@jacquelineholmani2505 9 минут бұрын
Check out " Nabi Asli" or @NabiAsli1. Muslims will get their answers about Mohammed
@robertabrown4123 10 минут бұрын
Who is the pastor???
@JaneofArc 16 минут бұрын
Excellent video. Also worth noting is that the Hebrew word ḥāmās is a noun meaning an act of agression or violence.
@mtaawire6456 20 минут бұрын
They can say anything about our merciful creator our lord and saviour Jesus Christ but we can't speak about truth which is Islam is false using facts and not feelings that just shows you who is on the right side ...we all gonna die but to die in Christ is to gain ......
@Die2liv 20 минут бұрын
The cutting off of the heads of the ones that don’t take the mark. Who cuts heads off! Makes sense this view seems correct! I always believed that the end time is ruled by Islam. But now I can see it clearly now! Great video!
@billynash6768 22 минут бұрын
For the algorithm.
@mtaawire6456 23 минут бұрын
Let's spread the word to the world this video should go viral it just proves how Islam is false .....
@jacquelineholmani2505 23 минут бұрын
Jesus wept for the none understanding 😢they are ignorant, and they do not understand that Jesus is the bread of life. No one will enter the kingdom of eternal life verse john 3.16
@ropeszman 38 минут бұрын
You got muslims surrounding a fallen star / rock bowing down praying to it , you got jewish people that are anti christ , you got most christian errecting an obilisck and decking it with gold and silver , celebrating a tradition from the norse god odin and also tge fertility goddes ishtar on easter , the herbrew israelites even tho they are true israelites are preaching that none other than israel can be saved . Eeryone is decieved
@sertteam2 44 минут бұрын
The Muslim guy is very deceptive. He triesto interrupt and confuse you asking the same question 5 different times. He looks for a mistake in wording to claim a win. He isn't looking for truth He wants to deceive. It's obvious He is being disingenuous and manipulative. He also tries to play the crowd instead of helping lead someone to truth. Obviously in this conversation someone is wrong. He doesn't want to lose wrong or not
@perrymax9382 46 минут бұрын
This is nice Islamic is a pagan religion
@vinnysing1324 49 минут бұрын
Hijabis look like aliens. They lose their own culture and custom . The bushy beard men look too ugly , like barbaric bandits, untidy and dirty! They always have angry look on their face, no inner peace.
@carlitoscarlitos7576 50 минут бұрын
@Maxguruify 52 минут бұрын
rasta man just being annoying
@DaddyFromDetroit 55 минут бұрын
Even Jesus said "Ye are gods". The lie has you acting like cattle.
@rogerjohnson833 Сағат бұрын
Both Hindus and Muslims are going to the same eternal hell. IT'S JESUS OR HELL, YOU CHOOSE
@tommybrooks3929 Сағат бұрын
Love your content brother!
@marlinkhoshababratdeel2250 Сағат бұрын
Saudi Arabia is the place of the devil and it is the cemetery of the people killed by Muhammad the devil... After people believed in Christ and there were Christian heresies and a group of them, people moved to other areas and lands far from their areas where there were no people yet and built their homes because they were shepherds of sheep and cattle and they were Jews and Syriacs and spoke Aramaic and some Jews who converted to Christianity and did not believe that Christ is God is a Christian heresy. When Muhammad appeared, he came and destroyed them because they did not believe in his false message. They knew who he was and knew how the prophecies were and they knew that he was a liar who claimed prophethood. He destroyed them by killing them and expelling them from the country and by the sword he forced many of them to embrace his idea and to this day there are areas in Saudi Arabia that do not mean anything in Arabic but they do mean something in Syriac. There is a meaning for each area that does not mean anything in Arabic. Because the Arabic language did not exist at that time and the Syriac language existed in the region and was the language of the Jews only, and to prove their lie about Mount Moses in Saudi Arabia, there is no Jewish temple in that area, except for an old church that these people built in the area.
@stevengreenwade4802 Сағат бұрын
Christianity is fake also!
@villhelm Сағат бұрын
Without the abrahamic horror show in all its forms the world would be a much better place. I much prefer the morals and ethics of Rome, Greece, Sparta, the Norse and the Celts to the slave morality of Jesus or the Tyranny of Judah or Islam.
@user-yr3dl5on7q Сағат бұрын
You know this conversation would be a lot more productive if he just answered the questions
@user-bo5ux4tc2m Сағат бұрын
Threats to kill crown court offence right there …..MET POLICE !!!!!! Spineless maggots
@user-bo5ux4tc2m Сағат бұрын
Bearded virgin carries a knife …? Wow he must be hard …..😂 bearded bell end
@user-bo5ux4tc2m Сағат бұрын
😂 pathetic .a embarrassment to the human race ….. worse than dog 💩 stabby Stabby shit stabbing fannys
@gnankumar8345 Сағат бұрын
Muslim are possed my evil spirits they will not accept truth means jesus christ
@cygnus108 Сағат бұрын
My friend you said Jesus is God and then you said God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son in the same sentence!! If that isn't a contradiction then can you please explain what is.
@professionalhuman4429 2 сағат бұрын
Your understanding of Buddhism is entirely wrong, and as someone who is TEACHING faith, you should at least understand your subject in the most basic way. No one worships the man you call Buddha as a God. The man you call Buddha is Sakyamuni the Indian (prince) Buddha enlightened under the Bhodi tree and is simply the last recorded person to attain enightenmaent in the Bhuddist system. What about Quan Yin the Chinese female Buddha, Maitreya or Bodhidharma the founder of Zen Buddhism? The word Buddha literally translates to "ONE WHO IS ENLIGHTENED", (and there are many levels of Buddhas from the low to the high - Arhat, Vajra, Bodhisattva, Tathagata are just a few), Buddhism is and Taoism are older than recorded history - proof of this is in the two symbols of the Tao and Fa (Buddhism). The Tai Ji or what westerners call Yin Yang (Google Quantum entangled Photons right now! is this a coincidence?!), and the Svastika of Buddhism has been found on EVERY continent and country including but not limited to North and South Americas, Persia, India, China , Brittany, and the list goes on. The Svastika (Svastika is an ancient Sanskrit word) may look familiar - Doesn't it look like a Spiral Galaxy??? there are more Buddhas in the universe than humans on Earth, as we were all once Buddhas living beside our creator "God", but have fallen to this realm through wrong deeds and our true purpose in life is to return through suffering as Jesus , and the Buddhas of human history have shown us. There is no Christian, God, our God is the God of all beings in this universe. Praise be to Jesus and our heavenly father. Through truth and compassion may we all once again be seated at the side of our Father with the blessed Mary and baby Jesus and all other beings of this universe in peace and tolerance of one another. May God be with us all and May God be with you. Please note, the preacher in this video is Charismatic of the modern church, who is converting people in order to line his own pockets and not to bring people closer to his own true God, in Buddhism we don't give money to the church we give money to the poor and needy and only to the poor and needy with exception to monks who do not work and use tidings strictly for food and shelter, one look at this mans home and car and you will se that his goal is fortune and not salvation. "Again I tell you, It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God". Matthew 19:24
@R3alisticRichie 2 сағат бұрын
This is the problem that I have with Christians thinking they are better than the church . Nate you're get bit of fame and you get prideful . You sound very arrogant , bragging about how many people watch you daily I'm sure they don't want to listen to you to just finding ways to learn more about God and Jesus Christ don't make it about you brother. I have seen some of your videos but I'm not subscriber because you haven't really taught me anything. Peter created the Catholic Church it is protected by the holy Spirit. You Christians read the Bible and all of a sudden you are greater then the teachers \ priests and the Pope. Arrogance _ pride _ humble yourself _ if it wasn't for the Catholic Church the word of God would have been destroyed a long time ago. The Christian of the first churches of God is what save the word and kept it going ~ so we able to have now. What u said don't matter what God say matter _
@ROBERTNeedles-kb4vc 2 сағат бұрын
I like this guy he has great points only thing wrong is that Mohammed never existed he is made up Jay Smith proved but this man is right Muslims worship lucifer
@nice4joy 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you for pointing out that Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Old Testament.
@kristenvaliquette6760 2 сағат бұрын
The first words of the Bible "in the beginning" when written in Hebrew letters with the symbols for each letter show God's whole redemptive plan thru Christ. There are videos explaining.
@Maxguruify 2 сағат бұрын
The Islamic Shuffle
@gabrielscarlat9856 2 сағат бұрын
Doesn't matter the religions, everything was made to control us
@marlinkhoshababratdeel2250 2 сағат бұрын
That is a lie we know very well Said Did not Existed at time so that is Lie and Archaeologist shows that Saudi did not existed then and us Assyrian and Syriac we know the history very well. It is a lie they just want to deceive the New generation and change the History to visit the pilgrimage’s to Saudi Arabia instead of Israel .so they can convert them to Islamic religion 😂
@akeelahmed646 3 сағат бұрын
Bibles are full of contradiction 😘
@Carl-tc2yb 3 сағат бұрын
I haven't seen such poor presentation. Nate seems uninterested and has to drink water during a 12 minute video. Maybe eat your lunch before making content...
@WANNA_BE_FRIENDS 3 сағат бұрын
Muslim and the Jewish people are waiting for their anti christ. They will join forces against the Christian. It’s written
@theeaglesoars 3 сағат бұрын
The Angel told Abraham that Ismael's hand will always be against his brother. That's why the M..lim guy uses intimidation
@Flyboyminer 3 сағат бұрын
They show who was god? People love saying jesus...but that name wasn't even around then.
@En-Ki-Lil 3 сағат бұрын
@Grease503 4 сағат бұрын
Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian ideology.
@TheIvanMilky 4 сағат бұрын
More proof Islam is just an outlet for hate
@laezdegaming5065 4 сағат бұрын
Typical Shiek Uthman tactics. Just keep on changing the topics and not answering questions.
@saeedabdullah8131 4 сағат бұрын
Funny thing this guy is describing the American flag red, white and the blue costs, Red Indians, red color,white, red horses, shooting, hanging and burning Indians on trees . He's talking about America and he doesn't even know it, Pale colour wasn't the colour of general Curst house? BS halloo halaaal What's the man chatting on about?
@Deef3lony 4 сағат бұрын
Jesus never existed even if he did, he was gay had 12 men at all times
@standswithpeace 4 сағат бұрын
He raised a good point about Christians also worshiping idols. That's not worshiping idols, they are just kept for an illustration. We don't raise hands to it. We don't say glory to the Noah's ark swing that image, glory to this horse and the man on it, We don't say praised to this jesus in the image.
@saeedabdullah8131 4 сағат бұрын
Lol😂 😂 Wow, 1st Jews don't believe in Jesus so whom you are expecting to come, surely isn't who Jews are waiting for, Stop deceiving people. Christians and Jews aren't waiting for same Messiah(same person )that's the truth which the church, priest and pastor don't tell you. Al Mehdi will be born as a human by a human chosen to led Muslims as a general, the pastor missed that information and made his own. All Muslims believes in Jesus ( Issa A.S) and Muslims are waiting for Jesus returns because only HE, Jesus can kill the antichrist. The man is trying to deceived people to believe what's inside his delusional mind by making and mixing translation to blind people 😅😅 that's low, the Beast have NO numbers on his forehead just a "word", numbers is just Hollywood and movie thing.
@macammacam324 4 сағат бұрын
This African guy knowledege far above hijab.. truly holy spirit rockinh in his body
@tzaphkielmelekiyah1518 4 сағат бұрын
Kid, good work, but word of advice, “stone lickers” though it may be true, rebuking outsiders doesn’t involve childish name calling..don’t get your style from apologist “influencers” who don’t follow Jesus humility of heart correcting the deceived,the incorrect with a mild temper and reverence for God, Sam Shamoun and others who resort to name calling and personal insults are letting their ego muddy up the clear waters of Christ image. Let the fruit of His Spirit guide you.
@damberrai9413 4 сағат бұрын
Glory to Jesus.