Heavenly Sword | Replay
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XDefiant | GI Live
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@TheJoeDean 2 күн бұрын
When I play MM, usually I beat Captain Keeta by shooting him with regular arrows, which as you saw slows him down, and then I catch up to him and hit him. So that's what I meant when I said you had everything you needed to win that fight. For Anju's mission, try checking the mayor's office building during the day on days 1 and 2. You should also check out Northern Clock Town right before Midnight on the first day, and then you might wanna check out the Curiosity Shop on the Last day (don't do this on a cycle you're considering doing Anju's mission though.) I would also recommend restoring Clock Town's Great Fairy. Try checking out that weird room with a hole in it on the Stock Pot Inn's first floor sometime between midnight and morning.
@Some_Random_Guy 2 күн бұрын
before going to the curiosity shop , gotta get the wallet upgrade
@TheJoeDean 2 күн бұрын
@@Some_Random_Guy true. I just thought visiting the shop would at least give them some context to decide if they wanted to do that.
@Some_Random_Guy 2 күн бұрын
@@TheJoeDean it's definitely worth doing if they want the lore behind the 4 giants. Maybe Marcus will be less resistant to the idea of redoing the spider house now since it's been a few weeks, lol
@mrkdgaming23 5 күн бұрын
Guys, when you say Jackylling that sounds like the tagalog version of masturbating in the Philippines.
@hihosilver1234 6 күн бұрын
Diablo 4 and OW are the best games I've played all year lol, and I've played CP2077, ER, and BG3
@thomashughes4326 8 күн бұрын
Can you guys start doing time stamps?
@mikemuhfuggintyson8016 10 күн бұрын
marcus really sold me on anger foot
@reed1645 10 күн бұрын
Honestly the exclusive awards seem pretty dumb. Why not just best sony published game and best microsoft published game? I mean exclusivity doesn't really benefit consumers, it's just a marketing tactic. Also, I love FF7 Rebirth but I would have included it in a different category like action adventure or open world as it basically plays as an action title.
@JakeSteinberg 11 күн бұрын
Love a mid-year recap 🔥
@dustind548 11 күн бұрын
@dandinkler6315 11 күн бұрын
Let's GO!!!!
@hihosilver1234 14 күн бұрын
Jon Carson my man!
@zache8984 17 күн бұрын
I could not figure out how to get the big skeleton to get up, good job getting that right away Marcus
@USMCbrantley 18 күн бұрын
Well, he owns the first one in the original game. He "won" a contest where he won the mansion, but it was a trick to get him to go out there and get kidnapped by King Boo. At the end of the game, everyone helps Luigi rebuild the mansion, where afterward he gives the mansion to the good ghosts.
@kenzor4953 22 күн бұрын
lol black elves
@mikelynch920 23 күн бұрын
How weird. I just re-watched Run Lola Run tonight. As I’m watching this and reading the movie’s IMDb trivia it says a Nintendo developer, Yoshiaki Koizumi, cited RLR as one of the main inspirations for Majora’s Mask.
@TheJoeDean 23 күн бұрын
You have everything you need for the big skeleton fight/race. I think he respawns if you leave the area, you don't need to change the day, but I could be wrong. You should visit the Laundry Pool on the night of the first or second day. You should try talking to a black-hearted person while on Epona. Try checking the mayor's office building during the day on days 1 and 2. You should also check out Northern Clock Town right before Midnight on the first day (don't do this on a cycle you're considering doing Anju's mission though.) I would also recommend restoring Clock Town's Great Fairy.
@kalaelizabeth 23 күн бұрын
oh hey this is so cool! thanks for all the veilguard coverage!
@Some_Random_Guy 23 күн бұрын
To clarify what I meant by missed conversations, I'm not meaning when they talk to you. you have to talk to them WHILE they are talking to Anju and you can listen in on THEIR conversation. last episode, after getting the room key, you came downstairs and caught the Goron JUST as he was walking away from the counter. had you been 1 or 2 seconds quicker you would have heard Anju turn him away because there were no vacant rooms. There's a few context specific conversations like that with Anju specifically, including while she's making lunch, and with her grandma.
@werdna2590 23 күн бұрын
As a person who played dragon age after Mass Effect and only ever played the console version of origins never really understood the fanbase attachment to the real time strategy gameplay, but apparently it’s the best in the sub-genre of real Time with pause gameplay but personally, I prefer the more action focus of dragon age 2 and inquisition
@ramongrapefruit7053 24 күн бұрын
I kind of disagree on the point of the new weapons being inherently better than base game weapons because it's entirely dependent on your build, stats, and the ash of war you place on the weapon so it will scale to your specific stats better.
@dandinkler6315 24 күн бұрын
@5:03 MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson is AMAZING!!! I just finished doing a Reread podcast with friends where we read thr original 3 books and it was so much fun!! Brandon Sanderson's my favorite author for sure but I have to say I feel the same way about mistborn as Markus does in regards to dragon age. My favorite series of his is called "Stormlight archives ". Basically about midevol Knights with power armor and super powers. Cannot recommend enough. Read Mistborn and Stormlight and you will be a happy person
@mordinsolis6133 25 күн бұрын
The consistent throughline with all the Dragon Age games has been the story of the world of Thedas. The gameplay changed with every entry, as has itemisation, but even with the forgotten web based game, they kept expanding the lore of the world. Great Job on the Dragon Age Veilguard coverage, i look forward to every new article.
@virginiamurr3703 25 күн бұрын
Really great to hear the verbal overview about the Dragon Age The Veilguard cover story, which I adored when I read it. Kudos to Wes for the excellent writing. I should add that I *still* play BG1, BG2, and Dragon Age Origins. Love those Bioware games as well as DA2 and Inquisition. As much as I love each of the games (yes, even with how different each of them play)--given what I've seen and read--I think it's very likely this will be my new favorite in the series.
@BboyEasySteps 25 күн бұрын
The Dragon Age community is passionate, what can I say? The gameplay has never had a definitive identity, but the story is why people have stayed. 🤘Great stuff on the coverage of Veilguard so far as well, keep it coming!
@prattable 25 күн бұрын
Here we go!
@Dukefazon Ай бұрын
I don't know which episode was where Reiner called Kyle Kyle Strife but that's probably a rhyme to Cloud Strife. Halo: Combat Evolved was Kyle's first Replay episode. "No fireworks for Joseph" :D
@Jeorin Ай бұрын
The fish boss is much easier to beat if you drop down to melee it. You can hit it with Zora boomerangs to re-stun it and keep it locked down. IDK why they mislead players by placing magic pots around the arena. I guess electricity is good for clearing the little fish.
@mikelynch920 Ай бұрын
Does the “Chronicle” of Dark Souls count. Tim Turi and Dan Tack went for 30 episodes.
@pablocastillo2089 Ай бұрын
Naw, when brian starts talking about what he played at 1:01:13 the audio goes to shit.
@taylorwagen5602 Ай бұрын
Kyle your mic sounds so so so great!
@Dukefazon Ай бұрын
What the hell is "military time"?! You mean 24H? Just substract 12 if you have problems with afternoon time. Weird. It's just the standard time measurement here in EU.
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
In regards to the listening spot in the room, that's Tatl commenting on the state of the room and the fact that you got it for free (blue text plus the chime means that's her talking), but there is actually a conversation that can be heard on the 2nd day I believe. Also, sorry for the barrage of comments. It's hard to edit existing comments on my phone😅
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
Another unprompted hint for an easy side quest or 2, check out the laundry pool at night...
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
One of the best changes they made to the 3DS version was the rumors you hear from the bomber kids that direct you to where to start Quests
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
You actually still need to fill a prerequisite to even start Anju's quest. you were on the right track with following the postman, but first, you may want to talk to Kafei's mother *wink wink* Also, AHHHHH!!! You were so close to seeing 2 optional conversions with Anju! You missed both by literal seconds. The first was with the postman and the second with the Goron. The Goron's is funny because it's his room you stole. The conversion goes differently depending on if you took the room or not. If you did take it, he can also be seen sleeping outside of the Inn at night. Something to keep in mind with the blue bars in the notebook is that all the bars represent events with that character, but not all the events are necessarily part of the same quest line. Some characters have some crossover with other quests involving other characters. For example, the postman has a quest you can do on days 1 and 2, but the last event on day 3 is part of a completely different quest. When the event icon has a mask, that just means you completed the event and got a mask as a reward. Sometimes, quest events that are part of a quest line appear as a yellow "!" But if it's grey, that means you've done the event before, just not in the current loop, so you may need to do the event again if it's part of an incomplete quest. You'll also notice that each day in the notebook is split into 4 segments in the background, with the first 2 being a lighter shade of the same color as the last 2. Those each represent 6 hours of the day, so the lighter colors are daytime and the last 2 are nighttime. The blocks that overlap just mean that 2 different events can be triggered in that same time frame.
@hihosilver1234 Ай бұрын
Who cares about that let down SGF, what a joke as per usual. That Xbox showcase was peak tho, so excited for basically everything shown.
@nickyb45896 10 күн бұрын
You just don't understand
@InnerSunshine Ай бұрын
Hmm at minute 1:04 the audio becomes impossibly glitchy 😒
@dayv1277 Ай бұрын
It’s fine for me
@dandinkler6315 Ай бұрын
Sweet 👌
@Baklavann Ай бұрын
Linkle's design is too good to leave exclusively in Hyrule Warriors. A Linkle game could work, especially if they give her unique specialties and tools/gadgets related to her using dual auto-crossbows, and adapt the setting to work with that.
@ipodlover44 Ай бұрын
I've been a fan of Super Replay since OverBlood. Marcus taking 3 episodes to beat a boss, while thinking he has plenty of hearts is a classic Super Replay blunder xD
@dustind548 Ай бұрын
Missed joke opportunity: Highlighted message: "BUTT". Brian: "agreed on all fronts" (and backs)
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
I have some suggestions for optional side quests I think are worth doing. in order, starting from most recommended: - DEFINITELY the Kafei and Anju quest. that's the longest one, but way worth it. - Anju's Grandma. BIG LORE DUMP. requires finishing the Great Bay Spider House (it'll go quicker the 2nd time through 😅). - Bomb shop delivery. short and has a very useful reward. - Musician's confession/Cucco owner's lament. both short. need to do one to finish the other. final reward is really useful. - The invisible man. another really short one, but arguably one of the most useful rewards in the game, imo. - Letter to mother. must be done after doing the first half of the Kafei/Anju quest, so may as well do it at the same time, and the reward is well worth it. - Paper Please. also super short. I just wanna see Marcus's reaction to this one LOL - Dancer's legacy. not real important, but only a few minutes long and has some funny dialogue. - Ending the Mayor's suffering. takes 2 minutes and requires finishing the Kafei/Anju quest, so might as well. it's very important that you refer back to the bombers notebook often to see the timeframes that you have to be able to complete events. some can be done over long stretches of time while others only have a short window. the blocks next to each characters portrait in the notebook each represent a single event with the time of day at the top of the page to show when the event happens NOTE: none of these are official quests names or anything. just wanted to name them in a way that is vague and non-spoilery, but still hopefully recognizable enough that Kyle will know which one's I'm referring to, lol
@andrewnall1931 Ай бұрын
If you want to see a good elden ring preview, go watch Skill up, Smoughtown, or Vaati Vidya. I am very disappointed by the preview here. They barely mentioned the new weapons, they didnt talk about how there are 10 main bosses, and just generally missed out on so much info. They summed it up as "more Elden Ring". It is obvious that they barely refreshed themselves on the base game before this event and could not tell what was new and what wasnt. They got to go to a preview event for one of the most highly anticipated games of the year, especially the summer, and this is thier take away? Take better notes next time please.
@hihosilver1234 Ай бұрын
These are casual ER fans, not everyone cares that much about that game.
@veganporkkebab389 Ай бұрын
have not played ER are there any ranged classes or we are forced to roll around all enemies?
@gameinformershows Ай бұрын
So, every class can use ranged weapons and magic spells, the effectiveness of which depends on how you level towards relevant stats. However, some classes, like the Astrologer, are better-suited stat-wise for using spells from the get-go. - Marcus
@walkernissi7468 Ай бұрын
Have to disagree with Marcus here, Nine Sols combat is rad and I think the parry timing is tight but not unforgiving.
@gameinformershows Ай бұрын
I've put much more time into it since recording this, and I'm coming around on the combat. Its definitely become more enjoyable - Marcus
@Fanmanhandle Ай бұрын
Can someone help me? I sold my copy of Elden Ring and I’m considering getting it again for the DLC but I can’t remember if I started a new game plus or not. I don’t have the time to create a new character. Is there a way to check if I started new game plus without having it disc?
@taylorwagen5602 Ай бұрын
This has been a dream super replay, and I can't think of two better people to be playing! Definitely one of the great SR's in GI history
@IMMoreThanUSee Ай бұрын
The key mechanic where you carry the boss key to the dungeon is in the handheld games for sure!
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
(Edit: spoiled the fairy rewards at the end if you really wanna know what they are) It might be worth taking time to collect the fairies from the Snowhead and Great Bay temples. The rewards are worth it, but before that, you NEED to see the Great Fairy in Clocktown again. I don't think it's possible to collect some of the fairies without doing that first. You probably don't remember, but she did say to visit her again when you got your original body back If you REALLY wanna know what the rewards are, to know if it's worth it, SPOILERS BELOW Snowhead fairies double your magic meter Great Bay fairies make you take less damage
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
The dolphin jump is much easier to land if you take it at an angle rather than going at it head first
@Some_Random_Guy Ай бұрын
If you have trouble with a boss or any enemy, you can always target and press up C (up on the right analog stick) to have Tatl give you hints about their weakness. That probably would have really helped with that boss fight 😅