Every Crash Bandicoot Game Ranked
Every Crash Bandicoot Boss Ranked
@Sapizanza Күн бұрын
Literally couldn't argue with a single choice you made. Bravo dude 🥭
@hjohnson966 Күн бұрын
Hot take: I love slide colosseum. I learned how the boost mechanics work on that track and had to rely on skill to maintain speed. It's a great track to learn the game on.
@jonathanbenoza8136 Күн бұрын
if u get reincarnated next life i bet u want to be coco
@Mostro726 Күн бұрын
I could not
@BluebitRush 3 күн бұрын
Could you rank every Crash power up or crash skin in 4?
@RikoKSB 3 күн бұрын
Those are both ones I’ve considered and may do in the future.
@SonnyFRST 3 күн бұрын
There's only one or two positions I would contest, out of 18. Not bad man.
@tapruslightful 3 күн бұрын
Several years after the fact but 1:00:40 Mad respect (with a thumbs up) for that quote, man. No game is perfect but that's okay. It doesn't have to be perfect to be worth the time and experience.
@EclipseSystem 3 күн бұрын
twinsanity was one of my absolute favorite video games as a kid. it just has this sort of janky unpolished charm to it. if i were more determined, i'd wanna try giving speedrunning it a shot myself! great video by the way!
@jonathanbenoza8136 3 күн бұрын
I wanna see blind speedruns new crash maps no one ever seen before, and only a limited amount of attempts. Tournament setting by the company itself or even by modders.
@SturmAH 3 күн бұрын
Great list! 🎉
@Superhermit 4 күн бұрын
The original CTR Is my favorite game, I really hope we get CTR Nitrofueled upgraded for PS5 or a sequel
@daviedce 4 күн бұрын
Started playing crash again because of your fantastic videos. Doupt I'll 100% them but god loves a trier lol
@CrashBandicootOficial 4 күн бұрын
@CrashBandicootOficial 4 күн бұрын
@Seba77Blue 4 күн бұрын
@Saaahdood 4 күн бұрын
My guy remakes and remasters are different.
@Lornoveo 4 күн бұрын
if you learn how to play Turbo Track you will understand it's a great track, try to watch records on ctr4ever
@pilot3605 4 күн бұрын
Rusty Walrus is more of a boss than N Gin in Twinsanity, and he's not even a boss
@eusoumaniaco 4 күн бұрын
how can bro say that the 2nd turbo type is called ultimate sacred fire and not elaborate on the history of that 😭😭
@RikoKSB 4 күн бұрын
Because that wasn’t the point of the video, nor do I know the history.
@eusoumaniaco 4 күн бұрын
seems like you missed the fact i clearly wrote it as a joke xd
@RikoKSB 4 күн бұрын
Sarcasm/humor is hard to interpret through text sometimes, my bad. 😪
@eusoumaniaco 3 күн бұрын
@@RikoKSB no worries there, with only text it's pretty hard sometimes and I didn't really write it in a way that made it any easier xD great video btw
@SomniaCE 5 күн бұрын
I really appreciate that Nitro Fueled fixed Turbo Track's issues with some simple mechanic changes
@ciemnastrona5956 5 күн бұрын
12:18 WTF
@Pvt.Joker64 5 күн бұрын
i get the annoying part, but what so offensive about them tracks XD
@ShadowdaHedgie11 5 күн бұрын
Honestly? CTR was AMAZING for when it came out, easily being way better than Mario Kart 64 in my opinion, and it holds up well to this day. If someone asked me "Hey, wanna come round and play Crash Team Racing" I’d be there so damn fast.
@fluteplayer7mce 5 күн бұрын
Twinsanity is a fairly alright game when compared to other unfinished and unpolished trash games out there, but that is an extremely low bar to pass. If this game had been finished and actually polished to any extent, it might have been an ok addition to the Crash name, but I felt like I wasted my money and my time on a rushed cash-grab. The music is great and likely the only thing I'd say wasn't bad about this game. I really hope a remake will never be created. I agree on all the other games on the list, but Twinsanity is just below Crash 4 on my list despite that game making going for 100% an unfun grind.
@MSCLeap75 5 күн бұрын
Good ranking vid. Mystery Caves is my absolute favorite track. Polar Pass is definitely a very strong track with very good winter music.
@QF_Dan72 5 күн бұрын
I would put Blizzard Bluff much higher because i love that track, but i respect your opinion
@JIP214 6 күн бұрын
Polar pass gang!!!
@JoshHolden-Aka-evani 6 күн бұрын
I hope th ps2/xbox games get remade one day or at the very leat a port with achivement support
@chrisnic2698 6 күн бұрын
@coolkidoftheplushies2again907 6 күн бұрын
I don’t know why this part of this video made me laugh 21:08
@Zoki4444 6 күн бұрын
Riko, I want a list video every day and a documentary video every week! XD
@Headhunter1032 6 күн бұрын
Crash of the titans is the Sonic Unleashed of Crash games.
@SuperCosmicSpaceMagnet 6 күн бұрын
I get that we're not allowed to leave angry comments disagreeing with you, but is it okay if we angrily and incoherently agree?
@RikoKSB 6 күн бұрын
That would be the best type of comment
@danielcm4237 7 күн бұрын
Coco Park is sooo boring. Should've been lower on the ranking
@RikoKSB 7 күн бұрын
no u
@BluebitRush 8 күн бұрын
The wrath of cortex is technically crash 4
@RikoKSB 7 күн бұрын
@leighwilde 8 күн бұрын
I agree with most of them! Sewers is probably my number 1. Great video :D
@AxelOwnz 8 күн бұрын
My parents suprised my sister and I a PS1 on Christmas when CTR came out. It alongside Spyro were the first games we got. N.Gin Labs was always my favorite track, I just love the theme, speed and its really fun. Sewer Speedway is close though.
@dr_popcorn 8 күн бұрын
It's cool how we all can have different experiences or opinions with/on certain tracks. I'll be honest, Polar Pass is one of the few tracks I DREAD when replaying adventure mode. Meanwhile, Tiny Colosseum is my absolute favorite.
@wahedadmy5480 9 күн бұрын
To be honest, I didn’t care that much about how bad the Cortex boss fight when I was replaying the n sane trilogy, because atmospherically it was great and the remastered music is one of the best themes in the n sane trilogy.
@thesmellofadventure5370 9 күн бұрын
18: Turbo Track (Kind of boring. There’s pretty much nothing. It’s not bad, just bland)(Riko’s Spot: 18) 17: Slide Colleseum (Exactly the same as Turbo Track! Should not be a final track!)(Riko’s Spot: 17) 16: Roo’s Tubes (Does exactly what it should as a beginner)(Riko’s Spot: 13) 15: Coco Park (I like the color and look, but the track doesn’t have much else)(Riko’s Spot: 9) 14: Blizzard Bluff (This version is a lot better than the one in Nitro Fueled. Love the shortcut)(Riko’s Spot: 14) 13: Tiger Temple (The shortcut is so cool, but the track aside from that is just ok)(Riko’s Spot: 10) 12: Dragon Mines (A bit of broken, frustrating track that I enjoy)(Riko’s Spot: 16) 11: Tiny Arena (Goes on a little too long even though it’s a more fun, better version of Wario Stadium)(Riko’s Spot: 11) 10: Dingo Canyon (A very underrated track! I love this one so much!)(Riko’s Spot: 15) 9: Crash Cove (Idk why but I love this iconic, comforting first track!)(Riko’s Spot: 12) 8: Mystery Caves (This track goes way too hard for being so early in the game)(Riko’s Spot: 8) 7: Papu’s Pyramid (Papu’s Pyramid is peak level design! Papu’s Pyramid is peak!)(Riko’s Spot: 7) 6: Sewer Speedway (Ah…the memories! The memories of having a blast in this banger track!)(Riko’s Spot: 2) 5: Oxide Station (A perfectly complex and difficult challenge worthy of being the final track)(Riko’s Spot: 3) 4: Polar Pass (An ice track has no reason going this unnecessarily hard)(Riko’s Spot: 1) 3: N. Gin Labs (Everything I want from a track in one epic course! Love it!)(Riko’s Spot: 5) 2: Hot Air Skyway (CTR’s Rainbow Road only maybe better)(Riko’s Spot: 4) 1: Cortex Castle (This track has always done it for me. It has always been my favorite!)(Riko’s Spot: 6)
@SlashArbiter 9 күн бұрын
I do, honestly, unironically think CTR is the best kart racer made to this day, though NF is almost right there with it. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the ranking for that and especially CNK, i don't think that game ever gets the love it deserves.
@the_real_Kurt_Yarish 9 күн бұрын
Obviously the best Crash games is the handheld LCD McDonald's Happy Meal CTR game.
@zenksren8206 9 күн бұрын
SC is elevated by the dance party aesthetic in Nitro Fueled imo
@TheNameIsSR 9 күн бұрын
Twinsanity is so broken and isn't exactly great to play, but I can't help love the humor, creativity and unapologetic weirdness of the game. Kind of a pipedream, but I'm still hoping for a directors cut
@trent7736 9 күн бұрын
Now if we were ranking all the boss fight SOUNDTRACKS... Drain Damage and Crashes To Ashes are definitely top 3
@crushbeast29 10 күн бұрын
Hot air skyway #1 for me.
@RedDragon1444 10 күн бұрын
Oxide station is now playable in multiplayer with the fan mod 60 FPS widescreen online play patch
@Insomniaaron 10 күн бұрын
Hard for me to pick a favourite as there are several good ones. I like Crash Cove's simplicity and yes the shortcut in Tiger Temple is creative and clever.
@tkirk6451 10 күн бұрын
Stop breaking the 4th wall 🧱 (Idk I thought it will be funny) Also to everyone out there cttr was my first crash Bandicoot game I've played in the series and I'm nostalgic for it (btw cttr stand crash tag team racing)
@daviedce 10 күн бұрын
Unbelievable run congratulations to use all. Has to be 1 of the hardest games to platinum let alone speedrun it 😮❤