UT Energy Week 2024 Trailer
4 ай бұрын
@j.s.c.4355 10 күн бұрын
Back in the 70s and 80s, there were PSAs that asked people to preserve the Earth for their grandchildren. Now we recognize that we don’t give a shot about the well-being of our grandchildren.
@SachinGanpat 27 күн бұрын
What I took away from this is that it could work if we work collaboratively and strive for a more equal society. But we know a considerable subset of society will fight this - even if it's in their best interest - because it sounds too much like socialism.
@DeepakSarode-tw9jt Ай бұрын
@sandorski56 Ай бұрын
@sonnyeastham 2 ай бұрын
@sonnyeastham 2 ай бұрын
...if humans attempted to really teach (teens) children that sex is as much , or more, a spiritual transition experience (rather than social/physical happening)....and the deep importance of personal responsibility and the pain/suffering we can personally cause by being irresponsible. ...maybe fewer suffering children would be unwantingly be created?
@sonnyeastham 2 ай бұрын
...but that's a religious subject that impedes upon the percieved freedom of shallow thinking humans
@proudchristian77 2 ай бұрын
Gosh people's, the Holy Bible is true & its happening in our life time , u know y , because, people's have sealed their fate by their iffy walking, y all this ! 💝💒👣👑
@georgenelson8917 2 ай бұрын
The taboo 2 words: HUMAN OVERPOPULATION !!!!! Don’t breed more breeders . Humans are the problem..
@georgenelson8917 2 ай бұрын
Don’t breed more humans to suffer and die in a horrible future. The Frontier is OVER.
@quincyb2131 2 ай бұрын
Great video
@Stephen-zq2wf 2 ай бұрын
Does the World NEED a Benevolent Dictator to Recognize / Make / InAct the Global Hard Decisions necessary for the Blue Marble Floating in Space to Survive ? In a Country / Norway where EVs are 90% of all New Car Sales the lack of a Noticeable Dent in Oil Demand is a Cautionary Tale for those Predicting a Drop in Oil Demand due to EV Sales.
@DaMeatGrinda 2 ай бұрын
Art Berman believes that CO2 is a pollutant? How unscientific, CO2 is essentially a fertilizer and it has a little warming effect, which is overall beneficial. CO2 concentrations follow temperature rise caused by solar cycles, there's a lag of about 1000 years as the oceans warm, that is a fact.
@sonnyeastham 3 ай бұрын
Not a forest fire, Art...its an aurgument with G-D...no, you and the other god-pretenders, will not affect any outcome, but your own...
@user-ly6vk6cx1h 3 ай бұрын
Wind simply doesn't work, ask the UK. There is so much that doesnt work about it that I can't begin to explain it here, electrical harmonics, maintenance, intermittency, massive subsidies, list goes on and on. Secondly, we love to blame all of our problems on politicians... well wake up America! who the hell do you think keeps electing them. Every nation has the leaders it deserves.
@mv80401 3 ай бұрын
Trump's irrational anger against wind power has one single origin: his failed fight against a wind project near his unprofitable Scottish golf course. Denigration of wind power started there and was then amplified and generalized by the Right wing media echo chamber. (The story started in 2006 and was summarized by the WP's Philip Bump on April 15, 2022 under “Why Trump hates wind turbines”
@shawnnoyes4620 3 ай бұрын
Ammonia, Steel, Concrete, Plastic - All can come about via nuclear energy electricity and process heat.
@sonnyeastham 3 ай бұрын
No...not economically. Anything may be possible, but how much of your human energy are you willing to trade for it?
@sonnyeastham 3 ай бұрын
....would you trade 4 1/2 years of YOUR human labor...for a barrel of oil?
@didforlove 3 ай бұрын
This world population is unsustainable
@trungson6604 4 ай бұрын
U of Texas “ energy institute” is probably funded by fossil fuel companies, and that's why he says that fossil fuel is not replaceable. In reality, oil and gas reserves are running empty in many places and need to be replaced with renewable energy or nuclear. Use Wind and Solar energy to produce Hydrogen to gradually replace the dwindling supply of fossil fuel. Hydrogen can be added to waste biomass to make biomethane to replace natural gas, and methanol to replace gasoline to advantage of existing natural gas infrastructure and liquid fuel refilling infrastructure. Use nuclear energy wherever wind and solar are not available, because nuclear energy is still a lot more expensive than Solar and Wind energy. More importantly, however, this talk emphasizes a bigger problem: Over-consumption of natural resources while polluting the planet severely. The rates of autism has gone up 40 folds since the 1960's. The rate of other diseases like dementia, cancer, asthma, diabetes, etc have gone up significantly as well. Sperm count has gone down several folds and the infertility rates in women has gone up significantly. We are poisoning ourselves and not enough people realize it or doing anything about it.
@davidwilkie9551 4 ай бұрын
No trained, practical science could accept this as anything more than half-truth.
@FlameofDemocracy 4 ай бұрын
Moving from combustion to electricity upgrades from the stone age to modernity. The hydrogen economy is a big, big deal. The renaissance, phase one, concludes with Nikola Tesla and his grid invention. Phase two opens with the completion of the hydrogen economy build out. Make hydrogen when surpluses arise, or co-locate them with generation capacity.
@sonnyeastham 4 ай бұрын
....this is ALL a very expensive and wasteful use of resoutces that has absolutely no basis in physical reality and in no manner an accurate predictions of any REAL outcome.....it is justication for an CO2 exhalation tax on every human born.....dont let these monsters steal our childrens future. Thay can never control the star we all live on the planet that is very close to....its called the SUN...
@sonnyeastham 4 ай бұрын
Overpopulation is a real problem.....deal with the irnresponsible humans at the root of the problem....too many irresponsible adults having too many children that are left for thr rest of responsibility humans to raise, care-for and support.
@user-ww5oc9bh1e 4 ай бұрын
CLIMATE CULT Timeline to Apocalypse 1970s - Global cooling will kill us all. 1980s - Correction, looks like Global warming will kill us all. 1990s - Global warming will definitely kill us all. 2000s - Global warming stopped. UN memo (original). Let’s call it Climate Change because the temperature keeps fluctuating up and down leading to a 14 year temperature pause while CO2 continued to rise unabated. 2010s - Everyone realises climate change is normal. UN memo (1). Let’s call it a Climate Emergency. 2010s - There was no climate Emergency. UN memo (2). Let’s corrupt the science with unlimited funding to government controlled institutions who are willing to falsify temperature data, then call it a Climate Crisis. 2020s - The Climate Crisis failed to eventuate. UN memo (3). Let’s find a useful idiot and name her Greta. She will be our climate cult Goddess. Australian climate cult members were busy exploiting the dry summer starting many fires leading to many arrests for arson. 2021 - Greta failed to change the climate and just yelled at everyone. 2023 - UN memo (4). We will wait for El Nino to arrive and we shall call it Global Boiling. To ensure success the cult got busy with arson attacks throughout Europe starting in Greece when 79 arsonists were arrested. Arson arrests are made in Canada after a big season of wildfires. 2024 - Everyone realises El Niño is a natural event that has always occurred for as long as the Pacific Ocean has been in existence. 2025 - UN memo (5). We shall declare CO2 a toxic hazard that will kill us all. 2025 - UN memo (5) is immediately cancelled when a 9 year old pointed out that CO2 is the trace gas of life without which we and all carbon based life forms do not exist. All that carbon came from CO2. It is called a trace gas because there are traces of it measured at an incredibly low 420ppmv or 0.042%. Barely enough to raise the temperature in a room full of climate cult members releasing methane in a desperate attempt to raise the temperature. 2030 - The climate cult is exhausted from its endless lies but manages to double down for another decade of stupidity with fresh funding from corrupt governments and corporations making lots of money from intermittent renewable energy that never works when the wind stops and the sun sets. 2040 - The climate cools while CO2 continues to rise and everyone realises temperature and CO2 have decoupled and that CO2 is a very minor green house gas that has little to no effect on the planets temperature. UN admits defeat and commences the biggest compensation payout in human history. Now we can add permafrost Methane release as the latest fake disaster according to COP 28. Every single climate cult doomsday prediction date has come and gone with nothing to show. How many more decades do we tolerate the climate cult clowns that destroy everything they touch. Fortunately the greatest grift of all time will collapse under the weight of its many lies.
@grahammutlow1612 4 ай бұрын
Indeed fossil fuels are magic.
@sonnyeastham 4 ай бұрын
Is illegal immigrants being enticed by generous welfare programs exasperating NYC population over-shoot problems?
@UnknownPascal-sc2nk 15 күн бұрын
Immigrants from the south (those are the illegal ones, right?) can only get to NYC with assistance. Some of that assistance is through false promises by the governments of Florida and Texas. That's kidnapping.
@TheRealSnakePlisken 4 ай бұрын
Do theses audiences just come into these conferences completely blind AND stupid? Is nobody doing any personal research on the human extinction problem? How many stupid questions can this audience ask?? The ignorance is stupifying.
@davidpayant8684 4 ай бұрын
Isn’t the U of Texas “ energy institute” funded by fossil fuel companies? I guess if you have enough money you can buy a university to promote fossil fuel industry talking points. A shill for the industry masquerading as a scientist. 🐝🐝
@trungson6604 4 ай бұрын
Of course, that's why he says that fossil fuel is not replaceable. In reality, oil and gas reserves are running empty in many places and need to be replaced with renewable energy or nuclear. Use Wind and Solar energy to produce Hydrogen to gradually replace the dwindling supply of fossil fuel. Hydrogen can be added to waste biomass to make biomethane to replace natural gas, and methanol to replace gasoline to advantage of existing natural gas infrastructure and liquid fuel refilling infrastructure. Use nuclear energy wherever wind and solar are not available, because nuclear energy is still a lot more expensive than Solar and Wind energy. This talk emphasizes a bigger problem: Over-consumption of natural resources while polluting the planet severely. The rates of autism has gone up 40 folds since the 1960's. The rate of other diseases like dementia, cancer, asthma, diabetes, etc have gone up significantly as well. Sperm count has gone down several folds and the infertility rates in women has gone up significantly. We are poisoning ourselves and not enough people realize it or doing anything about it.
@mrmickking19 4 ай бұрын
At last, a neo Malthusian perspective articulated extremely well.
@patrickmcguire4617 5 ай бұрын
There is one glaring omission in this talk: the concept of Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROEI). How much energy can you get from a system when you put one unit of energy into it. Human and animal energy and firewood has an EROEI of about 5. Fossil fuel has an EROEI of about 30. That massive increase in energy has enabled our modern civilization. Wind and solar have an EROEI of only about 5 when evaluated as a system. The intermittent power is a huge drawback and requires essentially 100% backup by a stable base power source. Wind and solar are truly lousy if used for more than 20% of the total power supply. What truly works is nuclear power. Modem nuclear plants have an EROEI of about 100, and a thorium plant may have an EROEI of 200. They are also inherently safe. The despair in this presentation is misplaced. The future is bright.
@trungson6604 4 ай бұрын
Use Wind and Solar energy to produce Hydrogen to gradually replace the dwindling supply of fossil fuel. Hydrogen can be added to waste biomass to make biomethane to replace natural gas, and methanol to replace gasoline to advantage of existing natural gas infrastructure and liquid fuel refilling infrastructure. Use nuclear energy wherever wind and solar are not available, because nuclear energy is still a lot more expensive than Solar and Wind energy. This talk emphasizes a bigger problem: Over-consumption of natural resources while polluting the planet severely. The rates of autism has gone up 40 folds since the 1960's. The rate of other diseases like dementia, cancer, asthma, diabetes, etc have gone up significantly as well. Sperm count has gone down several folds and the infertility rates in women has gone up significantly. We are poisoning ourselves and not enough people realize it or doing anything about it.
@MartyL44-27 5 ай бұрын
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant! 10:57
@gareththomas1395 5 ай бұрын
Evil people. Pure evil. Art must be over 60…top yourself first and help save us. 😂
@user-zh1th8sz2l 4 ай бұрын
And how, that was one of the most horrifying things I've ever heard. But to be fair I don't think it was his idea, it was that lady's, some liberal professor, surprise, surprise... and he sort of played along. And she was so chirpy about it. Let's get it on the agenda and fast-track this thing! Either way, that's not where you want the conversation to go when you're trying to motivate people. Alright everyone, now that we see how grim and unalterable the situation really is, who's up for a voluntary Soylent green program?? And if you're over 60 and you have nothing to live for, you can sign up on your way out....
@wolfgangrauh3210 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! You have convinced me that Russia is the land of the future: biggest reserves of resources of all kinds, fossile fuels as well as renewable energy for centuries to come and millions of square kilometres of potentially fertile land waiting for climate to get finally warmer.
@sonnyeastham 4 ай бұрын
Educated white race humans are flocking to Russia....just sayin`
@kenbatchelor8284 5 ай бұрын
Comment at 9:15 “CO2 is an air pollutant”. Sorry I don’t think so - we’d all be dead without it. Apart from that it’s a good presentation of some of the dilemmas we face. Thorium could be an answer but no interest at the moment.
@syncacct8576 5 ай бұрын
The best way to control population growth in Africa and other developing areas is cheap, in relative terms clean, fossil energy to replace biomass and educating girls. Religions and other traditions the biggest obstacles we face on this path.
@richardneilsen5538 5 ай бұрын
This is very exciding. This presentation was done in 2022 where are they now?
@tauirrydah3535 5 ай бұрын
Of course this mentally deficient is in Texas.
@matthewm9261 5 ай бұрын
Im curious if the economy is decarbonizd who will pay back for my destroyed 4o1k? What about all of the lost jobs? Cause and effect not addressed
@kellymcgowan3547 6 ай бұрын
If you accept the CO2 bad narrative, you aren’t a scientist
@kellymcgowan3547 6 ай бұрын
I reject the premise that we have a limits to growth problem. It is a bullshit eugenics narrative.
@phil3768 6 ай бұрын
Great talk. Art Berman sounds a lot like Bill Reese. I agree that climate change is a sub-problem of our bigger problems of political leaders (and the armies that support them), capitalistic corporations and excessive exploitation of the world. However, one CC detail that I do not think was addressed in the talk is tipping points. Tipping points can make everything go off the tracks, so CC has to be a top priority (melting ice, fires, droughts, floods, corrupted/depleted water tables, wet bulb temperatures, mass migrations, acidifying/warming oceans, mass extinctions and more. So far renewables (electricity) don’t help much with cement, steel, fertilizers and plastics. It’s common to hear that there are people working on solutions for these but so far nothing near the scale that they are used A crucial problem with the fertilizers (and herbicides and pesticides) is that they are killing the soils and creating dead zones in rivers, lakes and oceans. And, drought and higher temperatures decrease plant yields. We’ll probably add 2 billion more people in the next 30 years and our food production is going down. Solutions usually take decades to work the kinks out and in the meantime we are still digging and pumping out fossil fuels, which are getting harder and harder to extract. We pretend renewables will save us when in reality renewables require a huge input of energy from FFs. Solar panels and wind turbines also require many minerals and have a limited life cycle. Wind turbines wear out in about 15 years and solar panels in about 25 years. EVs require as many minerals and materials as ICE cars and they only last about 20 years. There are about 1.5 billion transport vehicles now and 3 billion are projected for 2050 (and then we have to do it all over again). Every mineral requires mines, which require a ton of FF energy and are some of the most polluting creations on earth (poisoning water, land and air). And we've already discovered the easy places to get them. The energy returns on investments (EROI) to recover FFs and minerals keeps going down. The future mining sites have a lower mineral content and are deeper and require more energy to mine and purify them. There are more people who want a better standard of living., so pretty much we have to accept a lower standard of living. But none of those at the top are willing to accept that. And don’t forget, the whole world has to work together to make it happen! That would be China, Russia, US, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, and on and on. Good luck on that!
@JamesFitzgerald 6 ай бұрын
Art is a doomer. Duck! The sky is falling! Don't look up! (BS)
@astralislux305 6 ай бұрын
Communists like him would have us crawling on all fours begging for scraps.
@astralislux305 6 ай бұрын
The entire premise is broken when you define using natural resources as environmental damage. These people are genocidal.
@astralislux305 6 ай бұрын
These are the same people who told us that we'd run out of food in the 70s because the population was unsustainable.
@ghougland 6 ай бұрын
This is highly original way of looking at energy consumption and what can be done about the most important problems.
@dennischouinard4923 6 ай бұрын
As soon as someone calls carbon dioxide air pollution, they lose me. And they should lose all educated people. CO2 is the gas of life.
@stephenbrickwood1602 6 ай бұрын
No fossil fueled future means more electricity. Grid electricity is extremely expensive energy. Fossil fuels are cheap high density energy. 5times more electricity is needed with no fossil fuels. The system has 3 parts. Supply, the generation Grid Demand, the users, the customers The grid part makes electrical energy extremely expensive compared to fossil fuel energy. The national electrical transmission grid has taken 100years to build and costs as much money as the national GDP. We do not have time or the national wealth to build more. No CO2 proliferation with nuclear electricity is an oxymoron because of the new grid construction it needs aswell as the EV batteries in the electric future. The entire system includes the grid, the elephant in the room. The old economic saying "It's the grid costs stupid. " Talk is about everything but the grid part of the system. Renewables and nuclear electricity.
@andrewsaint6581 6 ай бұрын
Population growth has been powered by medicine and vaccinations. He quotes 200 years and gives energy all the credit. The first vaccinations were Smallpox in 1796. Ties in pretty well with the 200 year run up in population. Just an observation. (I'm not including recent compulsory global ones as beneficial in my example.) Edit: 45 years old was a good age back in the day. Child mortality was vast.
@lectricbill3329 6 ай бұрын
Yes, definitely a factor, but all those folks could not have been fed without oil's supplying 98% of the nitrogen fertilizer, not to mention the diesel machines to mine and crush the rock fertilizers, till the soil, plant the seeds, harvest the grain, transport it all to your supermarket, and keep it cold.
@shawnnoyes4620 6 ай бұрын
@@lectricbill3329 It is natural gas not oil ...
@andrewsaint6581 5 ай бұрын
@@lectricbill3329 I'll give you that for the last hundred years. Half the stated 200. I forgot to mention soap and a realisation that cleanliness was good.
@stephenbrickwood1602 6 ай бұрын
Peter Zeihan has an interesting insight on population growth.
@michaelcorey9890 6 ай бұрын
The Malthusian lady at 42:00 is bat sh!t crazy.
@JamesFitzgerald 6 ай бұрын
Yes she is. Regarding her suggestion people kill themselves I say to her, "You first".
@brucesobey3406 6 ай бұрын
He is not very good at statistics. Sure there is a correlation between population and energy on a global scale, but one also needs to look at it in granular levels. What one should also look at is energy consumption per person. As a country like China industrialises its energy use per capita goes up, but Europe's per capita energy use has already peaked and is going down.