1798 rising into power, giving promise of strength and greatness, and attracting the attention of the world? The application of the symbol admits of no question. One nation, and only one, meets the specifications of this prophecy; it points unmistakably to the United States of America. Again and again the thought, almost the exact words, of the sacred writer has been unconsciously employed by the orator and the historian in describing the rise and growth of this nation. The beast was seen “coming up out of the earth;” and, according to the translators, the word here rendered “coming up” literally signifies “to grow or spring up as a plant.” And, as we have seen, the nation must arise in territory previously unoccupied. A prominent writer, describing the rise of the United States, speaks of “the mystery of her coming forth from vacancy,“ and says: “Like a silent seed we grew into empire.”-G. A. Townsend, The New World Compared With the Old, page 462. A European journal in 1850 spoke of the United States as a wonderful empire, which was “emerging,” and “amid the silence of the earth daily adding to its power and pride.”-The Dublin Nation. Edward Everett, in an oration on the Pilgrim founders of this nation, said: “Did they look for a retired spot, inoffensive for its obscurity, and safe in its remoteness, where the little church of Leyden might enjoy the freedom of conscience? Behold the mighty regions over which, in peaceful conquest, ... they have borne the banners of the cross!”-Speech delivered at Plymouth, Massachusetts, Dec. 22, 1824, page 11. GC 440.2 “And he had two horns like a lamb.” The lamblike horns indicate youth, innocence, and gentleness, fitly representing the character of the United States when presented to the prophet as “coming up” in 1798. Among the Christian exiles who first fled to America and sought an asylum from royal oppression and priestly intolerance were many who determined to establish a government upon the broad foundation of civil and religious liberty. Their views found place in the Declaration of Independence, which sets forth the great truth that “all men are created equal” and endowed with the inalienable right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And the Constitution guarantees to the people the right of self-government, providing that representatives elected by the popular vote shall enact and administer the laws. Freedom of religious faith was also granted, every man being permitted to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience. Republicanism and Protestantism became the fundamental principles of the nation. These principles are the secret of its power and prosperity. The oppressed and downtrodden throughout Christendom have turned to this land with interest and hope. Millions have sought its shores, and the United States has risen to a place among the most powerful nations of the earth. GC 441.1 The lamblike horns and dragon voice of the symbol point to a striking contradiction between the professions and the practice of the nation thus represented. The “speaking” of the nation is the action of its legislative and judicial authorities. By such action it will give the lie to those liberal and peaceful principles which it has put forth as the foundation of its policy. The prediction that it will speak “as a dragon” and exercise “all the power of the first beast” plainly foretells a development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution that was manifested by the nations represented by the dragon and the leopardlike beast. And the statement that the beast with two horns “causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast” indicates that the authority of this nation is to be exercised in enforcing some observance which shall be an act of homage to the papacy. GC 442.1 Such action would be directly contrary to the principles of this government, to the genius of its free institutions, to the direct and solemn avowals of the Declaration of Independence, and to the Constitution. The founders of the nation wisely sought to guard against the employment of secular power on the part of the church, with its inevitable result-intolerance and persecution. The Constitution provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” and that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Only in flagrant violation of these safeguards to the nation’s liberty, can any religious observance be enforced by civil authority. But the inconsistency of such action is no greater than is represented in the symbol. It is the beast with lamblike horns-in profession pure, gentle, and harmless-that speaks as a dragon. GC 442.2 “There are many who are disposed to attribute any fear of Roman Catholicism in the United States to bigotry or childishness. Such see nothing in the character and attitude of Romanism that is hostile to our free institutions, or find nothing portentous in its growth. Let us, then, first compare some of the fundamental principles of our government with those of the Catholic Church. GC 564.4 “The Constitution of the United States guarantees liberty of conscience. Nothing is dearer or more fundamental. Pope Pius IX, in his Encyclical Letter of August 15, 1854, said: `The absurd and erroneous doctrines or ravings in defense of liberty of conscience are a most pestilential error-a pest, of all others, most to be dreaded in a state.’ The same pope, in his Encyclical Letter of December 8, 1864, anathematized `those who assert the liberty of conscience and of religious worship,’ also ‘all such as maintain that the church may not employ force.’ GC 564.5 "Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience." GC 588.1 National Apostasy Will Be Followed by National Ruin When our nation, in its legislative councils, shall enact laws to bind the consciences of men in regard to their religious privileges, enforcing Sunday observance, and bringing oppressive power to bear against those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath, the law of God will, to all intents and purposes, be made void in our land, and national apostasy will be followed by national ruin.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:977 (1888). LDE 133.5 It is at the time of the national apostasy when, acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin.It is then the measure of guilt is full. The national apostasy is the signal for national ruin.-Selected Messages 2:373 (1891). LDE 134.1 When the state shall use its power to enforce the decrees and sustain the institutions of the church-then will Protestant America have formed an image to the papacy, and there will be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:976 (1910). LDE 134.4 I highly recommend 'Conflict of the Ages' series of five books by Christian Author Ellen G. White (Authentic Seer/Prophet of God)..... "The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan" Ellen G.White, 1888, rev.1911 Pastor Ryan Day &3ABN Broadcasting | "The Mark of the Beast and The Abomination that brings Desolation" Babylon Rising - The Beast and It's Image / Church and State Uniting ....
@hyunjungyun7389 Жыл бұрын
소련 스탈린이 모자 씌워줘서 졸지에 지도자가 되고 우상화시켜줘서 팔자걸음에 거드럼 피우고 레닌, 스탈린체제를 전수받아 독재자, 인간백정이 되고 소련, 중공의 아시아공산화에 앞장서 동족상잔의 전쟁을 일으켜 민족에게 잊을 수 없는 죄를 범하고 죽어서도 아직 진실은 밝혀지지 않은 상황이다.
@hyunjungyun7389 Жыл бұрын
깡패나 마찬가지 인간 말종 아닌가?
@m.m.m.4198 2 жыл бұрын
It's fascinating to see in this footage so many people who were later purged by Kim Il-sung, such as Kim Tu-bong
This newsreel film was produced by the National Film Studio of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This film shows the 1st Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, which was held in Moranbong theater, Pyongyang in September 2nd, 1948. Many officials of the People's Committee of DPRK, including Kim Il-Sung had participated in this assembly. In this assembly, there was a discussion about the constitution of DPRK, and the constitution was finally declared. 7 days later, September 9th, 1948, the government of DPRK was officially declared and established. Many newsreel films including this one were captured during the Korean War by the United States Army when they occupied Pyongyang. These films were sent to the National Archives and Records Administration, aka NARA, so we can watch these films today.
@tarikyildirim8859 2 жыл бұрын
@spaghettimon3851 2 жыл бұрын
🇨🇺❤🇰🇵 ☭
@tarikyildirim8859 2 жыл бұрын
@@spaghettimon3851 grandfather father child grandchild bla bla
@hanbyol19 2 жыл бұрын
@user-dy3he6rq3k 2 жыл бұрын
@user-dy3he6rq3k 2 жыл бұрын
@spaghettimon3851 2 жыл бұрын
God bless the DPRK and long live Generalissimo Kim Il-sung! All my love and support from Cuba! 🇨🇺❤🇰🇵 ☭
@gaby6247 2 жыл бұрын
Vcs não acredita em deus
@adithyanvalloor8047 2 жыл бұрын
@@gaby6247 quem acredita em deus?
@IIIVI 2 жыл бұрын
Death is a preferable alternative to communism
@bigboy3640 Жыл бұрын
u stupid commies ruin the world
@Yelight12 Жыл бұрын
@@gaby6247 o que isso tem a ver?
@m5132 2 жыл бұрын
"With great power, must also come great responsibility" -Not Uncle Ben
@Vryheid 2 жыл бұрын
@camiyajennae6797 2 жыл бұрын
this is so crazy that people in the comments prolly graduated
@notyouraccount7640 2 жыл бұрын
Here during Ukraine 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine and Putin .. not the people
@rosinchristopher4107 2 жыл бұрын
Kim dynasty has been killing the north korea's people freedom
@MrAitraining 2 жыл бұрын
The Eternal President
@nylehotaling675 2 жыл бұрын
A term for countries, like the U.S.A., who don't really have Patriarchal Attribution (Rezefede), who have really lost the hook-up with the race Tree of Life, is Tedehed, in proto-Celtic. One could say, a great deal was accomplished and built up, materially, by Tedehed stiffs. This is an emptiness, absence, or vacancy. One can obtain energy from the air, water, etc.; go Felecuic, in other words, living off such energy, called Heqsesethex. Wyethqar Energy is what comes from good Rezefede, correct Patriarchal Attribution/blessing. In middle eastern Paganism, hook-up with Binah is correct to say, similarly. In that Tree diagram, Binah is Root, the diagram best to invert for personal activational. The condition called Jecethmeqeswyeq (also proto-Celtic) comes from using the spoken language of someone else's Rezefede, or attribution- a condition of very incredibly low vitality, such as at present. Not only is English, Frisian not our attribution at all, but it was removed from the planet, long ago. It isn't possible for there to be an English man nor woman, neither a nation Britain, as the patron or friend deity, Bellona or Britannia, was Removed as well. Allbion, now best called, that land. This land, Alba Nuadh or Nova Scotia, for Canada as well. Changing the language to Scottish Gaelic, our top best, would be remedial for the condition; people would find this is like potent magical. Understanding the concept, called House Of The True Heart as well. Celtic Redemption, is our doctrine. The illusion that a new Rezefede, called American, came into existence- this is one reason why those revolutionaries are correctly thought of as false prophets; actually Sons of Perdition, due to Unpardonable transgressions, as well. Those with the tribal marking U.S.A., many elect, deceived by false prophets, really... Redemption, peace, etc. can be harder to find, for those using the Name they concocted, as they will never be Redeemed...
@diegojose1979 2 жыл бұрын
2022 y todo sigue igual en Corea del Norte.
@diogoinacio3701 2 жыл бұрын
Eu sou brasileiro mais nao entendi a Coreia do Norte é uma nação fachada.
@Alexpie5011 2 жыл бұрын
American bias trash video lol.
@quinny5117 2 жыл бұрын
yo what up fam
@REVELADO34 2 жыл бұрын
@user-fp8nt6ok8u 2 жыл бұрын
The moving BGM was original Recorded in 1946ー1950yer Beethoven- EROICA OP-55??  英雄
@user-fp8nt6ok8u 2 жыл бұрын
That moving BGM is L,V beethoven- op 55、Eroica
@rolmaguiland21 2 жыл бұрын
Can't read lips translate please in English
@user-xf4pv5gd3c Жыл бұрын
0:01 Ahead of the opening hour, General Kim Il-sung, a patriotic and national hero of the Joseon people, met. 0:37 On the chair of the venue, which is decorated with a white cover, The seats of representatives from all over the Joseon Dynasty were designated in an orderly manner, and in a solemn and solemn atmosphere, the elected representatives from all walks of life began to enter with emotion and hope. 1:26 he stayed in the lounge for a while and they welcomed with a round of applause to attendance. 1:56 The historic first meeting of the Supreme People's Assembly of Joseon opened magnificently from noon with the opening speech of Jeong Un-hyung, the oldest of the delegates. 2:12 Following the opening remarks, Mr. Heo Heon as chairman and vice chairman. Kim Dal-hyun, Lee Young, and Yang were elected, and there was a brief inauguration speech by Chairman Heo Heon. 2:27 Next, at the suggestion of the representative of Junnyeongha, the eight groups of the Great Convention to Found the Fatherland were unanimously passed. 2:45 On the second day of the meeting, congratulatory messages from various parts of the former Joseon Dynasty were presented by Kang Yang-wook. On the third day of the meeting, Kim Doo-bong, chairman of the Constitutional Committee, a long-standing study of the Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea After the declaration, each delegate's heated debate began. 3:11 The debate began with Kim Chaek, a delegate, and over 30 delegates over two days had a consistent supportive debate. 3:35 After the heated debate of the delegates, there was a conclusion from reporter Kim Doo-bong.
@user-bc3ym9xp7o 2 жыл бұрын
@spaghettimon3851 2 жыл бұрын
The ivy league ilminist sungman rhee wishes he was brave and beloved as generalissimo kim il-sung! 🇨🇺❤🇰🇵 ☭
@oMFGwTFlMFAO 2 жыл бұрын
Historical footage is important. Thanks for sharing
@VNExperience 2 жыл бұрын
With great power comes great responsibility. Hmm, now where have I heard that before
@user-ll6ok2gv1o 2 жыл бұрын
한외모 했나? 스탈린도 게이 니까 엘친 게이 ᆢ
@user-ll6ok2gv1o 2 жыл бұрын
가짜 여권 김일성ㆍ 가짜 여권 김정일ㆍ 가짜 여권 김정남ㆍ 출생지 소련? 가짜 김일성. 친동생 ㆍ일본헌병 출신
@user-cc1jc5mx8l 2 жыл бұрын
이 개종자들때문에 우리 대한민국이 지금 이시간까지 분단되고 ... 반쪽은 아직도 굶주리고 인권말살된 폐쇄사회에서 감옥생활을 하고 있는것이다.저놈들은 죽어서도 이 원죄를 못 벗어날것이고 그리해야하고 .. 영원히 그 원죄에ㅠ같혀서 불구덩이속에서 살아야한다.더러운 놈들...
@user-cc1jc5mx8l 2 жыл бұрын
햐...이 GSGG