The NCR-Legion War: A Full History
Did Ghouls Exist Pre-War?
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The Currencies of Fallout
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What's in Space in Fallout?
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The Hierarchy of the NCR Military
Do Synths Have Free Will?
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@alphax4785 4 сағат бұрын
TBF, it's an open question about how fast Benny would've moved with the Courier actually dead since even if it's a female C6 with the weirdest fetish ever, Benny still has to move immediately because he knows House will find out sooner rather than later by mere fact of C6's survival. With C6 stone dead, Benny can afford to take some time before the Legion forces him no matter what, maybe come up with overrides and lockouts to make sure Yes Man is in control of the Fort and actually planning his infiltration of the Legion encampment rather than going in on an unprofessional gambler's odds. Which would lead to the scenario of Benny pulling it off. Of activating the Fort's army under Yes Man's control and slaughtering the Legion either while they're engaged with the NCR... or not... and then kicking Oliver off the dam through diplomacy... or just going Crazy Light Show Part 2 until finally making his way back to the Strip and forcing House to the bargaining table... or completing the Crazy Light Show Trilogy.
@MegaMarxis 6 сағат бұрын
Honestly. The amount of radiation that exists in the fallout universe hundreds of years after the bombs fell. It is safe to say the entire planet suffered effects from all the nukes dropped in multiple countries. I mean you can also look at the real life example of how far radiation can travel just by Chernobyl itself.
@Cocosbear 6 сағат бұрын
What about Carribbean
@crassiewassie8354 8 сағат бұрын
Tbh destroying the Fort’s securitron army can be a good thing for wrestling power away from Yes Man Because the army of securitrons isn’t what protects vegas Though this is assuming the personality upgrade is a bad thing. The courier’s army of Robot Dogs, Scorpions, and basically anything they chern out is. I always kind of imagined an independent vegas eventually joining the NCR from a place of power But the implications of Big MT technology and Boomer loyalty imo make it quite powerful on its own as its own nation. Primm as well imo is more the Courier’s as well imo because of Primm Slim. He’s acting mayor imo because he holds the power as automated sheriff Until a mayor finds their way into some office in Primm, Primm Slim is the courier’s I think places would join independent vegas peacefully in the same way NCR accquires territories like Dayglow Places might aggressively be absorbed into Independent Vegas like Arizona as well. And raider territories. Heck idk if the Desert Rangers will even stay with the NCR They might head East or even start working with Independent Vegas The Ranger Unification was about securing the Mojave away from Caesar not reinforcing NCR Hegemony. The Desert Rangers sticking around in NCR sounds odd since it goes against everything they stand for if they where to go to war with Vegas. What reason is there for Desert rangers not Joining Independent Vegas or establishing themselves in Arizona as a distinct faction? They’re not really loyal to the NCR they’re loyal to Hanlon and will disolve without him if they’re in the NCR where they’d basically do none of the things they where founded on. In my head cannon the Desert Rangers joined Vegas to stomp out groups like Fiends, Khans, Legion Remenants, Brotherhood, and crime generally as Vegas heals. Rangers are kind of like the Followers with Rifles instead of Stimpacks. Hanlon says so himself. If you could convince the Followers to help imo You could convince the Rangers to help as well
@user-hu8qn5dk4x 11 сағат бұрын
Wish they had flashbacks to the war in Anchorage in fo4 hope fallout 5 explores more on pre war
@PleiadesRuby 11 сағат бұрын
"Totally gonna join camelot, sounds cool as-" *The 5th column are lead by a woman named Eve* "Yeah so I've always been 5th column proud."
@tombeegeeeye5765 11 сағат бұрын
Vim has to be Moxie.
@128Gigabytes 12 сағат бұрын
using only coins and no paper money seems to check all the same boxes hard/impossible to counterfit, especially in the wasteland spread randomly in the wasteland easy to transport durable I wonder why a system based on regular coins wouldn't be another good choice
@Jimmy_CV 12 сағат бұрын
As far as tires go, the real problebm is dry rot, the ruber simply gets hard and breaks down. So in 200 years time a soft tire would either crumble to dust or become solid and unusable.
@MicJaguar 14 сағат бұрын
I explained yhis to co-workers and made my own Nuka caps as office gifts to employees.
@yourbestpallshawn4139 15 сағат бұрын
I just looked it up and the most recent song in fallout lore is one that came out in 2009 💀
@Abductor-tinboom 15 сағат бұрын
What about the swiss?
@theox721 16 сағат бұрын
After the show we can safely say (spoilers ahead) it was vault-tec.
@ihateallthethings2683 20 сағат бұрын
Like all games the water is full of a whole lot of nothing wow that’s really neat dude good work. Boom just saved you 15 minutes.
@marijuanadane8336 Күн бұрын
@BeanerMan13 Күн бұрын
What if Todd has a fear of the deep ocean?
@b-17theflyingfortress Күн бұрын
The moment I had the conversation with Desdemona about what the railroad think about the gen 1 synths, I knew these fuckers are only saving synths just because they still look like people...
@patron8597 Күн бұрын
It's a shame modern Bethesda is so lazy about water content in general. Skyrim, FO4 and most recently Starfield had the potential for interesting water and underwater areas but nope, you get nothing.
@Mezha07 Күн бұрын
Honestly i would want to believe there is one rich mofo who stockpiled High tech stuff in an island and lived there in relative peace not getting bombed and javing to deal with mutation because of isolation
@GJR181 Күн бұрын
i wish there was a fallout game not in the us
@dankirk25 Күн бұрын
The problem with the Yes Man ending is that there are too many gaps in our understanding of what it entails. Yes Man can't say "no" to people. It's kinda the thing it's known for. Even at the end, it says that it's going to generate a program to make itself more assertive. That's already terrifying. It basically sets up a Terminator scenario where the Securitrons work to eradicate the perceived enemies of New Vegas. Who determines what those enemies are? The Courier, perhaps? What if Yes Man decides that the Courier is not a good leader? As for the settlements around New Vegas, it's more that they exist as small communities rather than as nomadic armies or nation-states. Nobody has attempted to consolidate the region because life is difficult enough for such small settlements. Any one settlement would lack the infrastructure, numbers and the weapons to tame the Mojave Wasteland. Having said that, this is why discussion of New Vegas is so fascinating. No one faction has all the answers. Mr House represents the neoliberal monopoly on power that the old world went through. Sure, he could work towards all he talks about but what use is that to the average settler or Vegas resident? Such people aren't people to House, they're resources, customers or nuisances to be removed. The NCR and the Legion represent other aspects of the old world. The NCR replicated the democratic systems of America and as such adopted its flaws. Sure, people can vote on important issues but those votes are influenced by the greed of the wealthy. On the other side of things, the Legion is just an authoritarian nightmare, where men are used for battle and industry, women are owned as property and slaves do the bull of the work.
@figuures6098 Күн бұрын
Victor digs up the man who chooses the Victor of the battle of Hoover Dam
@zarafex-0923 Күн бұрын
The main issue is that they in their own way are arrogent. There way or the highway. The fact that they are willing to kill all the institute members is telling. Espitially at the end when williem offs himself and they say keep it hush hush. Even in fallout 3 i found them annoying just ciz of how they want to shuv their way of thinking on you. All the factions are faulty in their own way but the railroad espitally is just bad.
@sciana21 Күн бұрын
I think Bethesda just can't do cars
@bluenightrblx Күн бұрын
77.5k sub
@joshuarivera3617 Күн бұрын
Because it’s not a car game…. There you go saved you 10 minutes of your life
@alexshinra6722 Күн бұрын
Yeah i alwas accepted that certian forms of transport are around but...have you seen the engine f3 was built on...mesn i seen liberty prime bug oit with a trash can, could you think of how the 4x4 jeep in 7days would do in that game...not well.
@andrewtinker7537 Күн бұрын
I thought cars only worked in bethesda games if an NPC wore them as a hat?
@darkninjacorporation Күн бұрын
We can shit on the NCR’s stagnant politics all we we want, but there’s no denying that if the Chinese show up with an army even a third the size of the NCR’s, whose gonna fight that frontline? The BoS? Whatever’s left of Caesar’s Legion? The Republic of Dave? Nah man, west coast America’s de facto standing army is the NCRA and whatever allies they made at Hoover Dam. That should be a pretty solid defense.
@griffinpiercy680 Күн бұрын
I was pretty sure correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that Coca-Cola faked the stuff about sunset Sasparilla causing organ failure in order to shut it down because they were competitors
@e-mud1939 Күн бұрын
i love how in depth and interesting this video is, but it’s so funny to me in how it doesn’t feel like a lore video, and more just a history lesson 💀💀
@matheusqc5405 Күн бұрын
5:05 Brazil doesn't involve itself in wars directly. It has good relations concurrently with the U.S., Russia and China. I think south america would've been completely fine tbh.
@jiffypoo5029 Күн бұрын
Nuka-Cola Corp seems to be one of the Corps still operational post-war. Vendors and Machines are regularly restocked. Maybe it's like greygarden and a bunch of Mr. Handys are still working farms, bottling plants and distributing product around America.
@Halo_Legend Күн бұрын
Why do you call The Enclave "The Onclave"? Are you French?
@TheDriftingspliff420 Күн бұрын
female Courier as heir.
@serealMuadid Күн бұрын
Is not cannon, Is not canon, VT probably did not launch the bombs. Hear me out, Imagine that you are VT, you know the war is ending and your business is going bust. So you desperate try to change your bussines from one that sells security to one that wants to sell energy. So you buy every energy company that you can, but you are running out of mony, so you sell an idia to your competitors in order to gain time, knollage an distract them form your real goal. That is to transition from one product to another. With all that your executives could say whatever in order to gain the trust and mony of the investors. However the bombs really droped and every body losts. Until they show us the "person" or "organization" who did that, nobody would never know.
@Baby0din Күн бұрын
Yeah as someone that actually played the games and retained the information. The reason is because they couldn't figure out how to make them not devastating to travel with given the terrain. Even the car junkies thought cars would just be useless and either get stuck idling or crash on one of the steep slopes. Anyways, a car explodes, a suit of power armor just leaps over the hill running almost as fast as a car and punches your lights out. Anyone that put a car back together either quickly came to that realization or became the statistic.
@herrflammen6487 Күн бұрын
The tommies gives me real DannyG vibes (DannyG is the “come to smethwick Birmingham and I’ll come out me house and I’ll break yer fookin legs” guy)
@stealthhunter9974 Күн бұрын
Have obsidian make fallout 5
@Lazy_Godzilla Күн бұрын
old age is realizing the Minutemen are a worse reskinned Legion with great PR. Sure, you get protection against Raiders and monster's, but if you don't join when asked, the Minutemen drop all support for you, and may or may not help when you get attacked
@Lonestar1017 Күн бұрын
If the institute exists, then an org like the railroad will always exist in some form. There will always be a party seeking to liberate the synths from the institute.
@JacksonLedford Күн бұрын
It's because Bethesda can't do vehicles
@loppy6481 Күн бұрын
Even Far Harbor felt empty and that was the absolute perfect ground for the sea and lovecraft.
@loppy6481 Күн бұрын
Nothing according to Bethesda games lmao smh
@ZombiePumps Күн бұрын
That’s an intricate back story for a fictional product in a different universe.
@skeletonwarlock5741 Күн бұрын
I think that its only america and russia are nuked the rest are fine and the queen is chilling
@renaigh 2 күн бұрын
I think the Gunners are a rebranded Talon Company after the Slave Trade was dismantled in Fo3. As for why you can't join them, the only wastelanders from the Commonwealth who are Gunners are conscripted against their will possibly after having their families murdered in front of them.
@mikecooper2566 2 күн бұрын
Bethesda should work with Unknown World (the makers of Subnautica) to make a Fallout title or spin off that either focuses on ocean life to expand the world or at least make the waters of the next fallout game feel dangerous and unique.
@WellManneredNate 2 күн бұрын
I could imagine the main reason why people in the wasteland don't use cars is because outside of Nevada, where there're plenty of stable roads still existing, most other places that were devastated by the war just don't have that option. The Capital Wasteland's roads and towards the inner city are piles of debris and huge chunks of road missing. The same could be said for West Virginia and Boston.