This Drug Changed My Life
11 ай бұрын
@user-mn5zo2vz7s 22 минут бұрын
2+2 is 4
@Dgoat204 23 минут бұрын
Thanks this helped a lot Guess I will resume my grind with 200x motivation❤❤❤
@ggad1899 5 сағат бұрын
And that's why ultra rich want everybody else to do the life maintenance duties: if someone else does these, then they can have all the time they want to work on their flow and so compete better with others who never have to lift a finger to do daily duties. Gotta get a life balance for EVERYBODY or these ideas should stay theoretical.
@trailtoimprove 6 сағат бұрын
There is no video on screen in the end. In any of the videos I've watched.
@jenniferh.7219 7 сағат бұрын
I really hope the answer isn't flow. Too much emphasis on this concept, really
@constructivefashion8072 7 сағат бұрын
The gold for me was about 35min in - separating planning from doing
@dalidali8631 9 сағат бұрын
Such good content, thank you
@mamaluvsherbabes 10 сағат бұрын
Hence, the expression, "Get into the FLOW". 😇 Getting up in the morning and gliding right into your "work" is exactly what stay at home moms do! Except, we have little "recovery" period after three hours. Our recovery comes about 18 hours after waking up...when our feet pulsate and we fall asleep seconds after our heads hit the pillow. My kids have since grown, but you know, I wouldn't have changed a thing. What a blessing to have raised my children. We only get one "firsts" with each child...first steps, first words, first ride on the school bus. I wouldn't have traded any of these "firsts" (or seconds or thirds or ....) for an easier life. Being the one to RAISE my children...knowing where they were, what they were doing, who they were with....knowing they were SAFE. Inputting into their personal characters the things that the public schools frown upon like God, pride of country, personal responsibility. Being there when they needed stop my day, literally, just to have the TIME to LISTEN to my daughter when she came home every day. That first 30-60 minutes was FILLED with her descriptions of how her day had gone. I used to wonder HOW she could find SO much to talk about! haha But I loved being involved in the lives of my kids. And when I began homeschooling....things got busier...but they also got better. I knew exactly what my kids were being taught. (And the parent-teacher conferences....the two of us were always on the same page! haha) Home schooling brought us even closer because we shared the day together. Wouldn't change a thing. But if I could change something it would be just this one thing...the ability to repeat those tiring yet magical years. If I could, I'd do it all over again.
@solotovf1128 12 сағат бұрын
No! This comment will be liked more then yours 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
@RobMastebroek 13 сағат бұрын
Rian! Your channel means a lot for me! I can resonate a lot with your video's. You give me and my girlfriend great insights in various topics to upgrade my life. And yeah those daily life mundane maintenance tasks are taking my precious time and giving me more stress. I experience more stress and workload since the day I was born in the past 2 months. This because I have been blessed with a new born son, recently moved back to my home country whilst also trying to keep up with a lot of my work and trying to optimize my food and squeezing some gym sessions.. the things I have been hammering on are optimising my clothes, for example: I am only wearing the same clothes with slight difference (long or short pants xD)., optimising my food to keep in flow state. Doing workouts in home! Sleep is a difficult thing to do with a new born but that is getting better each month.. Well enough talk! Thank for your video's dude and keep going! - Rob
@Magius06 13 сағат бұрын
Clear goal, no distractions, fully rested, clear plan, environment ready, no due tasks nor distracting thoughts or triggers, wake up into flow state and start hammering, make every chunk like an event, make for it a trigger like sipping coffee or putting headphones on, make it special, create consequences to failing, make it expensive so that you will feel bad wasting a single second (Premium experience :3 (you can pay for me too)), rest in a non stimulating way 3 hours flow, 1 hour non stimulus rest, 3 hour flow, another hour rest then 2 hours flow cause u tired by this point, then active recovery (Massage, ice tub, sauna...) then last 3 hours and go rewad yourself and sleep cuz, what a day, hopefully you did something good, yujuuuuuu :3
@AITheWise 13 сағат бұрын
Clearing allostatic load through active recovery, not passive relaxation, is crucial for optimal performance and productivity. Regularly incorporating practices like breathwork, cold therapy, and nature exposure can rejuvenate the nervous system. Key moments: 00:15 Allostatic load, the wear and tear from constant stress, affects productivity and health. Clearing allostatic load daily is crucial for peak performance and entering flow state. -Allostatic load, caused by chronic stress, impacts physical and mental health, hindering productivity and cognitive functions. -Comparison between allostatic load and working out, emphasizing the importance of recovery for optimal performance and avoiding burnout. -Transforming into an 'executive athlete' by managing energy like elite performers, focusing on energy allocation for peak performance and longevity in one's career. 05:08 Recovery is crucial for optimal performance as it allows muscles to supercompensate, but linearly stressing muscles without recovery leads to chronic damage or weakness, emphasizing the importance of oscillating between exertion and recovery. Recovery involves active methods that promote healing, mental rejuvenation, and balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. -The concept of oscillation between exertion and recovery is key to muscle supercompensation and avoiding chronic damage or weakness from linear stress without recovery. -Active recovery methods, such as breathwork and cold therapy, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting healing, mood improvement, and circulation enhancement. 10:06 Active recovery plays a crucial role in optimizing performance and should be prioritized alongside work. Incorporating various recovery protocols can lead to a neurophysiological reset, enhancing productivity and overall well-being. -Different active recovery methods like heat therapy, meditation, and exercise contribute to effective recovery despite not feeling relaxing during the process. -Utilizing objective measures like heart rate variability and subjective feelings of neurophysiological reset can determine the effectiveness of active recovery protocols. -Establishing a structured routine for active recovery, including daily practices, weekly stacked recovery days, monthly dedicated recovery periods, quarterly resets, and yearly vacations, is essential for sustained peak performance. 15:10 To optimize performance, oscillate between exertion and active recovery like a lion's ferocious sprint followed by deep recovery. Avoid busyness and distractions to reach peak productivity and integrate active recovery to push limits and achieve peak performance. -The importance of oscillating between exertion and active recovery for optimal performance, likened to a lion's behavior of intense activity followed by deep recovery. -The negative impact of busyness, distractions, and half-working on productivity, and the need to focus on high-intensity work followed by complete recovery. -The significance of integrating active recovery into daily life to continuously push limits, increase productivity, and achieve peak performance. Generated by
@tammy6452 13 сағат бұрын
This was the perfect video to watch when I was working on developing my own personal vision for new possibilities. Thank you.
@michalharty1563 13 сағат бұрын
It would also help if you could talk a little bit slower… I tried listening to the video at 0.75x the speed, cos I get so anxious listening at full speed, which is such a pity since your videos have such good content.
@oliyes406 14 сағат бұрын
wait i thought you meant like the youtuber flowstate
@deblithanderful 14 сағат бұрын
Massive value. I almost didn't click because I already know to create systems not goals but the section on possiblity space blew my mind.
@na_yab_03 15 сағат бұрын
Your solutions to recover from addiction and crave for hard works are inspiring like brruhh taking boring break , focus on one thing rather than doing multiple tasks at the same time and take control of "in-between" moments are really the best ways to overcome any toxic addiction. THANKS A LOT ! WONDERFUL VIDEO👏
@memers-cb2vg 16 сағат бұрын
I love how you included parkour
@ClawDragoon 16 сағат бұрын
you look like someone from fight club
@danielkarlssonabellan5026 17 сағат бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:12 *🧑‍🔬 El presentador, como cofundador del colectivo de investigación de flujo, ha entrenado a diversas organizaciones en el uso de principios basados en la neurociencia para acceder a los estados de flujo a voluntad.* 01:24 *😕 Después de un accidente que casi le cuesta la vida, el presentador perdió todo sentido de propósito y dirección, lo que llevó a un período de desesperación y pérdida de identidad.* 02:21 *💭 La entropía psíquica se refiere a la tendencia natural de nuestra conciencia a caer en un estado de desorden, caos y, a menudo, desesperación si no se estructura. Es el estado predeterminado de la mente humana sin dirección.* 03:59 *🎯 Encontrar un propósito o punto focal externo a nosotros mismos es una forma práctica y sorprendentemente sencilla para estructurar nuestra conciencia y alinearla con nuestros objetivos.* 05:09 *🧭 Al ser un individuo dirigido por metas, se obtiene la calidad de orientarse hacia metas específicas a largo plazo.* 06:33 *🎁 Las metas iluminan los centros de recompensa del cerebro, brindando una sensación de propósito y satisfacción a medida que se progresa hacia ellas.* 09:06 *▶️ El espacio de posibilidad es el rango completo de posibles estados o resultados que un sistema complejo puede ocupar; a través del contagio de creencias, pensamiento de fuerza bruta y el logro de metas se puede expandir este espacio.* 14:37 *👭 El contagio de creencias, también conocido como contagio social, muestra cómo nuestras interacciones y conexiones sociales moldean lo que creemos. El tener personas con un espacio de posibilidad mayor a nuestro alrededor puede ser transformador.* 18:21 *🚀 Construir una “pila de metas" que incluya un propósito infinito y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo, puede ayudar a dar dirección a tu vida y prepararte para el estado de flujo.* 19:46 *✨ El propósito no es algo que se encuentre, sino algo que eliges y que cambia constantemente a medida que interactúas con la vida.* 22:15 *🍽 Elegir un problema que quieras solucionar en el mundo es similar a pedir comida en un restaurante; miras el menú, haces una elección y luego sigues adelante. La claridad sobre tu dirección en la vida es una elección.* 22:29 *🧭 Elegir un propósito en la vida puede tomar tiempo y puede evolucionar con el tiempo.* 22:55 *🎯 La ingeniería inversa puede ayudar a convertir un propósito amplio en un plan de acción detallado.* 24:45 *🚀 El término "metas altas y difíciles" se refiere a objetivos que son desafiantes y requieren un esfuerzo significativo, y que pueden facilitar experiencias de flujo.* 26:10 *📝 Desglosar una meta en objetivos anuales, trimestrales y mensuales puede ayudar a lograrla de manera más efectiva.* 29:14 *⚡ Los "actos dirigidos por el objetivo" son acciones que te llevarán más cerca de una meta dada que cualquier otra acción posible.* 32:38 *🔐 Separar la planificación de la acción ayuda a funcionar de manera óptima sin interferencias.* 34:03 *💡 Identificar las acciones orientadas a objetivos y trazar un plan detallado permite lograr metas con mínimos sacrificios.* 36:24 *🌠 Establecer objetivos claros y específicos para cada acción directa a la meta permite una ejecución efectiva.* 39:44 *🗂️ Realizar un "ritual de desconexión" al final del día, en el que se tracen las acciones directas a la meta para el día siguiente, ayuda a impulsar la productividad.* 41:33 *🔗 Los tres pilares para ser dirigido por objetivos son: tu pila de metas, la acción dirigida por el objetivo y los objetivos claros para el flujo.* 43:39 *⏱️ Dedicar tiempo al estado de flujo profundo requiere la clarificación del futuro lejano. A su vez, para construir el futuro lejano se necesita tiempo en el ahora profundo, es decir, en un estado de flujo profundo.* Made with HARPA AI
@not_much_of_a_talk 17 сағат бұрын
Why do I feel like he is an actor reading out some fiction story
@samana5683 18 сағат бұрын
The problem is how can you increase your possibility space
@machinemaker2248 18 сағат бұрын
Good content, but should have been 5m, not 17m.
@kasaka28 19 сағат бұрын
When are you getting rid of that leather jacket, man?
@danielmiller2886 19 сағат бұрын
"What was going through his mind as he ate his fourteenth bicycle?..." Heavy metals, lead, aluminum. Thats what was going through the bloodstream in his head anyway!
@AlfraRed 19 сағат бұрын
SUMMARY: >Get to work first-thing: Wake up and start working within 90 seconds of waking up (Might be a struggle for the first 15 minutes until you adjust). >Reverse the morningroutine: Do yoga, mediation (etc) after the allocated flow state to aid recovery because the flow state is neurologically 'expensive' and this increases flow proneness and helps avoid burnout. >Don't neglect the setup: Ensure you are setting the high priority task up the night before in detail so you can mindlessly glide into the task. >Ensure you allocate plenty of time: Allocate enough time for 1-3 hours of this high-priority work.
@papa_rambo 19 сағат бұрын
I take a capsule of (200mg caffeine + 100mg L theanine) 1.5 hours after waking up and after sometime, 150mg caffeine in powdered form in 800 mL water. I am a tall, muscular individual of 84kg weight and feels like I need to undergo a caffeine washout.. Coz I need to do that.. since I don't feel 350mg caffeine in my system lol.. yeah the Caffeine and L theanine combo is great though!
@plumbum3794 20 сағат бұрын
I've just discovered your channel and after watching a few of your videos I find them so inspiring. I sleep straight away but wake up exhausted and this video helps me realise I'm doing so much wrong with my routine 😊
@JoshJCommons 20 сағат бұрын
He also just gave us a blueprint plan for a startup cos why not!!! Rian is da best
@JoshJCommons 20 сағат бұрын
Did the guy poop out that whole airplane?
@ryan99842 21 сағат бұрын
book that helped me with everything going on in my life is 'unveiling your hidden potential' by bruce thornwood
@nivashanram1483 22 сағат бұрын
brillant narration on your brother's success
@sabbirahmed9591 22 сағат бұрын
Why are your videos getting longer day by day? We want informative and relatively short content.
@bentoland4481 13 сағат бұрын
No we don’t. I like this a whole lot more than some easy fix bullshit
@YoungKrieger 23 сағат бұрын
So so good and helpful. Love you Rian ❤
@neillunavat Күн бұрын
what's the software that can someone make these animations?
@bobjohn435 Күн бұрын
God is real cuz how I he made this video the day I needed it the most
@AlejandroMaldonado-um4xf Күн бұрын
If you clicked this you are lazy.
@GodLovesYouYesYou Күн бұрын
say your daily Rosary
@shinosakuke Күн бұрын
This video is the best introduction to the concept of flow; it's a motivation to believe in this state.
@thetokyodrafts813 Күн бұрын
The animation actually really adds to understanding! Great content 👍
@jessicafb5398 Күн бұрын
This whole video was speaking my language - so insightful! Thank you 🙏🏼
@OrhanBurhan-jz4hi Күн бұрын
I love how you changed the name while ı was watching. :) It kinda felt good to catch you here. Hey man, great work as always. Appericate it.
@adarshmore998 Күн бұрын
Didnt revieve the Goal Stack worksheet, tried 2 times with different mail Ids, Please check it once...
@corbinwilson660 Күн бұрын
I can relate a lot with this video. I also had a mild traumatic brain injury, although not nearly as severe as yours. But it took me away from the thing I had loved which was wrestling. And I became lost, I’d say I’m more of a leaf gently blowing in the wind now than anything. So I want to straighten out my priorities and do what I genuinely want to do. Thank you Rian for this video.
@cooledcannon Күн бұрын
Is it possible to go straight to being a good conductor even if you are a bad musician?
@sparky1386 Күн бұрын
Does anybody else sense AI production of this video?
@not_much_of_a_talk 17 сағат бұрын
😂 you also felt it? I’d say the whole story was made up by AI. Not only video production.
@qaahzi Күн бұрын
Ryan, please take this from someone who likes the ideas in the videos.... Your content has too much fluff. Genuinely just way too much. I just skip ahead and watch the titles and close the video sometimes. Please cut out the fluff There's a reason why Alex Hormozi mentions "value per minute" as a better metric compared to "minutes of value".
@anonymousYT1102 Күн бұрын
I am very very grateful to you, Rian. This is very very helpful and very very important for us Gen-Z people. As many of us are distracted and don't have any purpose in life. The most important thing that I learnt here is 'Purpose is verb not noun'. I am going to remember this vid for very long.
@imnate5860 Күн бұрын
@hyyhnaz Күн бұрын
This was actually a very intelligent and interesting analysis. thank you